AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

AP State Syllabus AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Animals and their Food

6th Class Science 3rd Lesson Animals and their Food 2 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define herbivores.
The animals which feed on only plants and plant products is called herbivores.

Question 2.
Define carnivores.
The animals that feed on only animals are called carnivores.

Question 3.
Define omnivores.
The animals that feed on both plants and animals are known as omnivores.

Question 4.
What are frugivorous animals?
The animals feed mostly on raw fruits, succulent fruits like vegetables, roots,, shoots, nuts and seeds are called frugivorous animals.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

Question 5.
In which animals are common in frugivorous animals?
Mammalian herbivores are frugivorous animals commonly.

Question 6.
What are the senses used by animals to track food?
Animals use a wide range of senses to track food such as – smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch.

Question 7.
Which parts in the animal’s body are used to collect the food?
Many animals use the parts in their body such as mouth,- hands, or feet-, teeth, claws, and tongue to collect the food.

Question 8.
Give examples of animals that use the visionary sense to find its food.
Vulture and eagle use their visionary sense to find their food.

Question 9.
Give examples of animals use the sense of touch to find their food.
Spiders and pond skaters use the sense of touch to find their food.

Question 10.
What are pond skaters?
Pond skaters are the insects that lives on the surface of the pond and feed op other insects at the pond.

Question 11.
Name some animals which use the tongue as a tool for taking food.
Frog, lizard, dog, chameleon, echidna etc.

Question 12.
Which part helps the leech to lake food in?
Suckers in the mouth help the leech to take food in.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

Question 13.
Name the birds which have strongly hooked beak, and long beak?
Strongly hooked beak – Vulture.
Long beek- Crane.

Question 14.
How the hummingbird takes its food?
Hummingbird sucks nectar from the flowers with its long thin beak.

Question 15.
What is the similarity do you find in the duck teeth and fish teeth?
Duck teeth and fish teeth act as filters to get food from the water.

Question 16.
Which parts of a cow’s mouth involved in eating its food?
Jaws, teeth, and tongue are involved in eating its food.

Question 17.
Give examples for natural scavengers.
Crows, Vultures are examples for natural scavengers.

Question 18.
Which parts help the wild animals for hunting?
Wild animals like tiger and lion has strong legs to run, sharp claws to catch and sharp teeth to tear flesh.

Question 19.
Which animals have a similar mechanism as frogs to get in food?
Lizard and chameleon have a similar mechanism to get their food.
These animals use their tongue as a tool to pick its food.

Question 20.
What is a food chain?
The feeding relationship between different organisms in a particular habitat is called food chain.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

Question 21.
Define food web.
A food web is the natural interconnection of food Chains in a particular habitat.

Question 22.
How can you say that ants are good farmers also?

  • The ants cut leaves into pieces and create a bed to grow a type of fungus which they eat.
  • As they cultivate a fungus, they are said be good farmers also.

Question 23.
What are producers? Give examples.
Producers are organisms that make their own food. Ex: All plants.

Question 24.
What is a primary consumer? Give examples.
A primary consumer is an organism that feeds on producers for their energy. Ex: Deer, Cow, Goat.

Question 25.
What is a secondary consumer? Give examples.
A secondary consumer is an organism that feeds on the primary consumer for energy. Ex: Hen, Wolf, Fox, Fish

Question 26.
What is a tertiary consumer? Give examples.
A tertiary consumer is an organism that feeds on a secondary consumer. Ex: Tiger, Lion.

Question 27.
What are decomposers? Give examples.
Decomposers are an organism that breakdown dead or decaying organisms. Ex: Bacteria, Fungi.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

6th Class Science 3rd Lesson Animals and their Food 4 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How can you say that animals use some senses more strongly than the others?

  • Animals use different senses to find out their food.
  • They are – smell, touch, hearing, sight and taste.
  • For example, dogs use the sense of smell, while vulture use vision.
  • Bats depends on hearing, while some reptiles on taste.

Question 2.
How the pond skaters found their food?

  • Pond skaters are insectivorous as they eat insects.
  • Pond skaters detect ripples produced in water by other insects.
  • They compare the ripples on the opposite sides of the pond caused by the legs of the insect struggling to move out.
  • Pond skater calculate the distance and set out to grab it.

Question 3.
“The same part may be used in different ways by different animals. How can you support this?

  • The same part of animals used by different ways by different animals.
  • Ex: Tongue used by dog in a different manner as compared to frog.
  • The dog licks with its tongue while the frog captures and swallows it.

Question 4.
“Different parts may be used to take in the same type of food. ” How can you agree with this statement?

  • The same type of food is taken by different animals by using their different body parts.
  • Ex: Insects are the food for hen and frog, but the body parts are different to take in.
    Hens use their beak to pick insects, while frogs use their tongue to grab the insect into the mouth.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

Question 5.
How leeches get their food?

  • We will find leeches near water.
  • Leeches stick on to the skin and suck the blood of cattle as well as humans.
  • They have special structures called suckers in their mouth.
  • With the help of sucker, the suck the blood from the animal.

Question 6.
How is the shape of bird’s beak related to what it eats?

  • The beaks are different because the birds eat different kind of food.
  • The shape of bird’s beak is designed for eating a particular type of food such as seeds, fruits, insects, nectar, fishes and other small animals.

Question 7.
What is the speciality duck beak than other birds?

  • Ducks are mostly aquatic birds.
  • Ducks have teeth, but they are not like the teeth of a cow or lion.
  • They are not useful in grinding food.
  • They act as filters: to get food from water.

Question 8.
How do animals eat?

  • Plants and animals are the main sources of food in our surroundings.
  • Every animal has its own style of getting food.
  • They track down, collect, grab or hunt to get their food.
  • They use the various parts of the body to take food into the mouth finally.

Question 9.
How does a frog get its food?

  • Frog eat bugs, spiders, larvae and small fish etc.
  • The frog throws out its sticky tongue towards the art insect.
  • The insect gets stuck on the frog’s tongue.
  • Then the frog swallows it.

Question 10.
How does a cow get its food?

  • Cow depend on plants for food, so it is an herbivore.
  • Cows chew the food quickly and swallows and store it in a part of their stomach.
  • After sometime, they take food material back from the stomach to the mouth and chew it again.
  • This process is called rumination. In this process jaws, tongue, teeth are involved.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

Question 11.
Write about rumination?

  • Rumination is a process in which the animals bring the previously consumed food into the mouth once again and chew it.
  • It is also defined as the action of chewing.
  • This process is commonly seen in the animals such as cattle, sheep, goat, deer, camel, buffalo, giraffes.
  • Jaws, tongue, teeth are involved in this process.

Question 12.
How a dog gets its food?

  • Dog is an omnivorous animal.
  • It senses the food with smell.
  • Mouth, teeth, tongue, legs, nails are involved in taking the food.
  • The dog licks water with its tongue and drink it.

Question 13.
Distinguish the difference between food chain and food web.

Food chainFood web
1. It is a single path of energy flow in an ecosystem.1. It is a multiple paths of energy flow in an ecosystem.
2. It is a feeding relationship between  different organisms in a particular habitat.2. It is an inter connection of food chains in a particular habitat.
3. It can be represented in a straight line.3. It is branched structure with several food chains.

Question 14.
What is the importance of decomposers in a food chain?

  • Bacteria and fungi are decomposers.
  • Decomposers break down dead plants and animals.
  • They return the nutrients into the soil for other organisms to use.
  • They help in the cycling of materials between producers, consumers, and soil.

Question 15.
What are the similarities and differences found in the birds’ duck and crane?

  • Duck and crane both are aquatic birds.
  • Duck and crane use their beaks to catch the fish.
  • The crane has a long beak to catch the fish in the water.
  • The duck beak is broad and flat and has teeth. The teeth act as filters to get food from the water.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

Question 16.
How the beak of a crow differs from the beak of a parrot?

  • Parrot and crow both are omnivorous animals that eat both plants and animals.
  • The parrot has a hooked bill to eat fruits and crack the nuts.
  • It is also used for climbing as well as manipulating and crushing objects.
  • The crow has a large strong beak to eat fruits, seeds, insects, fishes, and other small animals.

Question 17.
What are natural scavengers? What it’s importance in nature?

  • Scavengers are the organisms that feed on the dead and decaying matter.
  • these help the environment to be clean by eating out all the waste matter.
  • They keep our surroundings clean in this manner.
  • Ex: Crows, vultures, and some insects.

Question 18.
What is the difference between producers and consumers?

1. Producers make their own food.1. Consumers depends on plants and animals for their food.
2. Producers get energy from sunlight to prepare the food.2. Consumers get energy from producers or from other consumers.
3. Plants are producers.3. Animals are consumers.

Question 19.
Draw a neat diagram of the beaks of a parrot and eagle.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food 1

Question 20.
Draw a neat diagram of the beaks of duck and sparrow.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food 2

Question 21.
Draw a schematic diagram showing the energy flow in a food chain.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food 3

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

6th Class Science 3rd Lesson Animals and their Food 8 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write any four birds and their food habits and their beak types in a tabular form.

Bird nameBeakFeed on
WoodpeckerLong and strong beakAnts and pest
CraneLong beakFish
VultureStrong hooked beakFlesh of animals
ParrotHooked beakFruits and nuts

Question 2.
Collect the information from the library or internet about the examples of animals and what their colonies are called?
Group of birds – Folk
Honey bees colony – Beehive
Group of grasshopper – Locust
Group of camels – Caravan
Elephant colony – A parade
Leopard colony – A leap
Tiger colony – Ambush
Kangaroo colony – Mob
Lions colony – A pride
Owls colony – A parliament

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

Question 3.
Write a note on the wonderful world of ants.

  • Ants are social insects, which means they lice in a group or colony by sharing works.
  • Ant colonies are highly organized, usually ruled by a single queen ant.
  • In a colony the ants are categorized as workers, soldiers, female and male ants.
  • The workers collect and maintain food stock for others in the colony along with several other duties.
  • Ants kept a type of insect called aphid for honeydew.
  • Ants are good farmers as well.
  • They cut leaves into pieces and create a bed to grow a type of fungus that they eat.

Question 4.
What are the levels of the food chain? Describe.
There are four levels in a food chain. They are:

  1. Producers: The first level of the food chain. They make their own food and provide food to all other organisms.
  2. Primary consumers: This is the second level of the food chain. They depend on producers for food. They include herbivores such as insects, rabbits, cows etc.
  3. Secondary consumers: This is the third level of the food chain. They depend on primary consumers for their food. They include carnivores such as birds, frogs, fox, etc.
  4. Tertiary consumers: The fourth or top level of the food chain. They depend on secondary consumers for their food. They include carnivores that feed on other carnivores. Ex: Lion, Eagle, Tiger, etc.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food

Question 5.
Draw the diagrams of different beaks of birds.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 3 Animals and their Food 4