AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty.

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions 17th Lesson Understanding Poverty

Question 1.
What is the average calorie intake of persons in the top quarter in the country?
The average calorie intake of persons in the top quarter in the country is 2521.

Question 2.
By what percentage does the calorie intake of persons in the bottom quarter fall short of the daily calorie standard?
23% of the calorie intake of persons in the bottom quarter fall short of the daily calorie standard.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty

Question 3.
Do you find any relationship between economic background of person and his/her nutritional status?
Yes, I find the relationship between economic background of person and his/her nutritional status. If the economic standard is less, the nutritional status is also low and vice versa.

Question 4.
What do you think can be done such that Ramachari and his family get two square meals a day?
Ramachari should also go to the nearest town with his wife for daily works. Then only he and his family can get two square meals a day.

Question 5.
How would you describe the exchange between Ramachari and the farmers in the village?
I discribe the exchange between Ramachari and the farmers in the village as follows:
“One for all and all for one”.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty

Question 6.
Why do you think the MNREGA places priority on provision of irrigation facility to land owned by households belonging to the SCs and STs?
The government sanctioned some funds for the development of SCs and STs from many years. These funds were remained unused. So these are used for irrigation and drinking water facilities to them only. With this they feel self-reliance.

Question 7.
Why do you think the calorie intakes of the people are so low?
As they have low earnings, they cannot purchase costly foods which have high calories. They cannot eat and cannot work. So they.are habituated to eat stomachful of food, e.g.: Rice & chutney / rice & curry or rice & sambar.
So they are taking so low calories.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty

Question 8.
Do you think the poor will be served better now with new policy? Provide reasons in favour of your answer.
I think that the poor will be served better now with new policy.

  1. The government takes back the white cards from ineligibles.
  2. So the provisions are supplied only to the poor and the poorest.

Question 9.
Ration shops are also called fair price shops. Can you guess why?
The provisions in ration shops are available at low prices when compared to open market. So they are called fair price shops.

Question 10.
Why are people without employment also often without assets, such as land, cattle, shops etc.?
The people those who have no employment cannot save their earnings. Without savings they cannot purchase assets. So they do not have assets.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty

Question 11.
Read the paragraph under the heading ‘Why Poverty? How can it be eliminated?’ and answer the following: What are the other reasons for poverty?
The other reasons for poverty:

  1. Big families
  2. Only one person works hard in the family while all others eat.
  3. Lack of chances according to their capacity or eligibility.
  4. Less wages / salaries.

Question 12.
Give your comments on the given picture.
AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty 1Answer:
This picture belongs to ‘Mid day meals scheme’. The girls are the beneficiaries of this scheme. In some poor families, children are not provided nutrious food and they are often suffered from hunger. The children studying in government schools, especially from such families will get benefited by this scheme. Undernourished children do not grow as quickly as healthy children. They will feel hard to study, work or otherwise perform physical activities. Mentally, they may develop more slowly. Keeping all these in view, the government is implementing Mid-day meal scheme for the well-being of the children belonging to poor families.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty

Question 13.
Observe the graph and answer the following questions.
AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty 2
1. Who are taking more calories?
The rich

2. What is the difference between the top quarter and second quarter in calories?
621 calories.

3. Who are taking least calories?
The bottom quarter

4. What do you understand by observing this picture?
Economic standard dictates the nutrition status.

Question 14.
Activity: One way to find out if adults are undernourished is to calculate what Nutrition Scientists call Body Mass Index (BMI). This is easy to calculate. Measure the weight of the person in kgs. Then measure the height in metres. Divide the weight by the square of the height. If this figure is less than 18.5 then the person would be considered undernourished. However, if this BMI is more than 25, then a person is overweight. Do remember that this criterion is not applicable to growing children.
Let each student in the class find out the weight and height of three adult persons of different economic backgrounds like office workers, servants, business person etc. Collect the data from all the students and make a combined table. Calculate their BMI.

S.No.Years of AgeM/FTheir workHeight
1.35MLabourer1655720.94 Normal
2.42MLabourer1616130.68 Fat
3.28FLabourer1635018.82 Normal
4.37MWorker1685619.84 Thin
5.40MWorker1575221.1 Normal
6.42FWorker1615621.6 Normal
7.54MBusiness person1586626.44 Fat
8.46MBusiness person1707124.57 Fat
9.32FBusiness person1576827.59 Fat

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty

Question 15.
Read the following passage and answer the given questions.
The poorest families are issued Antyodaya cards. Next, the people whose situations are slightly better but still can be considered poor are issued BPL (Below Poverty Line) cards. The remaining families are issued APL (Above Poverty Line) cards.
Quantities and prices of ration given to each cardholder are different. For example, the Antyodaya cardholders are entitled to get 35 kgs of foodgrains (rice and wheat) per month per family. The BPL cardholders in Andhra Prasdesh can receive 4 kgs of foodgrains per head not exceeding 20 kgs per family. The Annapurna Scheme card holders who are the poorest of the poor (Indigent senior citizens) get 10 kgs of rice free of cost.
1. Who are issued Antyodaya cards?
The poorest families.

2. Which colour cards are issued to BPL families?
White cards.

3. What is meant by BPL?
Below Poverty Line.

4. How much food grains can receive the BPL card holders in Andhra Pradesh?
4 kgs of food grains per head.

5. Who are the Annapurna scheme card holders?
The poorest of the poor (Indigent senior citizens).

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 17 Understanding Poverty