TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Telangana SCERT TS 8th Class English Study Material Pdf Unit 8C The Dead Rat Textbook Questions and Answers.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What did the mother do to make Madananka normal and settle in life ?
Answer :
Madananka’s mother hoped that Madananka would become normal and settle down in life if he was married. So, she found a suitable girl and got her married to Madananka. But her hopes did not come true.

Question 2.
What kind of man was Yakshadatta?
Answer :
Yakshadatta was a well-to-do merchant. He lent money to the poor but only to capable persons.

Question 3.
What did Ratnanka do with the dead rat?
Answer :
Ratnanka made a cup out of a leaf and placed the dead rat in it. Later he carried the dead rat through the streets and cried out for selling it. He sold it to a merchant who bought it for his cat as a prey.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 4.
How did the firewood which Ratnanka had collected fetch him a hundred gold coins?
Answer :
When Ratnanka was with the cart loads of fuel, there were incessant rains for ten days. As a result there was scarcity of firewood in the city. Ratnanka cleverly sold his firewood which fetched him a hundred gold coins.

Question 5.
How did Ratnanka show his gratitude to Yakshadatta?
Answer :
Ratnanka showed his gratitude to Yakshadatta by giving him a rat made of gold.

Question 6.
How did Ratnanka help the woodcutters?
Answer :
Ratnanka helped the wood cutters by supplying them soaked bengalgram and cold water when they felt hungry and thirsty after their work.

Study Skills :

Read the biographical write up on Dr. Kotnis again and write the timeline of the events referred to, in your notebook. A few events are shown here.
Answer :
Bio-graphical write up
1910 – Dr. Kotnis was born on October 10th
1938 – Dr. Kotnis went to China to serve the wounded soldiers.
1940 – Dr. Kotnis did operations for 72 hours non-stop without taking rest.
1941 – Dr. Kotnis married Guo Quinglan a nurse who worked along with him.
1942 – On 23rd August a child named ‘Yin Hua’ was born to Dr. Kotnis.
1942 – On December 9th, Dr. Kotnis died of epilepsy.
1976 – Chinese Government built a memorial hall for Dr. Kotnis

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Project Work :

Visit any two old people of your locality and interview them.
Before you conduct an interview, prepare a questionnaire centred around the following items.
1. Name 2. Age 3. Gender 4. Social background 5. Who takes care of them at home 6. Health conditions. 7. Further support they need.
Write a report based on the interview and present it before the class.
Answer :

Person: Narendra Gupta

1. Name : Narendra Gupta
2. Age : 62
3. Gender : Male
4. Social background : Retired teacher, wife passed away
5. Who takes care of him at home : The children are unable to take care of him
6. Health conditions. : All personal care is taken. Occasional medical checkups take place.
7. Further support he needs : Feels happy to be among same age citizens.

Person : Y.Seshamma

2. 1. Name : Y.Seshamma
2. Age : 72
3. Gender : Female
4. Social background : House wife. A mother of two sons
5. Who takes care of her at home
6. Health conditions : Both the sons are working in foreign so none takes care of her in home country. Their wives feel it a burden to take care of their mother in – law.
Person: Y. Seshamma : Good-time pass but feeling of loneliness prevails. Health care with regular medical check ups.
7. Further support she needs : Need of maintaining a prayer house, recreation hall.
Answer :
Report on the interview of Sri Narendra Gupta and Smt. Y. Seshamma.
Two persons are interviewed in an old age home. One is a male member Sri Narendra Gupta and the other is a female member Smt. Y. Seshamma.

Both are above 60 years of age. Narendra Gupta is a retired teacher and a widower. His children are unable to take care of him as they are earning a meagre salary. He is satisfied with the meals served. He feels happy to be among his fellow citizens in the old age home. He feels that sanitation should be improved.

Regarding Smt Seshamma, she is admitted into the old age home as her sons are abroad. Moreover, she could not adjust with her daughters – in – law. Food served is satisfactory. She has a good time with other members. She says that a prayer hall and recreation hall should be constructed.

The Dead Rat Summary in English

Madanaka was a young merchant in Ujjain. While he was young, his father died. He turned out to be a vagabond. Thinking that he would turn to be good after marriage, his mother performed his marriage. But it was of no use.

He left his mother and his pregnant wife and went away. His wife gave birth to a son. His name was Ratnanka. Ratnanka was brought up well. On his grandmother’s advice, he went to Yakshadatta, a rich merchant and requested him to give him a loan to do business. Yakshadatta showed him a dead rat and asked him to take it as a capital.

Ratnanka took the dead rat and did business. In a short time, he earned a lot of money and a hundred gold coins. He became a leading merchant. Ratnanka got a rat made of gold and presented it to Yakshadatta. Yakshadatta was amazed to hear his story, and was pleased with Ratnanka’s intelligence.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Glossary :

1. vagabond (n) : a person who has no home and usually no job, and who travels from place to place
2. abscond(v): escape; or to go away suddenly and secretly in order to escape from somewhere
Usage: When the teacher asked the reason, for his misbehaviour, the student absconded.
3. auspicious (adj): formal/ suggesting a positive and successful future
4. faggots (n) : wood/ sticks of wood, tied together, which are used as fuel for a fire
5. menace (v) : something that is likely to cause harm
6. incessant (adj) : never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way Usage: The rain poured incessantly.
7. eke out (phr.v) : earn
Usage: After completion of education, everybody ekes out his livelihood.

Additional Meanings :

8. purchased : bought
9. prey : victim
10. pitcher : a container
11. heap : pile, collection
12. soak : drench
13. scarcity : lack of something
14. rapidly : moving, acting qickly
15. procession : a line of people advancing in order
16. grace : mercy
17. grieved : distressed
18. generosity : liberality, kindness
19. pomp : splendour

Section-A : Reading Comprehension :

Read the following passage from ‘Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis’.

The tragic tale was to continue even after Dr. Kotnis’ death. Their son Yin Hua who was three months old when Dr. Kotnis died, also passed away when he was just 25. Mrs. Kotnis moved to Dalian in the 60 ~s and lived there since. Despite the two premature deaths Mrs.Kotnis never let weeds cover her India connection. She visited the country at least half a dozen times and maintained her links with the Kotnis family.

Mrs. Kotnis had been an honoured guest at many high-level diplomatic functions between China and India such as the banquet Dalian Mayor Bo Xilai hosted for then Indian President K.R. Narayanan in June 2000 and during the visit of then Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee to Beijing in June 2003. She was a regular invitee at the Indian Embassy functions in China. In November 2006, she accompanied Chinese President Hu Jintao on a state visit to India. She died on 28 June 2012.

(Q. 1 – 5) Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M

Question 1.
Who was Yin Hua?
A) Kotnis’ daughter
B) Mrs. Kotnis’ daughter
C) Kotnis’ son
D) Kotnis’ brother
Answer :
C) Kotnis’ son

Question 2.
Who lived in Dalian?
A) Kotnis
B) Yin Hua
C) Bo Xilai
D) Guo Qinglan
Answer :
D) Guo Qinglan

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 3.
In the line “She visited the country….” Which country does it refer to ?
A) China
B) India
C) Japan
D) Indonesia
Answer :
B) India

Question 4.
Who had been an honoured guest?
A) Vajpayee
B) K. R. Narayanan
C) Mrs. Kotnis
D) Kotnis
Answer :
C) Mrs. Kotnis

Question 5.
What is the meaning of ‘invitee’?
A) Designer
B) Host
C) Guest
D) Organiser
Answer :
C) Guest

(Q.6 – 10) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 5 × 2 = 10 M

Question 6.
What is the tragic tale given in the above passage ?
Answer :
The tragic tale given in the above passage is Yin Hua passed away at just 25 after his father’s death.

Question 7.
According to the passage, three persons passed away. Who were they ?
Answer :
The three persons who passed away according to the passage were : i) Mr.Kotnis ii) Mrs. Kotnis and iii) Yin Hua

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 8.
Why did Mrs. Kotnis visit India after the death of Kotnis ?
Answer :
Mrs. Kotnis visited India after the death of Kotnis to maintain her link with the Kotnis family.

Question 9.
Name the Indian President and the Prime Minister given in the above passage.
Answer :
The Indian President and the Prime Minister given in the passage are : K.R. Narayanan and Vajpayee respectively.

Question 10.
When did Mrs. Kotnis die ?
Answer :
Mrs. Kotnis died on 28 June 2012.

2. Read the following poem.

Home they brought her warrior dead

Home they brought her warrior dead:
She nor swoon’d, nor uttered cry:
All maidens, watching, said,
“She must weep, or she will die.
“Then they praised him, soft and low:
Call’d him worthy to be loved,
Truest friend and noblest foe;
Yet she neither spoke nor moved.

Stole a maiden from her place,
Lightly to the warrior steps,
Took the face-cloth from the face;
Yet she neither moved nor wept.
Rose a nurse of ninety years,
Set his child upon her knee
Like summer tempest came her tears”
Sweet, my child, I live for thee.”

(Q. 11-12 ) Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 2 × 1 = 2 M

Question 11.
Who was dead?
A) They
B) Soldier
C) Enemies
D) Everyone
Answer :
B) Soldier

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 12.
Who does ‘she’ refer to in the above poem?
A) Nurse
B) Maiden
C) The warrior’s wife
D) Neighbour
Answer :
C) The warrior’s wife

(Q. 13 – 16) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 4 × 2 = 8 M

Question 13.
How was the warrior brought home?
Answer :
The warrior was brought home dead.

Question 14.
Why did the people want the warrior’s wife to cry?
Answer :
The people wanted the warrior’s wife to cry because they thought that she would die if she did not cry.

Question 15.
Pick out two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
Answer :
Two pairs of thyming words from the poem are : i) dead – said and ii) place – face.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 16.
What is the meaning of the expression ‘like summer tempest’?
Answer :
The meaning of the expression like summer tempest is suddenly and forcefully.

Section – B : Vocabulary & Grammar

(Q. 17 – 21) Read the following passage focusing on the parts that are underlined and answer the questions given at the end. Write the answers in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M

Who was the scholar (17) who wrote the Ramayana in Telugu? It was Molla of Gopavaram at (18) Nellore district. She was not only a great poet not (19) also a great scholar. Yot she used very simple (20) words in her poetry. She thought (21) that her pretry should be enjoyed not only by well-read people but also by common man.

Question 17.
The meaning of the underlined word is ……..
A) A learning point
B) Scholarly
C) A learned person
D) A chair person
Answer :
C) A learned person

Question 18.
The correct preposition of the underlined word is ……
A) on
B) in
C) of
D) into
Answer :
B) in

Question 19.
The right word of the underlined part is …….
A) and
B) but
C) so
D) or
Answer :
B) but

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 20.
The underlined word after adding a suitable suffix is ………
A) easy
B) tough
C) simply
D) missimple
Answer :
C) simply

Question 21.
The root form of the underlined word is …………
A) thinks
B) thinking
C) think
D) thoughts
Answer :
C) think

(Q. 22 – 26) Complete the following passage choosing the right words from those given below it. Each blank is numbered, and for each blank four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M

At ……………. (22), the day came when snowball’s plans were completed. At the meeting on the following Sunday, the question of ……………. (23) or not the windmill should be constructed was to be put to vote. When animals assembled in the big barn, Snowball and Napoleon tried to ……………. (24) their versions. ……………. (25) was interruption of the bleating of the sheep. Snowball tried to pictures.

Question 22.
A) first
B) second
C) last
D) finally
Answer :
C) last

Question 23.
A) weather
B) whether
C) if
D) that
Answer :
B) whether

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 24.
A) judge
B) just
C) justify
D) judgement
Answer :
C) justify

Question 25.
A) There
B) Their
C) Then
D) Them
Answer :
A) There

Question 26.
A) correct
B) convince
C) convey
D) commit
Answer :
B) convince

(Q. 27 – 31) Read the following passage. Five sentences are numbered. Each numbered sentence has an error. Find the error and write the correct answers in your answer booklet. 5 × 2 = 10 M

(27) Hearing Ratnanka, Yakshadatta laughed, looked around and pointing towards a died rat lying in the street, said, “Lo my boy! That dead rat is the capital which I can lend you. (28) You took it away and do some trade with it. (29) To an intelligent man it will fetch millions and even if I give millions to a unintelligent man it will be of no use.” (30) Ratnanka thinked for a minute and then took the dead rat as a favour from Yakshadatta. (31) He made a cup out of a leaf but placed the dead rat in that cup.
Answers :
27. towards a dead rat lying in the street
28. You take it away
29. to an unintelligent man
30. Ratnanka thought for a minute
31. cup out of a leaf and placed the dead rat

Section – C: Conventions of Writing :

(Q. 32) Read the following passage carefully and supply the punctuation marks (. , ? ” ” “) and capital letters, wherever necessary. Also correct the spelling of the underlined word. 5 M

a week after his release from prison newspapers reported several cases of safe burglary. The burglar has drilled only one whole to break the safe open in all these cases. It must have been the work of jimmy valentine I am going to catch this fellow red-handed, thought Ben Price, the police detactive
Answer :
A week after his release from prison, news papers reported several cases of safe burglary. “The burglar has drilled only one hole to break the safe open in all these cases. It must have been the work of Jimmy Valentine I am going to catch this fellow red – handed.” thought Ben price, the police detective.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Section – D : Creative Expression :

(Question – 33) : 12 M

a) Describe the process of cooking rice.
Answer :

Process of cooking rice

For process of cooking rice : rice, a vessel, water, stove etc are required. Firstly, clean the rice with water and throw out the water. Then add the required quantity of clean water. For cooking rice, keep the vessel on the stove and turn it on. After sometime, you hear the boiling sound and now check whether the rice is properly cooked or not. When the rice is cooked, vapour rises. Put off the stove and keep the vessel remain on the stove for some time. Now the cooked rice is ready for lunch. cooked rice is ready for lunch.


b) Write the story “The Dead Rat” in a condensed form.

  • Include only the important points
  • Suggest another title to the story
  • Divide the story into paragraphs
  • Suggest a suitable moral

Answer :

The golden Rat

Once there lived a man named Ratnanka in the city of Ujjain. His father, Madananka, had left the house before his birth. Though poor, Ratnanka’s grandmother and mother brought him up with affection and care and also gave him good education.

One day, Ratnanka’s grandmother advised Ratnanka to visit Yakshadatta, a rich merchant from a neighbouring village, for some financial help to start a new business for the livelihood of the family as nothing was left at home. On his grandmother’s advice, Ratnanka approached Yakshadatta and explained everything to him. The rich merchant pointed towards a dead rat lying in the street and asked him to take that and start a business with that capital. He said that to an intelligent man it would fetch millions and even if he gave millions to an unintelligent man it would be of no use. Ratnanka accepted and placed it in a leaf cup.

The young man sold the dead rat to a merchant who had a cat to kill the rats and got a handful of bengalgram. He soaked it in water. Next morning he added some salt and pepper to the soaked and swollen bangal gram. He sold it to the woodcutters. In turn, he got a lot of firewood from them. There were continuous rains in the city for 10 days due to which there was shortage of firewood. During this period, Ratnanka sold the firewood which fetched him a hundred gold coins. With that money soon he started timber, cloth, grain and diamonds businesses and became a leading merchant in the city with intelligence and hard work.

One day, Ratnanka went to Yakshadatta and narrated what had happened. He became very rich by the grace of the man. As a symbol of his gratitude he gifted him a golden rat. Yakshadatta was amazed to hear the story. He was pleased with the intelligence and gratitude of Ratnanka.
Moral : “Being thankful is a noble virtue.”

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

(Question – 34) 8 M

A) Design a poster on the theme “Gratitude”.
Answer :
TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat 1


B) Imagine you are the English teacher of ZP High School. You are planning to start an English Club for enriching the communication skills of the students. Now draft a notice in this regard.
Answer :


11: 30 am

Dear Balu,
I convey my sincere thanks to you for your timely help. I did not know that today was scheduled for the English test. You shared your book with me. I did well in the test. Your helping nature is really appreciable. Please, do feel free to ask me for help. I will definitely do the needful. I once again thank you very much for your great help.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Additional Exercises :

Section-A: Reading Comprehension
(Questions 1 – 10)


Read the passage from ‘The Dead Rat’.

Ratnanka took the bengalgram home and soaked it in water. Next morning, he added some salt and pepper to the soaked and swollen bengalgram, took drinking water in an earthen pitcher, went outside the city and sat under the shade of a tree and offered each woodcutter some bengalgram and cold water. The hungry and thirsty woodcutters were pleased with Ratnanka’s service, gave him two pieces of firewood each. By evening the pieces piled up into a big heap, which Ratnanka sold away for two rupees in the city.

Out of the two rupees Ratnanka gave one to his grandmother towards savings and with the other rupee purchased a Kuncham (a kind of measuring unit for grains) of bengalgram. Out of this he soaked one kilo everyday and sat under the same tree with cold water. In this way he collected many cart-loads of fuel with in a month. Fortunately, there were incessant rains for ten days and as a result there was a scarcity of firewood in the city.

The firewood which Ratnanka had collected fetched him a hundred gold coins. With that money Ratnanka opened a firewood stall and began dealing in timber. From timber to cloth, from cloth to grain and from grain to diamonds, his business progressed rapidly. Within a couple of years Ratnanka became one of the leading merchants in that city.

One day, Ratnanka got a rat made of gold, weighing one kilo. Its eyes were made of rubies, ears of sapphires and it had a diamond chain round its neck. It was kept in a silver trap and carried in a procession with pomp. Ratnanka was leading the procession. When he reached the residence of Yakshadatta, he asked the procession to halt. Hearing the band and the noise of the procession, Yakshadatta came out of his house and enquired what all that pomp and hub-bub was about.

Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B) (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M

Question 1.
What type of text is this passage?
A) Speech
B) Interview
C) Drama
D) Story
Answer :
D) Story

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 2.
Who gave the bengalgram to whom?
A) Ratnanka gave the bengalgram to his father.
B) Ratnanka gave the bengalgram to Yakshadatta.
C) One merchant gave the bengalgram to Yakshadatta.
D) One merchant gave the bengalgram to Ratnanka.
Answer :
D) One merchant gave the bengalgram to Ratnanka.

Question 3.
What did Ratnanka offer to each woodcutter?
A) Some bengalgram
B) Some cold water
C) Some bengalgram and cold water
D) Some bengalgram and hot water
Answer :
C) Some bengalgram and cold water

Question 4.
What is the meaning of the word ‘Kuncham’ according to the passage ?
A) A plate
B) A trap
C) A tray
D A kind of measuring unit for grains
Answer :
D A kind of measuring unit for grains

Question 5.
Ratnanka presented a golden rat to Yakshadatta. Why?
A) Because he became very rich
B) As a symbol of peace
C) Because Yakshadatta was generous
D) As a symbol of gratitude
Answer :
D) As a symbol of gratitude

(Q.6 – 10) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 5 × 2 = 10 M

Question 6.
What did Ratnanka do the next morning?
Answer :
The next morning, Ratnanka added some salt and pepper to the soaked and swollen bengalgram, took drinking water in an earthen pitcher, went outside the city and sat under a tree and offered each woodcutter some bengalgram and cold water.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 7.
How many rupees did Ratnanka earn on the first day? And what did he do with that money?
Answer :
On the first day Ratnanka earned two rupees. He gave one rupee to his grandmother towards savings and with the other rupee he purchased a kuncham (a kind of measuring unit for grains) of bengalgram.

Question 8.
Describe the rat offered by Ratnanka to Yakshadatta.
Answer :
The rat offered by Ratnanka to Yakshadatta was made of gold. Its eyes were made of rubies, ears of sapphires and it had a diamond chain around its neck.

Question 9.
Do you think expressing gratitude to others is really needed for the help we have received from them?
Answer :
Yes, I think expressing gratitude to others is really needed for the help we have received from them.

Question 10.
What made Yakshadatta come out of his residence?
Answer :
The band and the noise of the procession made Yakshadatta come out of his residence.


Read the following poem from ‘Be Thankful’.

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire, if you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times, during those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes,
they will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary,
because it means you’ve made a difference.
It’s easy to be thankful for the good things,
a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.

Now, answer the following questions. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M

Question 1.
We should be thankful because ………
A) we have everything required.
B) we have everything unwanted.
C) we don’t already have everything we desire.
D) we have everything we desire.
Answer :
C) we don’t already have everything we desire.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 2.
How do difficult times help us?
A) Difficult times help us to gain our height.
B) Difficult times help us to reach great heights.
C) Difficult times are difficult.
D) Difficult times become easy.
Answer :
B) Difficult times help us to reach great heights.

Question 3.
What gives us opportunities for improvement?
A) Gratitude
B) Restriction
C) Reservation
D) being Ih.unkul
Answer :
B) Restriction

Question 4.
What is the meaning of ‘setbacks’?
A) Challenges
B) Achievements
C) Problems
D) Pportumitien
Answer :
C) Problems

Question 5.
What does ‘they’ refer to in the last line of the poem?
A) Negatives
B) Positives
C) Troubles
D) Ways
Answer :
C) Troubles

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

(Q.6 – 10) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 5 × 2 = 10 M

Question 6.
The poet depicts different situations / aspects of life where we need to bithankful. What are they?
Answer :
We need to be thankful when we face troubles, challenges difficulties and setbacks. We get a chance to grow improve and become successful.

Question 7.
Do you agree with the poet? Yes / No ? Give reasons.
Answer :
Yes, I do agree with the poet because they add value to the life and life becomes more peaceful and meaningful.

Question 8.
How do difficulties help us grow? When will troubles become blessings?
Answer :
Difficulties and troubles help us to grow. They teach us what is right and what is wrong. They guide us towards the right path. They enlighten our minds.

Question 9.
Do you want to be thankful when someone helps you ? Be homest.
Answer :
Yes, I want to be thankful when someone helps me.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 10.
What will build our strength and character?
Answer :
Each new challenge will build our strength and characer.


Read the following passage from “Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis”.

Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis was born in a lower middle class family on October 10. 1910 in Sholapur, Mumbai. A vivacious kid by nature, Dr. Kotnis forever aspired to br’usine it doctor. After completing his graduation in medicine from G. S. Medical Colleyp: Bumbuy. he went on to pursue his post-graduation internship. However, he put aside his rostgraduation plans when he got the chance to join the medical aid mission to China.

Dr. Kotnis always wanted to travel around the world and practise medicine in different parts of the globe. He started his medical expedition in Vietnam, and then, moved on to Singapore and Brunei. In 1937, the communist General Zhu De requested Jawaharlal Nehru to send Indian physicians to China during the Second Sino-Japanese War to help the soldiers. The President of the Indian National Congress, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose accepted the request and made arrangements to send a team of volunteer doctors.

A medical team of five doctors was sent as a part of Indian Medical Mission Team in September 1938. The medical team comprised of M. Atal, M. Cholkar, D. Kotnis, B.K. Basu and D. Mukerji. After the war, all other doctors except Dr. Kotnis, returned to India. However, Dr. Kotnis decided to stay back and serve at the military base. He initially started his work in Yan’an and then went to the anti-Japanese base area in North China where he worked in the surgical department of the Eighth Route Army General Hospital as the physician-in-charge.

(Q. 1 – 5) Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M

Question 1.
Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis was born in ………
A) India
B) America
C) China
D) Japan
Answer :
A) India

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 2.
The word ‘vivacious’ means …….
A) Naughty
B) Cheerful
C) Serious
D) Sad
Answer :
B) Cheerful

Question 3.
Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis started his medical expedition in ……..
A) Singapore
B) Brunei
C) China
D) Vietnam
Answer :
D) Vietnam

Question 4.
Who served at the military base?
A) General Zhu De
B) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
C) Dr. Kotnis
D) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer :
C) Dr. Kotnis

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 5.
Where did Dr. Kotnis serve as the physician-in-charge ?
A) In the Eighth Route Army General Hospital
B) In Vietnam
C) At the Sino-Japanese War
D) At B. K. Basu
Answer :
A) In the Eighth Route Army General Hospital

(Q.6 – 10) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 5 × 2 = 10 M

Question 6.
When and where was Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis born?
Answer :
Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis was born on October 10, 1910 in Sholapur, Mumbai.

Question 7.
Why did Dr. Kotnis not continue his post-graduation ?
Answer :
Dr. Kotnis did not continue his post-graduation because he got the chance to join the medical aid mission to China.

Question 8.
Why was Dr. Kotnis sent to China?
Answer :
Dr. Kotnis was sent to China to give treatment to the Chinese soldiers who were wounded at the second Sino-Japanese war.

Question 9.
Name the members of the Indian medical team.
Answer :
M. Atal, M. Cholkar, D. Kotnis, B.K. Basu and D. Mukerji were the members of the Indian medical team.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 10.
What sort of person, do you think, was Dr. Kotnis? What are your impressions about him?
Answer :
Dr. Kotnis was a dedicated person. He worked for the noble cause of serving the wounded soldiers. He was the pride of India.


Read the following passage from “The Dead Rat”.

In the city of Ujjain there was a young merchant named Madananka. He lost his father when he was in his teens. So, it was his mother who brought him up with great affection and love. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a vagabond. His mother hoped that he would become normal and settle down if he was married, and so, she found a suitable girl and they were married. But Madananka became worse.

One day, Madananka absconded from his house, deserting his mother and pregnant wife. His mother grieved for him. The daughter-in-law after some time gave birth to a son. He was named Ratnanka. Though poor, Ratnanka was brought up with affection and care and given good education.

One day, when he was ten years old his grandmother said to him, “My lad! Your father left all of us in misery. We two women have brought you up with whatever little money and jewellery we had. Now, we don’t have anything to fall back upon. You are quite grown up, so you take up some business to eke out a living. In the neighbouring village there is a well-to-do merchant named Yakshadatta, who lends money to the poor but capable persons. You go to him. Explain to him our condition and borrow some money so that you can start some business for our livelihood.”

(Q. 1- 5) Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M

Question 1.
Ujjain is a …………….
A) village
B) country
C) city
D) street
Answer :
C) city

Question 2.
Who turned out to be a vagabond?
A) Ratnanka
B) Mother
C) Daughter-in-law
D) Madananka
Answer :
D) Madananka

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 3.
What is the synonym of the word ‘deserting’?
A) Region
B) Reason
C) Abandoning
D) Country
Answer :
C) Abandoning

Question 4.
“My lad! Your father left all of us in misery”. Who said these words to whom ?
A) Ratnanka to Madananka
B) Ratnanaka’s mother to Madananka
C) Ratnanka’s grandmother to Madananka
D) Ratnanka’s grandmother to Ratnanka
Answer :
D) Ratnanka’s grandmother to Ratnanka

Question 5.
What type of text is this passage?
A) Speech
B) Story
C) Biography
D) Interview
Answer :
B) Story

(Q.6 – 10) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 5 × 2 = 10 M

Question 6.
What did Madananka’s mother hope?
Answer :
Madananka’s mother hoped that Madananka would become normal and settle down if he was married, and so, she found a suitable girl and they were married. But Madananka became worse.

Question 7.
Who absconded from the house ?
Answer :
Madananka absconded from the house.

Question 8.
Who was the father of Ratnanka ?
Answer :
Madananka was the father of Ratnanka.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 9.
What kind of man was Yakshadatta?
Answer :
Yakshadatta was a well – to – do merchant. He supported poor people who were capable by giving them loans to start their own business. He was a generous person.

Question 10.
What is the meaning of the phrase ‘eke out’ ?
Answer :
The meaning of the phrase ‘eke out’ is earn.

(Questions 11 – 16)


Read the following story.

A farmer and his wife were walking through the field. The man was wearing a white dothi and the woman was in a red sari. They were not rich but were living a peaceful life with what they were able to earn.

The fields did not give them a pleasant sight. They were dry and the rays of the hot sun were scorching the plants. The sight of the dead field made the farmer and his wife very sad.

“Saroja! This year we will get nothing from the field. It is dead already. How will we spend our coming days?”

“Oh, my dear! Don’t talk in such a way. If we think everything is gone there will be nothing to hope for. But if we think about what is possible there will be something to hope for.”
“These are nice words. But we cannot live with words alone.”
“Don’t worry. This year I have got a chance to be a part of the 100- day work programme of the Government. That will surely fetch us something.”
“You’re right. We won’t be starving.”
“Of course we won’t. We will work hard like oxen.”
Husband and wife smiled at each other. They worked hard and cleared their debts and loAnswer : They bored a well. There was sufficient water to make the fields green. They started cultivating the field and once again the stream of their life started flowing smoothly.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

(Q. 11- 12) Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 2 × 1 = 2 M

Question 11.
The reason for the sadness of the husband and wife is …..
A) They were poor.
B) They did not have anything to eat.
C) Their field is dry.
D) They don’t have children.
Answer :
C) Their field is dry.

Question 12.
Which one of the following words best suits the wife in the above story?
A) Beautiful
B) Hopeful
C) Courageous
D) Talented
Answer :
B) Hopeful

(Q. 13 – 16) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 4 × 2 = 8 M

Question 13.
What happened to the fields? How did it happen ?
Answer :
The fields got dry. The rays of the hot sun were scorching the plants.

Question 14.
Who should work hard like oxen ?
Answer :
The farmer and his wife should work like oxen.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 15.
How did the couple clear the debts and loans ?
Answer :
The couple cleared the debts and loans by hard work.

Question 16.
What happened at the end of the story ?
Answer :
At the end of the story, the farmer and his wife started cultivating the field and once again the stream of their life started flowing smoothly.


Read the following poem.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

(Q. 11- 12) Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 2 × 1 = 2 M

Question 11.
The poet writes, ‘Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.’ The word diverged means
A) Appeared
B) Curved
C) Branched off
D) Continued on
Answer :
C) Branched off

Question 12.
The tone of the speaker in the first stanza is that of ……
A) Excitement
B) Anger
C) Hesitation and thoughtfulness
D) Sorrow
Answer :
C) Hesitation and thoughtfulness

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

(Q. 13 – 16) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 4 × 2 = 8 M

Question 13.
What is the poem about?
Answer :
The poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is about the choices that one makes in one’s life.”

Question 14.
Describe the two roads that the poet finds.
Answer :
One road was a beaten track. Many people had walked on it. It was lost in the small shrubs. The other road was grassy and unspoiled.

Question 15.
Which road did the poet choose?
Answer :
The poet chose the road that was less travelled by because it had a better claim. It was grassy and not many people had used it.

Question 16.
Why does the poet describe the woods as yellow?
Answer :
It is autumn time and the leaves have turned from green to brown to yellow and the entire forest looks like this. So, the poet has described the woods as yellow.


Study the following table about the routine activities of a class VIII student, Vikas.

Time of the dayActivities
1. 5: 30 amgets up from the bed
2. 5: 45 ambrushes his teeth
3. 6: 00 amtakes his bath
4. 6: 30 am to 7: 30 amdoes his homework
5. 8. 7: 45 to 8: 00 amtakes his breakfast
6. 8: 15 amstarts for school
7. 8: 30 amreaches school
8. 8: 45 amto 4: 40 pmattends classes
9. 5: 30 pmenjoys refreshments
10. 9: 00 pmgoes to bed

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

(Q. 11- 12) Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 2 × 1 = 2 M

Question 11.
The above table displays the regular activities of …….
A) a teacher
B) a master
C) a pupil
D) an employee
Answer :
C) a pupil

Question 12.
Vikas attends to his homework ……
A) in the evening
B) at noon
C) at night
D) in the morning
Answer :
D) in the morning

(Q. 13 – 16) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences in your own words. 4 × 2 = 8 M

Question 13.
What data does the above table provide ?
Answer :
The above table provides data about the routine activities of a class VIII student, Vikas.

Question 14.
At what time does Vikas take his breakfast ?
Answer :
Vikas takes his breakfast from 7: 45 am to 8: 00 am.

Question 15.
When does Vikas go to bed ?
Answer :
Vikas goes to bed at 9: 00 pm.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 16.
Who reaches school at 8:30 am ?
Answer :
Vikas reaches school at 8: 30 am.

Section – B : Vocabulary and Grammar :

(Questions 17 – 21)

Read the following passages focusing on the parts that are underlined and answer the questions given at the end. Write the answers in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M


In a week’s time, Babu, their attendant, had grown very fond for (17) little Arjun and would take him for rounds (18) in his pram in the evenings. Arjun would excitedly (19) point at the birds and the scampering (20) rabbits in the garden. He was most attracted (21) to Minnu, Babu’s five-year-old tom cat, who would accompany them.

Question 17.
The suitable word of the underlined word is ……..
A) of
B) with
C) to
D) on
Answer :
A) of

Question 18.
The meaning of the underlined word is ………..
A) circles
B) squares
C) boxes
D) small walks around the place
Answer :
D) small walks around the place

Question 19.
The suffix of the underlined word is ……………
A) ex
B) ly
C) es
D) ing
Answer :
B) ly

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 20.
The synonym of the underlined word is ………..
A) scurrying
B) smiling
C) scorching
D) scribbling
Answer :
A) scurrying

Question 21.
The comparative degree of the underlined word is ………
A) beautiful
B) more beautiful
C) more attracted
D) attractive
Answer :
C) more attracted


They walked throw (17) a passage, a long way, looking at each new opening, to see if there was anything they remembered, but they were all strange (18). Every time Tom checked, Becky would watch his face, and he would say cheerily (19), “0h, it’s all right. This isn’t the one, but we’ll come to it soon!” At last (20) she said, “Oh, Tom, never mind the bats, let’s (21) go back! We seem to get deeper all the time.”

Question 17.
Write the suitable word for the underlined word.
A) throws
B) throwing
C) through
D) threw
Answer :
C) through

Question 18.
The antonym of the underlined word is ……….
A) unusual
B) familiar
C) collective
D) unknown
Answer :
B) familiar

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 19.
The synonym of the underlined word is ……..
A) happily
B) seriously
C) sadly
D) simply
Answer :
A) happily

Question 20.
Write the meaning of the underlined part …….
A) firstly
B) secondly
C) finally
D) initially
Answer :
C) finally

Question 21.
The full form of the underlined part is ……..
A) let them
B) let us
C) let this
D) let we
Answer :
B) let us


Be thankful (17) for your mistakes, they will teach you valuable (18) lessons. Be thankful when you’re tried (19) and weary, because it means you’ve (20) made a difference. It’s easy to be thankful for the good things, a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks (21).

Question 17.
The synonym of the underlined word is ………
A) greatful
B) grateful
C) forgiveness
D) reward
Answer :
B) grateful

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 18.
The antonym of the underlined word is ……..
A) worthless
B) importance
C) necessity
D) combination
Answer :
A) worthless

Question 19.
The suitable word for the underlined word is ……….
A) tiring
B) tired
C) try
D) trying
Answer :
B) tired

Question 20.
The full form of the underlined word is …….
A) you are
B) you had
C) you has
D) you have
Answer :
D) you have

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 21.
The synonym of the underlined word is ……….
A) problems
B) challenges
C) achievements
D) ways
Answer :
A) problems

(Questions 22 – 26)

Complete the following passages choosing the right words from those given below it. Each blank is numbered, and for each blank four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M


………… (22) week after his release from prison, newspapers reported several ………… (23) of burglary. “The ………… (24) has drilled only one hole to ………… (25) the safe open in all these cases. It must have been the work of Jimmy Valentine. I am going to ………… (26) this fellow red-handed,” thought Ben Prince, the police detective.

Question 22.
A) A
B) An
C) The
D) No article
Answer :
A) A

Question 23.
A) complaints
B) complaint
C) case
D) cases
Answer :
A) complaints

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 24.
A) burglar
B) burglary
C) burglars
D) burglaries
Answer :
A) burglar

Question 25.
A) broke
B) broken
C) breaking
D) break
Answer :
D) break

Question 26.
A) caught
B) catch
C) catches
D) catching
Answer :
B) catch


How ………… (22) does a housefly fly? A day? A month? A year? Several years? No one ………… (23) houseflies. People kill ………… (24) in different ways. It is difficult to say ………… (25) long they would ………… (26) if people don’t kill them.

Question 22.
A) far
B) fast
C) long
D) short
Answer :
C) long

Question 23.
A) like
B) liking
C) likes
D) liked
Answer :
C) likes

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 24.
A) us
B) they
C) them
D) it
Answer :
C) them

Question 25.
A) so
B) how
C) very
D) why
Answer :
B) how

Question 26.
A) live
B) leave
C) left
D) lived
Answer :
A) live


The village team was ………… (22) good because the boys lived near each other ………… (23) they practiced a lot together, whereas Ranji’s team was from all parts of the town. ………… (25) was the baker’s boy, Nathu; the ………… (26) son, Sunder; the postmater’s son, Prem; and the bank manager’s son, Anil. Sometimes their fathers also turned up for a game.

Question 22.
A) quite
B) quiet
C) quick
D) quickly
Answer :
A) quite

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Question 23.
A) so
B) and
C) or
D) but
Answer :
A) so

Question 24.
A) drawing
B) drawn
C) draws
D) drew
Answer :
B) drawn

Question 25.
A) They
B) Them
C) Their
D) There
Answer :
D) There

Question 26.
A) tailor
B) tailors
C) tailors’
D) tailor’s
Answer :
D) tailor’s

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

(Questions 27 – 31)

Read the following passages. Five sentences are numbered. Each numbered sentence has an error. Find the error and write the correct sentences in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5 M


(27) One day, Ratnanka got a rat made with gold, weighing one kilo. (28) It eyes were made of rubies, ears of sapphires and it had a diamond chain around its neck. (29) It was kept in a silver trap and carried in a process with pomp. (30) Ratnanka was leading in the procession. When he reached the residence of Yakshadatta, he asked the procession to halt. (31) Hearing the band and the noise of the procession, Yakshadatta came out of his house and enquired what all that pomp and hub-bub were about.
Answer :
27. a rat made of gold
28. Its eyes
29. and carried in a procession
30. leading the procession
31. what all the pomp and hub-bub was about


(27) Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis was born for a lower middle class family on October 10, 1910 in Sholapur, Mumbai. (28) An vivacious kid by nature, Dr. Kotnis forever aspired to become a doctor. (29) After completed his graduation in medicine from G. S. Medical College, Bombay, he went on to pursue his post-graduation internship. (30) However, he put aside his post-graduation plans when he got the chance to joined the medical aid mission to China. (31) Dr. Kotnis always wanted to travel around the world and practice medicine in different parts of the globe. He started his medical expedition in Vietnam, and then, moved on to Singapore and Brunei.
Answer :
27. was born in a lower middle class family
28. A vivacious kid by nature
29. After completing his graduation
30. he got the chance to join the medical aid
31. travel around the world and practise medicine.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat


(27) Be thankful that you doesn’t already have everything you desire,
(28) if you did, what would there be to look forward for?
(29) Be thankful when you don’t knew something,
(30) for it gives you the opportunity to learning.
(31) Be thankful for the difficult time, during those times you grow.
Answer :
27. You don’t already have everything
28. to look forward to
29. when you don’t know something
30. the opportunity to learn
31. for the difficult times.


(27) In the city of Ujjain there was an young merchant named Madananka. (28) He lose his father when he was in his teens. (29) So, it was his mother which brought him up with great affection and love. (30) Unfortunately, he turned up to be a vagabond. His mother hoped that he would become normal and settle down if he was married, and so, she found a suitable girl and they were married. (31) And Madananka became worse.
Answer :
27. there was a young merchant
28. He lost his father
29. his mother who brought him up
30. turned out to be a vagabond
31. But Madananka became worse


(27) In order to cherish the memory of Dr. Kotnis, the China government built a memorial hall for him in Shijiazhuang city, Hebei Province in 1976. (28) No single Indians has been so much revered by ordinary Chinese as this doctor from a middle class family in Northern India. (29) Along with the Canadian Dr. Norman Bethune, he continues to revered by the Chinese people. (30) In April 2005, both their graves were covering completely in flowers donated by the Chinese people during the Qingming Festival, a day used by the Chinese to commemorate their ancestors. (31) A small museum there have a hand book which contains words that Kotnis wrote in his “Passage from India to China”, some of the instruments that the surgeons used at their time and many photographs of doctors.
Answer :
27. the Chinese government
28. No single Indian
29. he continues to be revered
30. their graves were covered
31. A small museum there has a hand book

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

Scetion – C : Conventions of Writing :

(Question 32)

Read the following passages carefully and supply the punctuation marks (., ! ? ” “) and capital letters, wherever necessary. Also correct the spellings of the underlined words. 5 × 1 = 5 M


He would have gladly sent it home if he had had a driver. he apologized for his inability however, he agreed to keep it with him till the end of his show at the grounds. My friends and well-wishers encouraged me. Even if you sell it as scrap iron you can make a few thousand rupees. So I made a trip to the Gymkhana grounds every day patted the engine affactionately, walked round it for a few times and returned home. I did not know that my trouble had just begun.
Answer :
He would have gladly sent it home if he had had a driver. He apologized for his inability. However he agreed to keep it with him till the end of his show at the grounds. My friends and well – wishers encouraged me. “Even if you sell it as scrap iron you can make a few thousand rupees.” So I made a trip to the Gymkhana grounds every day. Patted the engine affectionately, walked round it for a few minutes and returned home. I did not know that my trouble had just begun.


i must have been sitting in a dark corner because my voice startled her she gave a little exclamasion and said I didn’t know anyone else was here.
Answer :
I must have been sitting in a dark corner, because my voice startled her. She gave a little exclamation and said, “I didn’t know anyone else was here.”

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat


Weeks later judge thatcher teased Tom, asking him if he would like to go into the cave again. I wouldn’t mind Tom smiled. The judge laughed. Well there are other adventurerers just like you, tom. but nobody will get lost in that cave any more.
Answer :
Weeks later, Judge Thatcher teased Tom, asking him if he would like to go into the cave again. “I wouldn’t mind,” Tom smiled. The judge laughed. “Well, there are other adventurers just like you, Tom. But nobody will get lost in that cave any more.”

Section – D : Creative Writing (Discourses)
(Question – 33) 12 M

A) In the lesson “The Dead Rat” you have learnt that Ratnanka became rich by Yakshadatta’s grace. To present a golden rat to Yakshadata as a symbol of gratitude, Ratnanka went to his residence.
Now, write a possible conversation between Ratnanka and Yakshadatta.
Answer :
CHARACTERS – Ratnanka – Yakshadatta
Ratnanka : Good morning, Sir.
Yakshadatta : Good morning. What is this pomp and hub – bub about?
Ratnanka : Do you remember me?
Yakshadatta : Yes. Once you came to my residence for help. I gave you a dead rat, right ?
Ratnanka : Yes, Sir.
Yakshadatta : Then, what is this procession?
Ratnanka : When you gave the dead rat, you said that to an intelligent man it would fetch millions and even if you gave millions to an unintelligent man it would be of no use.
Yakshadatta : I told you that just to motivate you.
Ratnanka : I have made it a reality sir.
Yakshadatta : What do you mean ?
Ratnanka : Now, I am a millionaire.
Yakshadatta : It seems to be an interesting and amazing story. How have you become a millionaire?
Ratnanka : I sold the dead rat to a merchant who tamed a cat to kill the rats. I got bengalgram from him. I soaked it in water and offered the same to the wood cutters. I collected lots of firewood given by the woodcutters for my service. By selling the firewood I got a hundred gold coins.
Yakshadatta : Really ? Go on.
Ratnanka : Soon I started timber, cloth, grain and diamonds businesses and became a leading merchant in the city.
Yakshadatta : Your hardwork has been paid off.
Ratnanka : But all the credit goes to you, sir. I am a millionaire by your grace.
Yakshadatta : It’s your determination and intelligence that have made you very rich.
Ratnanka : Please accept this golden rat as a symbol of gratitude, Sir.
Yakshadatta : My heart is filled with great happiness. I appreciate your gratitude and intelligence.
Ratnanka : I am trying to help the poor as you do.
Yakshadatta : The world needs people like you. May God bless you, young man!
Ratnanka : Thank you, Sir.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat


B) Write a script for the speech on “The Charminar”.
Answer :

Speech script :

Esteemed Chief Guest, honourable headmaster, respected teachers and my dear brothers and sisters. A very good morning to all of you.

I feel deeply obliged to stand before you on this glorious occasion and speak about the Charminar.

The Charminar is a massive and impressive structure with four minarets located in the beautiful city of Hyderabad. It lies near the bank of the River Musi. Charminar is taken from two words char and minar which are translated as four towers in English.

This magnificent monument was constructed in 1591 by Mohammed Quli Qutab Shah. He built the Charminar to mark the end of plague in Hyderabad city. Mir Momin Astarabadi, the Prime Minister fo Qutab Shah, played an important role in the design and layout of the Charminar and also the city of Hyderabad. Since the construction of the Charminar, Hyderabad city has almost become synonymous with the monument. In the evening, with illumination, the beautiful Charminar looks even more beautiful.

The Charminar has four imposing arches, which face the four main directions. A row of small vaulted niches ornament each of the four arches. The Charminar is a two storey building with the first floor being covered. The balconies on this floor provide a great view of the surrounding areas. A small mosque adorns the top floor of the Charminar. This mosque is situated on the western side of the Charminar facing Mecca, the holy city of the muslims. The Charminar is square in shape, each side measuring 100 feet with a central pointed high arch at the centre.

The four minarets of the Charminar dominate the landscape of the region. The minarets rise to 180 feet from the ground. The whole structure contains various small and ornamental arches arranged in vertical and horizontal fashion. The projected canopy adds graceful elegance to the Charminar. This magnificent monument is aptly called the pride of Telangana.
I am truly grateful to you for offering me such a unique opportunity.

TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

(Question – 34) 8 M

A) Design a poster on the theme “Gratitude”.
Answer :
TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat 2


TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8C The Dead Rat

B) Imagine you are the English teacher of ZP High School. You are planning to start an English Club for enriching the communication skills of the students. Now draft a notice in this regard.
Answer :


It is welcome news for the English aspirants. The Department of English proposes to start an English Club in the school. Interested students are intimated to enrol their names with the secretary, English Club. The sessions will begin next Thursday (i.e., on 24-07-2016). Membership and sessions are without fee. Join and enrich communication skills in English. The need of English is rapidly increasing globally. Grab the opportunity and shine in your career.
Contact the secretary of the English Club for further details.
Sd /-
(Secretary, English Club)