AP 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth

Students can go through AP Board 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth to understand and remember the concept easily.

AP Board 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth

→ The Universe is a vast space that contains many unimaginable elements.

→ The science that studies the Universe is called Astronomy.

→ There are many theories about the origin of the Universe. One among them is the Big Bang theory.

→ The Big Bang Theory was first proposed by a Belgian astronomer named Georges Lemaitre. 01 According to Astronomers, at least 125 billion Galaxies are there in the Universe.

→ Our solar system is made up of the Sun and the eight Planets.

→ There are many theories about the origin of the Solar System.

→ Earth is the only planet in the Solar system that is capable of supporting life as we know it.

AP 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth

→ An environment is a natural system that works with all living and non-living things including plants, animals and micro-organisms in an area.

→ The solid part of the Earth is called Lithosphere. ,

→ All the water bodies present on the Earth’s surface are collectively known as Hydrosphere. Ol The thick envelope of air surrounding the Earth is called atmosphere.

→ The atmosphere is a mixture of several gases.

→ Biosphere is an environment where animals, micro-organisms, humans and plants live together.

→ Our surroundings which are formed with human beings’are called human environment. Ol Our surroundings which are made by the human beings are called man-made environment.

→ Addition of various impurities to the environment is pollution.

→ Disaster is a serious disruption that occurs in the short or long term, causing extensive human, physical, economic or environmental damage that exceeds the ability of the affected community to use its own resources.

AP 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth

→ Disaster management is the continuous and comprehensive process of planning, managing and implementing necessary or useful measures to prevent any risk or threat.

→ The Universe : The Universe is a vast space that contains many unimagi¬nable elements. It includes the Sun, Planets, the Milky way Galaxy and all the other Galaxies.

→ The Solar System : The Solar System is the Sun and all the objects that Orbit around it (eight planets). The Sun is orbited by planets asteroids, comets and other things. Our system was formed about 4.6 billion years ago.

→ Environment : An environment is a natural system that works with all living and non-living things including plants animals and micro¬organisms in an area. It is a combination of both the natural and man-made components.

→ Factors Of Pollution : Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that cause adverse change.

Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat, or light.

Some of the factors of pollution :

  1. The burning of Fossil fuels
  2. Agricultural activities
  3. Waste in landfills
  4. Exhaust from factories and industries.
  5. Mining operations etc.

→ Disasters : Disaster is a serious disruption that occurs in the short or long term, causing extensive human, physical, economic or environmental damage that exceeds the ability of the affected community to use its own resources.

→ Milky way : The galaxy which has Solar System.

→ Industrial revolution : The sudden changes in industrial sector.

→ Air pollution : Increase of harmful elements like carbon dioxide in air.

AP 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth

→ Photosynthesis : The process through which plants use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water.

→ Gravitational force : The force between two objects in the Universe.

AP 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 1

AP 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 2

AP 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 3

AP 7th Class Social Notes 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 4

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