AP 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests

Students can go through AP Board 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests to understand and remember the concept easily.

AP Board 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests

→ The world has several climatic zones.

→ Geographers defined the climatic region based on temperature and precipitation.

→ The tropical climatic region with dense forests are called “Selvas”.

→ Sahara desert is the biggest desert in the world.

→ The Tundra region stretch between the Arctic and Polar regions.

→ Large area covered with trees or shrubs in natural habitation in a particular place is called forest.

→ Forests are the places for survival for the tribals and variety of flora and fauna.

→ Forests are divided into five types based on climate, rainfall and types of soils.

AP 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests

→ According to the National Forest Policy -1952, forest should cover 33% of surface of total area.

→ Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest covei in the country

→ Haryana has the lowest forest cover in the country.

→ As per Indian State Forests Report 2019 Andhra Pradesh has a forest cover area of 37,392 sq kms, which amounts fo 22.94% of the total geographical area

→ In A.P, YSR Kadapa has highest forest area and Krishna has lowest forest area.

→ Deforestation is the cutting of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forest by people

→ Social forestry is a concept taken up for conservation of forests and afforestation in barren ‘ and deforested lands, forthe purpose of helping environment, social and rural development

Climatic Regions : Climatic region refers to a continuous geographic area in which similar climate characteristics are observed. Climatic region based on temperature and precipitation.

Concept of Forest : Large area covered with trees or shrubs in natural habitation in a particular place is called forest.

Types of Forests : Forests are divided into five types based on climate, rainfall and types of soils.

AP 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests

Uses of forests : Forests are useful for so many ways. We depend on forestsfor our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Forests are useful to us for Consumptive use, Marketing, & Balancing ecosystem, etc.

Issues and reasons for deforestation : Cutting of trees in a large area is called deforestation.
Reasons : 1) Industrial purpose
2) Construction of roads and dams etc.

Social forestry and conservation of forests : Social forestry is the management and protection of forests and afforestation of barren and deforested lands with fhe purpose of helping environmental social and rural development.

Conservation of forest is the practice of planting more trees and maintaining the forested areas for the sustaina-bility for future generations.

1. Flora : The plants of a particular region.

2. Fauna : The animals of a particular region.

3. Dense forest : The trees that grow close together.

4. Climate : The weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period.

5. Transpiration : The exhalation of water vapour through the stomato.

6. Sundarbans : The dominant mangrove species in West Bengal.

AP 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests

7. Coniferous trees : Shrubs having needle shaped leaves.

8. Urbanisation : Population shift from rural to urban areas.

9. Aboriginal : Inhabiting in a land from the earliest times.

10. Global warming : Rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature.

11. Soil Erosion : Gradual removal of top layers of the earth.

AP 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests 1

AP 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests 2

AP 7th Class Social Notes 2nd Lesson Forests 3