Andhra Pradesh AP Board 3rd Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Plants Around Us Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
AP State Syllabus 3rd Class EVS Solutions Lesson 2 Plants Around Us
I. Conceptual Understanding:
Question 1.
What are the parts of a plant? Label with a diagram?
Roots, stem, flower, fruit and leaves are the parts of a plant.
Question 2.
How do roots help the plant ?
- Roots of the plant are below the soil and most important part of the plant.
- Roots fix the plant in the ground.
- They absorb water and nutrients from the soil and send them to the stems, leaves etc.
Question 3.
How does stem help the plant ?
- Stem carries water and nutrients from the root to all the other parts of a plant.
- Stem supports the plant.
II. Questioning and Hypothesis:
Question 4.
See the houses of Sita and Lakshmi. What questions would you ask them regarding plants?
Questions to Sita | Questions to Lakshmi |
1. Do you like plants? | 1. Don’t you like plants? |
2. What are the uses of plants? | 2. Did you get fresh air ? |
3. What plants do you have in your garden? | 3. Is it hot or cool in your house? |
4. Did you get your own vegetables? | 4. Did you buy all vegetables? |
III. Experiments and Field Observations:
Question 5.
Observe trees, Shrubs, herbs climbers and creepers in your surroundings and name them.
IV. Information Skills & Project Work:
Question 6.
Collect some aromatic leaves in your surroundings and name them by smelling only.
Student activity.
V. Drawing Pictures and Model Making:
Question 7.
Draw a tree which you find in your surroundings. Colour it.
Student activity.
Question 8.
Colour the leaves.
Student Activity.
VI. Appreciation, values and creating awareness towards bio-diversity.
Question 9.
How do you feel if you see some one cutting the branches of the trees around you. What will you do then ?
If I find some one cutting the branches of trees around us. Then I will stop them by explaining them about the importance of growing plants and uses of trees.
Question 10.
What will you do if you see the fallen leaves on your school ground ?
If I found fallen leaves in my school ground I will collect them and use them in making manure by the following way.
Dig a pit in the ground. Keep the fallen leaves and left over (kitchen scaps, egg shells etc) in it and cover the pit leave for a few days. They decompose and turn into manure. Use this manure for healthy growth of a plant in the garden.
Additional Questions:
I. Conceptual Understanding:
Question 1.
What is a trunk?
- As the plant grows bigger, the stem strengthens, these thick stems are called trunks. The trunks are covered by bark.
- Some examples of trees that have trunks are Banyan, Tamarind. Mango etc.
Question 2.
What are shrubs?
Shrubs are small plants with hard stems. Ex : Rose, Hibiscus.
Question 3.
What are herbs?
Herbs are very small plants with soft and green stems. Ex : Tulasi, Wheat.
Question 4.
What are climbers?
Climbers are the plants that grow on support. Ex : Grapevine, Bitter gourd.
Question 5.
What are creepers?
Creepers are the plants that creep on the ground. Ex: Watermelon, Pumpkin.
Question 6.
What are the parts of a leaf? Label them with a diagram.
Parts of a leaf are Apex, Leaf margin,, petiole, vein.
Question 7.
Why do we call leaves as food factories of a plant ?
Leaves are called food factories of a plant, because plants prepare their food in the green leaves with the help of air, water and sunlight with the process of photosynthesis.
Question 8.
How can you make manure ?
Dig a pit in the ground. Keep the fallen leaves and left over (kitchen scaps, egg shells etc) in it and cover the pit leave for a few days. They decompose and turn into manure. Use this manure for healthy growth of a plant in the garden..
II. Experiments & Field Observations:
Question 1.
Have you Observe the leaves of different plants ? All the leaves same in size, shape, colour and smell ? What are your observations ?
Leaves | Observation |
1. Banana leaf | Very big. |
2. Hibiscus | Broad and marins are like a saw. |
3. Papaya Leaves | Look like our palm. |
4. Coconut Leaves | Have long veins. |
5. Tamarind Leaves | Small. |
6. Pudina, Tulasi & Coriander | Have different aroma. |
Question 2.
Collect a few leaves of lemon, mango, neem, tulsi, pudina and coriander. Crush the leavs and smell them. Do they smell the same ? Do you know how different leaves are useful to us ?
All the leaves do not have same smell. They differ in their smells.
Uses of Different Leaves:
- Coriander, Curry leaves, drumstick leaves – used to eat
- Tea leaves – use to make tea powder
- Neem and Tulasi leaves – used in medicines.
- Banana leaves, Banyan leaves, Sal tree leaves – used to make disposable plates and bowls to serve food.
III. Drawing Pictures and Model Making:
Question 1.
Make a leaf album.
Student activity.
Question 2.
Make the beautiful pictures given here which are made of leaves and paste them in your notes.
Student activity.
IV. Activity:
Question 1.
What are the uses of plants ?
Uses of Plants :
- Plants are gifts of nature.
- They give us food.
- We get fresh air from the plants.
- Plants absorb carbon-di-oxide and release oxygen which we breathe.
- The roots of big plants hold the soil and prevent soil erosion.
Multiple Choice Questions:
Question 1.
Pick the odd one out from the following.
a) Water melon
b) Pumpkin
c) Coriander
d) Strawberry
c) Coriander
Question 2.
_________ are the food factories of a plant.
a) Branches
b) Leaves
c) Stem
d) Roots
b) Leaves
Question 3.
_________ are very small plants with soft and green stems.
a) Herbs
b) Creepers
c) Trees
d) Climbers
a) Herbs
Question 4.
_________ fix the plant in the ground.
a) Stem
b) Roots
c) Leaves
d) Flowers
b) Roots
Question 5.
Thick stems are called _________
a) roots
b) trunks
c) nails
d) trees
b) trunks
Question 6.
_________ absorbs nutrients and water from the soil.
a) Stems
b) Roots
c) Leaves
d) Branches
b) Roots
Question 7.
_________ carries water and nutrients to all the plants of a plant.
a) Roots
b) Stems
c) Leaves
d) Trees
b) Stems
Question 8.
Plants absorb _________ and release _________.
a) oxygen, hydrogen
b) carbon-di-oxide, Oxygen
c) hydrogen, Oxygen
d) oxygen, carbon-di-oxide
b) carbon-di-oxide, Oxygen
Question 9.
_________ are used to make manure.
a) Fallen leaves
b) Branches
c) Roots
d) Trunk
a) Fallen leaves
Question 10.
_________ of the following are used in medicines.
a) Coconut, sapota
b) Tulasi, neem
c) Mango, Tamarind
d) Banyan tree
b) Tulasi, neem.