Students can go through AP State Board 7th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Respiration in Organisms to understand and remember the concept easily.
AP State Board Syllabus 7th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Respiration in Organisms
→ The process of breathing in air is called inspiration and that of breathing out air is called expiration.
→ The number of times we breathe in and breathe out the air in a minute is called the respiration rate.
→ The air we breathe fills our lungs that are located in our chest.
→ The air we breathe in does not contain only oxygen. It is a mixture of many gases.
→ Gills are the respiratory organs of the fish.
→ The gills absorb the oxygen that is dissolved in water.
→ Earthworms breathe through their skin.
→ Respiration occurs in all organisms. In this process, oxygen is taken in while carbon dioxide and water vapor are released.
→ Skin, gills, tracheae, and lungs are respiratory organs.
→ Stomata and lenticels help in the exchange of gases in plants.
→ Spiracle: small openings or holes on the sides of the body of cockroach which help to breathe
→ Gills: Respiratory organ of aquatic animals that breathe oxygen dissolved in water.
→ Carbon dioxide: A colorless. odorless, non-flammable gas formed when carbon burns in excess oxygen. It is also produced by respiration.
→ Oxygen: A gas that is essential for living things.
→ Inhale: The Breath in, draw into the lungs.
→ Exhale: Breath out, send out, emit, breathe forth.
→ Inspiration: Breathing in, supernatural or divine influence.
→ Expiration: Breathing out
→ Trachea: Windpipe
→ Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in the German city of Ulm.
- In 1921 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
- E = mc2 is his famous equation.
- Einstein was lam ous for his theory of relativity. A traveling clock runs slower than a clock that is at rest. He proved that light travels in the form of particles called Photons (also called Quanta). Photons are pieces of light energy
- In 1955 lie died while he was in deep slumber.