AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

AP State Syllabus AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere.

AP State Syllabus 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions 5th Lesson Biosphere

9th Class Social 5th Lesson Biosphere 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Prepare two slogans to support the protection of the environment. (SA-III : 2015-16)
Write two slogans on the prevention of environmental pollution.

  • “Environment is life, pollution is death.”
  • Live green, love green, be green.
  • Hate pollution, love environment.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 2.
Write any two programs on the prevention of environmental pollution to aware people. (SA-II : 2017-18)

  • Explain to the people who are living in the villages and towns through documentary films about protection of environment.
  • Through folk songs and playlets create awareness about protection of environment.

Question 3.
Make some slogans on conservation of forests. (SA-II : 2016-17)

  • Plant a tree, so that next generation can get air for free.
  • Take care of the trees, they will take care of you.
  • If you cut a tree, you kill a life.

Question 4.
As a student what activities would you take up to reduce global warming? (SA-I : 2018-19)

  • Increase the greenery in open and empty places.
  • Use the public transport for short distant areas.

Question 5.
Write any two causes for Global warming. (SA-II : 2018-19)

  1. Deforestation.
  2. Emission of green house gases from industries.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 6.
Mention any two features of Tropical Deciduous Forests. (SA-I : 2019-20)
Features of Tropical Deciduous Forests :

  1. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water.
  2. The hardwood trees found in these forests are sal, teak, neem and shisham.

9th Class Social 5th Lesson Biosphere 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How can we protect our forests? (SA-II : 2016-17)
Suggest any two ways to protect forests. (SA-II : 2018-19)
There are various methods of conserving a forest.

  1. The main and important method is declaring the forest area is a reserved forest area due to which it cannot be used for commercial use.
  2. By appointing a forest officer who looks on the development of the forest and also looks for the misuse of the forest which he reports to the administration.
  3. Afforestation method.
  4. Encouraging forest community to protect their own flora.

Question 2.
List 4 ways in which faster depletion of natural resources can be reduced. (SA-I : 2019-20)

  1. Planting trees in Industrial places and besides roads.
  2. Ban on cutting forests.
  3. Industrialization should be in the limit, should not be harmful to environment.
  4. Mining of various minerals should be in the control of government.

9th Class Social 5th Lesson Biosphere 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
“Industrialisation, rapid population growth and urbanisation lead to unprecedented exploitation of natural resources like minerals, forests, soil, water, air, etc”.
‘Protection of non renewable natural resources is must’. Comment. (SA-III : 2016-16)

  • The production of coal, electricity and natural gas is not adequate to all as per our present requirements. It is important to use economically the available resources and compensate the scarcity with alternative which society faces today. As they are scarce and expensive it is better move towards non-conventional sources.
  • Non-renewable energy resources like coal, oil and natural gas cannot be recycled or reused.
  • Forest are ho/nes for a number of wild animals. They protect water loss from top soil and thus prevention formation of deserts.
  • If rainfall is less the surface and ground water will be low so encourage recycling of water and percolating of more rain water.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 2.
When human beings began to practise agriculture and animal husbandry, they began to change the environment even more. The building of cities and the use of metals like bronze and iron further change human interaction with the environment.
Q: Is development causes to environment pollution? “comment on it. (SA-II : 2016-17)
1. Establishment of Industries :
Industries are the important to economic development of any country but they release green house gases causes to environment pollution.
Ex : Transportation of petrol through pipe lines, if there is a leak in the pipe line, soil will automatically be polluted.

2. Transportation :
Each and every person has a own vehicle which is run by petrel, diesel or gas. This is the significance of development of our country. At the same time pollution will arise with these vehicles.

3. Agricultural Activities :
To increase production in foodgrains we are following green revolution methods. But these methods are responsible for the contamination of water and soil.

4. Trading Activities :
Trading activities including the production and exchange of goods and services. Concerning goods, pollution can be caused by packaging (which often involves the use of plastic which is made from fossil fuels) or transport, mainly.

Question 3.
Observe the given table and answer the following questions. (SA-II : 2016-17)

Type of Forest Spread across the Countries Trees grown
Tropical Ever Green Forests West Indies,

Low lands of Amazon

Rosewood, Ebony,

Mahogany (all are hardwood trees)


Deciduous Forests

Large parts of India, Northern Australia Hardwood trees like Teak, Sal, Neem, Shisham
Temperate Evergreen Forests South East USA, South China Both hard wood and soft wood trees like Oak, Pine, mountainhare



North Eastern parts of USA, China, Newzealand Oak, Birch, Ash, Beech, etc.
Coniferous Forests (or) Taiga Himalayas of India, Russia, Canada, Alaska, Scandinavia Softwood trees like Chir, Pine, Cedar, etc.

Answer the following questions.
1. What type of forests mostly spread in India?
2. Which types of forests are there in Himalayas?
3. Which type of trees grown in Tropical Evergreen forests?
4. Teak, Neem trees are grown in which type of forests?

  1. Tropical Deciduous Forest
  2. Coniferous Forests.
  3. Rosewood, Ebony, Mahogany (etc.)
  4. Teak, Neem trees are grown in Tropical Decidious Forests.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 4.
All living and non-living things on the earth are in one way or the other connected to each other. Changes affecting one, in due time affect all others too. Explain this statement with examples. (SA-I : 2019-20)
Yes, All living and non-living things on the earth are in one way or the other connected to each other, changes affecting one, in due time affects all others too.

Example 1 :
Vultures feed upon dead animals like cattle. However, people started noticing that Vultures have virtually disappeared and are sighted very rarely. Finally, they found that farmers use a particular chemical called Diclofenac to treat cattle. When the cattle die their flesh retains. This Chemical when their flesh is consumed by vultures, diclofenac leads to kidney failure in them and they die within a week or so. In this way vultures have come very close to extinction.

Example 2 :
The disturbance caused by mixing of some poisonous substances in air or water or soil the metals.like mercury are consumed by micro-organisms in water and in turn become the food of a large number of fishes when human beings consume these fishes they too absorb quantities of mercury that are detrimental to their health.

9th Class Social 5th Lesson Biosphere Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Global warming ? What are the reasons for global warming?
Global warming :

  1. Global warming is the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels.
  2. In Global warming the heat received by the earth is trapped into the atmosphere and is not released into the sky.

Reasons for global warming :

  • Release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by power plants by burning the fossil fuels.
  • Release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning gasoline by automobiles.
  • Methane emissions from animals agriculture.
  • Deforestation especially tropical forests for wood, pulp and farmland.
  • Increase in usage of chemical fertilizers on croplands.

Question 2.
What is Greenhouse effect?

  • The earth radiates whatever heat it receives from the sun into the sky.
  • The greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, chloro flouro carbons trap the heat reflected by the earth into the sky and thus maintain a constant surface temperature.
  • This mechanism is known as Greenhouse effect.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 3.
Write the names of major Greenhouse gases and their sources.

The Major Greenhouse Gases
Gas Sources
Carbon Dioxide (C02) Fossil fuel, Combustion, Deforestation.
Methane CH4 Bio mass burning and garbage land fills, Rice fields, Coal mines, Natural gas leak.
Chloro flouro Carbons Aerosols, Refrigeration, air conditioning, Industrial solvents.
Nitrous Oxide (N20) Use of fertilizers, fossil fuel combustion.

Question 4.
How do you think acid rains will affect natural vegetation and crops?

  1. A rain or any other form of precipitation that is usually acidic meaning that it possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions.
  2. Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acid rains.
  3. The affect of acid rains on natural vegetation and crops :
    a) The roots are damaged by acidic rainfall, causing the growth of the plant to be stunted or even in its death.
    b) Nutrients present in the soils are destroyed by the acidity.
    c) Useful micro organisms which release nutrients from decaying organic matter into the soil are killed off.
    d) The acid rains damage the waxy layer of the leaves and make the plants vulnerable to diseases.
    e) Plants germination and reproduction is also inhibited by the effects of acid rain.

Question 5.
How does the release of mercury into the streams and rivers affect us?

  • Mercury released into water is consumed by micro organisms in water and in turn become the food of a large number of fishes.
    When human beings consume these fishes they too absorb quantities of mercury that are detrimental to human health.

Question 6.
What is meant by ‘Biosphere’?
According to many geographers, life itself constitutes a separate sphere called ‘biosphere’.

Question 7.
Into how many categories is the natural vegetation classified? What are they?
Natural vegetation is generally classified into three broad categories. They are forests, grasslands, and shrubs.

Question 8.
Write the names of trees and animals in the coniferous forests.
Chir, pine, cedar are the important trees in coniferous forests. Silver fox, mink, polar bear are the animals commonly found here.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 9.
Write the reason of acid rains.
Acid rains are caused by the mingling of acidic particles of the atmosphere with the rain by increasing the acid content of rain water.

Question 10.
How is mediterranean climate and vegetation are different?

  • Mediterranean regions are marked for hot dry summers and mild rainy winters.
  • Citrus fruits such as oranges, figs, olives and grapes are commonly cultivated here.
  • Vegetation here adapt themselves to dry summers with the help of thick bark and wax coated leaves, which help them reduce transpiration.
  • Other regions do not have rainy winters but rainy seasons.
  • Vegetation in other regions shed their leaves.

Question 11.
Describe the steppes.

  • Steppes are temperate grasslands found in the mid latitudinal zones and interior parts of the continents.
  • Usually grass here is short and nutritious.

Question 12.
What are Savannahs?

  • From equator to tropics on eitherside of equator, areas with moderate to low rainfall result in grasslands.
  • These grasses are tall about 3 to 4 metres.
  • Savannah grasslands are African tropical grasslands.

Question 13.
What is tundra type of vegetation?

  • In extreme cold polar regions natural vegetation consists of mosses, lichens and very small shrubs.
  • These grow during very hot summer.
  • This is called tundra type of vegetation.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 14.
How does the chemical “diclofenac” affect vultures?
Why is the population of vultures decreasing?

  • The farmers use a particular chemical called Diclofenac to treat cattle.
  • When the cattle die their flesh retain this chemical.
  • When their flesh is consumed by vultures, diclofenac leads to kidney failure in them and they die.
  • So the population of vultures is decreasing.

Question 15.
How are industries polluting our environment?

  • Modern industries use coal and petroleum.
  • The burning of fossil fuels releases large quantities of carbon dioxide and other chemicals.
  • Industries also cause the release of sulphuric, carbonic and nitric acids, which cause “acid rains.”
  • Modern industries release enormous amounts of waste material which ^ air and water.

Question 16.
How does new agriculture affect our environment?

  • Modern agriculture uses a large amount of chemical fertilize
  • These fertilizers and pesticides eventually remain in the soil, result in contamination of soil and water.
  • As a result many micro organisms like earthworms are destroyed.
  • This in turn affects the long term fertility of the soil.
  • Due to modern agriculture, the levels of toxins in our food are increasing.
  • This is very harmful to the health of the people.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 17.
Write about Kyoto protocol.

  • To protect the mother earth from global warming, a conference was held in the city of Kyoto in Japan.
  • The main aim of this is to bring down the release of green house gases.

Question 18.
What are the impacts of Global warming?
Concentration of green house gases raise the temperature of the earth. This is known as Global warming.

  1. If CO2 reaches twice, the global temperature could be 1.5°C and 4°C higher than that precondition.
  2. The increased surface temperature would cause melting of continental and mountain glaciers and thus would cause flooding of coastal areas of low land countries.
  3. A major portion of the lower deltaic region of Bangladesh would be submerged under sea water.
  4. Green house effect could cause decrease in precipitation and soil moisture content in the world.
  5. Due to decrease in rainfall our agriculture will be affected.
  6. Due to decrease in moisture content in the atmosphere, diseases will spread.
  7. Due to damage to the Ozone layer, skin problems will arise.
  8. Decrease of snow cover in the northern hemisphere has been observed since 1973.

Question 19.
“Various forms of life are not only related to the three spheres around them but also to each other”- Interpret the statement.

  • All parts of life are part of a complex food chain that is one kind becomes the food for another kind.
  • The primary food producers are plants which produce food with the help of sunlight.
  • The food produced by plants are eaten by animals, usually called herbivores.
  • Bacteria and fungi help in decomposition of dead trees, animals and breaking them down into organic compounds.
  • The plants themselves draw the vital nutrients from these organic compounds.
  • Thus many of the life forms are symbiotic that is they live by exchanging essential susbtances with each other.

Question 20.
“Any disturbance in the life cycle can create an ecological crises” – Explain the statement.

  • If a particular species feeds upon a particular kind of plant is exterminated, it would result in unchecked growth of that plant.
  • Then that plant may intrude into the area of other plants and stop their growth.
  • Many industries release their chemical wastes into the rivers and streams.
  • These chemicals like mercury are consumed by micro organisms and in turn, become the food offish.
  • When human beings consume these fishes they too absorb mercury which is detrimental to their health.
  • Thus we can say any disturbance in the life cycle can create ecological crises.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 21.
“Since all living and non-living things on earth are in one way or other connected to each other, changes affecting one affects all others too” – Interpret the above statement.

  • Industries release chemical wastes into the rivers and streams.
  • These chemicals like mercury are consumed by the micro organisms in water.
  • These micro organisms become the food of the fishes.
  • When human beings consume these fishes they too absorb quantities of mercury that are detrimental to human health.
  • Thus all living and non-living things on earth are in one way or other connected to each other, changes affecting one affects all others too.

Question 22.
“Such intense human industrial activity has had profound impact on the air, water and the land around us” – Interpret the above statement.
A) Impact of industries on atmosphere :

  1. Modern industries by burning of fossil fuels release large qualities of carbon dioxide and other chemicals into the atmosphere.
  2. These chemicals pollute the atmosphere and lead to global warming and acid rains.
  3. Burning of fossil fuels and release of enormous amounts of waste materials by industries contaminate air, water and soil.
  4. Industrial emissions of greenhouse gases cause an increase in the atmospheric temperature and thus it leads to greenhouse effect.

B) Impact of industries on water:

  1. Many industries use chemicals and metals which they release into the streams and rivers.
  2. These metals like mercury are consumed by the micro organism and in turn become the food of fishes. When human beings eat these fishes, it causes ill health for them also.
  3. Many toxic synthetic chemicals that cannot be broken down at all by natural processes can cause serious harm to people, plants and animals.

C) Impact of industries on soil:

  • Soil contaminated by heavy metals may pose a great threat to human health if the heavy metals enter the food chain.
  • Soil contaminated by industrial chemicals can have negative effects on seed germination and dry matter production.

Thus intense human industrial activity has had profound impact on the air, water and the land around us.

Question 23.
Read the paragraph under the title “In addition to and soil” on page 57 and comment on it.
In addition to burning of fossil fuels, modern industries release enormous amounts of waste materials in the form of solid, liquid and gaseous waste contaminating air, water (both surface water like rivers and underground water of wells) and soil.

  1. Modern industries and transport system use adequate amount of energy.
  2. The buring of fossil feuls releases large quantities of carbon dioxide and other chemicals like nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds and heavy metals.
  3. They also cause the release of sulfuric carbonic and nitric acids, which cause what are called “acid rains”.
  4. Modern industries release enormous effluents of waste materials in the form of solid, liquid and toxic waste contaminating air, water and soil.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 24.
“Scientists believe that the earth’s climate is being altered due to changes in atmosphere known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is particularly significant in the polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. On the Antarctic peninsula temperatures have been recorded as increasing two to three times more quickly than the rest of the Earth”- Form a question after reading the above passage.
How does the greenhouse effect in the polar region affect the atmosphere and hydrosphere? How can it be a cause of concern for the low lying areas and islands?

Question 25.
“All small islands and low lying areas will be jeopardized. If global warming is allowed to progress, some of the northern Hawaiian atolls already been submerged by ocean water. Waikiki, Manhattan and New Orleans are good examples of major cities within the United States that may be at the risk of flooding” –
After reading the above passage, form a suitable question on the above discussed issue.
Why is Hawaii in danger?

Question 26.
“Characterized as containing harmful levels of sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxide, acid rain is damaging and potentially deadly to the earth’s fragile ecosystems; a pH – of 2.4 has been measured in rainfall in England” –
Read the above passage and form a question on the above discussed issue.

  1. How do acid rains affect the ecosystems?
  2. What are the factors that result in acid rains?

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 27.
If your acquaintant is now on a tree cutting spree, how would you stop him?

  • If my acquaintant is now on a tree cutting spree, I would advise him to stop it.
  • I would let him know the ill effects of felling of trees.
  • I would educate him of environmental crisis from this and global warming.
  • I would make him to stop tree cutting.
  • I would encourage him to plant more saplings than the number of trees he cut.

Question 28.
Locate the following on the world map.
1) China
2) Brazil
3) New Zealand
4) California
5) Chile
6) Mediterranean sea
AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 29.
Can you name the great desert of India? Name some of the common animals of the desert which you have learnt earlier.

  • The name of the great Indian desert is the Thar Desert.
  • It is a large, arid region situated in the north western part of the Indian subcontinent.
  • It is mainly located in the state of Rajasthan.
  • About 23 species of lizard and 25 species of snakes are found here.
  • Some wild species such as the black buck, chinkara the Indian wild ass and camels.
  • Other mammals found in this region are red ox and a wild cat, the caracal.

Question 30.
Establish the dependence of Biosphere on the remaining realms?

  • All the realms of the earth are interdependent on each other.
  • For the occurrence of biosphere, there is every need of lithosphere.
  • Without hydrosphere, life is not possible on the earth thus biosphere.
  • Existence of atmosphere only makes our planet earth liveable otherwise it may be too hot and too cold to live in.
  • Thus, biosphere depends on the realms of earth.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 5 Biosphere

Question 31.
How do you preserve your Mother Earth?

  • We should see that the biodiversity is presereved.
  • We should see some alternative energy sources such as Biogas and Solar energy etc.
  • No industries should be allowed to flow chemicals or other waste material into the streams or rivers.
  • Use of chemical fertilizers should be avoided.
  • Use of plastic should be banned.
  • Licence should be cancelled to all the factories which release green house gases into the air.
  • Pollution caused by vehicles should be checked.