AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material 5th Lesson Liberty and Equality Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material 5th Lesson Liberty and Equality

Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Define Liberty and describe various types of Liberty.
Introduction :
The concept of Liberty is of great significance in the study of political science. Liberty is an essential condition without which man cannot develop his personality. It became a source of inspiration to the millions of people living all over the world.

The term liberty is derived from the Latin word “LIBER” which means free from restrictions.

Definitions :
Liberty is defined in many ways by different political thinkers. Some of them are cited below :

  1. “Liberty means the absence of restraints”. – J.R. Seeley
  2. “Liberty is the freedom of an individual to express without any external hindrance to his personality”. – G.D.H. Cole
  3. “Liberty means the positive power of doing or enjoying something worth doing or enjoying”. – TH. Green
  4. “Liberty is the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity to be at their best selves”. – H.J. Laski

Types of Liberty: Liberty is of different types. Some of them may be described in the following :

  1. Natural liberty
  2. Civil liberty
  3. Economic liberty
  4. Political liberty
  5. National liberty.

1. Natural liberty:
Natural liberty is understood as uncontrolled freedom or absolute freedom. It is believed that natural liberty existed in the pre-social and pre-state human life. According to this concept there were no rules and regulations except the Liberty and Equalitys of nature in the past. All persons were free to do anything according to their will and capacity. But this type of liberty is not possible in civilised society, since liberty is a social condition. True liberty does not inconvenience others. Liberty is not a licence. Natural liberty is equal to anarchy. The weak cannot enjoy liberty without Liberty and Equality. Some writers imagined that this kind of liberty existed before the origin of state.

2. Civil liberty :
Civil liberty is also known as personal liberty. It relates to the individual’s freedom in his life as a member of the social organisation. It is enjoyed by the individuals in the society. Civil liberty is the essential pre-requisite to the existence and survival of human beings. It enables them to lead happy, honourable and civilised life in the state. So it is a must to every one. The state recognises the various freedoms of individuals. In this regard Gettle said thus “Civil liberty is the group of rights recognised and implemented by the state”. The constitution of the America and the India have in corporated civil liberty in the form of fundamental rights. Civil liberty is manifested in several rights. These include A) Right to Life B) Right to Work Q Right to Property D) Right to Religion E) Right to Speech, Expression, Assembly, Movement and Residence etc.

3. Economic liberty :
Economic liberty means the right of everyone to earn his livelihood. Laski described economic liberty as the security and opportunity to find reasonable significance in earning one’s daily bread. Economic liberty ensures everyone freedom from want and feari hunger and starvation, unemployment and insufficiency. Economic liberty denotes freedom from want or insecurity of economic nature. Without economic liberty democracy is meaningless. It will also be secured by adopting the following measures.

  1. Provision of minimum wages.
  2. Guarantee of the right to work.
  3. Protecting the workers from unemployment, sickness and other types of insecurity.
  4. Providing adequate leisure.
  5. Giving representation to the workers in the management of the industries.

4. Political liberty:
Political liberty facilitates the citizens to take part in the political affairs of the state. Laski regarded political liberty as the power to be active in the affairs of the state. Gilchrist considered that political liberty is synonymous with democracy. Leacock described political liberty as constitutional liberty or liberty to choose one’s own government. Political liberty is confined to the citizens alone.

It is positive in nature. Political liberty provides several rights in political matters. These include (i) right to vote, (ii) right to contest as candidates in elections, (iii) right to hold public office, (iv) right to criticism etc. Laski emphasised that political liberty becomes real when there prevails (i) education (ii) honest and impartial press etc. Political liberty will be realized only in a democratic system.

5. National liberty :
National liberty implies the freedom and independence of the state. It also denotes the sovereignty of the state. Every state enjoys this liberty and remains free from the political domination of other states. This liberty is essential for the progress of nation in all spheres. It was manifested in several countries since ancient period; Many countries made efforts for securing this type of liberty.

The Greeks fought a war of independence against the Turks. Similarly the Indian masses under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi waged a non-violent struggle to secure national freedom from the British rule. National liberty is veiy valuable. Great leaders like Thomas Jefferson emphasised the significance of national liberty.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Question 2.
What do you mean by Liberty? What are the safeguards of Liberty?
The concept of Liberty is of great significance in the study of political science. Liberty is an essential condition without which man cannot develop his personality. It became a source of inspiration to the millions of the people living all over the world.

The term liberty is derived from the Latin word” LIBER” which means free from restrictions.


  1. “Liberty means the absence of restraints”. – J.R. Seeley
  2. “Liberty means the positive power of doing or enjoying something worth doing or enjoying”. – T.H. Green

Safeguards of liberty:
Liberty is the most cherished ideal of human beings. Hence, it must be safeguarded in the larger interest of the society and state. In this context, the following safeguards of liberty are worth mentioning.

1. Democratic rule :
Democratic rule is considered as a heaven to liberty. Liberty flourishes only in a democratic state. The reason is that democratic state extends protection to individual’s liberties through various Liberty and Equalitys. It creates a conducive atmosphere for the individuals to enjoy their liberties freely and impartially. It makes the people to participate in the government process directly or indirectly.

It makes the people to participate in the governmental process directly or indirectly. It makes the government answerable to the people. It allows the people the right to change the government through public opinion or ballot when the government acts improperly.

2. Written and rigid constitution :
A written and rigid constitution is considered the most important safeguard of individual liberty. Such a constitution incorporates the various freedoms of individuals in several provisions. It acts as a custodian of people’s rights and liberties. It demarcates the spheres of governmental activity.

It mentions about the various measures to be taken in case of people’s freedoms are infringed or confiscated by others including governmental authorities. It also imposes restraints on the political parties by not allowing them to amend the constitutional provisions for furthering their partisan interests.

3. Independent judiciary :
An independent and impartial judiciary is another safeguard of individual liberty. The judiciary will uphold the constitution and keeps the government accountable to the people. It prescribes various safeguards for protecting the fundamental rights of citizens. The judges in higher courts will deliver justice to the people on fair, free and impartial manner. Prof. Laski, while recognizing this safeguard, stated that good governance depends upon the effective functioning of judiciary.

4. Rule of Liberty and Equality :
Rule of Liberty and Equality is another safeguard of liberty. It is prevalent in many states like Britan, India, United States etc. Rule of Liberty and Equality safeguards individual liberties in three ways. Firstly, it treats all individuals as equal. Secondly, it makes arrangement for the application and enforcement of uniform Liberty and Equalitys throughout the state. Thirdly, it exercises restraints on the executive against the use of arbitrary powers.

5. Fundamental rights :
Provision of fundamental rights will safeguard rights to a great extent. Citizens enjoy their liberties without restraints when these rights are enshrined in the constitution. Fundamental rights enable the citizens to develop their talents and realise their personality in various walks of life.

6. Economic equality:
Economic equality too acts as an important safeguard of individual liberties. It implies provision of adequate conditions for the people to come out of the evil j effects of hunger, poverty, and unemployment etc. Liberty becomes real when there exists economic equality. Economic equality presupposes economic justice. It is guaranteed by the state. Absence of glaring inequalities is a pre-condition of safeguarding liberty.

7. Decentralization of powers:
Liberty will be better safeguard through decentralisation of powers. Individuals could enjoy their liberties when the country is free from the centralization of governmental powers and authority. When the powers of the government are allocated among the union, state, and local governments, there arises no scope for despotism and infringement of individual liberties.

8. Freedom of press :
Some regarded freedom of press as a safeguard of individual liberty. Individuals could enjoy their liberties when the various agencies of press and other media have autonomy in their functioning. The press will be able to serve as an important agent for creating, consolidating and expressing public opinion. It, through its impartial editorials and honest presentation of news and views, will be able to safeguard individual liberties.

9. Strong opposition :
A strong opposition is a necessary condition for promoting individual liberty. The opposition will act as a watchdog of individual liberty. Whenever the party in power or persons at higher levels of government try to subvert or circumscribe the freedoms of individuals by their oppressive and despotic acts and activities through legislation and execution, the opposition will strongly resist such attempts. Itr by moving a no-confidence motion in the last resort, will uphold the liberties of the individuals.

10. Eternal vigilance :
The best safeguard to liberty is the spirit of the people. It is rightly said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”. People must be ready to fight for their liberty. They should have the courage even to rebel against the government whenever their liberty is curbed by it. In the words of Laski, “It is the proud spirit of the citizens, that is their most real safeguard”.

Question 3.
What do you mean by Equality ? What are its types?
Meaning and explanation of Equality: The concept of Equality is of great significance in the study of political science. The term Equality’ became an important slogan and inspired the people of France, America, Russia and India during their struggle for freedom and independence.

The term “Equality” implies absolute equality of treatment.

In Political science, the term ‘Equality’ refers to a state which grants its citizens equality before the Liberty and Equality and equal opportunities to develop their personality. But it may be noted that individuals are not equal in many respects. While some of them are strong, some others may be weak. Similarly some are more intelligent than others. In this way, men differ in many respects. Hence, equality of treatment is not possible. In other words, it implies that State should grant to its citizens equality before Liberty and Equality and equal protection by Liberty and Equality.

Definitions :

  1. “Equality means first of all the absence of special privilege. In the second place “It means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all”. – H.J. Laski
  2. “Equality implies equal rights for all the people and abolition of special rights and privileges”. – Barker

Types of Equality :
There are many types of equality. They may be analysed in the following.

1. Natural equality:
This kind of equality existed in the “State of Nature”. It is based on the principle that nature has created everyone as equal. But natural equality exists no where in the world. Nature has not created all people with the same qualities. So by natural equality we generally mean the provision of equal opportunities to all. It implies the abolition of man-made and artificial inequalities.

2. Social equality :
Social equality stands for equality of status and absence of class distinctions and discrimination. It exists when no individual is made to suffer on account of his caste, class, colour, creed, race etc. For instance, the constitution of India does not reconize caste or class distinctions. In fact it has opposed the practice of untouchability. When all citizens enjoy social equality, there will be no discrimination against anyone on the grounds of caste, class, colour, creed, race and place of birth and legal rights. Social equality cannot be achieved only through Liberty and Equalitys. There must prevail a sentiment of equality among individuals. The following elements help in achieving and maintaining social equality.

  1. Special privileges should not be allowed by the state to any citizen.
  2. The government shall adopt and implement a uniform policy in the fields of education, employment, administration and legislation.
  3. People must have a broad outlook with the qualities of tolerance, sacrifice, honesty etc., in social and religious affairs.
  4. Citizens of a state should maintain harmonious relations with their fellow citizens.
  5. People should not use their name of the caste, sect or religion at the time of forwarding petitions.
  6. Inter caste marriages should be encouraged.

3. Economic equality :
This kind of equality is a precondition for the enjoyment of social, and political equalities. Its absence leads to several social and political problems. Economic equality does not mean equal distribution of social wealth among all the people. It only means the elimination of inequalities in wealth, income and property. The basic needs like food, shelter and clothing must be available to all. In the opinion of Laski, “Economic equality means the abolition of unfettered and irresponsible will in the industrial world”. In Barker’s view, “Economic equality is partly a matter of status and partly a matter of property and income”.

4. Political equality:
Political equality is an important kind of equality. It means that all citizens will have equal access to the avenues of authority. All of them possess the same political rights, an equal voice in government and equal right to hold public offices. It may be noted that political equality is enjoyed by the citizens only. It is not given to aliens and foreign nationals living in a state. Citizens have to utilise the opportunities given by political equality with great case, farsighted outlook and broad-mindedness.

Then only political equality brings the required fruits. Then only political equality brings the required fruits. Political equality prevails and flourishes when all citizens were provided with political rights like Right to vote, Right to contest elections, Right to make petitions and Right to criticism. That means political equality flourishes only in democratic countries.

5. International equality:
International equality means that all the states are treated equally irrespective of their geographical, economic or military composition. According to this element all nations of the world are equal whether they are large or small. For instance, the United Nations have extended equal dignity and status to all the nations in its Charter. International Equality reflects the traits of humanism. It emphasizes the peaceful settlement of disputes between the nations. Some cautioned about the occurrence of Third World War in the absence of respect to international Liberty and Equality. They expressed apprehensions thinking that human beings will go back to the stone ages.

Question 4.
Explain the relationship between Liberty and Equality.
Liberty and Equality are important concepts in political science. They are closely related to each other. Both of them inspired the people of several countries during their struggle of independence against Foreign Rule.

Political philosophers have expressed two different opinions in regard to the relationship between Liberty and Equality. They agreed that both Liberty and Equality are important concepts in Political Science. However, some advanced the notion of affinity between the two. Others considered that the two are incompatible to each other.

The first school of thought includes political philosophers like Rousseau, Tawney, Laski and G.D.H. Cole. The second school of thought includes Lord Mathew Arnold, Lord Acton, De Toe quavilla and others. Let us analyse the argument of the two in the following paras.

Liberty and Equality are opposite :
The propounders of this school have expressed the view that liberty and equality are opposite in nature. Lord Acton said that the desire to have equality destroyed the possibility of full liberty. Whenever the government passes a Liberty and Equality to bring equality, Liberties of some people are restricted. Similarly, when all individuals are allowed freedom to acquire wealth, only a few talented persons will be able to receive the advantages. This leads to inequalities of wealth. When equality is maintained, liberties of some efficient persons will be curtailed.

Industrial revolution (1760-1840) symbolized this type of exploitation in society. It led to capitalism which is characterized by free and cutthroat competition. On the other hand, Socialist countries forced the people to practice the principles of duty, discipline and devotion towards the State. Such a policy will kill the initiative and incentive of the people. The supporters of this view argued that both the concepts will not go together. Unrestrained liberty will destroy equality. Nations can achieve the goal of either liberty or equality at a time. Both cannot be realized simultaneously. For instance, in communist states people enjoy equality but they were deprived of liberty.

Liberty and Equality are complementary :
It is said that liberty and equality are complementary to each other. The proponents of this school argued that liberty can be enjoyed by the people only with some degree of equality. A large measure of equality is essential for the enjoyment of liberty. Tawney, a support of this school of thought, pointed out that a large measure of equality is essential for the enjoyment of equality.

Polard, another supporter, hinted out that there is only one solution to the issue of liberty; it lies in equality. Indeed both the concepts have a common end, namely, the promotion of human personality and the spontaneous development of one’s capacities to the greatest heights.

It may be noted that the above two arguments are not completely real. The fact lies in between the two. Liberty and Equality are neither completely complementary not antithetical in nature. In this context, the real relationship between the two concepts may be explained as below.

Liberty is essential for equality:
a) Liberty does not mean absolute freedom. It has some limitations. It is available to all for achieving social welfare under certain conditions.

b) Liberty cannot be treated as the monopoly of a person or a group of persons.

c) Enjoyment of liberty by a person does not affect the same of others. If one recognizes this principle, he has to respect the principle of equality. It means that the fruits of liberty are found in the branches of the tree of equality. So, liberty and equality are complementary to each other. When liberty is extended to all the people on the principles of equality, the goal of liberty could be fulfilled in the true sense.

Equality is essential for Liberty: Equality does not mean identical treatment which is impossible in a civil society. It means equality under similar conditions. In a civil society, some persons may not have equal status with others. But it is necessary to provide some conditions and opportunities for the people to develop their status and personality. It may be said that when all people are equal, the fruits of liberty is available to all.

In this way liberty and equality are complementary to each other. These two concepts are so inter related that they have common objective. If liberty disregards equality, it would lead to anarchy and dictatorship. In the same way, if equality keeps itself away from liberty, it would lead to slavery. Both the ideals are essential for the betterment of the individual and the society.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Question 5.
Define the term Equality. Write about Social and Economic Equalities.
Meaning and explanation of Equality:
The concept of Equality is of great significance in the study of political science. The term ‘Equality’ became an important slogan and inspired the people of France, America, Russia and India during their struggle for freedom and independence.

The term “Equality” implies absolute equality of treatment.
In Political science, the term ‘Equality’ refers to a state which grants its citizens equality before the Liberty and Equality and equal opportunities to develop the ir personality. But it may be noted that individuals are not equal in many respects. While some of them are strong, some others may be weak. Similarly some are more intelligent than others. In this way, men differ in many respects. Hence, equality of treatment is not possible. In other words, it implies that State should grant to its citizens equality before Liberty and Equality and equal protection by Liberty and Equality.


  1. “Equality means first of all the absence of special privilege. In the second place “It means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all”. – H.J. Laski
  2. “Equality implies equal rights for all the people and abolition of special rights and privileges”. – Barker

Types of Equality :
There are many types of equality. They may be analysed in the following.

1. Social Equality:
Social equality stands for equality of status and absence of class distinctions and discrimination. It exists when no individual is made to suffer on account of his caste, class, colour, creed, race etc. For instance, the constitution of India does not reconize caste or class distinctions. In fact it has opposed the practice of untouchability. When all citizens enjoy social equality, there will be no discrimination against anyone on the grounds of caste, class, colour, creed, race and place of birth and legal rights. Social equality cannot be achieved only through Liberty and Equalitys. There must prevail a sentiment of equality among individuals. The following elements help in achieving and maintaining social equality.

  1. Special privileges should not be allowed by the state to any citizen.
  2. The government shall adopt and implement a uniform policy in the fields of education, employment, administration and legislation.
  3. People must have a broad outlook with the qualities of tolerance, sacrifice, honesty etc., in social and religious affairs.
  4. Citizens of a state should maintain harmonious relations with their fellow citizens.
  5. People should not use their name of the caste, sect or religion at the time of forwarding petitions.
  6. Inter caste marriages should be encouraged.

2. Economic equality :
This kind of equality is a precondition for the enjoyment of social and political equalities. Its absence leads to several social and political problems. Economic equality does not mean equal distribution of social wealth among all the people. It only means the elimination of inequalities in wealth, income, and property. The basic needs like food, shelter and clothing must be available to all. In the opinion of Laski, “Economic equality means the abolition of unfettered and irresponsible will in the industrial world”. In Barker’s view, “Economic equality is partly a matter of status and partly a matter of property and income”.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Define Liberty and describe any three types of Liberty. [A.P. Mar, 18]
Introduction :
The concept of Liberty is of great significance in the study of political science. Liberty is an essential condition without which man cannot develop his personality. It became a source of inspiration to the millions of the people living all over the world.

The term liberty is derived from the Latin word “LIBER” which means free from restrictions.

Definitions :
Liberty is defined in many ways by different political thinkers. Some of them are cited below :

  1. “Liberty means the absence of restraints”. – J.R. Seeley
  2. “Liberty is the freedom of an individual to express without any external hindrance to his personality”. – G.D.H. Cole
  3. “Liberty means the positive power of doing or enjoying something worth doing or enjoying”. – TH. Green
  4. “Liberty is the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity to be at their best selves”. – H.J. Laski

Types of Liberty:
Liberty is of different types. Some of them may be described in the following :

  1. Natural liberty
  2. Civil liberty
  3. Economic liberty
  4. Political liberty
  5. National liberty.

1. Natural liberty:
Natural liberty is understood as uncontrolled freedom or absolute freedom. It is believed that natural liberty existed in the pre-social and pre-state human life. According to this concept there were no rules and regulations except the Liberty and Equalitys of nature in the past. All persons were free to do anything according to their will and capacity. But this type of liberty is not possible in civilised society, since liberty is a social condition. True liberty does not inconvenience others. Liberty is not a licence. Natural liberty is equal to anarchy. The weak cannot enjoy liberty without Liberty and Equality. Some writers imagined that this kind of liberty existed before the origin of state.

2. Civil liberty :
Civil liberty is also known as personal liberty. It relates to the individual’s freedom in his life as a member of the social organisation. It is enjoyed by the individuals in the society. Civil liberty is the essential pre-requisite to the existence and survival of human beings. It enables them to lead happy, honourable and civilised life in the state. So it is a must to every one. The state recognises the various freedoms of individuals. In this regard Gettle said thus “Civil liberty is the group of rights recognised and implemented by the state”. The constitution of the America and the India have in corporated civil liberty in the form of fundamental rights. Civil liberty is manifested in several rights. These include A) Right to Life B) Right to Work Q Right to Property D) Right to Religion E) Right to Speech, Expression, Assembly, Movement and Residence etc.

3. Economic liberty :
Economic liberty means the right of every one to earn his livelihood. Laski described economic liberty as the security and opportunity to find reasonable significance in earning one’s daily bread. Economic liberty ensures everyone freedom from want and fear, hunger and starvation, unemployment and insufficiency. Economic liberty denotes freedom from want or insecurity of economic nature. Without economic liberty democracy is meaningless. It will also be secured by adopting the following measures.

  1. Provision of minimum wages.
  2. Guarantee of the right to work.
  3. Protecting the workers from unemployment, sickness and other types of insecurity.
  4. Providing adequate leisure.
  5. Giving representation to the workers in the management of the industries.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Question 2.
Explain about any three safeguards of Liberty. [T.S. 2017]
Introduction :
The concept of Liberty is of great significance in the study of political science. Liberty is an essential condition without which man cannot develop his personality. It became a source of inspiration to the millions of the people living all over the world.

The term liberty is derived from the Latin word” LIBER” which means free from restrictions.

Definition :

  1. “Liberty means the absence of restraints”. – J.R. Seely
  2. “Liberty means the positive power of doing or enjoying something worth doing or enjoying” – T.H. Green

Safeguards of liberty:
Liberty is the most cherished ideal of human beings. Hence, it must be safeguarded in the larger interest of the society and state. In this context, the following safeguards of liberty are worth mentioning.

1. Democratic rule :
Democratic rule is considered as a heaven to liberty. Liberty flourishes only in a democratic State. The reason is that democratic state extends protection to individual’s liberties through various Liberty and Equalitys. It creates a conducive atmosphere for the individuals to enjoy their liberties freely and impartially. It makes the people to participate in the government process directly or indirectly. It makes the people to participate in the governmental process directly or indirectly. It makes the government answerable to the people. It allows the people the right to change the government through public opinion or ballot when the government acts improperly.

2. Written and rigid constitution :
A written and rigid constitution is considered the most important safeguard of individual liberty. Such a constitution incorporates the various freedoms of individuals in several provisions. It acts as a custodian of people’s rights and liberties. It demarcates the spheres of governmental activity. It mentions about the various measures to be taken in case of people’s freedoms are infringed or confiscated by others including governmental authorities. It also imposes restraints on the political parties by not allowing them to amend the constitutional provisions for furthering their partisan interests.

3. Independent judiciary :
An independent and impartial judiciary is another safeguard of individual liberty. The judiciary will uphold the constitution and keeps the government accountable to the people. It prescribes various safeguards for protecting the fundamental rights of citizens. The judges in higher courts will deliver justice to the people on fair, free and impartial manner. Pro. Laski, while recognizing this safeguard, stated that good governance depends upon the effective functioning of judiciary.

Question 3.
What are the characteristics of Liberty?
The term Liberty is derived from the Latin word “LIBER” which means free from restraints.

Definition :
“Liberty means the absence of restraints”. – J.R. Seely

Characteristics of Liberty:
The following are the important characteristics of Liberty.

  1. Liberty is a dynamic concept. Its interpretation varies according to time, place and wishes of the people.
  2. Liberty always opposes political subjugation, imprisonment and slavery.
  3. It always aims at realizing the aspirations of the individuals.
  4. Liberty always means absence of irrational restraints and presence of favourable conditions.
  5. It is the product of rights.
  6. It is essential for the realization of human personalities.
  7. It is found only in democratic states.
  8. It is manifest in the form of rights.
  9. It does not mean license to do whatever a person wants. It is always subject to limitations.

Question 4.
Describe the different aspects of Liberty.
The term Liberty is derived’from the Latin word “LIBER” which means free from restraints.

Definition :
“Liberty means the absence of restraints”.

Aspects of Liberty :
Liberty has two aspects – Negative and Positive.

1. Negative aspect:
Liberty, in its negative aspect, implies absence of restrictions. Individuals enjoy freedom only when there are no restraints on their freedoms. However, some considered this aspect as not realistic. They asserted that unrestrained liberty was possible in a pre-social state. It is neither feasible nor practicable for enjoying freedoms by the individuals in modem times.

2. Positive aspect:
Liberty in its positive aspects denotes a situation in which individual is free to do according to his wishes and allowing others the same in his case. To say in other words liberty is the power which should not cause harm to others. T.H. Green, an idealist philosopher, propounded this aspect of liberty. He stated thus “Liberty is the power of doing or enjoying something that is worth doing or worth enjoying in common with others”.

Question 5.
What do you mean by Civil Liberty?
Civil liberty is also known as personal liberty. It relates to the individual’s freedom in his life as a member of the social organisation. It is enjoyed by the individuals in the society. Civil liberty is the essential pre-requisite to the existence and survival of human beings. It enables them to lead happy, honourable and civilised life in the state. So it is a must to every one. The state recognises the various freedoms of individuals. In this regard Gettle said thus “Civil liberty is the group of rights recognised and implemented by the state”. The constitution of the America and the India have in corporated civil liberty in the form of fundamental rights. Civil liberty is manifested in several rights. These include A) Right to Life B) Right to Work Q Right to Property D) Right to Religion E) Right to Speech, Expression, Assembly, Movement and Residence etc.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Question 6.
Point out two elements that threaten individual’s Liberties.
Liberty is an essential condition without which man cannot develop his personality. Even though the liberty is safeguarded by several ways, there prevails some elements which threatens the Liberty of individuals in modem times. They are as follows :

1. Enhancement of state authority:
The modem democratic state, in the pretext of welfarism has assumed undefinable powers. As a result, it has been intruding into every activity of the people. Even its interference in family matters in the name of population correctives became common. So is the case in the sphere of economy, culture, arts, science etc. All this will lead to the encroachment of state into the public domain. This negated individual liberty to a great extent.

2. Too many Liberty and Equalitys :
In modem times people felt the government should come to their rescue for providing various amenities. This prompted the government to encroach into the sphere of individuals. In the process, too many Liberty and Equalitys have become the order of the day. Extension of Liberty and Equalitys gradually led to the curtailment of individual liberties.

3. Negative attitude :
In democracy, the government informs the people about its policies and responds to the public opinion. In the process there is eveiy possibility of distorting public opinion by the concerned persons on the government. We could notice this tendency in several states of the worlds including India.

4. Tyranny of majority :
Individual liberty is ressed by the tyranny of majority. The party in power, through its majority members support in the legislature, makes Liberty and Equalitys without considering the wishes and aspirations of the people. Such a situation will be dangerous to individual liberties. Citizens must not vote to such a party in power or the opposition as in Indian government in the coming elections.

Question 7.
What is meant by Equality?
The concept of Equality is of great significance in the study of political science. The term ‘Equality’ became an important slogan and inspired the people of France, America, Russia and India during their struggle for freedom and independence.

The term “Equality” implies absolute equality of treatment. In political science the term Equality refers to a state which grants its citizens equality before the Liberty and Equality and equal opportunities to develop their personality.


  1. “Equality means first of all the absence of special privilege. In the second place “It means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all”. – H.J. Laski
  2. “Equality implies equal rights for all the people and abolition of special rights and privileges”. – Barker

Question 8.
Describe any three aspects of Equality.
The concept of equality has mainly two aspects-Positive and Negative. Equality, in its positive aspect, means the provision of adequate opportunities for all. However, it does not mean simply identical treatment for all. Since individuals differ in their needs and capacities, they require different opportunities for their personal development. Individuals should be given such opportunities which will develop their overall personality. If the state provides adequate opportunities to all for developing the capacities, the concept of equality could be realised in practice.

Equality in its negative sense, means no discrimination on some artificial grounds based on caste, colour, creed, descent, domicile, religion, etc. Everyone should get his due share. He should be in a position to realize his best self. Laski says that “Whatever rights herein in another by virtue of his being a citizen must be herein, and to the same extent in me also”. Everyone should have an equal access to the avenues of their Liberties.

Question 9.
What is Equality? Explain any three types of equality. [A.P. 19, 15]
Meaning and explanation of Equality:
The concept of Equality is of great significance in the study of political science. The term ‘Equality’ became an important slogan and inspired the people of France, America, Russia and India during their struggle for freedom and independence.

The term “Equality” implies absolute equality of treatment.

In Political science, the term ‘Equality’ refers to a state which grants its citizens equality before the Liberty and Equality and equal opportunities to develop their personality. But it may be noted that individuals are not equal in many respects. While some of them are strong, some others may be weak. Similarly some are more intelligent than others. In this way, men differ in many respects. Hence, equality of treatment is not possible. In other words, it implies that State should grant to its citizens equality before Liberty and Equality and equal protection by Liberty and Equality.


  1. “Equality means first of all the absence of special privilege. In the second place “It means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all”. – H.J. Laski
  2. “Equality implies equal rights for all the people and abolition of special rights and privileges”. – Barker

Types of equality :
There are many types of equality. They may be analysed in the following.

1. Natural equality:
This kind of equality existed in the “State of Nature”. It is based on the principle that nature has created everyone as equal. But natural equality exists no where in the world. Nature has not created all people with the same qualities. So by natural equality we generally mean the provision of equal opportunities to all. It implies the abolition of man-made and artificial inequalities.

2. Political equality:
Political equality is an important kind of equality. It means that all citizens will have equal access to the avenues of authority. All of them possess the same political rights, an equal voice in government and equal right to hold public offices. It may be noted that political equality is enjoyed by the citizens only. It is not given to aliens and foreign nationals living in a state. Citizens have to utilise the opportunities given by political equality with great case, farsighted outlook and broad-mindedness. Then only political equality brings the required fruits. Then only political equality brings the required fruits. Political equality prevails and flourishes when all citizens were provided with political rights like Right to vote, Right to contest elections, Right to make petitions and Right to criticism. That means political equality flourishes only in democratic countries.

3. International equality:
International equality means that all the states are treated equally irrespective of their geographical, economic or military composition. According to this element all nations of the world are equal whether they are large or small. For instance, the United Nations have extended equal dignity and status to all the nations in its Charter. International Equality reflects the traits of humanism. It emphasizes the peaceful settlement of disputes between the nations. Some cautioned about the occurrence of Third World War in the absence of respect to international Liberty and Equality. They expressed apprehensions thinking that human beings will go back to the stone ages.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Question 10.
Write about Political Equality.
Political equality is an important kind of equality. It means that all citizens will have equal access to the avenues of authority. All of them possess the same political rights, an equal voice in government and equal right to hold public offices. It may be noted that political equality is enjoyed by the citizens only. It is not given to aliens and foreign nationals living in a state. Citizens have to utilise the opportunities given by political equality with great case, farsighted outlook and broad-mindedness.

Then only political equality brings the required fruits. Then only political equality brings the required fruits. Political equality prevails and flourishes when all citizens were provided with political rights like Right to vote, Right to contest elections, Right to make petitions and Right to criticism. That means political equality flourishes only in democratic countries.

Question 11.
Discuss the importance of Economic Equality.
Economic equality is considered as the basis of social and political equalities. It serves as the main driving force behind all activities in the modern state. Economic equality means the elimination of vast inequalities in income, property and wealth. Earnest Barker viewed thus “Economic equality is purely a matter of status and partially a matter of property and income”. Lord Bryce viewed “Economic Equality” as The attempt to expunge all differences in wealth, allotting every man and women an equal share in the worldly goods”.

Prof. Laski held thus “Economic Equality implies the abolition of unfettered and irresponsible will in the industrial world”. At the same time, economic equality does not mean equal treatment and reward. It stands for opportunity to work and earn their livelihood to improve their economic status. This can be achieved only through individuals and government. Many socialist states have tried and partially succeeded in achieving economic equality.

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Give any two definitions of Liberty.

  1. “Liberty means the absence of restraints”. – J.R. Seeley
  2. “Liberty is the freedom of an individual to express without any external hindrance to his personality”. – G.D.H. Cole

Question 2.
What do you know about positive aspect of Liberty?
Positive aspect:
Liberty in its positive aspects denotes a situation in which individual is free to do according to his wishes and allowing others the same in his case. To say in other words liberty is the power which should not cause harm to others. T.H. Green, an idealist philosopher, propounded this aspect of liberty. He stated thus “Liberty is the power of doing or enjoying something that is worth doing or worth enjoying in common with others.

Question 3.
List out any four characteristics of Liberty.
Characteristics of Liberty: The following are the important characteristics of Liberty.

  1. Liberty is a dynamic concept. Its interpretation varies according to time, place and wishes of the people.
  2. Liberty always opposes political subjugation, imprisonment and slavery.
  3. It always aims at realizing the aspirations of the individuals.
  4. Liberty always means absence of irrational restraints and presence of favourable conditions.
  5. It is the product of rights.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Question 4.
Mention the names of four types of liberty.
Liberty is of in the following types namely :

  1. Natural liberty
  2. Civil liberty
  3. Economic liberty
  4. Political liberty and
  5. National liberty.

Question 5.
What is Civil Liberty?
Civil liberty is also known as personal liberty. It is the essential pre requisite to the existence and survival of human beings. It enables them to lead happy, honourable and civilised life in the state. Civil liberty is manifested in several rights like A) Right to Life B) Right to Work C) Right to Property D) Right to Religion E) Right to Speech, Expression, Assembly, Movement and Residence etc.

Question 6.
Write about Political Liberty.
Political liberty facilitates the citizens to take part in the political affairs of the state. Political liberty is confined to the citizens alone. Political liberty provides several rights like i) Right to vote ii) Right to contest as candidates in elections iii) Right to hold public offices iv) Right to criticism etc.

Question 7.
Is it possible to achieve complete Economic Liberty?
It is possible to achieve complete economic liberty if the following measures are taken.

  1. Provision of minimum wages.
  2. Guarantee of the right to work.
  3. Protecting the workers from unemployment, sickness and other types of insecurity.
  4. Giving representation to the workers in the management of the industries.

Question 8.
What is Economic Liberty? [A.P. & T.S. Mar, 15]
Economic liberty means the right of every one to earn his livelihood. Economic liberty ensures everyone freedom from want and fear, hunger and starvation, unemployment and insufficiency. It will be secured by adopting the following measures.

  1. Provision of minimum wages.
  2. Guarantee of the right to work.
  3. Protecting the workers from unemployment, sickness and other types of insecurity.
  4. Providing adequate leisure etc.

Question 9.
What do you know about National Liberty?
National Liberty implies the Freedom and Independence of the state. It also denotes the sovereignty of the state. Every state enjoys this liberty and remains free from the political domination of other states. Ex: The Indian masses under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi waged a non-violent struggle to secure National Freedom from the British Rule.

Question 10.
Mention any four safeguards of Liberty.

  1. Democratic rule
  2. Written and rigid constitution
  3. Independent judiciary
  4. Rule of Liberty and Equality
  5. Fundamental rights

Question 11.
Write about Independent-Judiciary as a safeguard of Liberty.
Independent judiciary:
An independent and impartial judiciary is another safeguard of individual liberty. The judiciary will uphold the constitution and keeps the government accountable to the people. It prescribes various safeguards for protecting the fundamental rights of citizens. The judges in higher courts will deliver justice to the people on fair, free and impartial manner. Prof. Laski, while recognizing this safeguard, stated that good governance depends upon the effective functioning of judiciary.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Question 12.
What is Equality?
According to H.J. Laski “Equality means first of all the absence of special privilege. In the second place “It means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all”.

Question 13.
Mention the different implications of Equality.
The following are the major implications of equality. They are :
a) There should not be any special privileges to any individual or a group of individuals.

b) People must be provided with adequate opportunities to develop their personalities.

c) There should not be any discrimination among the people on the grounds of religion, caste, creed, colour, place of birth etc. However, some discrimination may be made on the basis of reasonable grounds i.e., protective discrimination.

Question 14.
What are the aspects of Equality?
The concept of equality has mainly two aspects – Positive ad Negative. Equality in its positive aspect, means the provision of adequate opportunities for all. Equality in its negative sense, means no discrimination on some artificial grounds based on caste, colour, creed, descent, domicile, religion etc.

Question 15.
Write about any two features of Equality.
The following are the essential features of equality.
1. Equality not given by nature :
Equality is not given by nature. Absolute equality is now here to be found. All individuals are bom in the same circumstances. Human beings are not like standard commodities which are coming out of a factory. Every individual has his own point of strength and weakness peculiar to his personality. No two individuals remain exactly like each other. Practically, individuals are not equal.

2. Equality not absolute:
Equality is not absolute. Absolute equality is neither possible nor desirable. In no movement in the history of the world did individuals claim to have absolute equality. So, equality does not mean uniformity and differences does not mean inequality.

Question 16.
Mention the different forms of Equality.
Equality is of the different forms like

  1. Natural equality
  2. Social equality
  3. Economic equality
  4. Political equality and
  5. International equality.

Question 17.
Explain Natural Equality.
Natural equality:
This kind of equality existed in the “State of Nature”. It is based on the principle that nature has created everyone as equal. But natural equality exists no where in the world. Nature has not created all people with the same qualities. So by natural equality we generally mean the provision of equal opportunities to all. It implies the abolition of man-made and artificial inequalities.

Question 18.
What do you mean by Social Equality?
Social equality stands for equality of status and absence of class distinctions and discriminations. It exists when no individual is made to suffer on account of his caste, class, colour, creed, race etc. In fact it has opposed the practice of untouchability.

Question 19.
What is meant by Political Equality?
Political equality implies the provision of adequate conditions for the people in the political affairs of the state. It is enjoyed by the citizens only. It could be achieved by granting various political rights such as

  1. Right to vote
  2. Right to contest in elections
  3. Right to hold public offices
  4. Right to criticise the government etc.

AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material Chapter 5 Liberty and Equality

Question 20.
Mention the measures adopted for achieving Economic Equality.
The following measures are adopted for achieving Economic Equality.

  1. Provision of adequate means of employment
  2. Implementation of land reforms
  3. Providing housing facilities to the poor
  4. Provision of free education to the poor
  5. Provision of minimum wages etc.