AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

AP State Board Syllabus AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development.

AP State Syllabus SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions 2nd Lesson Ideas of Development

10th Class Social 2nd Lesson Ideas of Development 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
State reason for protesting against the establishment of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu.

  1. Kudankulam people have protested on the grounds of safety, security and livelihood.
  2. They also want their coast and country protected from the radio active peril.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 2.
Why did the people oppose the establishment of Kudankulam Nuclear Power project in Tamil Nadu?
On the grounds of safety, security and livelihood, the people protested against the project.
To protect their cost from radio active peril people opposed it.

Question 3.
Observe the following table and answer the questions a, b, c and d.

CountryH.D.I. Ranking 2012Average Life Span in 2012Average years of Schooling
Sri Lanka9275.19.3
World Average70.17.5

a) Which two countries have more average schooling years?
Norway, America.

b) Which two Asian countries have better HDI rank than that of India?
Srilanka, China.

c) Which countries are lacking behind to the average life expectancy of World?
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan.

d) What are the reasons for having less average schooling in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan?
The reasons for having less average schooling in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are

  1. Poverty,
  2. More rural population,
  3. No awareness with regard to literacy.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 4.
In the context of development, two persons or groups of persons may seek things which are conflicting. Give one example for this.
Example – 1: To get more electricity industrialists may want more dams. But this may submerge the land and disrupt the lives of people such as the tribals who are dis-placed.
Example – 2: A girl expects as much freedom and opportunity as her brother and that he also shares in the household work. But brother may not like this.

Question 5.
What idea is the poster promoting?
AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development 1
Importance of Education.

Question 6.
State any two goals of development other than income.
Equal treatment, freedom, security and respect from others.

Question 7.
What is HDI?
The index developed for comparing coun¬tries for measuring human development is called HDI (Human Development Index). It generally includes income, educational levels and health status of the people.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 8.
What is per capita income?
Per capita income is “the total income of the country divided by its total population”.

Question 9.
Expand IMR.
Infant Mortality Rate.

Question 10.
Which organization publishes HDR?
UNDP publishes Human Development Report.

Question 11.
What is the main criteria for comparing the development of different countries?
The main criteria for comparing the development of different countries are per capita income, life expectancy, average years of schooling, expected years of schooling, etc.

Question 12.
What is health?
Health means a state of couple soundness – physical and mental.

Question 13.
Why do people look at a mix of goals?
People look at a mix of goals for development.

Question 14.
Why are dams opposed?
Dams are opposed because they will disrupt the lives of the people and submerge their own lands.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 15.
How are the women who work outside the homes?
Women who work outside the homes are economically independent and self¬confident.

Question 16.
What is adult literacy rate?
The rate of percentage of people aged 15 and above, who can understand, read and write a short and simple statement in their regional languages is known as adult literacy rate.

Question 17.
What is the main criterion for comparing the development of different countries?
Average income is the main criterion for comparing the development of different countries.

Question 18.
Explain the calculation of BMI.
BMI can be calculated by dividing the total weight of a person by the square of his height.

Question 19.
What is educational development?
Education attained by the people of a country on an average basis is referred as educational development.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 20.
What isthe percentage of population living in the rural India?
70% of the Indian population is living in rural India.

Question 21.
What is Infant Mortality Rate?
The rate at which children in a country die within an age of 0-1 year is known as “Infant Mortality Rate.”

Question 22.
What are the factors of production?
Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise are the four factors of production.
Technology is also added to the factors of production.

Question 23.
How is the standard of living measured?
Standard of living is measured by real GDP per capita.

Question 24.
What is development?
Development refers to progress or improvement in lifestyle.

Question 25.
What is PDS?
PDS is a system to distribute ration to the poor at a reasonable rate through govern¬ment ration shops. PDS – Public Distribution System.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 26.
A girl from a rich urban family has some development goals for her. State any one such goal.
She can get as much freedom as a boy has.

Question 27.
Write any one advantage of public facilities.
It develops national feelings and a sense of collective responsibility. Reduces expenditure.

Question 28.
What is NAR?
Net Attendance Rate: Out of the total num¬ber of children in age group 6-17, the per¬centage of children attending schools.

Question 29.
Which is considered to be one of the most important attributes for comparing coun¬tries?
Income is considered to be one of the most important attributes for comparing countries.

Question 30.
Which is not a useful measure for comparison between countries?
Total income is not such a useful measure for comparison between countries.

Question 31.
What are called developed countries?
The rich countries, excluding countries of West Asia and certain other small countries, are generally called developed countries.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 32.
Why, in some areas, children, particularly girls are not able to achieve secondary level schooling?
Due to social restrictions imposed on girl child i.e., gender bias.

Question 33.
Why have some states lesser Infant Mortality Rate?
Some states have a lesser Infant Mortality Rate because they have adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities.

Question 34.
What is the major consideration of Himachali women?
One major consideration is that many Himachali women are themselves employed outside the home and hence show lesser gender bias.

Question 35.
How are the women who work outside the homes?
Women who work outside the home are economically independent and self-confident.

10th Class Social 1st Lesson India: Relief Features 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What do you learn from the schooling revolution in Himachal Pradesh?

  1. Both the government and the people of Himachal Pradesh were keen on education.
  2. They started many schools.
  3. They made sure that education was largely free.
  4. They allocated a good share to education in the government budget.
  5. They tried to ensure that the schools had all the facilities.
  6. Most of the students enjoy their schooling experience.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 2.
People generally do not like to work in unorganised sector. Why?

  1. Unorganised sector is largely outside the control of the government.
  2. Rules and regulations are often not followed.
  3. Jobs are not regular.
  4. Jobs are low paid.
  5. It is difficult to avail the leaves.
  6. No provision for paid leave.
  7. Job is not secure.
  8. Working conditions are generally poor.
  9. No safety measures followed in work places.
  10. Health hazards would be there.
  11. No insurance
  12. No welfare schemes.

Question 3.
Give examples of the criterion for the measurement of human development.
The examples of the criterion for the measurement of human development:

  1. Per capita income
  2. The education levels of people and health status.
  3. Standard of life of the people
  4. Availability of electricity
  5. Transportation
  6. Sanitation facilities
  7. Expected years of schooling
  8. Average years of schooling, etc.
    Ex: Sri Lanka, one of our neighbours is much ahead of India in every respect.

Question 4.
What are the different indicators in which development is measured? Which one do you agree with ?

  1. Per capita income
  2. Literacy rate
  3. Average years of schooling 4) Expected years of schooling
  4. Life expectancy at birth 6) Health status
  5. Employment status 8) Equal distribution
  6. I agree with all the above things because those are useful for measuring the complete development.

Question 5.
Give examples for different persons can have different developmental goals.

Category of personsDevelopmental goals
Landless rural labourers:More days of work and better wages, quality education for their children, no social discrimination.
Prosperous farmers:Higher support prices for crops, should be able to settle their children abroad.
Farmers who depend only on rains for growing crops:Adequate rainfall.
Urban unemployed youth:High salaried jobs
An Adivasi from mining fields :To protect their livelihoods.
Persons from fishing community in the coastal area.Good weather and a good catch of fisher.

Question 6.
What do the people desire other than income?
People desire the following other than income.

  1. Equal treatment
  2. Freedom
  3. Security
  4. Respect from others.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 7.
Prepare a pamphlet on making mahila mandals active in villages.
Mahila Mandals are voluntary service organizations that work for the betterment of women in the villages of India. To better their life the village women should have their say in the active involvement of Mahila Mandals’ activities. Active Mahila Mandals can be found In many villages. Suggestions to make Mahila Mandals active in the villages:

  • First priority should be given to girl education and to eradicate illiteracy.
  • Vocational training and credit facilities to women for self-employment should be provided.
  • Mahila Mandals should collectively work for the betterment of women who need nutrition, education and family welfare.
  • They should help the women in immunization of children, small savings, provision of bathrooms, women crafts centres and balwadis.
  • They should work towards the elimination of discrimination, inequality, intolerance, and violence-both, within and outside the home.
  • They should have comparatively high involvement in social life and village politics.

The government should provide basic equipment and stationery, etc. to the Mahila Mandals. It should create awareness among women regarding the Mahila Mandals.

Women empowerment leads to a strong nation.

Copies: 2000

Surya Printers.

Question 8.
What is Development ? Why do different people have different developemntal goals? Explain with two Examples.
Meaning of Development:

  1. Growth plus change is called development. .
  2. All the persons may not have the same notion of development or progress.
  3. Each one of them seeks different things.
    i) A girl expects as much freedom and opportunity as her brother and that he also shares in the household work.
    ii) To get more electricity, industrialists, may want more dams. But this may submerge the land and disrupt the lives of people who are displaced as the tribals.

Question 9.
Create a few slogans on promoting girl education.

  1. Girl with education – helpful to the family.
  2. Educate a girl – she educates a family.
  3. Encourage girl education – save the nation.
  4. An educated girl – serves the nation well.
    (Students can sit together and discuss to prepare a few slogans of their own.)

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 10.
Observe the following table and prepare a paragraph on it.
Progress in Himachal Pradesh
The comparison across two different years is indicative of development that has happened. Clearly, there has been greater development in schooling and spread of education in Himachal Pradesh than India as a whole. Though there is still a lot of difference in the average levels of education among boys and girls, i.e., across genders, there has been some progress towards greater equal¬ity in the recent years.

Question 11.
Why was it necessary for government to run schools in Himachal Pradesh?
The rich children can get the education in private sector schools. But the majority of Indian chil¬dren are enrolled in the government schools. Education has also been made free for children from 6 to 14 years of age or up to VIII class under the R.T.E. Act 2009. So, it was necessary for government to run schools in Himachal Pradesh.

Question 12.
‘Human development is the essence of social development’ – Explain.

  1. Human development focuses on the people.
  2. It is concerned with the well-being of the people, their needs, choices and aspirations. All these help in building a right kind of society.
  3. It is all about the enlarging or widening the choices for the people. It is the building of human capabilities, such as education, information and knowledge, to have opportunities of livelihood.
  4. Human development focuses on the expansion of basic choices.

Question 13.
‘Money cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to live well.’ Explain.

  1. Even though per capita income is high in many states, education and health facilities are still lacking.
  2. Money or high per capita income cannot buy a pollution-free environment or good health.
  3. Money cannot buy peace and democracy.

10th Class Social 2nd Lesson Ideas of Development 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Study the following table and answer the questions that given below.
(a) What do you mean by literacy rate?
The number of literates per every 100 persons in the population is known as literacy rate.

(b) In which state the net attendance is highest?
Himachal Pradesh.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

(c) What could be the reason for the highest, Literacy rate in Himachal Pradesh?

  1. Both the government of Himachal Pradesh and the people of the state were keen on education.
  2. The government started schools and made sure that education was largely free, or costs very little for parents.
  3. Further, it tried to ensure that these schools had at least the minimum facilities of teach¬ers, classrooms, toilets, drinking water, etc.

(d) In which state the IMR is least?
Himachal Pradesh.

Question 2.
Read the following paragraph :
“In many parts of the country, girls’ are still given less priority by parents compared to boys.”
Comment on the gender bias in India.

  1. Ours is a male-dominated society.
  2. Female literacy rate is low.
  3. Women who work outside their homes are less in number.
  4. Traditionally, in our society, women have less involvement in social life.
  5. Because of all these reasons, gender bias is still continuing.
  6. This is a hurdle for the development of society.
  7. Boys and girls should be treated equally.

Question 3.
“We should be able to integrate environmental concerns with the idea of progress”. Explain.

  1. We must show concern on environmental issues while achieving development.
  2. The environmental source function will deplete while using the sources in a speedy way.
  3. When waste output exceeds the limit, it will cause long-term damage to the environment.
  4. The big projects may harm bio-diversity.
  5. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in modern agriculture leads to a big loss to the environment.
  6. The fuel used as a part of industrial development causes a lot of air pollution.
  7. Ground water levels are being depleted.
  8. Deforestation is being occurred.
  9. The rights of low-income countries, future generations also should be viewed.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 4.
Plot the below information on a bar graph. Write your observation.

SI. No.StateLiteracy rate (%)
2.Himachal Pradesh84

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development 2Observation:
As Himachal Pradesh has high literacy rate, it can be considered as developed state.

Question 5.
Read the given paragraph and comment.
In many parts of the country, girls’ education is still given less priority by the parents as compared to boys’ education. While girls may study for a few years, they may not complete their schooling.
According to this paragraph two things are clearly mentioned that there is a gender bias with regard to giving education to boys and girls among the people of the country and the second one is only the Himachali Pradesh Government is concentrating on girl education.
My opinion on these two issues is that the gender bias was there once in the society. As there is a vast awareness in the parents they send their daughters to the schools in many places. Even a rickshaw puller also wants to make his daughter study in a school.
He hopes his daughter becomes a professional. The parents are interested to send their children to English medium schools irrespective of their income and status. It shows their interest. A little bit fear about girls is there among them because of other reasons. They are afraid of the safety of their daughters. Just like in Himachal Pradesh other states are also spending much amount on education and schooling. It is accepted that the Himachal Pradesh state has taken the step earlier. I don’t say that other states are not taking steps to improve the conditions of schools for providing good education for the girls.
It is a sensitive issue and it is to be taken seriously to bring awareness among people to make their daughters admit in schools and the governments should consider the problems of girls in schools. Sufficient toilets and other facilities are to be provided so as to enroll all the girls in schools.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 6.
Observe the table and answer the following questions.
Some data regarding India and its neighbours for 2013

CountryPer capita  Income in $Life Expectancy at birth (Years)Average years of schoolingExpected years of schoolingHuman Development Index (HDI) rank in the world
Sri Lanka517075.19.312.792
  1. Which country stands ahead of India in all aspects in HDI ?
    The country Sri Lanka stands ahead of India in all aspects in HDI.
  2. Mention the aspects that are considered in making Human Development Index.

    1. Percapita income
    2. Literacy Rate
    3. Average years of schooling
    4. Expected years of schooling
    5. Life expectancy at birth
    6. Health status, etc. are the aspects considered in making Human Development Index.
  3. Name the country that has the lowest per capita income.
    The country Nepal has the lowest per capita income.
  4. Give two suggestions for the improvement of the rank of India in HDI.

    1. Education should be improved and more skill development centres should be established.
    2. The poor and needy people should be provided cheap and better health facilities.

Question 7.
Observe the given table and analyse the HDI data of India and its neighbours.
Some data regarding India and its neighbours for 2016

CountryPer capita income in $Life expectancy at birthLiteracy rateHuman Development Index (HDI)
Sri Lanka10,78974.992.670

The given table is about Human Development data of India and some of the neighbouring countries pertaining to 2016. In this table per capita income in dollars, life expectancy at birth and literacy rate are considered and HDI Ranking is given. In per capita income Sri Lanka stands high and in the same of life expectancy but in literacy Myanmar is better than Srilanka. Pakistan is very poor in literacy rate and so Bangladesh. These countries do not show interest on literacy. In over all ranking Srilanka stands well, Pakistan’s ranking is least. Countries should concentrate on what (the people need proper medication, medical facilities to the poorer people, wide availabiltiy of
104,108 services are essential in rural areas. In Telangana to some extent these services are provided. Each one teach one programme is to be maintained so that all people will be literated. Schooling should be strengthened. Per capita income should be spent on Health facilities and education. Priorities are to be set first and proper planning for its implementation is essential. So that countries can be developed.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 8.
Read the text and interpret it.
The ongoing protest over the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in theTirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu is one such conflict. The government of India set up the nuclear power plant in this quiet coastal town of fisher folks. The aim is to generate nuclear power to meet the growing energy needs of the country. The people in the region have protested on the grounds of safety, security and livelihood.

  1. The Government of India is going on with the Nuclear Power Project of the Kundankulum.
  2. The aim of the project is to generate nuclear power to meet the growing energy needs of the people.
  3. The fisher folks of this area are protesting against the project on the grounds of safety, security and livelihood.
  4. Hence the ideas on development are different for different people.
  5. Development for one may not be the development for other.
  6. Here the ideas on development of government is conflicting with the interests of the local people.

Question 9.
Read the following text and state your opinion on it.

Human Development Report

When we realise that even though the level of income is important, it is an inadequate measure of the level of development, we begin to think of other criterion. There could be a long list of such criteria but then it would not be so useful. What we need is a small number of the most important things. Health and education indicators, such as the ones we used in comparison of Kerala and Punjab, are among them. Over the past decade or so, health and education indicators have come to be widely used along with income as a measure of development. For instance, Human Development Report published by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) compares countries based on the educational levels of the people, their health status and per capita Income.


  1. The income is not the correct criteria to measure the level of development.
  2. Most of the time it hides disparities.
  3. So we begin to think of another criterion.
  4. There could be a long list of criteria.
  5. We selected some such as “health and education”.
  6. Health and Education indicators were used to compare Punjab and Kerala.
  7. Human Development Report was published by UNDP.
  8. The countries were compared on the basis of the education levels of the people, health status and per capita income.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 10.
Read the following paragraph and write your opinion.
If you get a job in afar off place, you would try to consider many factors, apart from income.
This could be facilities for your family, working atmosphere or opportunity to learn. In another case, a job may give you less pay but may offer regular employment that enhances your sense of security. Another job, however, may offer high pay but no job security and also leave no time for your family. This will reduce your sense of security and freedom.

  1. According to this paragraph, people give preference to income as well as facilities.
  2. They also want to spend time with their families.
  3. They need job security and freedom. It is not possible in all the cases.
  4. Many workers from India are migrating even to foreign countries for getting work so as to earn something for their livelihoods.
  5. Some people are working in cities like Hyderabad by keeping their families at their hometowns.
  6. They are losing the opportunity of spending their time with their families. Their living conditions are also not good.
  7. Many of them are leading sedentary life. In some cases pay is less but job is secure. In some other cases payment may be high but job security is not there.
  8. Whatever it is, I am coming to the conclusion that there are many factors that affect livelihoods.

Question 11.
Read the following paragraph and write your comments.
When we looked at Individual aspirations and goals, we found that people not only think of better income but also have goals such as security, respect of others, equal treatment, freedom, etc. In mind. Similarly, when we think of a nation or a region, we may, besides average income, think of other equally important attributes.

  1. This paragraph is about the aspirations and goals of the individuals.
  2. The people want their income and they want to be treated well.
  3. Though the wages are well and good, they don’t want to be ill-treated.
  4. Everyone in the society wants to live with dignity which our Constitution promises.
  5. Many of the labourers are now looking towards prestige.
  6. Some states in our country are getting more per capita income but they are lacking in providing other facilities to the people.
  7. Nowadays schooling is very importing to its children.
  8. For nations and states the literacy rate, net attendance rate, infant mortality rate are also considered in its development.
  9. They have to provide schools, pollution-free atmosphere, unadulterated medicines, to its people for better living.

Question 12.
Read the following paragraph and write your opinion on it.
In many parts of the country, girls’ education is still given less priority by parents compared to
boys’ education. While girls may study for a few classes, they may not complete their schooling.
A welcome trend in Himachal Pradesh is the lower gender bias. Himachali parents have ambitious educational goals for their girls, just as for their boys.

  1. According to this paragraph two things are clearly mentioned that there is a gender bias with regard to giving education to boys and girls among the people of the country.
  2. Only the Himachali Pradesh Government is concentrating on girl education.
  3. My opinion on these two,issues is that the gender bias was there once in the society.
  4. As there is a vast awareness in the parents they send their daughters to the schools in many
  5. Even a rickshaw puller also wants to make his daughter study In a school.
  6. He hopes his daughter becomes a professional.
  7. The parents are interested to send their children to English medium schools Irrespective of their income and status.
  8. It is a sensitive issue and it is to be taken seriously to bring awareness among people to make their daughters admitted in schools and the governments should consider the problems of girls in schools.
  9. Sufficient toilets and other facilities are to be provided so as to enroll all the girls In schools.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 13.
Table: Read the following table and answer the following questions.
Some Comparative data of Selected States

stateIMR per 1000 (2006)Literacy rate (%) {2011)Net Attendance Rate (2006)
Himachal Pradesh368490
  1.  What does the table tell us?
    The table tells us about some comparative data of selected states.
  2. What are the three states compared here?
    The three states compared are Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Bihar.
  3. What does IMR mean?
    IMR means Infant Mortality Rate.
  4. Which state ranks best in literacy rate?
    Himachal Pradesh ranks best in literacy rate with 84%.
  5. What is the Net Attendance Rate of Bihar in 2006?
    The Net Attendance Rate of Bihar in 2006 is 56.
  6. What is the position of Punjab in 2011 with regard to literacy rate?
    The position of Punjab in 2011 with regard to literacy rate is next to Himachal Pradesh.
  7. What is literacy rate?
    Literacy rate is that the percentage of literate people in the 7 and above years age group.
  8. Why is the number of children below the age of 6 not considered for counting of Net Atten¬dance Rate?
    The children below the age of 6 do not go to school.
  9. Which state ranks first when we consider the above data ?
    Himachal Pradesh ranks first.
  10. How do you say Bihar is an underdeveloped state ?
    Bihar has high infant mortality rate i.e., 62. It has less literacy rate and Net attendance rate i.e., 64 and 56 respectively. Hence we can say Bihar is a backward state.

Question 14.
Study the table given and answer the following questions.
Table: Some data regarding India and its neighbours for 2013

CountryPer Capita Income in $Life expectancy at birth (Years)Average years of schoolingExpected years of schoolingHuman Develop­ment Index (HDI) rank in the world
Sri Lanka517075.19.312.792
  1. What is the table about?
    The table is about some data regarding India and its neighboring countries for 2013.
  2. What is the life expectancy at birth in India?
    The life expectancy at birth in India is 65.8 years.
  3. What components are considered in this table?
    The components considered in the table are per capita income, life expectancy at birth, aver¬age years of schooling, expected years of schooling and HDI.
  4. Which country ranks best in HDI?
    Sri Lanka ranks best in HDI with 92nd rank.
  5. Which country is lacking in expected years of schooling?
    Pakistan is lacking in expected years of schooling.
  6. Per capita income is shown in some symbol. What does it mean?
    The symbol given means dollar.
  7. Which country has the lowest average years of schooling?
    Nepal has the lowest average years of schooling.
  8. What is the per capita income of India ?
    The per capita income of India is $ 3,285.
  9. What is the lowest life expectancy at birth in the table?
    65.7 years is the lowest life expectancy at birth in the table.
  10. What is the difference between expected years of schooling and average years of schooling
    for India?
    The difference between expected years of schooling and average years of schooling for India is 6.3 years.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 15.
By studying the given map answer the following questions.
AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development 3

  1. Name two countries which have low income.
    Zimbabwe and Kenya are the two countries with low income.
  2. Which two countries have very high income?
    USA and Canada are the two countries which have very high income.
  3. Name two countries with high income.
    Brazil and Russia are the two countries with high income.
  4. Which two countries have medium income?
    India and Egypt are the two countries which have medium income.

Question 16.
Prepare a pamphlet on Promoting Girl Education.


Girls and boys in the society are equal but many of the parents give less importance to girl education compared to boys. This treatment of girls and boys in different ways is called gender bias. Some parents feel that boy is income and girl is expenditure. After marriage also the in-law’s family of the bride normally gives very less importance to her education. This is the wrong notion that the people have. It is to be removed.
The notion is to be changed. Many women have come forward to discharge their duties in political, educational and administrative areas. They are proving that they can do everything. In education also many girls are getting good results and ranks. Their number in civil services and other competitive examinations is rapidly increasing. If a girl is educated, she can manage her family herself well.
She can educate her children.
Many women now are district collectors or police officers and administrative officers and a few banks are being run under the leadership of female authorities. Many departments are under their control. For many years it has been a custom that the women have to work at kitchen but it is disproved, if they were given choice to do something they can do it as we expected.
All the parents should send their daughters to schools to study. They should be given an opportunity to show their intellect. All the parents should understand that their notion is to be
changed and think positively about their daughters’ future.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development

Question 17.
Write a paragraph after reading the table.
Comparison of two countries

Name of the countryMonthly incomes of citizens in 2014 (in Rupees)
Country A1IIIIIIVVAverage
Country B5005005005004800010,000

According to this table in the country ‘A’, all the five persons are earning mostly equal monthly income. In the country ‘B’ the first four persons are earning only five hundred each but the fifth person is earning forty eight thousand rupees per month. If you are the fifth one it is OK but if you are one among the first four it will be worst to live in. If we consider the average, it will be the same as ten thousand per person per month. In these two countries the country A has more equitable distribution of income.
In many countries more income is there with a few persons. Many people in the countries are poor. They don’t have minimum amount of income for their livelihoods. In the above table the average income of the two countries is the same but in B it is not equally distributed. The Gross Domestic Product is to be distributed among the people of the country that means the poor also have to get their share in the country. The gap between the poor and the rich is to be removed and so the society of equality emerged.

Question 18.
Locate the following in the given map of India.

  1. Nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu.
  2. Schooling Revolution took place in the state.
    Himachal Pradesh
  3. Draw the Indian standard time.
    82 1/2° E longitude.
  4. Sahyadri Range.
  5. Islands in Bay of Bengal.
    Andoman & Nicobar
  6. Locate any one of Hill station.
  7. River which is flowing through a rift valley.
  8. The Hill Station located near Nilgiris.
  9. The largest river in South India.
  10. The largest river in India.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development 4

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Ideas of Development