TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Dokur – A Village on the Plateau

Telangana SCERT TS 6th Class Social Study Material Pdf 4th Lesson Dokur – A Village on the Plateau Textbook Questions and Answers.

Dokur – A Village on the Plateau – TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana

Question 1.
Compare water availability in the borewells of Krishna delta and the plateaus.

  1. Water is available in Krishna delta in the borewells at the depth of 15 to 25 feet whereas in the plateau region. It is 200 to 500 feet.
  2. In the Krishna delta region abundant ground water is available i.e. water table is high whereas the water table in the plateau is very low.
  3. Expenditure on digging borewells is low in the Krishna delta whereas it is expensive and risky in the plateau region.

TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Dokur – A Village on the Plateau

Question 2.
Compare the changes in cropping pattern of Dokur and Penamakuru.

1. Paddy is cultivated extensively.1. Paddy is cultivated surrounding chain of tanks.
2. Fruit orchards are grown like guava, sapota and papaya.2. Fruit orchards are grown like mango, orange.
3. There is increased use of ground water through borewells.3. There is increased use of ground water through borewells.


1. Expenditure on digging borewells is very low.1. Borewells are expensive and risky and all farmers shifted to this system.
2. As water is abundant no drip irrigation is practised.2. Fruit orchards use drip irrigation with sprinklers.
3. Uplands of the village are suitable for vegetables.3. Caster, Bajra, Red grams and pigeon pea are grown here.

Question 3.
Do you think agriculture can be a profitable profession in places like Dokur ?

  1. I think agriculture can be a profitable profession in places like Dokur.
  2. Low water consuming crops like groundnut and castor can be practiced.
  3. Orchards like mango and orange can be grown.
  4. Intermittent crops like redgrams and pigeon pea also can be grown.
  5. Paddy is grown where there is availability of water.

Question 4.
What difference would it make to the village, if the rainfall in the region increases ?

  1. it would make great difference if the rainfall in the region increased.
  2. The water in the tanks and ponds will increase and groundwater table will also increase.
  3. People may not face drinking water problems even the cattle.
  4. Even in the absence of irrigation facilities agriculture can be carried out.
  5. The village may not face the drought situation.

TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Dokur – A Village on the Plateau

Question 5.
What non – agricultural occupations are there in your village ? Get details about one such occupation.

  1. There are many non-agricultural occupations in our village.
  2. One among them is carpentry.
  3. There are nearly 10 families in our village who would do this work.
  4. They prepare the doors, windows and roof tops for the construction of house.
  5. They also prepare tools and implements used in households and agricultural works.

Question 6.
Write description in one line for the words given below.

ItemIn Dokur
SoilHalf agricultural land is red soil and remaining are black, choudu and garusu soils.
WaterA chain of tanks captures as much water as they could and borewells are important.
CropsFarmers grow cotton, castor, bajra and intermittent crops of redgrams and pigeon pea.
MarketsSeparate markets for paddy and cotton but arbitrary prices are resented.
OccupationsApart from agriculture other occupations include carpentry, metal work and rice milling.

Question 7.
Read the paragraphs in Page no. 64,1st para “Environmentalists ……………… and so on” and write your opinion.

  1. For soil fertlity be increased, we need to practice sustainable land use.
  2. So we maintained soil fertlity and the ground water remains recharged.
  3. We should maintain the proper balance between forests, pastures and agricultural land.
  4. Thus we share the produce from pasture land and forests.

I. Conceptual Understanding

Question 1.
Asses the rainfall situation in Dokur.

  1. Rain is scanty and irregular here and drought situation develops.
  2. Crops dry and ground water table do not increase.
  3. Drinking water for humans and cattle becomes a major problem.
  4. In the absence of irrigation facilities, it is difficult to carryout agricultural works.

Question 2.
What are the water sources in Dokur ?

  1. Pedda Cheruvu is the main water resource in the Dokur village.
  2. A chain of tanks excavated to store rain-water and recharge of groundwater is one source.
  3. As ground water table is low everyone wants rely on borewells.
  4. Ponds are also a considerable source of water.
  5. People stopped digging wells which were not operative even at 40 to’60 feet.

TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Dokur – A Village on the Plateau

Question 3.
Name the various crops grow in Dokur.

  1. The farmers of Dokur grew cotton, groundnut, castor, paddy, bajra (sajjalu), pigeon pea (alasandalu) and redgram (kandulu).
  2. Some farmers of Dokur own mango and orange orchards.

Question 4.
What are the other sources of livelihood in Dokur ?

  1. Cattle rearing is the other source of livelihood in Dokur.
  2. Most often buffaloes are reared for milk and sheep rearing is also common.
  3. Carpentry, metal work and rice milling are some of the other non – farm activities of Dokur.

II. Reading the Text (given), Understanding and Interpretat

Some farmers of Dokur own mango and orange orchards. These crops require less water than paddy and can be grown on the land previously used for groundnut cultivation. They grow some groundnut as an intermittent (in between the trees) crop during rabi season. Large farmers in this area use sprinklers for irrigation.

Answer the following questions based on the above paragraph.

Question 1.
What orchards are owned by Dokur farmers ?
Some farmers of Dokur own mango and orange orchards.

Question 2.
Which intermittent crop is grown during rabi season ?
Groundnut is intermittent crop grown during the rabi season.

TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Dokur – A Village on the Plateau

Question 3.
Who used sprinklers for irrigation ?
Large farmers used sprinklers for irrigation.

Question 4.
Which crop requires more water, paddy or orchard ?
Paddy requires more water than orchards.

III. Information Skills

No. of FamiliesLandholdingsFarmers Agricultural Labourers
3501/2 to 5 acresFarmers
220Agricultural labourers.
Total 570

Answer the following questions based on the above table.

1) How many families are there in total ?
There are 570 families in total.

2) How many families can be termed as agricultural labourers.?
220 families can be termed as agricultural labourers.

TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Dokur – A Village on the Plateau

3) What is the range of landholdings of 350 families ?
350 families of landholdings range from 1/2 an acres to 5 acres.

4) How many families are considered as farmers ?
350 families are considered as farmers.

IV. Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning

Question 1.
Can you think of some ways to improve the soils in the village ?

  1. Groundwater needed to be remained recharged.
  2. There should be one third of the land covered with forests and pastures.
  3. Farmers shall take up contour bunding and use of organic farming.
  4. They should grow diverse crops rather than repeating the same crop.
  5. They should remove silt in the tanks and ponds and let water stored.

VI. Appreciation and Sensitivity

Question 1.
Why is it very expensive to dig borewells in the plateau ?

  1. The groundwater table is very low in the plateau region, but everyone wants to rely on borewells.
  2. As everyone is digging borewells the depth at which water available is increasing and now it 200 m at same places and 500 n at the others.
  3. Many borewells become in-operative i.e., i o availability of water from them in no time.
  4. Thus borewells in plateau region is expensive and risky.


Question 1.
There are two types of land called Metta and Tari. Traditionally, pulses are grown on Metta land without irrigation and paddy is grown on Tari land with irrigation. If you live in a village, find out about the type of soil in your areAnswer:What words are used to describe the land in your village ? How is the soil ? Make a table showing the following feature of soil – water absorption (high/low), water retention (quick/ slow), sand content (high low), colour of the soil from the above village. Compare them with type of soil in your village.
Self exercise.

TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Notes – Dokur – A Village on the Plateau

  • Plateau : Flat topped table land with steep slopes on one or more sides.
  • Tank : A large storage chamber for liquid (here water).
  • Ground water : The water that obsorbed in the earth.
  • Soil types : Black soijs, red soils, alluvial soils, sandy soils, etc.
  • Sheep rearing : It is an occupation of some farmers in villages.
  • Deccan plateau : West to east sloped high region flanked by Western Ghats on one side and Eastern Ghats on the other side.
  • Daku : Dacoit
  • Drought : A long period of time where there is little or no rain.
  • Red soils (Erra nelalu) : Soils which are not very deep or fertile, lack many nutrients and do not retain much water.
  • (Nalla nelalu) Black Soils : Shallow black soils which are more fertile and retain water for long period.
  • Choudu and Garasu nelalu : Uncultivable and mostly with pebbles are these soils.
  • Chain of tanks : Like a necklace of pearls small tanks are close to main tank make, a chain of tanks.
  • Orchards : Trees of same fruits spread over acres of land, mango orchards, etc.
  • Intermittent Crop : The crop grown in between the trees of orchards during rabi season.
  • Sprinklers : Sprinkling water instead of wetting from canals.
  • Drip irrigation : Using of sprinklers for irrigating fields.
  • Sustainable land use : Use of land in such a way that they remain productive for generations to come.
  • Animal grazing : Taking animals (sheep, buffaloes, cows, etc.) for feeding grass or fodder.
  • Cattle rearing : Upkeep of animals for their produce (milk, meat, skin, etc.)

Mind Mapping
TS 6th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Dokur – A Village on the Plateau 1