AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

These AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP Board 7th Class Science 3rd Lesson Important Questions and Answers Nutrition in Organisms

Question 1.
Plants are also organisms. What is the food for them?
Plants also need food like carbohydrates. But they prepare their own food.

Question 2.
How do plants get their food?
Plants take carbon dioxide from air, water from soil, light energy from sun light and prepare their own food by using chlorophyll present in its green parts.

Question 3.
What is nutrition?
The process of intake and utilization of food by organisms is called nutrition.

Question 4.
What are the different types of nutritions?
Nutrition is of two types. 1) Autotrophic nutrition and 2) Heterotrophic nutrition

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 5.
What is autotrophic nutrition?
The mode of nutrition in which organisms make food by themselves is called autotrophic nutrition.

Question 6.
What is heterotrophic nutrition?
The mode of nutrition in which organisms depend on other organisms for food is called heterotrophic nutrition.

Question 7.
Do all plants Autotrophs?
No, there are some heterotrophic plants like cuscuta.

Question 8.
What kind of nutrition is seen in mush rooms?
Saprophytic nutrition is seen in mushrooms.

Question 9.
What kind of nutrition is seen in animals?
Heterotrophic nutrition is seen; in animals.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 10.
What is chlorophyll? Where is it present?
Green coloured pigment present in plants is called Chlorophyll. It is present in the chloroplast of the plant cell.

Question 11.
What are the raw materials required for the preparation of food by green plants?
Carbon dioxide, water, sunlight and chlorophyll.

Question 12.
Which gas is taken by plants during photosynthesis?
Plants take carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.

Question 13.
Name the food material formed in plants.
Glucose/ Carbohydrate is the food material formed in plants.

Question 14.
Where do photosynthesis happens in plants?
Photosynthesis happens in the chloroplast of the green plants.

Question 15.
What is the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?
Chlorophyll captures the energy of the sunlight. This energy is used to synthesise • food from carbon dioxide and water dhfihg photosynthesis.

Question 16.
Do the plants with red and brown coloured leaves perform Photosynthesis?
Red and brown coloured leaves also have chlorophyll. The iiarge artidunt of ired, brown and other pigments mask the green colour So photosynthesis takes place in these leaves also.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 17.
What is chlorophyll?
The green parts of plant contain a colouring pigment called chlorophyll.

Question 18.
What are Stomata?
Stomata are the small openings present on the lower surface of the leaf through which gaseous exchange takes place.

Question 19.
What is the food formed in the plants?
Plants form sugars first during the photosynthesis. Later it is converted into starch and stored in the plant body.

Question 20.
What are micro nutrients?
Nutrient elements required in minute quantities to the plants are called micro nutrients.

Question 21.
What is saprophytic nutrition?
The mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients in the form of solution from dead and decaying matter is called saprophytic nutrition.

Question 22.
Give examples for saprophytes.
Certain microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi like mushrooms, bread mould are ‘ the examples for saprophytes.

Question 23.
How do saprophytes help us?
Saprotrophs grow on the dead bodies, decompose them ancl mix them With the soil. Thus thay help us by cleaning the earth surface by removing the dead and decaying matter.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 24.
Give one example for parasitic plant.
Cuscuta/Dodder plant

Question 25.
Give one example for parasitic animal.
Intestinal worms

Question 26.
Give one example for symbiotic nutrition.

Question 27.
What is a host in parasitism?
Organism that provide food and shelter to the parasite is called host.

Question 28.
What is parasite?
Parasite is an organism which grow on /in the body of another organism (host) and get food from it.

Question 29.
When do we observe National Deworming Day? What is its aim?
Every year February 10 and August 10 are observed as the National Deworming Day (NDD). The day aims at eradicating intestinal worms among children in the age group of 1-19 years. On this day, Albendazole tablet (deworming drug) is administered to children.

Question 30.
DO we have any structures like vacuole in our body? Where do the food eaten by us go?
We don’t have vacuole’ like structures in our body instead we have a long tubular digestive tract/ alimentary canal. The food eaten by us go in to this digestive system to get digest and absorb into the body.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 31.
How many chambers are there in the stomach of ruminants? What are those?
Ruminants have four chambers in stomach. They are rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum.

Question 32.
What is cud?
Partially digested food in the rumen of grass eating animals is called cud.

Question 33.
What is rumination?
The process of bringing back the cud in to the mouth in small lumps chews it again is called rumination.

Question 34.
What are ruminants?
Grass eating animals that performs the rumination are called ruminants.

Question 35.
How do cellulose get digest in the ruminants?
In ruminants,, the cellulose of the food is digested by the action of certain bacteria present in the rumen of grass eating animals.

Question 36.
What is enamel?
Enamel is the outermost layer of teeth. It is the hardest material in the human body.

Question 37.
What is tooth decay?
Damage of enamel on the tooth due to action of acids in the mouth is called tooth decay.

Question 38.
What are the major culprits of tooth decay?
Chocolates, sweets, soft drinks and other sugar products are the major culprits of tooth decay.

Question 39.
Where do the process of digestion starts in our body?
The process of digestion starts in the buccal cavity in our body.

Question 40.
Where do the process of digestion completes in our body?
The process of digestion completes in small intestine.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 41.
What absorbs the digested food from our digestive track?
Finger-like out growths called villi present in the small intestine absorbs the digested food from our digestive track.

Question 42.
Through which part undigested food is sent out of our body?
Undigested food is sent out of our body through the anus.

Question 43.
What are the common problems associated with the digestive track?
The most common problems associated with the digestive tract are diarrhoea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, acidity, etc.

Question 44.
What do you understand from the given picture?
AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms 1
From the given picture, I understand that skipping meals, stress, strain, cool drinks, junk food, consumption of alcohol and tobacco products are not good for our health especially to our digestive system.

7th Class Science 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms Short Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Why are leaves green in colour?

  1. Leaves are green as they have chloroplasts.
  2. Chloroplasts are the special structures present only in plant cells and absent in animal cells.
  3. These chloroplasts consisting of a green coloured pigment called chlorophyll in them.
  4. This chlorophyll is responsible for all this greenery and play key role in preparation of food.

Question 2.
How can you confirm the occurrence of photosynthesis in a plant?

  1. Glucose formed in photosynthesis is converted and stored in the form of starch.
  2. So, the presence of starch in leaves indicates the occurrence of photosynthesis.
  3. It can be confirmed by testing the leaf extract with Iodine solution.

Question 3.
Why leaves are called “food factories of plants”.?

  1. Plants get carbon dioxide from air, water from soil, and energy from sunlight for synthesis of their food.
  2. The synthesis of food occurs in all green parts of plant body.
  3. These green parts contain a colouring pigment called Chlorophyll.
  4. It is more in leaves so leaves are called as “food factories of plants”.

Question 4.
Prepare a table comparing the method of our food preparation with that of plants.

Preparation of Boiled RicePreparation of food by green plants
Raw materialRice, WaterCarbon dioxide, water
Source of energyFirci from stoveSunlight
Happens inVessel/ cookerChloroplast in green parts
Finally formsBoiled riceGlucose/Carbohydrates

Question 5.
How do the raw materials; required for photosynthesis reach the leaf?

  1. Carbon dioxide required for photosynthesis enters into the leaf through the stomata.
  2. Water absorbed by the roots transported to the leaf through the stem.
  3. Leaf get sunlight when it exposed to the sun.
  4. Chlorophyll is present with the leaf.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 6.
What is the importance off sunlight in photosynthesis?

  1. Sun light is the source of energy in the process of photosynthesis.
  2. The solar energy is captured by the leaves and stored in the plant in the form of food.
  3. Thus, sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.

Question 7.
Write a short note on insectivorous plants.

  1. There are some plants that eat insects.
  2. Being green in colour, they can manufacture their own food.
  3. But as they grow in areas deficient in nitrogen, they meet their nitrogen requirements from insects.
  4. Leaves of these plants are specially modified to trap insects.
  5. Nepenthes, droseras, Utricularia (bladderwort), Venus fly trap (Dionaea) are examples of some such insectivorous plants.
  6. These are also called as carnivorous plants.

Question 8.
Write a short note on saprophytic nutrition.

  1. Some organisms grow on dead and decaying matter.
  2. They secrete digestive juices on it convert it into a solution and then absorb the nutrients from it.
  3. This mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients in the form of solution from dead and decaying; matter is called saprophytic nutrition.
  4. Generally we see this saprophytic nutrition in certain microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi like mushrooms, bread mould etc.

Question 9.
Write a short note on symbiosis.

  1. Some plants of the Dal family (legume plants) posses a type of bacteria growing on their roots in nodules.
  2. The bacteria fixes nitrogen for the plant while it gets shelter in the roots of these plants.
  3. Such an association is beneficial to both groups and called symbiosis.
  4. In organisms called lichens, a chlorophyll-containing partner, which is an algae, and a fungus live together.
  5. The fungus provides shelter, water and minerals to the alga and in return, the alga „ provides.

Question 10.
What is parasitism? Give examples.

  1. Type of association between two organisms for food in which one organism get benefited and other is vitiated is called parasitism (Parasitic nutrition).
  2. The organism which is getting benefit is called parasite.
  3. Example for parasitic plant is Cuscuta.
  4. Example for parasitic animal is intestinal worm.

Question 11.
How does dodder plant get its food?

  1. Plants like Cuscuta/ Dodder plant (Bangaru teega) take readymade food from the plant on which it is climbing. ,
  2. They develop special roots called haustoria, which penetrate into the tissues of the host plant and absorb food materials from them.
  3. This causes harm to the host plant gradually.
  4. This kind of nutrition is called parasitism.

Question 12.
How do animals take their food? Where do they digest it?

  1. Animals obtain their food from other organisms.
  2. They take their food in the form of solid or liquid.
  3. They take the food into the body for digestion.
  4. Digestion occurs inside the body.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 13.
What are the parts of human digestive system?

  1. The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and digestive glands.
  2. The total length of alimentary canal is about 9 meters.
  3. Its main parts are mouth, oral cavity/ buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.
  4. The salivary glands, liver and pancreas are the digestive parts connected to the alimentary canal.

Question 14.
Write a short note on tooth decay?

  1. Normally Bacteria present in our mouth are not harmful to us.
  2. If we do not clean our teeth and mouth after eating, many harmful bacteria begin to live and grow in it.
  3. These bacteria breakdown the sugars present from leftover food and release acids.
  4. These acids gradually damage teeth. This is called tooth decay.
  5. If it is not treated in time, it causes severe toothache and in extreme cases results in tooth loss.
  6. Chocolates, sweets, soft drinks and other sugar products are major causes of tooth decay.

Question 15.
How do bad habits effect our digestive system?

  1. Bad habits like smoking, chewing of tobacco, drinking of alcohol effect our health adversely. .
  2. Drinking of alcohol can lead to liver diseases, digestive problems.
  3. It causes cancer of the mouth, throat, oesophagus arid liver.
  4. Consuming tobacco products, tobacco particles stick to teeth, gums, and skin of the mouth cavity which leads to swelling, injury, pain and also causes throat and intestine cancer.

Question 16.
How do vajrasana help our body?

  1. Vajrasana increases flow of blood into our stomach area, thus improving our bowel movements and relieving constipation.
  2. It also keeps us to get rid of gas and acidity.

Question 17.
Draw the diagram of stomata and label the parts.
AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms 2

Question 18.
Draw the diagram showing nutrition in amoeba.
AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms 3

Question 19.
Which habit should be practised for the health of teeth? Why?
We should clean our teeth daily at least for twice. Once in the morning after we wakeup. This helps to remove the bacteria accumulated over night in our mouth. And second time before going to bed. This helps to remove any food particles remain in mouth. Otherwise these food particles increase the growth of bacteria and releasing of acids. So for the health of our teeth, we should brush our teeth at least for twice.

7th Class Science 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms Long Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is nutrition? Describe different types of nutritions.
The process of intake and utilization of food by organisms is called nutrition. This is mainly of two types.

  1. Autotrophic nutrition
  2. Heterotrophic nutrition

1) Autotrophic nutrition :
The mode of nutrition in which organisms make food by themselves is called autotrophic nutrition. Ex: Green plants

2) Heterotrophic nutrition :
The mode of nutrition in which organisms depend on other organisms for food is called Heterotrophic nutrition. This is again of three types
i) Saprophytic nutrition:
The mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients in the form of solution from dead and decaying matter is called saprophyticnutrition.
Ex: Certain microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi like mushrooms, bread mould etc.

ii) Parasitic Nutrition :
This type of association between two organisms for food in which one organism get benefited and other is vitiated is called parasitic nutrition.
Ex: Cuscuta, Intestinal worms

iii) Holozoic Nutrition :
Holozoic Nutrition is the mode of heterotrophic nutrition in which the food is taken in solid or liquid form from the outside and is digested inside the body.
Ex: Amoeba. Human beings

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 2.
What is holozoic nutrition? What are the steps involved in it?
Holozoic Nutrition is the mode of heterotrophic nutrition in which the food is taken in solid or liquid form from the outside and is digested inside the body.

The steps involved in holozoic nutrition are

  1. Ingestion – Food is taken into the body.
  2. Digestion – Conversion of food into simple soluble forms.
  3. Absorption – Transfer of food to the blood.
  4. Assimilation – Absorbed food became the part of the body. .
  5. Egestion – Removal of waste products and undigested food from the body.

Question 3.
Describe the nutrition in amoeba.

  1. Amoeba is a microscopic single-celled organism found in pond water.
  2. Amoeba has a cell membrane, a rounded, dense nucleus and many small bubble¬like vacuoles in its cytoplasm.
  3. Amoeba constantly changes its shape and position.
  4. It pushes out one. or more finger-like projections, called pseudopodia or false feet ‘ for movement and capture of food.
  5. Food vacuole forms around the captured food.
  6. Food get digested in it, absorbed into the cytoplasm and assimilates.
  7. Finally undigested food is sent out by opening this vacuole out at the body surface.

Question 4.
Is the nutrition in human beings holozoic? Justify your answer.

  1. Yes, nutrition in human beings is holozoic nutrition.
  2. We take food in the form of solids or liquids.
  3. It get’s digested in the digestive system.
  4. Digested food is absorbed by the blood.
  5. Blood transports digested food to different parts of the body for assimilation.
  6. Undigested food will be ejected out of the body.
  7. So the nutrition in human beings is holozoic nutrition.

Question 5.
Explain the process of digestion in grass eating animals.

  1. Grass eating animals have four chambers in stomach.
  2. They are rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum.
  3. They quickly swallow the grass and store it in a part of the stomach called rumen.
  4. In rumen, food gets partially digested and is called cud.
  5. But later the cud returns to the mouth in small lumps and animal chews it again.
  6. This process is called rumination and these animals are called ruminants.
  7. The grass is rich in cellulose, a type of carbohydrate.
  8. In ruminants, the cellulose of the food is digested by the action of certain bacteria present in the rumen of grass eating animals.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Question 6.
Make a table showing types of teeth, their number and function in human beings.

Type of teethNumber of teethFunction
1. Incisors8cut food
2. Canines4tear food
3. Premolars8crush food
4. Molars12grind food

Question 7.
Describe the functions of various parts of human digestive system.
Different parts of human digestive system performs different functions as mentioned below.

  1. Mouth Food is taken into the body through it. It leads into Buccal Cavity.
  2. Buccal cavity contains tongue, teeth and secretions of Salivary glands. Carbohydrate digestion starts here.
  3. Pharynx is the common chamber for both digestive track and respiratory track. It leads into Oesophagus.
  4. Oesophagus is a muscular tubular structure that connects pharynx with Stomach.
  5. Stomach is a muscular sac like structure. Food is grinded well and mix with its juices. Proteins digestions tarts in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach kills Bacteria in the food.
  6. Duodenum is the first part of the small intestine. Bile juice from liver, Pancreatic juice from pancreas enters into it and helps in digestion.
  7. Small intestine is about six metre long. Digestion of food is completed here with the help of its juices. Its inner wall have thousands of finger-like outgrowths called villi. They absorb the digested food. Blood transport it to all body parts for assimilation.
  8. Large Intestine absorbs water and minerals from the undigested food.
  9. Rectum storage point for undigested food.
  10. Anus – Fecal matter removed through it.

Question 8.
What is acidity? Mention the symptoms, causes and home remedies for acidity.
It’s a common problem associated with digestive track caused due to excess acids in stomach.

Symptoms :
Burning sensation in chest, stomach and in throat;
sour taste in mouth;
upper abdominal discomfort;
post meal heaviness.

Causes : consuming spicy food;
unhealthy or irregular meals;
drinking too much alcohol.

Home remedies:
Consuming butter milk, coconut water, eating of herbs such as ajwain, tulsi leaves, saunf, jeera and pudina leaves, cloves, jaggery

AP Board 7th Class Science 3rd Lesson 1 Mark Bits Questions and Answers Nutrition in Organisms

I. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Carbohydrates digest first in
A) Buccal cavity
B) Stomach
C) Small intestine
D) Large intestine
A) Buccal cavity

2. Proteins digestion starts in
A) Buccal cavity
B) Stomach
C) Small intestine
D) Large intestine
B) Stomach

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

3. Chocolates, sweets, soft drinks and other sugar products cause of
A) Acidity
B) Constipation
C) Tooth decay
D) Diarrhea
C) Tooth decay

4. The process of intake and utilization of food by organisms is called ……
A) Digestion
B) Absorption
C) Nutrition
D) Excretion
C) Nutrition

5. Nutrition in green plants is
A) Autotrophic
B) Saprophytic
C) Parasitic
D) Holozoic
A) Autotrophic

6. This is not a requirement of photosynthesis
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon dioxide
C) light
D) water
A) Oxygen

7. Product of photosynthesis
A) Oxygen
B) Water
C) Glucose
D) All the above
D) All the above

8. Presence of starch in leaves indicates the occurrence of…..
A) Respiration
B) Photosynthesis
C) Digestion
D) Excreton
B) Photosynthesis

9. This works as food factory of the plant
A) Stem
B) Leaf
D) Root
B) Leaf

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

10. Function of stomata is
A) Gaseous exchange
B) Transport of water
C) Food production
D) Digestion
A) Gaseous exchange

11. Find the correct statement
i) Nepenthes is a insectivorous plant.
ii) It grow in phosphorous deficient soils.
A) both are correct
B) i only correct
C) ii only correct
D) both are wrong
B) i only correct

12. Example for saprophyte
A) Amoeba
B) Utricularia
C) Cuscuta
D) Bread mould
D) Bread mould

13. Chlorophyll-containing partner in the lichens is
A) Algae
B) Fungi
C) Bacteria
D) Amoeba
A) Algae

14. Cuscuta absorbs its food from host through
A) Tap root
B) Fibrous root
C) Haustoria
D) prop roots
C) Haustoria

15. National Deworming Day is observed on
A) February 10
B) August 10
C) Both A & B
D) December 10
C) Both A & B

16. Albendazole tablet is a…
A) Antibiotic
B) Antiviral drug
C) Antifungal drug
D) Deworming drug
D) Deworming drug

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

17. Taking of food into the body is called…..
A) Ingestion
B) Digestion
C) Absorption
D) Egestion
A) Ingestion

18. Conversion of food into simple soluble forms is called …
A) Ingestion
B) Digestion
C) Absorption
D) Egestion
B) Digestion

19. Transfer of food to the blood is called …..
A) Ingestion
B) Digestion
C) Absorption
D) Egestion
C) Absorption

20. Removal of waste products and undigested food from the body
A) Ingestion
B) Digestion
C) Absorption
D) Egestion
D) Egestion

21. Amoeba collects its food with the help of
A) Pseudopodia
B) Nucleolus
C) Food vacuole
D) Cytoplasm
A) Pseudopodia

22. This is not digestible in human being is …..
A) Starch
B) Protein
C) Fat
D) Cellulose
D) Cellulose

23. Nutrition in human being is …
A) Autotrophic
B) Parasitic
C) Saprophytic
D) Holozoic
D) Holozoic

24. The total length of alimentary canal is about
A) 3 meters
B) 6 meters
C) 9 meters
D) 12 meters
C) 9 meters

25. Tofal number of teeth in the adult is
A) 8
B) 16
C) 20
D) 32
D) 32

26. Teeth that help to cut the food….
A) incisors
B) canines
C) premolars
D) molars
A) incisors

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

27. Hardest part of the human body is
A) Bone
B) Teeth
C) Cartilage
D) Muscle
B) Teeth

28. The major culprits of tooth decay ….
A) Chocolates
B) Sweets
C) Soft drinks
D) All the above
D) All the above

29. Common chamber for both digestive track and respiratory track is
A) Pharynx
B) Duodenum
C) Esophagus
D) Buccal cavity
A) Pharynx

30. The muscular tubular structure that connects pharynx with Stomach is
A) Buccal cavity
B) Oesophagus
C) Duodenum
D) Small intestine
B) Oesophagus

31. Hydrochloricacid in the stomach kills Bacteria in the food.
A) Lactic acid
B) Sulphuric acid
C) Acetic acid
D) Hydrochloric acid
D) Hydrochloric acid

32. Digestion of food completes in this part
A) Stomach
B) Duodenum
C) Small intestine
D) Large intestine
C) Small intestine

33. Digested food absorbed in to blood through
A) Stomach
B) Duodenum
C) Villi
D) Large intestine
C) Villi

34. Large intestine absorbs….
A) Water
B) Digested food
C) Minerals
D) A & C
D) A & C

35. Reason for acidity…
A) Stress
B) Irregular meals
C) Drinking too much alcohol
D) All the above
D) All the above

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

36. The only asana that can be done on full stomach.
A) Padmaasan
B) Vajrasana
C) Bhujangasana
D) shirshaasana
B) Vajrasana

II. Fill in the blanks

1. Liver produces …………… juice.
2. Expand NDD ……………
3. AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms 4
4. The process of intake and utilization of food by organisms is called …………… .
5. The mqde of nutrition in which organisms make food by themselves is called …………… .
6. The mode of nutrition in which organisms depend on other organisms, for food is called …………… .
7. Green plants are …………… .
8. Humans and animals are directly or indirectly dependent on …………… for food.
9. …………… are the special structures present only in plant cells and absent in animal cells.
10. Chlorophyll is present in the …………… of plant cell.
11. …………… is the pigment responsible for the greenery of the plants.
12. The process-by which green plants make their own food from carbon dioxide and water by using light energy in the presence of chlorophyll is called …………… .
13. Glucose formed in photosynthesis is converted and stored in the form of …………… .
14. The presence of starch in leaves indicates the occurrence of …………… .
15. Occurrence of photosynthesis can be confirmed by testing the leaf extract with …………… solution.
16. …………… work as “food factories of plants”.
17. …………… captures the energy of the sunlight.
18. …………… is the source of energy in the process of photosynthesis.
19. …………… is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.
20. Gaseous exchange occurs in the leaves through …………… .
21. …………… is the gas required for photosynthesis.
22. …………… is the gas produced in photosynthesis.
23. Nutrients needed ip minute quantities are called …………… .
24. Insectivorous plants meet their requirements from insects.
25. Saprophytes grow on …………… .
26. The mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients in the form of solution from dead and decaying matter is called …………… nutrition.
27. …………… play key role in cleaning,up the earth surface.
28. Chlorophyll-containing partner in lichen is
29. An association between two organisms for food in which one organism get benefited and other is vitiated is called ……………
30. The organism that get benefited in parasitism is …………… .
31. Organism on which parasite is growing is called …………… .
32. …………… is the mode of heterotrophic nutrition in which the food is taken in solid or liquid form from the outside and is digested inside the body.
33. Pseudopodia are food collecting, organs in …………… .
34. Humans cannot digest …………… .
35. The digestive system consists Of the …………… and …………… .
36. The total length Of alimentary canal is about …………… meters.
37. Teeth in the human beings are of …………… types.
38. …………… is the hardest part of the human body.
39. …………… is the only asana that can be done on full stomach.
40. Damage of teeth due to acids is called …………… .
41. Carbohydrate digestion starts in …………… .
42. …………… is the common chamber for both digestive track and respiratory track.
43. Proteins digestions starts in the …………… .
44. …………… in the stomach kills Bacteria in the food.
45. Inner wall of the small intestine have thousands of finger-like outgrowths called …………… .
46. Villi absorb the …………… .
47 …………… absorbs water and minerals from the undigested food.
48. …………… is the storage;point for undigested food.
49. Fecal matter removed through …………… .

  1. bile
  2. National Deworming Day
  3. carbondioxide, oxygen
  4. nutrition
  5. autotrophic nutrition
  6. heterotrophic nutrition
  7. autotrophs
  8. plants
  9. Chloroplasts
  10. chloroplast
  11. Chlorophyll
  12. Photosynthesis
  13. starch.
  14. photosynthesis
  15. Iodine
  16. Leaves
  17. Chlorophyll
  18. Sunlight
  19. Sun
  20. stomata.
  21. Carbon dioxide
  22. Oxygen
  23. micronutrients
  24. nitrogen
  25. dead and decaying matter
  26. saprophytic
  27. Saprophytes
  28. algae
  29. parasitism.
  30. parasite
  31. host
  32. Holozofc Nutrition
  33. amoeba
  34. cellulose
  35. Tooth
  36. Vajrasana
  37. tooth decay
  38. buccal cavity
  39. Pharynx
  40. stomach
  41. Hydrochloric acid
  42. villi.
  43. digested food
  44. Large Intestine
  45. Rectum
  46. anus.

III. Match the following


Group – AGroup – B
A) Ingestion1) Transfer of food to the blood.
B) Digestion2) Absorbed food became the part of the body
C) Absorption3) Preparing food inside the body
D) Assimilation4) Removal of undigested food from the body.
E) Egestion5) Conversion of food into simple soluble forms.
6) Food is taken into the body.


Group – AGroup – B
A) Ingestion6) Food is taken into the body.
B) Digestion5) Conversion of food into simple soluble forms.
C) Absorption3) Preparing food inside the body
D) Assimilation2) Absorbed food became the part of the body
E) Egestion4) Removal of undigested food from the body.


Group – AGroup – B
A) Autotrophs1) Mouth
B) Saprophytes2) Special roots
C) Parasite3) Chlorophyll
D) Holozoic4) Solution


Group – AGroup – B
A) Autotrophs3) Chlorophyll
B) Saprophytes4) Solution
C) Parasite2) Special roots
D) Holozoic1) Mouth


Group – AGroup – B
A) Buccal cavity1) Removes fecal matter
B) Stomach2) Absorbs water and minerals
C) Small intestine3) Starts carbohydrate digestion
D) Large intestine4) Preparing food inside the body.
E) Anus5) Starts protein digestion
6) Complete the digestion of food


Group – AGroup – B
A) Buccal cavity3) Starts carbohydrate digestion
B) Stomach5) Starts protein digestion
C) Small intestine6) Complete the digestion of food
D) Large intestine2) Absorbs water and minerals
E) Anus1) Removes fecal matter


Group – AGroup – B
A) Utricularia1) Ruminants
B) Venus fly trap2) Others
C) Cuscuta3) Bladderwort
D) Cows4) Nourishment
E) Trophos5) Dionaea
6) Dodder plant


Group – AGroup – B
A) Utricularia3) Bladderwort
B) Venus fly trap5) Dionaea
C) Cuscuta6) Dodder plant
D) Cows1) Ruminants
E) Trophos4) Nourishment

Do You Know?

→ Forests are green in colour. Isn’t it? Infact they are green as they have many trees. Trees are green as they have leaves. Leaves are green as they have chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are the special structures present only in plant cells and absent in animal cells.These chloroplasts consists of a green coloured pigment called chlorophyll in them,. This chlorophyll is responsible for all this greenery and play key role in preparation of food. You will learn about all these in your higher classes.

→ There are some plants that eat insects. Being green in colour, they can manufacture their own food. But as they grow in areas deficient in Nitrogen, they meet their Nitrogen requirements from insects. Leaves of these plants are specially modified to trap insects. Nepenthes, (pitcher plant) Droseras, Utricularia (bladderwort), Dionaea (Venus fly trap) are examples of some such insectivorous plants. These are also called as carnivorous plants.

→ Some plants of the Dal family (legume plants) possess a type of bacteria growing on their roots in nodules. The bacteria fixes nitrogen for the plant while it gets shelter in the roots of these plants. Such an association is beneficial to both groups and is called Symbiosis.

In organisms called lichens (litmus paper is obtained from lichens), a chlorophyll-
containing partner, which is an algae and a fungus that live together. The fungus provides shelter, water, and minerals to the algae and in return, the algae provides food for the fungus.

→ Every year February 10 and August 10 is observed as National Deworming Day(NDD). The day aims at eradicating intestinal worms among children in the age group of 1-19 years. On this day. Albendazole tablet (deworming drug) is administered to children.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 3rd Lesson Nutrition in Organisms

Digestion In Grass Eating Animals

→ Have you observed cows, buffaloes and other grass eating animals chewing continuously even when they are not eating? They have four chambers in stomach. They are rumen, reticulum,omasum and abomasum. Actually they quickly swallow the grass and store it in a, part of the stomach called rumen. In rumen, food gets partially digested and is called cud. But later the cud returns to the mouth in small lumps and animal chews it again. This process is called rumination and these animals are called ruminants.

The, grass is rich in cellulose, a type of carbohydrate. In ruminants, the cellulose of the food is digested by the action of certain bacteria present in the rumen of grass eating animals. Many animals including humans cannot digest cellulose due to the absence of such bacteria.

→ Normally Bacteria present in our mouth are not harmful to us. If we do not clean our teeth and mouth after eating, many harmful bacteria begin to live and grow in it. These bacteria breakdown the sugars present from leftover food and release acids. These acids gradually damage teeth. This is called tooth decay. If it is not treated in time, it causes severe toothache and in extreme cases results in tooth loss. Chocolates, sweets, soft drinks and other sugar products are the major causes of tooth decay.

→ Vajrasana increases flow of blood into our stomach area, thus improving our bowel movements and relieving constipation. It also keeps us to get rid of gas and acidity. It is the only asana that can be done on full stomach.