AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

These AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP Board 7th Class Social 8th Lesson Important Questions and Answers Bhakthi – Sufi

7th Class Social 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Bhakti?
Bhakti means a path of loving devotion to a particular deity.

Question 2.
What is the main characteristic of the Bhakti Movement?
Universal Brotherhood and equality of all in the society.

Question 3.
When did Bhakti movement became popular in all religions?
In the medieval period the path of Bhakti became more popular in all religions.

Question 4.
Who started the Bhakti Movement?
Bhakti movement was started by Adi Shankaracharya.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

Question 5.
Who lead the Bhakti movement in North India?
Ramananda, Kabir, Ravidas, Surdas, Mira Bai, etc.

Question 6.
Who spread the Bhakti movement in Tamilnadu?
Alwars and Nayanars spread Bhakti movement in South India, mainly in’Tamilnadu.

Question 7.
Write a few words about Shankaracharya.

  1. Shankaracharya was born in Kaladi of Kerala.
  2. He became a saint at the age of 5.
  3. He preached Advaita Philosophy.
  4. He established four Shakthi Peethas in all the four corners of India.

Question 8.
Names of Shakthi Peethas.

  1. Badri in the North.
  2. Srungeri in the South.
  3. Puri in the East and
  4. Dwaraka in the West.

Question 9.
Name the works of Shankaracharya.
Shankaracharya wrote Viveka Chudamani, Soundaryalahari, Sivanandalahari, Atmabodha, etc.

Question 10.
Define Dwaita Philosophy.
According to Dwaita Philosophy, the world is not an illusion but a reality. Brahman, Atman and matter are unique in nature.

Question 11.
What is the idealogy of Vajlabhacharya?
Vallabhacharya idealogy is known as Suddhadvaita.

Question 12.
What was the Cardial quote of Sant Ravi Das?
Santa Ravi Das cardial quote was “Hari is in all and all in Hari”.

Question 13.
Who was the founder of Sikh religion?
Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikh religion.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

Question 14.
Write about the teachings of Guru Nanak.
The most famous teaching attributed to Guru Nanak are :

  1. There is only one God.
  2. That all human beings can have direct access to God.
  3. He taught that everyone is equal, regardless of caste or gender.

Question 15.
Write about Molla.

  1. Molla is also called Mollamamba.
  2. She is a Telugu poet.
  3. She wrote Ramayana in Telugu.

Question 16.
Write a few words about Annamayya.

  1. Tallapaka Annamacharya came from Tallapaka village of Kadapa district.
  2. He is known as Padakavita pithamaha.
  3. He wrote 32,000 Keerthanas in praise of lord Venkateswara.

Question 17.
Define Sufi movement.

  1. The Sufi movement was a socio-religious movement in Islam.
  2. The Sufis emphasised on an egalitarian society based on universal love.

Question 18.
What is the impact of Sufi movement?

  1. Sufi’s travelled all over the country to reach the poor and rural communities.
  2. They preached in the local languages.
  3. They lived a modest simple life.

7th Class Social 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain about Saguna and Nirguna Bhakthi.

  1. The gunas are a key concept in nearly all schools of Hindu philosophy.
  2. These three gunas are called: Sattva (goodness, calmness, harmonious), Rajas (passion, activity, movement) and Tamas (ignorance, inertia, laziness).
  3. All of these three gunas are present in everyone and everything.
  4. Attributing these gunas to the God is Saguna Bhakthi.
  5. Worshipping the god without these Gunas is Nirguna Bhakthi.

Question 2.
What is the impact of the Bhakti Movement on the Medieval Indian society?

  1. The most important social impact of the Bhakti movement was that the followers of the Bhakti movement rejected caste discrimination.
  2. This movement encouraged religious tolerance.
  3. The bhakti saints preached religous tolerance and monotheism.
  4. A spiral of harmony developed among different sections of the society.
  5. It tried to develop humanitarian attitude.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

Question 3.
What are the salient features of Sufism?
The salient features of Sufism :

  1. There is only one God. All are children of God.
  2. To love a fellow human being is to love God.
  3. Devotional music is one of the ways to reach the presence of God.
  4. Sufi believes WahdatTul-Wujud which means worship for a single God.

7th Class Social 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi 8 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Appreciate Sufi movement.
Sufi Movement:
The Sufi movement was a socio-religious movement in Islam. The Sufis emphasised on an egalitarian society based on universal love. The word Sufi is derived from an Arabic word Saf. Saf means purity / clean. The Sufi saints were always in meditation and they led a simple life. They wore woollen clothes.

The salient features of Sufisim :

  1. There is only one God. All are children of God.
  2. To love ones fellow men is to love God.
  3. Devotional music is one of the ways to move nearer to God.
  4. Sufi believes Wahdat-ul-Wujud means worship for a single God.

Question 2.
Why Hindus worship many forms of God while there is only one form of God in Islamism?

  1. Hindus worship many Gods. But all the Gods are not human beings, they are energies.
  2. The common man cannot understand or pray the immortal forms. So the rishis of Hinduism gave names to certain energies and physical shape.
  3. Later due to lack of knowledge the energies are forgotten by the common people and the physical forms and names only recorded in their minds.
  4. It also can be said that these energies are in subtle form in human bodies.

So Hindus worship many forms of God. But they also have only one Universal Supreme Being, PARAMATMA.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

Question 3.
What are the inferences from the poetry of Bhakti and Sufi saints about the existing social order ?
Inferences from the Poetry of Bhakti and Sufi saints about the existing social order:

  1. Bhakti movement and Sufi movement influenced the life style, cultural practices and traditions of people.
  2. The saints and their followers resented caste, religious inequalities that prevailed in society.
  3. Dignity of labour enhanced the recognition of the people in Agriculture, Handloom, Art crafts etc.
  4. Inspiration of Bhakti movement lead to the formation of new kingdoms.
    1) Vijayanagara kingdom was established with the inspiration of Swami Vidyaranya.
    2) The Maratha kingdom by Shivaji with the inspiration of Samardha Ramadas.
  5. Bhakti movement enhanced the essence of local languages. The saints of Bhakti movement composed songs and poems to attract common man easily. This enhanced the literature in regional languages.
    Ex : Writings of Akkamahadevi, Meera Bhajans, Tiruppavai of Godadevi.
  6. The sufi saints propagated the principles of monotheism (belief in one God) simple way of worship and protested superstitions.
  7. Sufi saints propagated their principles in poems and songs. Music has great prominence in praising God. Ex : Quwwali.
  8. Simplicity, disciplined life dedication towards Islam etc. Attracted the society towards Sufism.

AP Board 7th Class Social 8th Lesson 1 Mark Bits Questions and Answers Bhakthi – Sufi

I. Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Bhakti Movement reached its prominence in _______ century.
A) 5th
B) 6th
C) 7th
D) 8th
D) 8th

2. Saguna Bhakti means ___________ .
A) Worshipping god with form
B) Worship of the divine as formless
C) A & B both
D) None
A) Worshipping god with form

3. Nirguna Bhakti means ________ .
A) Worshipping god with form
B) Worship of the divine as formless
C) A & B both
D) None
B) Worship of the divine as formless

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

4. The Bhakti movement was started by _________ .
A) Adi Shankaracharya
B) Ramanujacharya
C) Madhwacharya
D) Nimbarka
A) Adi Shankaracharya

5. Alwars and Nayanars spread Bhakti movement in _________ .
A) Andhra Pradesh
B) West Bengal
C) Odisa
D) Tamilnadu
D) Tamilnadu

6. Tukaram, Namdev, Samartha Ramadas belongs to _________ .
A) Assom
B) Punjab
C) Maharashtra
D) Kerala
C) Maharashtra

7. Alwars were ______ saints
A) Sufi
B) Vaishnava
C) Saiva
D) All the above
B) Vaishnava

8. Nayanars were ______ saints.
A) Saiva
B) Vaishnava
C) A & B both
D) None
A) Saiva

9. Which of the following saint belongs North India?
A) Mira Bai
B) Shankardev
C) Basaveswara
D) Tukaram
A) Mira Bai

10. Sankaracharya was born in ______ .
A) Perumbudur
B) Kaladi
C) Palani
D) Ooty
B) Kaladi

11. Shankaracharva preached _______ .
A) Advaita
B) Dvaita
C) Visisthadvaita
D) Dvaita-Dvaita
A) Advaita

12. Who established Shakthi Peethas?
A) Ramanuja
B) Madhwa
C) Shankaracharya
D) Basaveswara
C) Shankaracharya

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

13. Shankaracharva attained nirvana at the age of ______ .
A) 12
B) 60
C) 32
D) 50
C) 32

14. Ramanuiacharva was born in ______ .
A) Kaladi
B) Sri Perumbudur
C) Prayag
D) Chittor
B) Sri Perumbudur

15. Ramanuja preached ______ .
A) Vishishtadwaita
B) Dwaita
C) Adwaita
D) All the above
A) Vishishtadwaita

16. Madhwacharva promoted ______ philosophy.
A) Advaita
B) Dvaita
C) Vishishtadvaita
D) All the above
B) Dvaita

17. He hailed from a Telugu family
A) Basaveswara
B) Ramananda
C) Vallabhacharya
D) Ramanuja
C) Vallabhacharya

18. Who popularised the Veerasaivism?
A) Basaveswara
B) Ramananda
C) Molla
D) Shankaracharya
A) Basaveswara

19. Basaveswara’s famous quote was
A) God is one
B) All men are equal. There is no caste or sub-caste
C) Unity of god
D) All the above
B) All men are equal. There is no caste or sub-caste

20. Ramananda was born at
A) Kaladi
B) Prayag
C) Sri Perumbudur
D) Odisa
B) Prayag

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

21. Kabir was brought up by a Muslim weaver named
A) Niru
B) Guru
C) Siru
D) None
A) Niru

22. Kabir became a disciple of
A) Ramanuja
B) Ramanand
C) Adi Shankara
D) Vallabhacharya
B) Ramanand

23. Sant Ravidas lived at
A) Banares
B) Prayag
C) Chittod
D) Kaladi
A) Banares

24. Mira Bai became a devotee of
A) Sri Krishna
B) Rama
C) Hanuma
D) All the above
A) Sri Krishna

25. Guru Nanak was born at
A) Lahore
B) Talwandi
C) Prayag
D) Banares
B) Talwandi

26. Guru Nanak followers were known as :
A) Buddhists
B) Jains
C) Sikhs
D) Sufis
C) Sikhs

27. Namdev was a devotee of
A) Nanak
B) Kabir
C) Ramanuja
D) Vithoba of Pandharpur
D) Vithoba of Pandharpur

28. Jnaneswar used ______ to convey his thoughts.
A) Sanskrit
B) Marathi
C) Hindi
D) Telugu
B) Marathi

29. Molla wrote Ramayana in ______ language.
A) Telugu
B) Sanskrit
C) Hindi
D) Marathi
A) Telugu

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

30. ______ was a great Sufi saint of India.
A) Khwaja-Pir-Mohammad
B) Nizam-Ud-Din-Auliya
C) Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti
D) Shaikh Niamat Ullah
C) Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti

II. Intext – Bits – Fill in the Blanks

1. Bhakti means …………….. devotion to a particular deity.
2. Saguna bhakti means …………….. .
3. Nirguna Bhakti means …………….. .
4. Bhakti movement was started by …………….. .
5. Basaveswara isfrom …………….. .
6. Ramananda is from …………….. .
7. Guru Nanak Dev isfrom …………….. .
8. Shankaradev is from …………….. .
9. Shankaracharya became a saint at the age of …………….. .
10. Shankaracharya was considered the greatest reformer of …………….. .
11. Ramanujacharya was a philosopher and …………….. .
12. Ramanujacharya was born in …………….. year.
13. Ramanujacharya wrote a commentary on the Brahma Sutras popularly known as …………….. .
14. Madhwacharya was born on the west coast of …………….. .
15. Vallabhacharya idealogy is known as …………….. .
16. Vallabhas teachings are also known as …………….. .
17. Basaveswara literary works are named …………….. .
18. The credit forthe spread of N/aishnava religion in Northern India goes to …………….. .
19. Ramananda adopted …………….. to spread his teachings.
20. Kabir advocated …………….. .
21. Sant Ravidas cardial quote was …………….. .
22. …………….. was another important woman saint of the medieval times.
23. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is also known as …………….. .
24. Shankara deva is the saint of …………….. .
25. Guru Nanak was born in …………….. year.
26. Namdev was born in a …………….. family.
27. Jnaneswar wrote his commentary on the Bhagawadgita called …………….. .
28. Molla is also called …………….. .
29. Tallapaka Annamacharya is popularly known as …………….. .
30. Annamayya is known as ……………..
31. The sufi movement was a …………….. movement fn Islam.
32. The word Sufi is derived from an Arabic word …………….. .
33. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti was born in …………….. .
34. Moinuddin Chishti Dargah is located at …………….. in India.
35. Farid-ud-din Ganj-i-Shakar is known as …………….. .
36. ‘Saf means …………….. .

  1. a path of loving
  2. Worshipping God with form
  3. Worshipping God without form
  4. Adi Shankaracharya
  5. Karnataka
  6. North India
  7. Talwandi near Lahore
  8. Assom
  9. 5
  10. Sanatana Dharma
  11. Social reformer
  12. 1017CE
  13. Sri Bhasya
  14. Karnataka
  15. Suddhadvaita
  16. Pushlimarga or the Path of Grace
  17. Vachanas
  18. Ramananda
  19. Hindi
  20. All are equal before God
  21. Hari is in all and all in Hari
  22. Mira Bai
  23. Sri Gauranga
  24. Assam
  25. 1469 AD
  26. Tailor
  27. Bhagavat Deepika
  28. Mollamamba
  29. Annamayya
  30. Padakavitha Pithamaha
  31. Socio-religious
  32. Sal
  33. 1143 AD
  34. Ajmer in Rajasthan
  35. Baba Farid
  36. Purity/clean

III. Match the following

1. SankaracharyaA) Visishtadvaita
2. RamanujacharyaB) Pushtimarga
3. MadhwacharyaC) All men are equal
4. VallabhacharyaD) Dvaita
5. BasaveswaraE) Advaita


1. SankaracharyaE) Advaita
2. RamanujacharyaA) Visishtadvaita
3. MadhwacharyaD) Dvaita
4. VallabhacharyaB) Pushtimarga
5. BasaveswaraC) All men are equal


1. Mira BaiA) Sankeerthanas
2. MollaB) Fraternity of men
3. AnnamayyaC) Sri Krishna
4. Guru NanakD) Telugu


1. Mira BaiC) Sri Krishna
2. MollaD) Telugu
3. AnnamayyaA) Sankeerthanas
4. Guru NanakB) Fraternity of men


1. NamdevA) Sufi saint
2. JnaneswarB) Seistan in Persia
3. Moinuddin ChishtiC) Bhagavat Deepika
4. Baba FaridD) Vithoba of Pandharpur


1. NamdevD) Vithoba of Pandharpur
2. JnaneswarC) Bhagavat Deepika
3. Moinuddin ChishtiB) Seistan in Persia
4. Baba FaridA) Sufi saint

Do You Know?

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 18

The two types of bhakti are Saguna Bhakti and Nirguna Bhakti. Saguna Bhakti means worshipping God with form, Nirguna Bhakti means worshipping God without form.

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 20

The Brahma Suthras is a Sanskrit text. Attributed to the sages Badarayana or Vyasa. It is also known as Vedanta Sutra.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions 8th Lesson Bhakthi – Sufi

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 24

Moinuddin Chishti Dargah is located at Ajmer. Rajasthan in India. The shrine has the grave of the revered saint, Moinuddin Chishti.