Andhra Pradesh AP Board 1st Class English Solutions Lesson 4.1 Numbers Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
AP State Syllabus 1st Class English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Numbers
Textbook Page No. 46
1. Warm-up Time
Ask the children to answer the following questions.
Question 1.
What do you see in the picture ?
I see children eating in a garden.
Question 2.
How many children are there ?
There are five children.
Question 3.
How many boys are there ?
There are two boys.
Question 4.
Where is the girl sitting ?
The girl is sitting on a bench.
Question 5.
How many roses are there in the picture ?
There are nine roses in the picture.
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2. Sharing Time
Let us take away
Read the story aloud and encourage the children to talk about the pictures.
Ask children to study the pictures in the story. You may ask the questions such as :
Question 1.
How many ants are there in the first picture ?
There is only one ant in the first picture.
Question 2.
Count the ants in the last picture.
There are five ants in the last picture.
Question 3.
What are the ants trying to do ?
The ants are trying to take a laddu home.
Question 4.
Did the ants take the laddu to their home finally ?
Yes, finally the ants took the laddu home.
Question 5.
How many ants joined every time ?
Every time one ant joined the others.
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3. Action Time
Activity – 1
Ask the children to match the numbers with the correct pictures.
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4. Circle Time
Read the following words aloud. Ask the children to repeat them by adding “s” to the plurals (more than one).
Activity – 1
Student Activity
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5. Fun Time
Activity – 1
Read the words aloud.
Student Activity
Activity – 2
Look at the picture and the letters. Colour them.
Student Activity
Activity – 3
Find ‘C’ and ‘c’ in the picture. Colour them.
Student Activity
Activity – 4
Trace and copy the following letters.
Student Activity
Activity – 5
Read the words aloud.
Student Activity
Activity – 6
Look at the picture and the letters. Colour them.
Student Activity
Activity – 7
Find ‘G’ and ‘g’ in the picture. Colour them.
Student Activity
Activity – 8
Trace and copy the following letters.
Student Activity
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6. Practice Time
Read with rhythm
Student Activity
Show the following pictures and encourage the students to frame the story.
Once there lived a crow. Oneday, the sun was hot. The crow came out. It felt thirsty.
It found a pot. The crow looked into the pot. The water was at the bottom of the pot. It could not reach the water. It thought of a plan, there was a heap of pebbles.
The crow brought the pebbles one by one and dropped into the pot. Slowly the level of the water rise. At the end, the crow was able to reach the water. It drank water and quenched its thirst.