AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Andhra Pradesh AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 4th Class EVS Solutions Lesson 2 Green World

I. Conceptual Understanding:

Question 1.
Write a brief note on the uses of plants?

  1. Plants and trees are gift of mother nature.
  2. Plants give us fresh air
  3. Plants give us food.
  4. Some plants are used as medicine.
  5. Plant and trees gives us shelter.

Question 2.
Give examples of land and water plants ?
Land plants:
Neem, Banyan, Mango, Tamarind, are some examples for land plants.

Water plants:
Hydrilla, Waterlily, Lotus, Duckweed, and Tape- grass are some examples for water plants.

Question 3.
Identify and write some desert plants in your surroundings?
Cactus, Barrel cactus, Golden barrel cactus, Aloevera , are some desert plants in our surroundings.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

II. Questioning and Hypothesis:

Question 4.
What questions would you like to ask a gardener in your village to know about different types of plants?

  1. Which plants are desert plants?
  2. Which plants grow on mountains?
  3. Which plants have tap roots?
  4. Which plants have fibrous roots?

III. Experiments and field observations:

Question 5.
Go to a nearby garden or nursery and write the names of as many flower and plants as you can identify?
Rose, Jasmine, Lily, Lavender, Hibiscus, Tulips, Marigold, Chrysethamum, Daffodil.

Neem, Tulasi, Rose plant, Mango, Cactus Mango, Sapota, Hibiscus plant, Lemon tree, Aloevera, Basil, Lavender, Marigold, Money plant.

IV. Information Skills & Project Work:

Question 6.
Make a chart on the types of plants based on roots and hang it in your class room.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World 1

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

V. Drawing Pictures and Model Making:

Question 7.
Make some flowers using colour papers?
Student activity.

VI. Appreciation:

Question 8.
Grow a flowering plants at your home record the progress of its growth and discuss with your friends ?
Student activity.

Let us Do: (TextBook Page No.14)

Write the names of plants based on their dwelling places?

Aquatic plantsTerrestrial plants
Water lilyPeepal

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Think and Discuss: (TextBook Page No.16)

Question 1.
Which part of the plant attracts you very much?
Rower is the part of the plant that attracts me very much.

Question 2.
Do you know how we use flowers?

  1. Flower are used for decorations.
  2. Hibiscus, Neem and Tulasi are used in making medicines.
  3. Rose, Jasmine, lily and lavender flowers used in making beauty oils and perfumes.
  4. Cauliflower cab be eaten as food.

Additional Questions:

I. Conceptual Understanding:

Question 1.
What are terrestrial plants? Give examples.
Plants that grow on land are called Terrestrial plans.
Ex: Banayan, Peepal, Mango, Neem, Tamarind etc.

Question 2.
What are aquatic plants? Give examples.
Plants that grow in water are called Aquatic plants.
Ex : Duckweed, water lily, lotus, Hydrilla etc.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Question 3.
What are the systems do a plant divided into ?
A plant is divided into two systems.

  • The root system
  • The shoot system.

Question 4.
What is root system and shoot system?
Root system:
The parts of the plant that is below the soil is called the root system.

Shoot system :
The part of the plant above the soil is called the shoot system.

Question 5.
How are roots useful to plants?
Roots hold the plant firmly to the soil and absorb nutrients from the soil.

Question 6.
Explain different types of roots with examples?
Roots are two types.
i) Tap root :
The tap root has a thick main root that goes deep into the soil and several thin roots grow from the main root.
Ex: Neem, Tamarind etc;

ii) Fibrous roots :
Fibrous roots are bushy. A number of tiny roots are attached to the lower end of the stem like bunch.
Ex: Paddy, Jowar, Maize.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Question 7.
How the roots are useful to us?

  1. Carrot, Beetroot, Raddish are taken as food.
  2. Camel grass(Vattiverlu) is used as cooling mats during summer.
  3. Lemon grass roots are used in fragrant oil and insect repellents.

Question 8.
Draw the diagram of a Hibiscus flower and label the parts?

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World 2

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Question 9.
Draw the pictures of Tap root and Fibrous roots?

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World 3

Question 10.
Write the name of some fruits which have medicinal value?
Fruits like Lemon, Neem and Amla have medicinal value.

Question 11.
Which fruits are used for cleansing hair?
Fruits like soap – nuts (kunkudu), Shikakai are used for cleansing hair.

Question 12.
What is photosynthesis?
Plants prepare their food on their own using carbon dioxide, water and sun-light. This process is called photosynthesis.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Multiple Choice Questions:

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Which is not a part of flower
A) Petal
B) Root
C) Pistil
D) Stamen
B) Root

Question 2.
Pick out odd one
A) Banyan tree
B) Mango tree
C) Lotus
D) Neem
C) Lotus

Question 3.
Which are useful for photosynthesis
A) Water
B) Sunlight
C) Carbondioxide
D) All
D) All

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Question 4.
The part of the plant above the soil is called _________ system.
A) Shoot
B) Root
C) Foot
D) Eco
A) Shoot

Question 5.
The part of the plant below the soil is called _________ system.
A) Shoot
B) Root
C) Foot
D) Eco
B) Root

Question 6.
The roots of _________ plant are soft and spongy.
A) Land
B) Desert
C) Mountain
D) Water
D) Water

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Question 7.
Which roots are used as cooling mats during summer.
A) Camel grass
B) Lemon grass roots
C) Soap-nuts
D) neem
A) Camel grass

Question 8.
_________ roots are bushy.
A) Tap
B) Fibrous
C) Both A and B
D) None
B) Fibrous

Question 9.
Which of the following is aquatic plant
A) Pine
B) Cactus
C) Neem
D) None
D) None

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 2nd Lesson Green World

Question 10.
The colour ful part of a flower is called _________.
A) Stamen
B) pistil
C) Petal
D) Sepal
C) Petal