Andhra Pradesh AP Board 4th Class English Solutions 5th Lesson The Magic Fish Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
AP State Syllabus 4th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 The Magic Fish
Textbook Page No. 62
I. Look at the picture and answer the questions :
Question 1.
What do you think is happening ¡n the pictures ?
The dog is hungry. The dog gets bone to eat. Then it sees reflection in the river. Then it wanted the other bone. The bone fell down in the river.
Question 2.
Number the pictures as per their occurrence.


Question 3.
What do you learn from it ?
Greed brings Sarrow.
Textbook Page No. 66
Comprehension :
Activity 2
I. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Who was Abhiram ?
Abhiram was a fisherman.
Question 2.
A strange thing happened one day. What was it?
The fish began to speak.

Question 3.
How did his wife respond when he went home empty-handed?
It must be a magic fish. Ask the fish grant us a big house with a huge garden.
Question 4.
Did the golden fish fulfill all the wishes of Abhiram’s wife? Why?
No, because she was greedy and unkind.
Question 5.
What is the moral of the story?
Greed causes sorrow.
Question 6.
If you were Abhiram, what wish would you ask the fish?
I would ask for happiness and joy.
II) Complete the passage using the words given in the box.
golden, requested, wife, fishing, go, out
Abhiram lived with his ____ in a little ___ near the sea. Every day he went for _____. One day he caught a big ____ fish in his net. The golden fish ______, him to put it back in to the sea. Then he let the fish ____ into the sea.
Abhiram lived with his wife in a little hut near the sea. Every day he went for fishing. One day he caught a big golden fish in his net. The golden fish requested, him to put it back in to the
sea. Then he let the fish go into the sea.
Textbook Page No. 67
Activity – 3
Who said these dialogues and to whom?


Activity – 4
Make new words using the letters of the given word. One is done for you.

Textbook Page No. 68
Activity – 5
Solve the crossword with the opposites of the words given as clues.
3. kind
4. tall
5. beautiful
6. serious
1 .foolish
2. happy
4. big
7. near
8. grant


Activity – 6
Read the following words and write at least one sentence about each.
e.g. : Hut : The hut was near the sea
pop up : ____________
Yesterday rain popped up in my village.
surprise : ____________
I got surprise on my birthday.
enough : ____________
I had enough sleep today.
grant : ______________
I ask my teacher to grant a leave.
ruler : _____________
I wish to become the ruler of my country.

Tongue twister :
Say the given sentence as quickly as possible.
Fresh fried fish
Fish fresh fried
Fried fish fresh
Fish fried fresh

Textbook Page No. 69
Look at the following sentences taken from the lesson.
1. He lived with his wife in a little hut.
2. Abhiram’s wife called him.
3. He caught a big golden fish.
4. She wore a crown.
The words in bold letters are in simple past tense. In sentences 1 and 2, the verbs end in -‘ed’ where as verbs in sentences 3 and 4 they do not end in -ed. The verbs that end in -ed are called regular verbs and other verbs are called irregular verbs.
All these verbs express completed actions.
Now pick out regular and irregular verbs from the lesson and put them in the columns given below.


Textbook Page No. 70
Read the following sentences from the story.
1. ” O fisherman, please let me go.”
2. “Foolish man! Why did you let the fish go?”
3. “What a beautiful palace !” said Abhiram.
*Did you observe the highlighted punctuation?
* Do you know why they are used ?
In the above sentences, we used quotation marks to refer to the actual words spoken by the speaker. These are known as inverted commas (“…”).
Now let us see some more examples from the story.
1. The golden fish said, “Go back home. Your wish is granted.”
2. Abhiram said, “My wife wants a palace now.”
3. Abhiram’s wife said, “I want to be the ruler of the sea.”
Read the following sentences and use Inverted commas (“…”) wherever necessary.
1. My mother said, “Never tell lies.”
2. “Did you finish the project work?” asked the teacher.
3. The children replied, “We are ready to learn.”
4. Revathi said, “How interesting this film is!”
Textbook Page No. 70
Activity – 12
Abhiram returned from the sea after talking to the golden fish. Abhiram’s wife is waiting for him in the palace.
Now complete the conversation between Abhiram and his wife. Abhiram’s wife: Welcome dear!
Abhiram: Oh, What a beautiful palace it is!
Abhiram’s wife: Yes, I like this palace very much.
Abhiram: We should thank the golden fish for this. Are you happy now?
Abhiram’s wife: _________
Answer: We shall see.
Abhiram : _____
Answer: OKay
Abhiram’s wife : _________
Answer: This is not enough for me. Now I want to be the ruler of the sea.
Abhiram : _________
Answer: What are you asking for ? It is not right.
Abhiram’s wife : _________
Answer: Go to the fish at once.
Abhiram: ______
Answer: I will go.
Listening and Responding
Listen to your teacher and answer the following question.
All children are at school. Latha is drawing pictures in the classroom. She is sitting on a bench beside Neha. Teja is at school too. He is reading a newspaper in the library. He is sitting on a chair. Vani and Rani are also at school. They are playing in the ground. Some children are watering the plants in the garden.
At this moment, the teacher is calling everyone to come into the classroom.
Answer the following questions in a complete sentence?
Question 1.
What is Latha doing in the classroom?
Latha is drawing pictures in the classroom.
Question 2.
Who is sitting beside Neha?
Latha is sitting beside Neha.
Question 3.
What is Teja doing?
Teja is reading newspaper in the library.

Question 4.
Who are playing in the ground?
Vani and Rani are playing in the ground.
Question 5.
Why is the teacher calling everyone to come into the classroom?
The teacher calling everyone to teach the class.
Activity – 14
Look at the following picture and say some sentences using the ‘ing’ form (am/ is / are + action word + ing). e.g. Abhi is fishing.

Textbook Page No. 73
Read the following sentences.
* We are playing cricket.
* Madhu is swinging.
* Rani and Geetha are sliding.
* They are running.
The underlined part indicates that the action is in progress. So they are in present continuous tense.
Now, go through the following table and frame at least ten sentences.

e.g. I am reading a book.
1. ______________
You are playing kabaddi.
2. ______________
We are going to market.
3. ______________
They are riding the bicycle.
4. ______________
We are coming to school.
5. ______________
You are riding the bicycle.
6. _________
He is watching T.V.
7. _________
She is drinking water.
8. _________
It is eating a mango.
9. _________
Heis travelling by bus.

10. _________
She is eating a mango.
Textbook Page No. 74
Language game:
Name of the game: Act and say
Objective: Children express ongoing actions using the ‘present continuous form’
Materials required: A small box, paper slips containing ongoing actions written in them.
- Put all the written slips (such as reading, jumping, crying, laughing, eating, drinking, sleeping, drawing, etc…) in a small box.
- Ask the students to form some groups.
- Ask one student to come and pick up a slip from the box.
- Ask him/her to mime the action written on the slip.
- The other group will have to identify the word and say aloud the action using the ‘present continuous tense ’.
The Magic Fish
Summary :
Abhiram was a fisherman. He lived with his wife in a hut. Everyday he went for fishing. One day, he caught a big golden fish. And the fish started to speak with him. The fish asked him to leave it. So, he left it and went empty
handed to home, but his greedy wife scolds him. And asked him to go back and ask the fish for a big house. Next day, the fisher man went back to the sea. He asked the fish for a big house. The fish granted him the wish. After a few days, Abhiram’s wife forced him to ask the fish for a palace. Then, the fish granted them the palace also. After some days, Abhiram’s wife asked him to ask the fish that she wanted to become the ruler of the sea. Abhiram said it is not right but his wife become angry. But when the fisherman went and asked the fish, there was a storm in the sea. The fish was angry. The fish went back into the depths of the sea and cursed the greedy wife by turning her palace back to little hut. They lived in that hut from then.

అభిరామ్ ఒక జాలరి. అతను తన భార్య చిన్న గుడిసెలో జీవనం సాగించేవారు. ఒకరోజు తన వలకు ఒక పెద్ద బంగారపు చేప చిక్కింది. ఆ చేప వింతగా ఆ జాలరితో మాట్లాడింది. దాన్ని వదిలేయమని వేడుకుంది. దాంతో అభిరామ్ దాన్ని మళ్ళీ నీటిలోకి విడిచి పెట్టాడు. ఇంటికి వెళ్ళగానే అతని భార్య గట్టిగా మందలించి, వెళ్ళి ఆ చేపను ఒక పెద్ద ఇల్లు కావాలని కోరుకోమంటుంది. దాంతో అభిరామ్ వెళ్ళి అడగగా ఆ చేప ఆ కోరికను తీరుస్తుంది. కొన్ని రోజులకు తన భార్య మళ్ళీ వెళ్ళి ఒక పెద్ద రాజభవనాన్ని కోరమంటుంది. మరలా అభిరామ్ ఆ చేపను, కోరగా, ఆ కోరికను తీరుస్తుంది. ఆ తర్వాత మరికొన్ని రోజులకు, తన భార్య ఆ సముద్రానికి రాణి కావాలని అడుగుతుంది. అభిరామ్ అలా కోరుకోవడం తప్పని నచ్చ చెప్తాడు. తన భార్య కోపంతో అభిరామ్ మీద అరుస్తుంది. అభిరామ్ సముద్రం దగ్గరకు వెళ్ళగానే ఆ చేప కోపంగా ఉంటుంది. దాంతో చేపను ఆ కోరికను తీర్చమని అడిగితే, వెంటనే సముద్రం అడుగుకు వెళ్ళింది. తన భార్యని శపించి, మళ్ళీ రాజభవనాన్ని గుడిసెగా మారుస్తుంది. అప్పటినుంచి ఆ చిన్న గుడిసెలోనే జీవించేవారు.
strange = unusual; (మిత)
pop up = appear suddenly; (అకస్మాత్తుగా కనిపించడం)
palace = royal / official residence; (రాజభవనం)
storm = a violent weather with strong winds; (తుఫాను)
throne = royal seat; (సింహాసనం)