AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

Andhra Pradesh AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 4th Class EVS Solutions Lesson 4 Sense Organs

I. Conceptual Understanding:

Question 1.
How many sense organs are there? What are they?
There are five sense organs. They are

  1. Eyes (To see)
  2. Nose (To smell)
  3. Ears (Tohear)
  4. Tongue (To taste)
  5. Skin (To touch)

Question 2.
Why are sense organs so important to us?

  1. Sense organs help our body to respond to different things.
  2. They are very sensitive.
  3. We can see, hear, taste, smell and feel with the help of sense organs.
  4. The effective functioning of these organs is symbol of a healthy body.
  5. Hence sense organs are important to us.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

II. Questioning and Hypothesis:

Question 3.
What questions would you ask a differently abled person to know how he/ she handles his difficulty?
I would ask the following question to a blind person.

  1. How would you cross the roads?
  2. How would you read?
  3. How would you identify the people that you know?
  4. How would you identify your belongings?

III. Experiments and field observations:

Question 4.
Taste the food items in your kitchen and list them under different tastes?

S.No.Food itemsTaste


8.Spinach, turmeric, bittergaurdBitter

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

IV. Information Skills & Project Work:

Question 5.
Collect information about successful people who are differently abled and fill in the table.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs 6


S.NoNameWhat is disability
1.Hellen KellerBlind
2.Sudha ChandranLoss of leg in accident
3.Stephen HawkingALS
4.Ravindra JainBlind
5.S.Jaipal ReddyPolio
6.Nick VujicicPhocomella

V. Drawing Pictures and Model Making:

Questio 6.
Draw the picture of your face and label the sense organs.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs 1

VI. Appreciation:

Question 7.
What will you tell your parents if you experienced bad touch?

  • If I experienced bad touch from any person I will tell immediately about it to my parents.
  • If I see that perticular person I will inform to my perents.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

Activity (Our senses): (TextBook Page No.29)

Name the parts of the body that help you to know the senses Write it in the space provided.

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AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs 3

Activity: (TextBook Page No.36)

What do you do when someone touches you in the wrong way?
If a touch makes me feel unsafe.
I say (No)
I tell to my (parents or teachers).

Activity: (TextBook Page No.37)

Look at the picture and write whether they are good touch or bad touch.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs 4


AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs 5

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

Additional Questions:

I. Conceptual Understanding:

Question 1.
Which organ helped to taste the chocolate?
Tongue helped to taste the chocolate.

Question 2.
With which organ did you smell the perfume?
I smell the perfume with my nose.

Question 3.
What activities can we do with our eyes?

  1. Eyes are our sense of sight
  2. We enjoy watching this colourful world.
  3. We watch T. V, Cinemas, reading books with our eyes.

Question 4.
How do we care of our eyes?

  1. Read in an appropriate light only. Too dim or too bright light is harmful to our eyes.
  2. Watching T. V from a minimum distance of 6 feet
  3. When we have an itch in the eye do not rub our eyes. Gently clean our eyes with clean and cool water.
  4. Do not play with sharp objects.
  5. Do not look at the sun or bright lights directly. It may damage the eye sight.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

Question 5.
What will you do if you see a blind man waiting to cross the road?
When I see a blind man waiting to cross the road, I hold his hand and help him to cross the road.

Question 6.
What Precautions do you take to care of your nose?
Care of the nose:

  1. Do not put any objects inside the nose.
  2. If anything struck inside the nose, gently blow it out, or consult a doctor immediately.
  3. If the nose is blocked due to cold, its better to inhale vapour.
  4. Do not put our finger into our nose.
  5. Always breath with nose and not with mouth.

Question 7.
How is our sense of hearing damaged?

  1. The ear drums present in our ears are very sensitive.
  2. If we hear loud sounds like thunder, Diwali crackers or loud speakers it may damage our sense of hearing.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

Question 8.
How do you care your ears?

  1. Do not clean our ears with hair pins, match sticks or any other objects. It may harm the ears.
  2. Dry the ears after taking a bath with a soft cloth as water may go into the ears and harms you.
  3. Do not insert pencils, slate pencils into our ears.
  4. Do not hear loud sounds which cause damage to our ears.

Question 9.
How do we feel when we eat a tasty item?
The tongue senses different tastes such as sweet, bitter, and sour through the taste buds present on the tongue. It helps us to taste different food.

Question 10.
How do different animals use their tongue?

  1. Frogs, lizards use their tongue to catch food.
  2. Snake use their tongue to feel the sense of smell.

Question 11.
How can we take care of the tongue?

  1. Clean our tongue daily with the tongue cleaner after brushing.
  2. Do not eat too hot or too cold food. They may damage our taste buds and teeth.

Question 12.
How can you keep yourself safe?

  1. Personal hygiene is a good habit to care of our body.
  2. This habit includes bathing, washing hands and brushing teeth.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

Question 13.
Your friends always weak and unhealthy ? What suggestion do you give to be strong and healthy?

  1. Take a head bath twice a week.
  2. Trim nails regularly. It helps to prevent spreading germs into the body.
  3. Cover the mouth and nose while sneezing.
  4. Wash hands before and after eating.
  5. 5. Wash hands with soap after using the toilet.

Question 14.
Who are differently abled people? How do we treat them?

  1. People who cannot walk, see, hear, or talk are know as differently abled people.
  2. Differently-abled people must be encouraged to face life boldly.
  3. Family members, friends and teachers must support the differently – abled people
  4. We should not tease or bully them. Be friendly with them.

Question 15.
What is good touch and bad touch ?
1. Good touch Good touch is physical contact that the chaild is comfort.
able with the touch.
Ex: Hugging, with Love, arm around the shoulder 2. Bad touch : – Bad touch is physical contact that make one un comfortable.
Ex : Touch our private parts, touch your chest or bottom.

Question 16.
What do you do, If you feel a bad touch from any person?
If I feel a bad touch, I must

  1. Said no! Tell that person that I did not like it.
  2. I never stay alone with that person ever again.
  3. I call for help.
  4. Inform to my parents or teacher about it.

Question 17.
How to check signs of bad touch in children ?

  1. They are always alone and sad.
  2. They fear or afraid of a particular person.
  3. Asking two accompany werever they go
  4. Lack of interest in studies.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

Multiple Choice Questions:

Choose the correct answer:

Question .
Pick out the odd one _______
A) Nose
B) Tongue
C) Teeth
D) Skin

Question 2.
_______ is the only bird which can see in the dark.
A) Owl
B) Eagle
D) Crow
A) Owl

Question 3.
_______ have five eyes, typical from other insects.
A) Housefly
B) Wasp
C) Bees
C) Bees

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 4th Lesson Sense Organs

Question 4.
_______ script is used by blind people to read.
A) Telugu
B) Braille
C) Devanagari
D) Cursive
D) Cursive

Question 5.
Who invented the special script for the blind people.
A) Newton
B) Einstein
C) Grahambell
D) Luis Braille
D) Luis Braille

Question 6.
_______ sense organs are there is our body.
A) Five
B) Six
C) Four
D) Ten
A) Five

Question 7.
_______ are present on the tongue to taste different food.
A) Taste seeds
B) Taste buds
C) Taste stem
D) Taste flowers
B) Taste buds

Question 8.
Which of the following use their tongue to catch food.
A) Frog
B) Lizard
C) Chameleon
D) All

Question 9.
Kicking is _______ touch.
A) Safe touch
B) Unsafe touch
C) Unwanted touch
D) None
B) Unsafe touch

Question 10.
Snake use their tongue to feel the sense of _______.
A) Smell
B) Taste
C) Hearing
D) Sight
A) Smell