AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Andhra Pradesh AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 4th Class EVS Solutions Lesson 7 Professions and Services

I. Conceptual Understanding:

Question 1.
Name any three professions by which people help us in our daily life?
Farmers, scavengers, washerman, greengrocer, grocer etc are help us in our daily life.

Question 2.
Which professions support a farmer in farming?
The following professions support a farmer in farming:

  1. Agricultural officer
  2. Electrical engineer,
  3. Bank manager.
  4. Tahsildar.

Question 3.
Write how a plumber helps you?

  1. Plumber install and repair pipes that supply water.
  2. They also install bathtubs,sinks dishwashes and toilets.
  3. If we have any repair or leakage in pipes or taps, plumber will help us.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

II. Questioning and Hypothesis:

Question 4.
What questions do you like to ask a grocer in your village about his/her profession?

  1. Where did you buy these groceries?
  2. For how many years you are in this professon?
  3. Is there any wastage or loss of groceries?
  4. What do you do to maintain groceries not to spoil or damage?

III. Experiments and field Obsertvations:

Question 5.
Visit a cobbler in your village and observe how he repairs the shoes?
Student activity.
A cobbler repairs the shoes by using different tools like hammer, anawl, knife, cutter, spare leather and thread.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

IV. Information Skills & Project Work:

Question 6.
Collect pictures of tools used by different professionals from newspaper and prepare a scrap book?
Student activity

i) Tools used by Mason:

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services 1

ii) Tools used by the tailor

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V. Drawing Pictures and Model Making:

Question 7.
Draw and colour the picture of a sickle or any tool in your work book?

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Student activity.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

VI. Appreciation:

Question 8.
How would you appreciate the services of a scavanger in your village?

  1. Scavangers keep our streets and gutters clean.
  2. Everyday early in the morning they clean our streets.
  3. If scavengers are not there, our streets and villages become like a dustbin and different types of diseases attack us.
  4. So we should apprciate their importance and respect them.

Question 9.
Look at the picture and write how you feel about them?

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In this picture the farmer treat the buffalo as . his family member. He clean it and feed it. Buffalo i give milk to him. Farmer leave some milk to its ^ limb.From this I feel that the farmer treat the buffalo as his family member.

Activity: (TextBook page No.63)

Name the professions for the given pictures.

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AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services 6

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Additional Questions:

Question 1.
What is a tool?
A tool is an instrument to do the work easily.

Question 2.
Different brushes are given below:

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services 7

Name the people who utilize the brushes for their professions.

Paint brushPainter
Hair dye brushHairdressers
Sweeping brushMaid
Makeup brushBeautician
Shoe polishing brushCobbler
Shaving brushBarber
Drawing brushArtist
washing brushWasherman

Question 3.
What is a profession?
The work that involves any skill to get an income is called a profession.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Question 4.
Collect information about the tools and their uses, used by farmers?

S.noToolsTheir uses
1.SpadeTo level the field and digging passage for water flow
2.SickleTo harvest the crop
3.PloughTo till the land
4.TractorLevel or till the land

Question 5.
List out the tools used by atailor and mention their uses in a table?

S.noTools used by tailorTheir uses
1.TapeTo take measurements
2.ScissorsTo cut the clothes
3.Sewing machineTo stritch the clothes
4.Needle and threadTo stritch buttons and hooks

Question 6.
Who is mason? Write the tools used by a mason?
The person who helps in the construction of a house is a mason
Tools used by a mason:
Spade, trowel, plumbob, iron headpan, tape, saw mechine, try square etc are some tools used by a mason.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Question 7.
Can you name the tools used to build a wall?
Trowel, Iron head pan, plumbob,try square are the tools used to build a wall.

Question 8.
List out different professionals and how they help us in our daily life?

S.noProfessionalTheir uses/help
1.GreengrocerSells vegetables and fruits
2.MilkmanSupplies milk
3,FloristSells flowers
4.ChemistSells medicines
5.GrocerSell cereals,pulses, spices and rice
6.ScavangerSweeps the streets.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Question 9.
Ask a potter and write the process of making pots by him?

  1. Potter brings clay to make the pots.
  2. He soaks the clay in water and kneads it with his legs to make it soft.
  3. He takes the soft clay and rolls it on a potter’s wheel and shapes into a pot.
  4. He taps the pot with a wooden plate to get the correct shape.
  5. He dries the pots in the shade first and then under the sun.
  6. He bakes the dried pots in a kiln.

Question 10.
Name some professions and their work in a table?

S.noProffessionalTheir work
1.WashermanWashes and irons clothes
2.GoldsmithMakes ornaments of gold
3.CobblerMends shoes
4.ElectricianRepairs electric appliances
5.PlumberFits pipes and taps
6.PorterHelps carry our luggage
7.FishermanCatches fish and sell them
8.SoldierProtects the country
9.DriveDrives the vehicle

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Multiple Choice Questions:

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
The spade is used to _______ the field.
A) Harvest
B) Level
C) Plough
D) Till
B) Level

Question 2.
_______ is used to till the land by a farmer.
A) Sickle
B) Spade
C) Plough
D) Axe
C) Plough

Question 3.
The person who helps in the construction of a house is a _______.
A) Mason
B) Builder
C) Contractor
D) Realter
A) Mason

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Question 4.
_______ sells vegetables and fruits.
A) Florist
B) Chemist
C) Grocer
D) Green grocer
D) Green grocer

Question 5.
The _______ segregate the vegetable depending on the size and quality.
A) Mandi merchant
B) Farmers
C) Vendors
D) None
D) None

Question 6.
The people who keep our street and gutters clean are know as _______.
A) Scavengers
B) Maid
C) Porter
D) Grocer
A) Scavengers

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Question 7.
_______ makes ornaments of gold.
A) Plumber
B) Blacksmith
C) Gold smith
D) Porter
C) Gold smith

Question 8.
A _______ mends shoes.
A) Plumber
B) Blacksmith
C) Gold smith
D) Cobbler
D) Cobbler

Question 9.
A _______ issues land rights pass books needed to the farmers.
A) Agricultural officer
B) Bank manger
C) Tahsildar
D) Electrical engineer
C) Tahsildar

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 7th Lesson Professions and Services

Question 10.
Who sells medicine to us.
A) Grocer
B) Florist
C) Nurse
D) Chemist
D) Chemist