AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

Andhra Pradesh AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 5th Class EVS Solutions Chapter 3 Lesson We Wear

I. Conceptual understanding:

Question 1.
Write a brief note on the uses of air?
Uses of air :

  1. Air is the most primary need to live without air. We can’t live even for minutes of time.
  2. Electric power can be generated by air through wind mills.
  3. Through wind mills water can be lifted from wells for cultivation.
  4. Air is also used for drying clothes, smelling flowers, drink juice with a straw, to fly a kite, to ride a bicycle to play a flute etc.

Question 2.
Name the kind of clothes we wear in different seasons?
We feel convenient with different kinds of clothes in different seasons.
Ex: During Summer we wear cotton clothes.
During winter season we wear woolen clothes.
During rainy season we wear rain coats which are made up of water proof material.

Question 3.
Write differences between natural and artificial fibres?

Natural fibreArtificial fibre
I. It is obtained from nature.1. It is man made.
2. The fibre structures cannot be changed.2. Fibre structures can be changed.
3. These are comfortable3. Not comfortable.
4. No chemicals are used4. Chemical substances are needed for processing
5. Environmental friendly5. Some fabrics are harmful to the environment.
6. Their life time is less6. They last longer.

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

II. Questioning and Hypothesis:

Question 4.
Name the reasons why people use woollen clothes in the winter season?
We wear woollen clothes in winter because air is a poor conductor of heat and woollen clothes do not allow the transfer of body heat to the environment and keep us warm. The wool is structured so, there is air trapped inside.

III. Experiments and field observations:

Question 5.
Wash your dress with a detergent soap and write your experiences?
My experiences when I wash my dress with a detergent soap:

  1. If my new dress is cotton, when I wash it with a detergent soap it looses its colour for one or two washes.
  2. If my dress is silk I will dry it in a shady place.Otherwise they loose their colour.

IV. Information Skills & Project Work:

Question 6.
Collect pieces of cloth and classify them into natural fabrics and artificial fabrics and paste them on the chart. Display the chart.
Student activity.

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

V. Drawing Pictures and Model Making:

Question 7.
Draw the picture of different types of dresses.
Student activity.

VII. Appreciation:

Question 8.
Say what you like at tailor’s shop?
At tailors shop I will find different types of dresses in different colours and different models which I like most.There I can also find work sarees with different colours and designs. Cotton shirts will also be colourful.

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

Additional Questions:

Question 1.
What are natural fibres? Give examples?
Fibres that are obtained from nature i.e either from plants or animlas are called ” natural fibres”.
Eg : Cotton, jute are plant fibres, silk, wool are animals fibres.

Question 2.
What are artificial fibres? Give examples?
Man made fibres made in factories by using chemical process are called ” Synthetic fibres”.
Eg: Polyester, terylene, rayon, and nylon.

Question 3.
Why do people wear different types of clothes in different areas and ages?
People wear different types of clothes in different areas and different ages. It depends upon the material, comfort climate etc., People in cold countries use warm clothes made of wool. In hot counties use clothes made of cotton. Small kids use soft textured clothes.

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

Question 4.
How do clothes protect us?
Clothes protect us from heat,cold,rain. They absorb sweat and keep us cool. They proctect us from germs, insect bites, dust and pollution. They help us to look smart.

Question 5.
Why should we wash our clothes?
We should wash our clothes regularly. While playing, clothes may get dirty and wet with sweat. If we wear clothes without washing properly, we may suffer from skin diseases. Clothes should be washed with a detergent soap and dry under the sun.

Question 6.
What are the properties of air ?

  1. Air has weight.
  2. Air occupies space.
  3. Air exerts pressure.
  4. Air produces and carries sound and smell.

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

II. Questioning and Hypothesis:

Question 7.
Observe these figure and put (✓) mark where air occupies space.

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear 1


AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear 2

Question 8.
Write what you have observed from these experiments?
(1) AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear 3 Air has weight.

(2) AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear 4 Air produces and carries sound.

(3) AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear 5 Air occupies space.

(4) AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear 6 Air exerts pressure.

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

III. Information Skills & Project Work:

Question 9.
People wear uniform that suits their profession. Let us use the following pictures and identify their profession?

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear 7


Student Activity.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Cotton clothes are obtained from ________ plant.
A) cotton
B) flax
C) coconut
D) jute
A) cotton

Question 2.
Which of the following are natural fibres _______ .
A) cotton
B) wool
C) silk
D) jute
E) all the above
E) all the above

Question 3.
Silk is obtained from _______ .
A) silk worm
B) sheep
C) cotton plant
D) none
A) silk worm

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

Question 4.
Silk worm feeds on the _______.
A) cotton leaves
B) mulberry leaves
C) both
D) none.
B) mulberry leaves

Question 5.
Rain coats & umbrella material comes under ________ fibres.
A) natural
B) artificial
C) both
D) none
B) artificial

Question 6.
Sweaters are made up of ________ .
A) silk
B) cotton
C) wool
D) none
C) wool

Question 7.
We get wool from ________
A) silkworms
B) jute plant
C) sheep
D) none
C) sheep

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

Question 8.
We wear _______ clothes in winter.
A) woollen
B) cotton
C) silk
D) none
A) woollen

Question 9.
We wear _______ clothes in summer.
A) woollen
B) cotton
C) silk
D) none
B) cotton

Question 10.
_______ plant is used to make linen.
A) Jute
B) Cotton
C) Flax
D) None
C) Flax

Question 11.
Gunny bags, ropes are made from _______
A) cotton
B) jute
C) wool
B) jute

AP Board 5th Class EVS Solutions 3rd Lesson Clothes We Wear

Question 12.
We should not _______ air.
A) breath
B) use
C) pollute
D) none
C) pollute