AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms – Andhra Pradesh

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Land Forms – Andhra Pradesh Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 4th Lesson Land Forms – Andhra Pradesh

6th Class Social Studies 4th Lesson Land Forms – Andhra Pradesh Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
What is a landform?
The ups and downs, uneven slopes on the surface of the earth is called a landform.

Question 2.
Into how many categories landforms can be divided?
Landforms can be divided into mountains, plateaus, and plains depending upon their elevation and slope.

Question 3.
How is the delta formed?
Before joining the sea, a river divides into a large number of small streams. Before joining the sea the water slows down and can’t carry the sediment which forms the delta.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

Question 4.
Why do plain areas have dense settlements?
Plains are suitable for building houses and cultivation. Because of fertile soil, the land is highly productive and transportation is also easy in plains. So plains have dense settlements.

Question 5.
Compare the various types of soils that prevailed in different landforms.

Alluvial soils Deep and FertileRed and saline soils.
Saline soils have a high content of lime and salts.
Lava Plateaus are rich in black soil that is fertile.
Soils are uneven and sloped Red and Rocky soil.

Question 6.
Why did the government declare some mandals as drought-hit?
Drought means a long period where there is little or no rain. In plateau regions, rains are very little and unreliable. Because of low rainfall, farmers lost their crops. To aid them the government declares some mandals as drought-hit.

Question 7.
“Physical and climate feature determine the economic activities of a region”. Explain.
Location and climate have large effects on income levels and income growth. People living in the plains depend on agriculture. Because of fertile soil, this region is highly productive. As transportation is also easy the plain regions have more economic activities than plateau and mountain regions. Plateau regions have fewer economic activities because of low rainfall. This region has an underlying influence on the people who live here. In hilly regions people completely depend on rainfall and transportation is also not easy in this region. When compared to the plain region hilly region is also underlying influence upon the people there. So we can say physical and climatic feature determines the economic activities of a region.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

Question 8.
Are all the lands in your village agriculturally productive? If not give reasons.
All the lands in my village are agriculturally productive.

Question 9.
Do you think it is important to preserve the lifestyle of tribals – Why?
I think that it is important to preserve the lifestyle of tribals because they do not destroy the forests they use. Their lifestyle is also ecofriendly. If they follow the lifestyle of the people who live in plains they too destroy the forests. This will lead to low rainfall in hilly areas also. They possess good knowledge of forest which leads to more productivity of forest products. They take care of the environment in a lot of ways than expected.

Question 10.
Why kitchen garden is more important for the tribal people?
Tribal people do not have daily markets. They can’t go to the nearby cities and towns for essential commodities like vegetables. They may not have good transportation also. So, kitchen gardening is important for them as they grow vegetables in their backyards.

Question 11.
Why agriculture is a profitable trade in plains? Explain.
The fertile soils in the plains are very deep and fertile. The alluvial soils are deposited as sediments. Using machines in cultivation is easy in plains. Rivers in plains forms deltas that are fertile. Underground water is also an added advantage in plains. They can cultivate two or three crops in a year. Good transportation facilities are available in plains. Produce can be easily transported to the markets. So, agriculture is a profitable trade in plains.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

Fill in the blanks:

12. The highest peak in eastern ghats is ………….. (Armakonda)
13. Large part of …………… is located in the Deccan plateau. (Rayalaseema)
14. In plain areas ………….. crop is extensively cultivated. (Paddy)
15. Hills of eastern ghats are composed of …………… (Charnockites and Khondalite rocks)
16. In hilly areas people fetch water from …………. (natural springs or down streams of downhills)
17. ………….. soils have a high content of lime and salts. (Saline)
18. Plain areas receive rainfall in …………….. (June to October)

Choose the correct answer.

19. Plateaus are rich in ………..
A) Vegetables
B) Minerals
C) Population
D) Crops
B) Minerals

20. Black soils are fertile and good for …………..
A) Cotton
B) Millets
C) Vegetables
D) Wheat
A) Cotton

21. There are …………… districts in coastal Andhra Pradesh.
A) 6
B) 4
C) 9
D) 5
C) 9

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

22. …………………………………
A) Rayalaseema
B) Coastal Andhra
C) Northern Andhra
D) Deccan Plateau
A) Rayalaseema

23. Fill this table with appropriate information.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh 1

FeaturePlainPlateauMountains or hills
SoilsFertile and Alluvial black soilRed soil with little nutrientsRed and Rocky soils
CropsPaddy and cash cropsOrchardsCoffee
RainfallAbove Average RainfallBelow Average rainfallAverage Rainfall
OccupationAgricultureAgricultureShifting Agriculture

Project Work

1. Make a poster of landforms.
Student Activity.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

2. Make the day moulds of different landforms.
Student Activity.

6th Class Social Studies 4th Lesson Land Forms – Andhra Pradesh InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

(Textbook Page No. 44)

Question 1.
The names of Coastal Districts from North to South.

  1. Srikakulam,
  2. Vizianagaram,
  3. Visakhapatnam,
  4. East Godavari,
  5. West Godavari,
  6. Krishna,
  7. Guntur,
  8. Prakasam and
  9. Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore District.

Question 2.
The names of Rayalaseema Districts:

  1. Kurnool,
  2. Anantapur,
  3. YSR Kadapa and
  4. Chittoor Districts.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

Question 3.
Write your village/town/city name:
Student Activity
Ex: Mandal: Giddalur
District: Prakasam
Neighbouring districts to your district: Kurnool, YSR Kadapa, SPS Nellore, Prakasam
Neighbouring state to your districts: Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Telangana.
(Note: Students can write their own districts and their Neighbouring districts & States)

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 41)

Question 1.
List out the landforms from the below picture?
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh 2

  1. Mountain,
  2. Plateau and
  3. Plain are the landforms in the above picture.

Question 2.
Name the landforms around your village/town?
Mountains, Plateau and Plains are the landforms that are found around our village.

(Textbook Page No. 42)

Question 3.
“The construction of a road is easy in plain areas”- Give the reason.
Plains are level lands with flat surfaces. So it is easy to lay a road in plain areas.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

Question 4.
Why plain areas are densely populated? Write two reasons.
The plains are densely populated because:

  1. Plains are more suitable to construct buildings as well as cultivation.
  2. Transport facilities are plenty.

Question 5.
Generally, the villages located in plains will have good employment and standard of living. Why?
Plains in villages are fertile. They have plenty of water resources. Canals, underground water facilities are available in plains. They can use modern agricultural equipment also. So the production is also high. So, employment in agricultural activities is more. Transportation facilities are more and employment can be generated in this sector also. Construction of roads and buildings and for human inhabitation is suitable. So we can say that the villages located in plains will have good employment and standard of living.

Question 6.
Which type of soil is more suitable for cultivation?
Fertile and alluvial black soils, nutrient soils and high water holding capacity soils are more suitable for crops.

Question 7.
Look at the pictures of a mountain, a plain and a plateau and identify which of them is similar to your region.
Plateaus and plains are the landforms that are found in our region.

(Textbook Page No. 46)

Question 8.
Why hilly areas are suitable for plantation crops? Discuss with your Mends or teachers and write.
In hilly areas, the soils are uneven and sloped. The soils in hilly areas are red and rocky. Due to their high elevation and the natural downward movement of water, the soils are well-drained. These soils are suitable for plantation crops like coffee and tea. For example, coffee is grown in the Araku valley in Andhra Pradesh.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

Question 9.
Name some forest products.
Honey, fruits, gum, tamarind and wood pulp are some of the forest products.

Question 10.
Have you visited any forests? If so describe your experiences.
Recently I visited Maredumilli in the East Godavari district. It is located in the deep forest area of Eastern Ghats quiet away from the urban concrete jungle. Maredumalli nestled in green nature’s lap. It is a pleasant place to visit as it is good for its scenic beauty with trees and lovely waterfalls pretty close to one another.

(Textbook Page No. 48)

Question 11.
What are the major changes in the cropping pattern of the plateau region?
Due to the insufficient availability of water, only one crop can be grown here. Farmers in this region are trying to overcome this problem with various types of irrigation methods. Millet crops like ragi, sama, varagu, korra and groundnut are grown. Sometimes paddy, sugarcane, and fruit orchards are sown in this region. At present farmers are trying mixed crops like red gram, maize with groundnut. Farmers are trying contour bunding and organic farming to improve the soil quality As water facilities are fewer farmers are growing sweet lime, sapota and mango. These orchards require water in some seasons only and give regular returns. Wherever water is available plantation crops like banana, papaya, guava and pomegranate are being cultivated. In this way, major changes came in cropping patterns in plateau region when compared to the olden days.

Question 12.
What are the problems we may face in, future by digging more bore wells? Find out and discuss the causes and possible solutions.
The impact of bore wells includes scarcity of water, vanishing moisture in the soil as well as the fertility of the soil. More and more borewells in the same area may cause earthquakes.
We have to plant more trees, create small ponds, create small check dams, save rainwater, make water holding tanks to overcome this problem.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

Question 13.
Compare the rainfall in the coastal plains and in the interior plateau.
In regions closer to the coast, rainfall is heavy but in northern and western plateau regions, meagre rainfall is observed. During October and November, heavy rainfall occurs due to northeast monsoon winds.

(Textbook Page No. 49)

Question 14.
Name the main rivers that flow through the plains of Andhra Pradesh.
Krishna and Godavari are the main rivers that flow through the plains of Andhra Pradesh.

Question 15.
What are the districts that come under the Krishna and Godavari deltas?
Guntur, Krishna, West Godavari and East Godavari are the ‘districts that come under the Krishna and Godavari deltas.

Question 16.
Name the two main cities from where the two deltas begin. Find out the names of at least two rivers that join the Krishna river.
Vijayawada and Rajahmundry are the two cities from where the two deltas begin. Ghataprabha River, Malaprabha River, Bhima River, Tungabhadra River are the rivers that join the Krishna river.

Question 17.
What are the reasons for the changes in cropping patterns?
Farmers in plain areas change their cropping pattern towards cash crops and food crops. Some of the crops will make the soil fertile and the next will give high returns. Food crops like vegetables and fruits will give high returns. So they are changing the cropping pattern.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Land Forms - Andhra Pradesh

Question 18.
Why coastal deltas are rich in infertility?
Because of floods, the soil in these areas will get fertile due to the continuous deposition of sediments by the rivers.

Question 19.
Why agriculture is a main occupation in the plain areas?
Plain areas are gifts to agriculture and farmers. Agriculture is the main occupation in these areas. Because of the fertility of the soil, more than one crop can be cultivated here.