AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

SCERT AP 7th Class Science Study Material Pdf 1st Lesson Food for Health Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 7th Class Science 1st Lesson Questions and Answers Food for Health

7th Class Science 1st Lesson Food for Health Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. Cereals and millets are rich in ______ .
2. ______ are present in Pulses.
3. Take more ______ & ______ to prevent constipation.
4. ______ is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D.
5. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes ______ disease.
1. Carbohydrates
2. Proteins
3. Dietary fibre, water
4. Rickets
5. Scurvy

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. Ramana rubbed few sesame grains on a paper. The paper turns translucent at that
a) carbohydrates
b) proteins
c) fats
d) water
c) fats

2. Anaemia is caused by the deficiency of
a) Zinc
b) Iron
c) Vitamin A
d) Calcium
b) Iron

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

3. We lose vision due to deficiency of
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D
a) Vitamin A

III. Matching:

A) Night blindness1. Carbohydrates
B) Energy giving food2. Iron
C) Body building food3. Vitamin A
D) Protecting food4. Proteins
E) Anaemia5. Minerals and Vitamins
6. Sodium


A) Night blindness3. Vitamin A
B) Energy giving food1. Carbohydrates
C) Body building food4. Proteins
D) Protecting food5. Minerals and Vitamins
E) Anaemia2. Iron

IV. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Name the components of food.
Our diet consists of the following components.

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Fats
  4. Minerals
  5. Vitamins
  6. Dietary fibres and
  7. Water.

Question 2.
Make a list of food items taken during lunch. Write the components in each food item.

Food itemsComponents
1. Boiled riceCarbohydrates
2. Vegetable curryVitamins, minerals, fats
3. EggProteins
4. ChikkiCarbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals

Question 3.
What is the role of water present in our diet?

  1. Water is also a component of blood.
  2. But water does not contain any nutrients. So it cannot be considered as a nutritive component, water constitutes nearly 2/3 of our body weight.
  3. It regulates and maintains the temperature of our body.
  4. It helps in excretion of wastes from our body as urine and sweat.
  5. Water is essential for many metabolic activities.
  6. Water helps in easy movement of the food through the digestive track.
  7. It helps in digestion of food also.

Question 4.
What questions will you ask a nutritionist to know about deficiency diseases due to malnutrition?

  1. What is malnutrition?
  2. What are deficiency disease?
  3. How does malnutrition lead to deficiency diseases?
  4. How can we identify deficiency diseases?
  5. How can we prevent deficiency diseases?
  6. How can be these diseases cased?

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

Question 5.
What will happen if we don’t u- ‘ de roughage in our food?

  1. Roughage help in free bowel movement in the digestive tract and prevent constipa¬tion.
  2. If we don’t include roughage in our food, it leads to constipation.

Question 6.
Mary read somewhere that congee (ganji) contains carbohydrates. Explain the test you suggested her to confirm it.
I will suggest to conduct the iodine test to confirm the presence of carbohydrates (starch) in congee by following the templet given below.

Aim: To confirm the presence of starch in congee (ganji).

What you need : 1. Dilute iodine solution (dissolve few iodine crystals in water until it turns into pale brown), 2. Congee, 3. Plate/ test tube, 4. Dropper.

How to do : Take a few drops of congee on a plate/ in a test tube. Add two drops of iodine on the potato piece. Observe if there is any change in colour. If starch is present, it will turn into blue-black.

What you see : The congee turns into blue-black colour.

What you learn : Starch is present in congee.

Question 7.
How can you test the presence of proteins in the given food sample?
Aim : To confirm the presence of proteins in the given food sample.

What yon need: (1) 2% Copper suiphate solution (dissolve 2g Copper sulphate in 100 m/water) (2) 10% Sodium hydroxide solution (dissolve lOg Sodium hydroxide in 100 ml water ), egg (3) Test tubes (4) Two Beakers (5) Dropper.

How to do: Make the given food sample into paste (if it is a solid). Take some food sample in a test tube. Add two drops of copper sulphate and ten drops of sodium hydroxide solution. Shake well and keep the test tube in a stand for few7 minutes. Ob-serve for any change in the colour of the material. If the colour of the materia! turns violet, it contains protein.

What you see : The food sample turns into violet colour.

What you learn : Proteins are present in food sample.

Question 8.
Draw a pyramid showing the required quantities of food needed for our body. (Use the picture of my plate for The day prepared by WIN as reference.)

Question 9.
Appreciate the role of green leafy vegetables h maintaining our health.

  1. Greers Seafv vegetables play key role in maintaining our health.
  2. They contain vitamins and minerals.
  3. Vitamins and minerals are called protective nutrients.
  4. They protect our body from diseases.
  5. They also help in proper growth and development of our body7
  6. Roughages are also present in green leafy vegetables.
  7. Thus they prevent constipation also.
  8. So we should appreciate the role of green leafy7 vegetables in maintaining our health by including them in plenty in our diet.

Question 10.
Wimt is balanced diet? What food materials wiH you include in your diet to make it a balanced one?

  1. A diet that contains all the nutrients in required quantity is called balanced diet.
  2. I will include
    – adequate quantities of energy giving food such as rice / chapati/ bread
    – moderate quantities of body building food like milk, curd, dal/ meat/ fish
    – plenty of protective food such as vegetables, green leafy vegetables and fruits
    – a small quantity of oil, fat daily in my diet to make it a balanced one.

7th Class Science 1st Lesson Food for Health InText Questions and Answers

7th Class Science Textbook Page No.2

Question 1.
Name the foot? items that are served in a mid-day meal-

MondayRice, Egg curry. Chick pea (chikki)
TuesdayPulihora, Tomato dal, Boiled egg
WednesdayVegetable rice, Aloe kurma, Boiled egg. Chick pea
ThursdayKichdi, Tomate chutney, Boiled egg
FridayRice, Asparagus, Boiled egg. Chick pea
SaturdayRice, Samfcar and Sweet Pongal

Question 2.
What is the objective of providing mid-day meal: to the school children?

  1. To avoid classroom hunger
  2. To increase school enrolment
  3. To increase school attendance
  4. To address malnutrition
  5. To improve socialization among castes
  6. To empower wanes through employment.

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 3

Question 3.
Is the menu same for ail days?
The menu, is different with delicious food items like ehikkis, sweet pongal, vegetable rice, eggs etc.

Question 4.
Do you knew. ’why different food hems are hang-served is Mid-day meal? fe it only lot taste?

  1. Every food item is made up of one or more ingredients.. Every ingredient has one or more eutrients/components.
  2. These nutrients give us energy, keep us healthy and helps in the growth and repan of our body,
  3. So, different food items are being served not only for taste, It is for good health also.

Question 5.
Do you toow about the nutrients present in, chikki? Is it same as the Nutrients present in egg? Discuss.

  1. Nutrients present in chikki are 1) Carbohydrates 2) Proteins 3) Fibre 4) Calcium 5) iron 6) Magnesium 7) Vitamin B6 8) Potassium.
  2. Nutrients present in egg (boiled) are 1) Proteins 2) Iron 3) Vitamin-D 4) Vitamin – A 5) Vitamin B
  3. Nutrients are not same in chikki and egg.
  4. Both egg and chikki contain protein and iron.
  5. Carbohydrates are not present in the egg.
  6. Vitamin – D is not present in chikki. Fibre is not present in egg.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 4

Question 6.
Do you know, the role of the nutrients present in the diet?
Each nutrient plays an important role in the growth and well being of our body.

Question 7.
Why do cricket players take the drinks during the break?

  1. When we are tired, we need energy to become normal. .
  2. During the cricket match the players need continuous energy to play.
  3. The drink has glucose and it gives instant energy to the body.

Question 8.
Does all the food items contain carbohydrates? How can we confirm this?

  1. No. All the food items do not contain carbohydrates.
  2. By doing iodine test, we can confirm it.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 5

Question 9.
Sravya was weak, so the doctor suggested her to take milk, egg and pulses everyday. Can you guess why he did suggest so? Which components do they contain?

  1. Milk, egg and pulses contain rich proteins.
  2. Proteins are required for the formation of muscles and other body organs.
  3. To get healthy body doctor suggested to take the food with proteins.

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Question 10.
Are proteins present in all food items? How can we confirm the presence of proteins in a food item?

  1. No, proteins are not present in all food items.
  2. The presence of proteins in food items can be confirm by doing a test with copper sulphate and sodium hydroxide solutions.

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

Question 11.
After doing the above test you will come to know that proteins are not present in ghee. What would be there in it?
Fats are present in ghee.

Question 12.
When we eat curd rice our palm becomes oily. Why does it happen?
The butter present in the cu d makes the palm oily.

Question 13.
The paper used to pack Bajji or Pakodi etc. ………. becomes transluscent here and there. Why?
Oil present in the bajji or pakodi, poori, etc. make the paper transparent.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 7

Question 14.
Do you know why elders suggest us to take green leafy vegetables regularly?

  1. Green leafy vegetables contain minerals and vitamins.
  2. They protect our body and give good health.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 8

Question 15.
What are the reasons for anaemia?
Anaemia can have many causes including dietary deficiency, lack of iron, vitamin B12 in the diet.

Question 16.
Why do students get vision problems?

  1. Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most common causes of eye problems.
  2. Vitamin E and Zinc deficiency may also cause for eye problems.

Question 17.
Brahmanandam felt difficultly to see the objects in dim light. So he prefers to avoid night journeys. Do you know what we call such a problem?
This problem is called night blindness. It is due to lack of Vitamin A.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No.9

Question 18.
What food should be taken to prevent night blindness?
To prevent night blindness vitamin A is required.

Question 19.
What happens due to deficiency of vitamin K?
Delay in clotting of blood.

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

Question 20.
Why are infants exposed to mild sunlight for a short time in the morning?

  1. Body prepares vitamin D by using sunlight.
  2. Vitamin D is very important for bones and teeth.

Question 21.
Why it was advised to take vitamin C in Covid -19 period? Discuss.
Vitamin C plays an important role in increasing disease resistant or immunity.

Question 22.
Only sour fruits contain vitamin C. Is it true?
Yes. It is true.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 11

Question 23.
Nalini got a doubt whether water is also a nutrient or not? What do you think?
Water does not contain any nutrients.

Question 24.
Do you think drinking water is the only way to provide water to our body?
Not only drinking water, many food items like milk, fruits, vegetables etc. are rich in water. They also provide water to our body.

Question 25.
How does water help in our digestive system?
Water help free bowel movements in stomach and intestines.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 12

Question 26.
What happens if we do not take adequate water and fibres in the food?
We may face some digestion problems due to inadequate fibres and water in the food. It causes constipation also.

Question 27.
What happens if we take a diet that lades some nutrients?

  1. We may face some health problems if we take some nutrient deficient food.
  2. Deficiency diseases like Kwashiorkor, marasmus, anaemia, goitre, beriberi, scurvy, ricket etc., may get due to lack erf nutrients in our diet.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 14

Question 28.
Which food materials shoiild we take in large quantity?
Carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits.

Question 29.
Which food materials should we take in very leas quantity?
Fats and ghee, oily foods.

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

Question 30.
What will happen if we don’t take balanced diet?

  1. Taking less than the requirement and more than the limit may lead to health problems.
  2. Children who do not take balanced diet may face growth and developmental problems.
  3. It we do not take balanced diet we will be prone to various diseases.

Question 31.
John suggested Qiarau to wash the hands and fruits before eating. Can you guess why John did so?

  1. Fruits anti vegetables may contain bacteria and pesticides.
  2. Therefore, should be washed before eating.
  3. Our hands also contain harmful bacteria aud virus.
  4. So, we should wash hands with soap before eat anything.

Think & Respond

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 11

Question 1.
Is it good to eat fruits and vegetables along with their peels? Discuss.

  1. All the fruits and vegetable peels contain valuable nutrients and fibre.
  2. So, it is good to eat fruits and vegetables along with their peels like apple, grapes guava etc.
  3. But some fruits like papaya, jack-fruit, banana, pomegranate, watermelon, orange etc. should not eat because they contain harmful substances in their peels.

7th Class Science Textbook Page No. 13

Question 2.
How do the infants grow by taking only milk for few months?

  1. Milk contains carbohydrates in the form of the milk sugar, iron, proteins, minerals such as calcium, zinc, vitamins like A, D, E and B.
  2. Hence, milk is considered as a wholesome food.
  3. So, infant can grow only with taking milk.

Activities and Projects

Question 1.
Prepare a diet chart to provide balanced diet to a twelve-year old child. The diet chart should include food items which are not expensive and are commonly available in your area.
AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health 1

Question 2.
Collect information from your parents suggesting traditional foods and their nutritional values. Prepare a table with the data using the headings, serial number, name of the food, ingredients used and name of the food components present.

Name of the foodIngredients usedName of the food components
1. SunnundaluBlack gram
Carbohydrates, Iron
Oil/ fat
2. PoornamChanadal
Black gram
Rice flour
3. Janthikalu / ChakraluRice flour
Black gram powder
Potassium, Calcium, Iron
Oil/ fat

→ Students can add more food items like this.


Activitie – 1

Question 1.
Sisiritha found the following nutritional information on the pack of Baalamrutham supplied by the Anganwadi workers to her younger brother. Study that information and answer the following questions.
AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health a
→ Which components are in larger quantity? (in gms)
Carbohydrates, Proteins and fats

→ Which components are in lesser quantity? (in mg or less)
Vitamins and minerals

Lab Activity – 1

Question 2.
How do you test to confirm the presence of starch in potato?
Aim: To confirm the presence of starch in potato.

What you need:
1. Dilute iodine solution (dissolve few iodine crystals in water until it turns into pale brown).
2. Potato piece.
3. Knife,
4. Plate,
5. Dropper.
AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health 3

How to do :
Take a piece of potato on a plate. Add two / drops of iodine on the potato piece. Observe if there is 1 any change in colour of potato. If starch is present, it will turn into blue-black.

What you see :
The potato piece turns into ______ colour. (blue -black)
What you learn: Starch is ______ in potato, (present / absent) (present)

Use the given materials to test and confirm the presence of starch.

Food Mens(Starch is) present / absent
1. Cooked rice
2. Egg yolk
3. Wheat f lour

Now, test the below material to find out the presence of starch.

Food Mens(Starch is) present / absent
1. Cooked ricePresent
2. Egg yolkAbsent
3. Wheat f lourPresent

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

Lab Activity – 2

Question 3.
How do you confirm the presence of proteins in egg white?
AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health 4
Aim: To confirm the presence of proteins in egg white.

Whai you need :

  1. 2% Copper sulphate solution (dissolve 2g Copper sulphate in KM) mi water)
  2. 10% Sodium hydroxide solution (dissolve Mg Sodium hydroxide in 300m/ water)
  3. Egg
  4. Test tube
  5. Two beakers
  6. Dropper.

How to do :
Take few drops of egg white in a test tube Add two drops of Copper sulphate and ten drops of Sodium hydroxide solution. Shake well and keep the test tube In a stand for few minutes. Observe for any change in the colour of the material. If the colour of the material turns violet, it contains protein.

What you see : The egg white turns into ______ colour. (violet)
What you learn: Protein is ______ in egg white, (present / absent) (present)
Now test the below material to find out the presence of proteins.

Food itemProtein is present / absent
1. Soyabean flour
2. Ghee
3. Milk
Food itemProtein is present / absent
1. Soyabean flourPresent
2. GheeAbsent
3. MilkPresent

Activity – 2

Question 4.
Write a test to confirm the presence of fat in groundnut seeds.
Aim: To confirm the presence of fat in groundnut seeds.

What you need:

  1. Groundnut seeds
  2. Piece of white paper
  3. Ceramic mortar

How to do :
Take few groundnut seeds in a ceramic mortar and make a fine paste. Place the paste on the white paper and rub it for few seconds. Leave it for some time. If the white paper turns transparent or partially transparent then you can say that the groundnut seeds contain fat.

What you see :
The paper turns ______ (transparent/translucent/opaque) (translucent)

What you learn :
Fat is in ______ Groundnut seeds. (present/absent) (present)

Test the below materials to find out the presence of fat.

Food itemFat present / absent
1. Vada/ Bajji
2. Rice flour
3. Palakova


Food itemFat present / absent
1. Vada/ BajjiPresent
2. Rice flourAbsent
3. PalakovaPresent

Activity – 3

Question 5.
Observe the below table showing the details of few minerals.
AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health 5

Answer the following questions.
→ To get iodine, which food would you prefer?
Sea – foods, iodized salt etc.

→ Write the names of food items that are rich in iron.
Meat, dry – fruits, green leafy vegetables etc. are rich in iron.

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

Activity – 4

Question 6.
Write a test for vitamin C.
Aim: To confirm the presence of vitamin C in lemon.

What you need:

  1. Lemon
  2. Iodine solution
  3. Piece of white paper
  4. Knife
  5. Dropper.

How to do :
Slice a citrus fruit. Place two or three drops of iodine solution on a piece of paper. Keep the cut side of the slice on the paper. Leave it for 15 minutes and observe. If vitamin C is present, the portion of the paper under the slice will get discoloured.

What you see :
The colour of paper under the lemon slice ______ (discoloured/remains same) (discoloured)

What you learn:
Vitamin C is ______ in lemon, (present/ not present) (present)

The substances which made the iodine paper more discoloured contains more vitamin C.

Activity – 5

Question 7.
Remember different food materials and classify them- according to the quantity of fibre they have. Discuss with your friends and fill the below table. One example is given for you.

More fibreLess fibreNo fibre


More fibreLess fibreNo fibre
Leafy vegetablesWhite riceEgg
Sweet potatoTomatoRed meat
Ridge gourdWatermelonFish
LentilsPeeled potatoWater

Activity – 6

Question 8.
“Water helps in easy movement of food in intestine.” Explain the given sentence with an activity.
Aim: To know the use of water.

What you need :

  1. Piece of Sponge
  2. Plastic Pipe
  3. Water
  4. Bucket.

How to do:
Take a piece of sponge and try to move through a pipe. It moves with some difficulty. Remove the sponge from the pipe. Dip it in water and try to move it again through the pipe and observe.

What you see : Sponge moves freely in the pipe.
What you learn: Water helps in ______ movement of material in narrow tubes like intestine. (easy)

AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 1st Lesson Food for Health

Activity – 7

Question 9.
Here is a list of food items that we eat generally. Categorise them according to the headings given in the box below.
Grains, roots, tubers, oils, fats, sweets, pulses, nuts, seeds, dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, vegetables.

Energy giving food – Carbohydrates and fatsBody building foods – ProteinsProtective foods – Vamins and Minerals


Energy giving food – Carbohydrates and fatsBody building foods – ProteinsProtective foods – Vamins and Minerals
GrainsPulsesDark green leafy vegetables
OilsDairy products
SweetsPoultry, Fish. Eggs
Dairy products

→ Have all these included in your daily diet?
Yes, All these are included in our daily diet.

→ In what quantities are you taking them?
i) Carbohydrates are taking in adequate quantities.
ii) Fats are taking in very less quantities.
iii) Proteins are taking in moderate quantities.
iv) Vitamins and minerals are taking in plenty.