Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material 1st Lesson Scope and Significance of Political Science Textbook Questions and Answers.
AP Inter 1st Year Civics Study Material 1st Lesson Scope and Significance of Political Science
Long Answer Questions
Question 1.
Define Political Science and explain its scope. [A.P. Mar, 17, 16, 15]
Explain the scope of Political Science.
Political Science is a premier social science. It is mainly concerned with the study of the state in its relation to Society, Citizens, Associations, and the world at large. Aristotle is hailed as the Father of Political Science. He wrote famous book “THE POLITICS”.
Origin of the word Politics :
Aristotle, the Father of Political Science used the term “POLITICS” for the first time in his famous book “POUTICS”. The term “POLITICS” is derived from a greek word “POLIS” and latin word “POLITICUS” which means the city state.
Definitions of Political Science :
Political Scientists gave various definitions on Political Science. They are as follows :
1. J.W. Gamer:
“Political Science begins and ends with the state”.
2. Stephen Leacock:
“Political Science deals with the government”.
3. David Easton :
“Political Science is concerned with the authoritative allocation of values for a society”.
Scope of Political Science :
The scope of Political Science means the subject matter covered by it or the topics which are included in its study. It may be explained in the following ways :
i) Study of man in Relation to the Society and State :
Aristotle stated that “Man is a Social Animal”. Man can satisfy his basic needs like food, clothing, shelter and protection in the society. Political Science explains the relationship beween man and society. It examines how man should adjust himself with the societys. It is imperative that the modem man should develop proper attitude towards the society. This is possible only when he identifies himself with the society.
Political Science is concerned with the perennial and central issue of establishing proper relationship between the state and the individuals. It deals with many topics of state activity, such as limitations of Political Authority and sphere of Individual Freedoms.
ii) Study of State :
Aristotle also stated that man is a Political Animal. State is a human and political institution. It came into existence for the sake of man and continue in existence for providing happy and prosperous life for man. Individuals became members of the state since, its inception. We can’t imagine the life of individuals outside of the state. Political Science studies the intimate Relationship between the state and the citizens. It also studies the Nature, Functions and Various theories of state authority.
It also comprises a study of the various activities of the state from that of ancient police state to the modem welfare state. Thus, Political Science deals with the Present, Past and FUture aspects of the state.
iii) Study of the Government :
Government is an important essential element of Modem State. It is an instrument which fulfills aims and goals of the state. There can be no state with out a government. Government formulates, expresses and implements the will of the state. Government consists of three organs namely Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. Legislature makes the laws, Executive implements the laws and Judiciary interpretes the laws. Political Science studies the meaning, forms, structure, nature and functions of the government. It also discusses the relationship among the various organs of the government. Hence, Political Science is treated as a science of government.
iv) Study of Associations and Institutions :
Associations and Institutions help the Individuals for their moral, religious, cultural, scientific and technological progress. These carry on their activities at local, regional, national and international levels. Individuals join as members in these Associations out of their interests or purposes. There prevails a great linkage between these voluntary Associations and Institutions. Associations and Institutions in Modem times play a significant role in the Formulation and Implementation of policies of the state and government. Voluntary bodies such as trade unions, peasant groups, professional bodies etc., will have a great impact on the state and government. Political Science explains the nature, structure and functions of the various Associations and Insti-tutions.
v) Study of Rights and Responsibilities:
Scope of Political Science includes the study of Rights and Responsibilities of citizens. Citizens in democratic states enjoy certain rights such as right to life, right to liberty, right to property etc. Political Science enumerates the definition, classification and different theories of Rights. Similarly, citizens will have some Responsibilities towards the state. These include paying taxes, obeying the laws etc. It explains the significance of Rights and Responsibilities of the citizens. Hence, Political Science examines the Realtionship between Rights and Responsibilities.
vi) Study of National and International Issues:
The scope of Political Science covers various issues of Modem state in relation with other states in matters of safeguarding Ter-ritorial integrity and Sovereignty. It studies the topics like Cold war, Balance of power, Disarmament, Detente etc. Modem states are not isolated. They depend upon other states in many spheres like importing raw materials, exporting finished goods, transport, technology, services and communications. This requires close relations among the states in international sphere. Political Science discusses not only the domestic policies of the state but also the issues of international dimensions. It covers a wide range of topics such as diplomacy, international politics, international law, international organisations etc.
vii) Study of Power:
The behaviouralists of 20th century regarded Political Science as a study of sharing and shaping of power. They pointed out that Political Science discusses how power is grabbed, manipulated anti perpetuated to have a control over the society. Morgenthau defined the power as “Man’s control over the Minds and Actions of other Men”.
viii) Study of Public Policy:
Modem Political Scientists like David Easton and Gabriel Almond argued that Political Science is a “Policy Science”. They considered Political Science as the study Of formulation, execution and evaluation of Public Policy, with the advent of Public Policy the scope of Political Science has further widened to include the dimensions of vital topics such as Industrial Policy, Agricultural Policy, Land Reform Policy, Education Policy, Population Policy etc. Public Policy of a Nation in the context of International Relations plays a crucial role in the formulation of diplomatic, economic, military and scientific strategies.
The above contents show the wide range of subjects that come under the purview of Political Science.
Question 2.
Discuss the significance of the study of Political Science. [A.P. Mar. 19]
The study of Political Science is very useful and valuable. It’s knowledge is indispensible to the rulers as well as the ruled. Its significance or importance is analysed as follows.
i) Information about the State :
The primary aim of studying Political Science is to inculcate knowledge of the state. It’s origin, nature, Structure and functions. Knowledge of the state is of great significance to every one. Solutions to various political issues are found only when we have a proper understanding of the political institutions.
ii) Knowledge of Government and Administration :
The Administrators, political leaders and diplomats who manipulate the affairs of the state require a sound knowledge of political science in order to perform their functions with efficiency. Political Science creates awareness about the organisation, control and coordination of Administrative machinery. It also covers the study of local self-governments like Gram Panchayats, Mandal Parishads, Zilla Parishads, Municipalities, Corporations etc.
iii) Provides information about Democratic values :
Political Science provides accurate information about the various political terms such as State, Government, Nation, Con-stitution, Democracy, Sovereignty, Law etc., which are used commonly. Political Science also provides a good knowledge and awareness about the Democratic values like Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Justice and Rights.
iv) Makes Democracy Successful:
At present Democracy is in vogue in several coun-tries of the world. It is the best form of government. People in democracy elect their repre-sentatives and are ruled by them. If honest, selfless and committed representatives are not elected, the expectations of the people will not be fulfilled. Political Science explains the significance of Franchise. It educates the common men on the conditions essential for the successful functioning of democratic government.
v) Awareness about rights and responsibilities:
The study of Political Science makes people conscious of their rights and responsibilities. It also enables the citizens to be familiar with their rights and responsibilities and the interrelationship between the two. Its study makes the citizens to realize the fact that a proper exercise of rights and responsibilities is a must for leading civilised life.
vi) Teaches the Qualities of Good Citizenship :
Political Science impacts the best civic knowledge by explaining the qualities of good citizenship like cooperation, sacrifice, patriotism, obedience to the state and to the laws, farsightedness, social service etc. It trains the people to become ideal citizens.
vii) Knowledge about World Affairs:
The study of Political Science enriches individual’s knowledge on World Affairs. Political Science is useful for observing and understanding the contemporary world affairs. It stimulates right thinking, broad vision and universal understanding of various phenomena of international politics. It’s study is useful for proper’ analysis and solution of various National and International Issues.
viii) Provides knowledge about International Organizations :
A citizen of the present is not only a member of the state but also a member of the world at large. The study of Political Science promotes the spirit of internationalism. It provides a good knowledge about International Organizations like United Nations Organisation, SAARC, ASEAN, NAM, OPEC etc. It teaches about the need for harmonious relations among the nations.
ix) Develops Political Awareness :
The study of Political Science is of great impor-tance in the sense that it imports best political knowledge. It explains about the structure and functioning of different political institutions like State Government, Political parties, Occupational Associations. Hence the study of Political Science is the best training ground for knowing, following and practising the art of leadership.
x) Explains the need for Co-Operation and Toleration :
National Integration has become a crucial factor in several states. Many obstacles like communalism, linguism, sub-national regional and sub-regional feelings etc., have been threatening the national inte-gration in these states. In this context, the study of Political Science teaches about the need for adjustment, cooperation and toleration.
xi) Knowledge of Political Science is Indispensable :
The study of Political Science helps everyone to understand the mechanism and constitutional system of modem govern-ments. It creates awareness about the contemporary issues in national and international spheres. If creates awareness about Rights and Responsibilities. It’s study is essentially indispensable for the people in developing nations like India. As the majority people in these states are poor, ignorant, illiterate and sentimental in their out look. The study of Political Science inculcates a good political knowledge among them.
Aristotle regarded Political Science as the supreme science and the master of all social sciences.
Question 3.
Define Political Science and explain its nature.
Political Science is a premier Social Science. It is mainly concerned with the study of the state in it’s relation with society, citizens, associations and the world at large. Aristotle is hailed as the Father of Political Science. He wrote famous book ‘THE POLITICS”. The term “politics” is derived from a greek word” “POLIS” and latin word “POLiTICUS” which means the city state.
Definition of Political Science:
Political Scientists gave various definitions on Political Science. They are as follows :
1. J.W. Gamer:
“Political Science begins and ends with the state”.
2. Stephen Leacock:
“Political Science deals with the government”.
Nature of Political Science:
There prevailed a controversy among the political scien-tists in regard to the nature of Political Science. Some viewed Political Science as a science others treated it as an art. Let us examine the two aspects (Science and Art) of Political Science.
i) Political Science is a SCIENCE :
According to political philosophers like Aristotle, Bluntschli, Hobbes, Montesque and others Political Science is considered as a science on the following grounds.
- Political Science is studied in a systematic manner.
- Experimentation is possible in politics. Principles are applied in the actual organisation of Political Institutions.
- Political Science, like other sciences, has absolute and universal laws.
- Predictions are easily applicable in politics.
- Certain generally agreed principles can be incorporated into the study of Political Science.
- Political Science, like other sciences, gives scope for establishing relationship be-tween cause and effect.
ii) Political Science is an ART :
According to political writers like Barker, J.S. Mill, Laski and others Political Science is considered as an ART on the following grounds.
- Political Science has no absolute and universal laws like physical sciences.
- The phenomena studied in Political Science are interpreted in various ways de-pending upon the context and situation. So it lacks uniformity in the interpretation of various concepts.
- Political Science is not evolutionary in nature as its concepts are not developed in a steady, regular and continuous manner.
- Scientific methods of observation and experimentation are not applicable in political science.
- Complete objectivity and detachment are not found in the case of various phenom-ena in Political Science.
- Political Science gives no scope for accuracy.
Short Answer Questions
Question 1.
Write about the traditional definitions of Political Science.
Traditional definitions of Political Science may be classified under three sub catego-ries. They are mentioned as follows.
i) Political Science – A Study of the State :
Political philosophers like J.W.Gamer, R.G.Gettle, Appadovai and others defined Political Science as a study of the state.
1. J.W.Gamer:
“Political Science begins and ends with the state”.
2. R.G.GettIe :
“Political Science is a historical investigation of what the state has been, an analytical study of what the state is and a politico-ettical discussion of what the state should be”.
3. Appadorai:
“Political Science is concerned with the conditions essential for the existence and development of the state”.
ii) Political Science – A study of the Government:
Some political philosophers like Stephen Leacock, J.R.Seely and others defined Political Science as a study of the govern-ment.
1. Stephen Leacock :
“Political Science deals with the Government”.
2. J.R.Seely :
“Political Science investigates the phenomenon of the Government”.
iii) Political Science – A study of the State and the Government:
Political philoso-phers like Paul Janet, Gilchrist, Catlin and others defined political science as a study of the state and the government.
1. Paul Janet:
“Political Science is that part of social science which treats the founda-tions of state and the principles of the government”.
2. R.N.Gilchrist :
“Political Science is a study of foundations of the state and the government”.
3. Catlin :
“Political Science is a study of the political activities of individuals and various organs of government”.
Question 2.
What are the various modem definitions of Political Science?
Modem definitions of Political Science can be classified into two sub-categories. They are discussed as follows..
i) Political Science – A study of power:
1. Lasswell and Kaplan :
“Political Science as an empirical discipline, is the study of shaping and sharing of power”.
2. William A.Robson :
“Political Science is primarily concerned with the power in society”.
ii) Political Science – A study of Allocation of values :
1. David Easton :
“Political Science is concerned with the authoritative allocation of values for a society”.
2. Hill Man :
“Politics is the Science of who gets what, when, and why”.
Question 3.
Explain about the nature of Political Science.
Political Science is a premier Social Science. It is mainly concerned with the study of the state in it’s relation with society, citizens, associations and the world at large. Aristotle is hailed as the Father of Political Science. He wrote famous book ‘THE POLITICS”. The term “politics” is derived from a greek word” “POLIS” and latin word “POLiTICUS” which means the city state.
Definition of Political Science:
Political Scientists gave various definitions on Political Science. They are as follows :
1. J.W. Gamer:
“Political Science begins and ends with the state”.
2. Stephen Leacock:
“Political Science deals with the government”.
Nature of Political Science:
There prevailed a controversy among the political scien-tists in regard to the nature of Political Science. Some viewed Political Science as a science others treated it as an art. Let us examine the two aspects (Science and Art) of Political Science.
i) Political Science is a SCIENCE :
According to political philosophers like Aristotle, Bluntschli, Hobbes, Montesque and others Political Science is considered as a science on the following grounds.
- Political Science is studied in a systematic manner.
- Experimentation is possible in politics. Principles are applied in the actual organisation of Political Institutions.
- Political Science, like other sciences, has absolute and universal laws.
- Predictions are easily applicable in politics.
- Certain generally agreed principles can be incorporated into the study of Political Science.
- Political Science, like other sciences, gives scope for establishing relationship be-tween cause and effect.
ii) Political Science is an ART :
According to political writers like Barker, J.S. Mill, Laski and others Political Science is considered as an ART on the following grounds.
- Political Science has no absolute and universal laws like physical sciences.
- The phenomena studied in Political Science are interpreted in various ways de-pending upon the context and situation. So it lacks uniformity in the interpretation of various concepts.
- Political Science is not evolutionary in nature as its concepts are not developed in a steady, regular and continuous manner.
- Scientific methods of observation and experimentation are not applicable in political science.
- Complete objectivity and detachment are not found in the case of various phenom-ena in Political Science.
- Political Science gives no scope for accuracy.
Question 4.
Mention any three topics coverd under the scope of Political Science.
i) Study of man in Relation to the Society and State:
Aristotle stated that “Man is a Social Animal”. Man can satisfy his basic needs like food, clothing, shelter and protection in the society. Political Science explains the relationship beween man and society. It exam- ines how man should adjust himself with the societys. It is imperative that the modem man should develop proper attitude towards the society. This is possible only when he identifies himself with the society.
Political Science is concerned with the perennial and central issue of establishing proper relationship between the state and the individuals. It deals with many topics of state activity, such as limitations of Political Authority and sphere of Individual Freedoms.
ii) Study of State :
Aristotle also stated that man is a Political Animal. State is a hu-man and political institution. It came into existence for the sake of man and continue in existence for providing happy and prosperous life for man. Individuals became members of the state since its inception. We can’t imagine the life of individuals outside of the state. Political Science studies the intimate Relationship between the state and the citizens. It also studies the Nature, Functions and Various theories of state authority.
It also comprises a study of the various activities of the state from that of ancient police state to the modem welfare state. Thus, Political Science deals with the Present, Past and Future aspects of the state.
iii) Study of Associations and Institutions :
Associations and Institutions help the Individuals for their moral, religious, cultural, scientific and technological progress. These cany on their activities at local, regional, national and international levels. Individuals join as members in these Associations out of their interests or purposes. There prevails a great link-age between these voluntary Associations and Institutions. Associations and Institutions in Modem times play a significant role in the Formulation and Implementation of policies of the state and government. Voluntary bodies such as trade unions, peasant groups, professional bodies etc., will have a great impact on the state and government. Political Science explains the nature, structure and functions of the various Associations and Institutions.
Question 5.
Describe the scope of Political Science in the sphere of Government.
Scope of Political Science includes the study of government. Some political scientists like Stephen Leacock and John Richard Seeley confined the scope of the discipline to the government alone. Political Science mainly studies about the government Government is an agency of the state. There can be no State without a government. The state realises its aims through the instrument of government. Government formulates, expresses and implements the will of the state. There must be some men or body of men who are authorised to issue orders on behalf of the state. They are known as the government.
Political Science studies the meaning, forms, structure, nature and functions of the government. It discusses the relationship among the various organs of the government. It makes a differentiation between the State and Government. While dealing with the government, Political Science narrates the classification of various governments as given by Aristotle, Leacock and others. Political Science discusses the various merits and demerits, essential conditions and manifold activities of the above governments. Hence, political Science is treated as a science of government.
Question 6.
”Political Science is a study of the present, past and future of the state”. Analyse this statement
Political scientists like Gamer and Paul Janet viewed Political Science as a study of the affairs of the state. They conceived the state as a Political Institution. The state is indispensable for every individual. Political Science studies the intimate relationship between the state and the citizens. Political Science studies the state in present, in the past and in future.
i) Study of state in the Present :
Political Science deals with the state as it exists today. It explains the meaning, nature, purpose, growth and functioning of the state. It also deals with public opinion, political parties and pressure groups which seek to capture the political power or influence public policies.
ii) Study of state in the Past:
Political Science explains about the origin and transfor-mation of the state. It also discusses about the diverse political institutions that existed within the state. It studies various factors that influenced the origin and evolution of the state. This sort of historical study is possible only in political science.
iii) Study of State in Future :
Political Science tries to determine the principles and concepts of a model state. It lays down the conditions under which a perfect state is real-ized. Political Scientists conceive the future with a view to improve the standards of political institutions and their activities in the light of changing conditions.
On the whole, the scope of Political Science includes the study of various activities; of the state from that of ancient police state to the modem welfare state. Thus, Political Science deals with the present, past and future aspects of the state.
Very Short Answer Questions
Question 1.
Write about Ancient city states.
Ancient Greece consisted of a large number of city states. They were small both in size and population. For example, Athens,Sparta, Corinth. Each city state had its own gov-ernment. The greeks based their political philosophy on the concept of city-state. The popu-lation of the city-state was divided into three groups : 1) Citizens 2) Aliens and 3) Slaves.
Question 2.
Give any two traditional definitions of Political Science.
Political scientists gave various definitions on Political Science. They are as follows.
1. J.W.Gamer:
“Political Science begins and ends with the State”.
2. Stephen Leacock:
“Political Science deals with the Government”.
3. David Easton :
“Political Science is concerned with the authoritative allocation of values for a society”.
Question 3.
Write about any two modem definitions of Political Science.
Modem definitions of Political Science can be classified into two sub-categories. They are discussed as follows..
i) Political Science – A study of power:
1. Lasswell and Kaplan :
“Political Science as an empirical discipline, is the study of shaping and sharing of power”.
2. William A.Robson :
“Political Science is primarily concerned with the power in society”.
ii) Political Science – A study of Allocation of values :
1. David Easton :
“Political Science is concerned with the authoritative allocation of values for a society”.
2. Hill Man :
“Politics is the Science of who gets what, when and why”.
Question 4.
How does Political Science teach the qualities of good citizenship?
Political Science imparts the best civic knowledge by explaining the qualities of good citizenship like cooperation, sacrifice, patriotism, obedience to the state and to the laws, forsightedness, social service etc. It trains the people to become ideal citizens.
Question 5.
Justify the statement that Political Science in an Art.
Political Science is an ART:
According to political writers like Barker, J.S. Mill, Laski and others Political Science is considered as an ART on the following grounds.
- Political,Science has no absolute and universal laws like physical sciences.
- The phenomena studied in Political Science are interpreted in various ways de pending upon the context and situation. So it lacks uniformity in the interpretation of various concepts.
- Political Science is not evolutionary in nature as its concepts are not developed in a steady, regular and continuous manner.
- Scientific methods of observation and experimentation are not applicable in political science.
- Complete objectivity and detachment are not found in the case of various phenom-ena in Political Science.
- Political Science gives no scope for accuracy.
Question 6.
On what grounds is Political Science considered as a Science?
Political Science is a SCIENCE :
According to political philosophers like Aristotle, Bluntschli, Hobbes, Montesque and others Political Science is considered as a science on the following grounds.
- Political Science is studied in a systematic manner.
- Experimentation is possible in politics. Principles are applied in the actual organisation of Political Institutions.
- Political Science, like other sciences, has absolute and universal laws.
Question 7.
Name any four topics covered under the scope of Political Science.
The scope of Political Science comprises the following points.
- Study of man in relation to the society and state.
- Study of the state.
- Study of the government.
- Study of Associations and Institutions.
Question 8.
In what way is Political Science considered as a study of Government?
Study of the Government: Government is an important essential element of Modem State. It is an instrument which fulfills aims and goals of the state. There can be no state with out a government. Government formulates, expresses and implements the will of the state. Government consists of three organs namely Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. Legislature makes the laws, Executive implements the laws and Judiciary interpretes the laws. Political Science studies the meaning, forms, structure, nature and functions of the government. It also discusses the relationship among the various organs of the government. Hence, Political Science is treated as a science of government.