AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

AP State Board Syllabus AP SSC 10th Class English Textbook Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

10th Class English Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar Textbook Questions and Answers


Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
You have read the review of the film ‘Maya Bazaar’. List the things that the review focuses on.
The things that the review focuses on are :
a) its director and producers
b) the actors acted in the film
c) other artists who made it a great success
d) its contribution to Telugu culture, language, and customs
e) its dialogues and songs
f) its contribution to the Telugu dictionary
g) its theme
h) the director’s greatness in making it the “Greatest Indian Film”
i) how it is helpful to an NRI.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

Question 2.
Do you think this review of the film is positive or negative? Substantiate your view.
I think this review of the film is a positive one. In the beginning lines itself, it is told that the film ’Maya Bazaar’ has been voted as the Greatest Indian Film’. The expressions such as unleashing’, ‘landmark movie’, sterling performances’, ‘tribute to Telugu culture, language, and customs’, immortalized dialogues’, ‘reverberation of songs’, ‘repertoire added to Telugu dictionary’, audience laughed heartily’, ‘womenfolk recalling their tribulations’, ‘feast for the eyes and soul’, introducing Telugu culture to an NRI’, etc., show us that this review is positive. Each and every part of this review clearly tells us it is positive.

Question 3.
What made ‘Maya Bazaar’ a landmark film?
The film ‘Maya Bazaar’ is considered one of the enduring classics of Indian cinema and was christened as a landmark achievement in Indian film’s cinematography, art direction, and VFX with the available technology during that time. The great director K.V. Reddy, producers Nagireddy and Chakrapani, sterling performances of the star-ensemble, all time great artists, the dialogues of Pingali Nagendra Rao, the songs and its contribution to Telugu culture, language, and customs made ‘Maya Bazaar’ a landmark film. With all these great qualities, Maya Bazaar’ hit the screen in 1957 to become a landmark movie.

Question 4.
Why is ‘Maya Bazaar’ watched repeatedly?
The viewers identify every character of the film with someone they knew in their immediate vicinity. Hence, ‘Maya Bazar’ is watched repeatedly. The audience still do the same now.

Question 5.
What is the central theme of ‘Maya Bazaar’? How have the Telugu speakers settled abroad looked upon ‘Maya Bazaar’?
The central theme of ‘Maya Bazaar’ is to make the audience aware of their culture, language and customs by showing the striking similarities. The story itself is woven around the love of Sasirekha-Abhimanyu. With Krishna and Balarama having difference of opinion over it, their wives too take sides. Telugu speakers settled abroad have looked upon ‘Maya Bazaar’ as a masterpiece of their language. They try to introduce the learners (or the children) to ‘Maya Bazaar’ to learn Telugu culture, language and customs.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

Question 6.
The purpose of the review is …
a) …to give an account of the stars of the film.
b) …to establish the element of Telugu culture in the film.
c) …to help NRIs understand Telugu culture.
d) …to praise the producer of the film.
e) …to advertise the film.
(Put a tick (✓) on the options that indicate the purpose of the review.)
a) …….to give an account of the stars of the film. (✓)
b) …….to establish the element of Telugu culture in the film. (✓)
c) …….to help NRIs understand Telugu culture. (✓)


I. In the review of ‘Maya Bazaar’ the expression, ‘language and custom’, has two words linked with the conjunction ‘and’. We also use expressions like ‘cup and saucer’, ‘near and dear’ etc.

These pairs of words joined by a conjunction ‘and’ are called ‘binomials’. In these expressions, the word order never changes. For example, we say ‘near and dear’ and not ‘dear and near’.

Here are some sentences with ‘binomials’ underlined.

  1. Sports is a part and parcel of education.
  2. The new theatre is rough and ready.
  3. Music is not only Rahman’s bread and butter but also his passion.
  4. The film industry is expanding in leaps and bounds.
  5. The customer can pick and choose anything he likes. It is the customer to decide.
  6. ‘Give and take’ policy is always helpful.
  7. Ray gave his heart and soul to reading books.
  8. He stood by me through thick and thin.
  9. The main goods were shifted first. Then the odds and ends were taken later.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

Match the following binomials with their meanings and use them in your own sentences.

Column – AColumn – B
1. part and parcela) unimportant things
2. rough and readyb) livelihood
3. leaps and boundsc) in difficult times
4. bread and butterd) dedicated
5. pick and choosee) help one another
6. give and takef) a large choice
7. heart and soulg) big leaps
8. thick and thinh) an integral part
9. odds and endsi) almost finished


Column – AColumn – B
1. part and parcelh) an integral part
2. rough and readyi) almost finished
3. leaps and boundsc) in difficult times
4. bread and butterb) livelihood
5. pick and choosef) a large choice
6. give and takee) help one another
7. heart and sould) dedicated
8. thick and thing) big leaps
9. odds and endsa) unimportant things

Own Sentences:

  • Teaching students how to behave and how to deal with others is part and parcel of education.
  • The corporate hospital is rough and ready.
  • Mr. Rao’s career is progressing in leaps and bounds.
  • Teaching is my bread and butter. I don’t want to go away from it.
  • The parent can pick and choose any school he/she likes.
  • They always follow give and take policy.
  • Narayana Murthy gave his heart and soul to studying engineering course at IIT.
  • Both Ramu and Somu have been together through thick and thin: they don’t want to desert each other.
  • He is carrying a suitcase which is full of odds and ends.

Some other binomials with their meanings :

1) neat and tidy : clean
2) sick and tired : annoyed/frustrated
3) wine and dine : entertain someone with a good quality meal
4) up and down : moving between the same two points repeatedly
5) skin and bone : to be very thin
6) loud and clear : very clear and very easy to understand
7) by and large : on the whole
8) back and forth : moving first in one direction then in another
9) alive and kicking : well and healthy
10) bits and pieces : small things of different types
11) by and by : after a while
12) body and soul : believe something completely
13) far and wide : across a large area
14) fair and square : honest
15) hard and fast : inevitable, fixed
16) free and easy : unconventional
17) hustle and bustle : confusion; busy activity
18) day and night : all the time
19) pros and cons : advantages and disadvantages
20) spick and span : neat, trim, impeccable
21) tooth and nail : with all one’s resources or energy
22) wear and tear : loss, damage
23) far and wide : a large number of places, across a large graphical area
24) high and mighty : behaving as though one is more important than others
25) short and sweet : when something is very quick and to the point; of minimum length and no longer than it needs.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

II. Read the following conversation that took place in the classroom of a film institute.
Professor Paul : As a part of our ‘Diploma in film-making’ we have discussed certain aspects of film technology, right? I hope by now all of you are familiar with those concepts. If you have some more queries, we can discuss them. Now the class is open for questions.

Rishi : I think what is included and excluded in an individual shot is called ‘Frame’. Am I right?

P P : Yes, you are. What is brought to the viewer is called a frame.

Prudhvi : Which shot is used to show a happy reunion, Sir?

P P : It is called Arc’. The camera moves in an arc around the subject (artistes). Any more questions…?

P P : Here is a list of camera shots that helps you to have a clear idea about different shots in film-making.

Shots and Angles :

1. Establishing shot : It is usually from a greater distance to establish setting, (familiarises the scene or setting)
2. Close-up : It refers to the image occupying at least 80 percent of the frame.
3. Two shot : Two people in the frame are showed equally.
4. Dutch angle : It is neither vertical nor horizontal. It‘s oblique.
5. Bird’s eye shot : It is shot directly and vertically down at the subject.
6. High angle : Camera is above the subject. It creates an impression that the subject is weak or powerless.
7. Low angle : The camera is placed below the subject. The subject appears larger than normal.
8. Rack focus : Here the focus is shifted from one subject to the other where the subject that is not in focus is blurred.
9. Footage : It is the total exposed film.
10. Montage : Different images are assembled to build an impression.

Here are some visuals. Identify their features and label them. You may choose the labels given above.
AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar 1
AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar 2


  1. Low angle shot
  2. Dutch angle shot
  3. Establishing shot
  4. Bird’s eye view shot


I. Modals

The following is a conversation between two artists.

Shankar : Shanti, yesterday the ABC Movies called me up seeking my opinion.
Shanti : What is that?
Shankar : They’ve a role for a heroine in their film that is going to sets very soon. They wanted to offer that role to you. Will you accept it?
Shanti : Did they really mean it? I’ve two doubts about it. First, can I do it? The second, should I do it?
Shankar : Yes, you can certainly do it. Regarding your second doubt -I think it’s not that you should do it, you must do it.
Shanti : Why?
Shankar : We may like some roles and others we may not. But we accept them for the sake of our career.
Shanti :Mmm… .
Shankar : Certain roles we should accept for the sake of satisfaction. That’s why, I said you must do it.
Shanti : Then 1 take your word as final to me. I shall do it. Tell the ABC Movies that I have accepted the offer.

The words given in bold letters in the above conversation perform different functions.They are called modal auxiliaries or modals. Their functions are given below.

shallobligation, offer, order, suggestion,
shouldobligation, advice
canability, possibility, permission
couldrequest, suggestion, permission, possibility, ability
willcertainty, intention, futurity, purpose
wouldoffer, preference, past habit, future of the past
maypermission, possibility, wish
mustcompulsion, inference

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

Some important points about modals :

1. Modals take any subject before them. There is no Subject-Verb agreement problem.

2. No two modals co-occur in a sentence.
e.g.: The film will be released next week.

3. The main verb will always be the V1 form after the modals.
e.g.: He cannot move the big stone.

4. Past form of some modals stands for ‘politeness’.
e.g.: i) Would you like to have some tea?
ii) Could you lend me your book?

Read the following sentences and identify the functions performed by the modals.

a) He can sing for eight hours at a stretch.
b) You could take an umbrella, it’s raining outside.
c) We should complete the shooting by tomorrow evening.
d) Shall I wait till you come?
e) The time was up but the makeup person would not turn up.
f) The car hasn’t arrived yet. It must’ve got a flat tyre.
g) There may be heavy rains tomorrow. So, why couldn’t we go for indoor shooting?
h) Will you join us for tea?
i) The agreement between the two parties shall be in force for two years.
j) It might be an idea to postpone the release of the film.
a) ability
b) suggestion
c) obligation
d) offer
e) future of the past
f) inference
g) suggestion
h) request/invitation
i) obligation
j) possibility


I. Now read the review once again. Write a review of a film/a TV Programme/an episode of a TV serial you have seen.

I have recently seen the Telugu film ‘Swathimuthyam’ which is directed by K.Viswanath. ‘Swathimuthyam’ is a wonderfully crafted masterpiece. K.Viswanath has shown all his artistic brilliance in weaving the story. Each frame of the film has roused curiosity to know what would be the next scene. Kamal Hassan’s action is simply superb. He gets into the skin of the character very much and brings the liveliness not only to his character but also to the film itself. His heroine, Radhika too acted brilliantly. The music of Ilayaraja and the prowess of K.Viswanath are completely overshadowed by the excellence of Kamal.

The music composed by Ilayaraja is unforgettable. He tries to give his best in this film. The songs such as “Suwi Suwi”, “Vatapatra Sai ki…” reverberate in each and every viewer’s mind. The theme of the movie is based on how a naive, child-like person, emerges unscathed in this selfish world, managing to uplift the lives of some troubled souls (Radhika, who is a widow and her son). There is an underlying reflection of goodwill still left in the society – it is skilfully depicted through the characters of the dhobi, Nirmalamma, Radhika and so on. One last thing about the music which is composed to “Rama Kanavemira” takes the potential of Ilayaraja to mix various traditions of music. This movie is produced by Edida Nageswara Rao.

II. Read the following letter.

Kondamudusu Palem,
Nov. 27, 2013.

The Editor,
The Hindu,
I am a regular reader of your esteemed newspaper. I am very much interested in reading the news in ‘Friday Review’ in your newspaper every week.

I am writing to bring to your notice certain feelings I had when I watched the colour version of the movie ‘Maya Bazaar’.

Recently ‘Mayabazaar’ was released again but this time it was a different ‘Maya Bazaar’, Maya Bazaar-in colour!

Thanks to the Goldstone Technologies, I was carried away to a different world of colourful visuals. Of course the audio part remained the same. But here and there the effects of digital track sound have made some difference. Such an experiment began in Hindi with ‘Mughal-E-Azam’ and received applause from the audience. I hope many such experiments are welcome to the film lovers.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
N. Sarathchandra,


III. Write a reply to the letter that appeared in the Hindu in response to the review of ‘Maya Bazaar’. In your letter write whether the opinion expressed in above letter is a sufficient appreciation of ‘Maya Bazaar’.

Dec. 2, 2013.

The Editor,
The Hindu,

This is a rejoinder to the letter in the Hindu in response to the review of ‘Maya Bazaar’. First of all I would like to thank Mr. N. Sarathchandra for his appreciation of the movie ‘Maya Bazaar’ that was released in colour. I totally agree with his view when he wrote to say that experiments are welcome to the film lovers. In this fast developing world, experimentation is necessary in each and every field to get better results. But I am not happy as the film’s naturality has been destroyed by touching some colours to it. The characteristics such as picturization, dialogues, direction, audio-effects, etc., are all the important components of a film’s success. If we try to experiment with any one of them, it will lose its originality. Hence, I opine that we should welcome the technological development but at the same time we shouldn’t try to make a difference which takes away over Telugu culture, language and customs.
I hope all will agree with me.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Z.P. High School,
Pedakakani Mandal,
Guntur District.

IV. Let’s read the following skit.

Suhas : Amma, Amma……. .
Mother : What, Suhas?
Suhas : My friends are planning to watch a movie. I too want to join them.
Mother : Movies, movies, movies. No, I can’t let you go to movies too often.
Suhas : My friends are making fun of me. They call me ‘a bird in a cage’. (Goes out disgusted taking his school bag.)
Mother : Money, money, money. He always needs money. This is not a kid. It’s an apparition.
Father : (coming) Why are you shouting, Sarala? What did you say?
Mother : Didn’t you hear? An apparition.
Father : Who is the apparition?
Mother : Who else could I mean? It’s your son.
Father : Not your son? He needs money?
Mother : Yes, he needs money. He watches movies. His life is movies. He doesn’t care to study. All the children in the street are doing very well. But this devil (Starts banging her head against the wall. No wounds.No blood)
Father : No, Sarala. No, don’t do it.(Mother falls down and father brings a glass of water.)

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

Father : Sarala…, Sarala…., have some water. (A pause)
Father : Sarala, we have to understand certain things.
Mother : (Having drunk water) As if you have understood You don’t worry about anything. He doesn’t study at all. He is after movies.
Father : Wait! I’ll find out.
Father : Suhas, you didn’t take your bicycle today. You didn’t take your lunch box. You look tired ……… .
Suhas : Amma doesn’t understand me. She always makes fuss of me. She always wants me to do one thing; study…. study….. study. I want to go to a film. That too once a week. All my friends are going. I too want to go. Is it wrong on my part?
Father : Why don’t you try to understand your mother’s concern? She is worried a lot about your future.
Suhas : But I am all right in my studies. I think, watching a film once a week, that too, watching a good film is not a sin.
Father : Which film did you want to watch?
Suhas : “Life of Pi”. It’s an interesting movie with high technical values.
Father : All right, my boy.

AP SSC 10th Class English Solutions Chapter 4B Maya Bazaar

Father : Sarala, the boy didn’t want to do anything bad.
Mother : But I have my own fears.
Father : I do understand. Your fears may have reasons. But what Suhas wanted was just 100 rupees. And that too for watching an interesting film.
Mother : Maybe I was wrong. We’ll ask Suhas to go to the film. He is such a nice boy. He never troubles us.
Father : Come on. Let’s have supper. Come, Suhas. Now let’s ponder over these points :

Keeping in mind the features of a skit given below, prepare a skit on any subject you like most.
A skit has all the characteristics of a play. Usually, it does have a message to convey. It has a plot (a beginning, a crisis and a resolution). However, there are certain differences with respect to time, number of characters, setting, etc. The skit is more of an informal nature. The number of characters is less. The setting does not have much importance.
(Rakesh, Prabhas and Suhas are the students of tenth class, studying at ZPH School, Uppalapadu.)
Rakesh : (with sorrowful face) Oh, no! What can I do now?
Prabhas : What happened, Rakesh? Why are you so sad?
Rakesh : (searching his pockets) I have lost my money. How can I get home ?
Suhas : Hi friends ! Don’t you come home? It’s already late.
Prabhas : Rakesh has lost his money.
Suhas : What? When did it happen?
Rakesh : I have just known about it.
Prabhas : Calm down. It will be OK How much money have you lost?
Rakesh : I have lost my fifty-rupee note !
Prabhas : Don’t worry; I found a fifty-rupee note in the conference hall in the lunch break. I wanted to hand over the money to our H.M. I think that it is yours only! Here it is your note.
Rakesh : Yes, it is the note I have lost. I even wrote my name on it. See my name!
Suhas : Yes, your name is on the note. Certainly it is yours only.
Rakesh : Thank you very much, Prabhas. You are really a good boy. You could have bought something about the money you got but you didn’t do that.
Prabhas : But, I wouldn’t have felt good about it. I think that it is not a good thing to do. Wanting others’ money is nothing but stealing. 1 know very well that it is someone else’s and he/she would be upset. I don’t want to make sorrowful anyone. I too had the same bitter experience. I wouldn’t forget how I was disappointed when I lost my money.
Rakesh : I won’t forget your honesty. I am very glad and proud to have a friend like you.
Prabhas : OK, friends. Come, our bus is ready to depart.

Maya Bazaar Summary in English

“Maya Bazaar” is a review published in “The Hindu” on 21st April, 2006 on the^ occasion of its Golden Jubilee. K.V.Reddy’s Maya Bazaar’ has been voted as the ‘Greatest Indian Film” in an online poll conducted by a television news channel. Its director K.V.Reddy and producers Nagireddy and Chakrapani made it both in Telugu and Tamil.

The film became a super hit because of the performances of the star-actors S.V.Ranga Rao, Savitri, NTR, ANR and Gummadi and the efforts of K.V. Reddy. The great persons like Marcus Batley, Ghantasala, M.L. Vasantha Kumari, Leela, Suseela, Madhavapeddi, Gokhale, Pasumarthy and Pitambaram played their roles together in making up of such a landmark movie in Telugu film industry. It shows us Telugu culture, language and customs in every frame. When people saw it, they identified every character of the film with someone they knew in their area. The dialogues written by Pingali Nagendra Rao became immortalized. The songs such as ‘Aha naa pelli anta,” “Vivaha bhojanambu”, etc., have a strong effect on people for a long time. This film made people familiarize with the words such as “Talpam”, “Gilpam”, “Asamadiyulu”, “Tasamadiyulu”, etc. We can’t forget the expressions such as “veyandira veediko veeratadu”, “hai hai sodara” and “hai hai naayaka”.

Its story deals with the love of Sasirekha-Abhimanyu. The director uses a magic box to introduce the theme. It creates a wonderful effect on viewers. The scenes shown on its screen made the audience laugh heartily. The dialogues of Balarama made the women viewers recall their own problems in the hands of such brothers. The director greatly displays all the follies of human beings through all the characters except Ghatothkacha and Krishna. This film is a feast to us with its simile, imagery, adage, sarcasm and wit. Though it is the story of Pandavas and Kauravas, Pandavas are never seen throughout the movie. Even an NRI will know about Telugu culture if he/she happens to watch this Imovie.

Maya Bazaar Glossary

enduring (adj) : continuing for a very long time

christened (v) : gave something or someone a name

cinematography (n) : the skill or study of making films

VFX : visual Effects shortened to Visual FX and then to VFX

unleashing (v) : suddenly letting a strong force, feeling, etc. have its full effect

sterling (adj) : very good

ensemble (n) : a small group of musicians, actors or dancers who perform together regularly

facet (n) : one of several parts of someone’s character, a situation, etc.

the vicinity (n) : the area around a particular place

reverberate (v) : have a strong effect on people for a long time

repertoire (n) : all that a performer can do

advent (n) : arrival

array (n) : an impressive collection of things

indignation (n) : a feeling of anger

sarcasm (n) : a way of using words that are the opposite of what one means to make fun of somebody

laps up (phr. v.) : to enjoy something without worrying about whether it is good, true, etc.

curtly (adv) : abruptly

confronted (v) : dealt with something very difficult or unpleasant in a brave and determined way

tribulation (n) : formal serious trouble or a serious problem

folly (n) : a very stupid thing to do, especially one that is likely to have serious results

simile (n) : an expression that describes something by comparing it with something else

imagery (n) : the use of words or pictures to describe ideas or actions in poems, books, films, etc.

adage (n) : a well-known phrase that says something wise about human experience

wit (n) : the ability to say things that are clever and amusing