AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

AP State Board Syllabus AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy.

AP State Syllabus SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions 9th Lesson Rampur: A Village Economy

10th Class Social 9th Lesson Rampur: A Village Economy 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the main factor of production in the agricultural sector?
The main factor of production in the agriculture sector is land.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 2.
Why were usually men paid more wages than women for the same work?

  1. Because ours is a male-dominated society.
  2. Women are paid less wages because of gender bias.

Question 3.
Write any two aspects of Rampur village’s economy which you like.

  1. In Rampur no land is left idle.
  2. The non-agricultural sector also developed.
  3. Due to the development of the transport sector, other sectors of the economy also developed.

Question 4.
What is multiple cropping?
To grow more than one crop on a piece of land during the same year is called multiple cropping.

Question 5.
What are the main non-farm production activities taking place in your region?

  1. Transportation
  2. Dairy farming
  3. Brick making
  4. Carpentry
  5. Basket making
  6. Poultry
  7. Shopkeeping
  8. Fishing, etc.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 6.
Who are called as labour force?
Labour force: People, in the age group of 15 – 59 are labour force, (or)
People who are employed are called labour force.

Question 7.
How do the small farmers procure the capital needed for farming?
The small farmers procure the capital needed for farming by borrowing money from

  1. Large farmers
  2. Moneylenders
  3. The traders who supply various inputs for cultivation.

Question 8.
Create a slogan on the importance of agriculture.
Without agriculture – there is no future.
No farmer-No food.

Question 9.
Which is the main production activity in villages across India?
Farming is the main production activity in villages across India.

Question 10.
Name any two non-farming activities in Rampur village.
Small scale manufacturing, dairy farming, transport services, etc.

Question 11.
Who owns the majority of land in Rampur village?
80 upper-caste families own the majority of land in Rampur village.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 12.
What educational facilities are available in Rampur village?
Rampur has two primary schools and one high school.

Question 13.
What health facilities are available in Rampur village?
Rampur has a primary health centre run by the government and one private dispensary where the sick are treated.

Question 14.
What is the main aim of production?
The main aim of production is to produce goods and services required by the people.

Question 15.
What is a marketable surplus?
The difference between the quantity of output that a farmer produces during a year and the quantity that he keeps with himself for his own and family’s consumption is called a marketable surplus.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 16.
Who are small farmers?
Farmers who own less than 2 hectares of land are known as small farmers.

Question 17.
Who are the medium farmers?
Farmers who own more than 2 hectares and less than 10 hectares of land are called medium farmers.

Question 18.
Who are large farmers?
The farmers who own more than 10 hectares of land are known as large farmers.

Question 19.
What is the basic constraint in raising farm production?
Land area under cultivation is the basic constraint in raising farm production because it is fixed and scarce.

Question 20.
What is the minimum wage rate for a farm labourer?
The minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government is Rs. 60/- per day.

Question 21.
Which is the most abundant factor of production?
Labour is the most abundant factor of production.

Question 22.
What do medium and large farmers do with their earnings from surplus farm produce?
A part of the earning from surplus farm produce is saved and kept for buying capital for the next season. Another part may be utilized for lending to small farmers who require a loan.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 23.
How did the spread of electricity help the people of Rampur?
a) Electricity helped farmers in running tubewells in the fields.
b) It is also used for carrying out various small scale business in the village.

Question 24.
What are the sources of irrigation?

  1. Canals
  2. Tubewells
  3. Tanks and
  4. Rains.

Question 25.
What is fixed capital?
Tools, machines and buildings are called ‘fixed’ capital because these can be used in production for several years.

Question 26.
What is working capital?
Raw materials and money form part of working capital. The capital which is used for production is known as working capital.

Question 27.
Classify the capital investment on various items in production.
There are two types of capital investments in production.

  1. Physical or fixed capital
  2. Working capital

Question 28.
Name the items/factors that are needed for production.
There are four factors of production. They are:

  1. land 2
  2. labour
  3. capital and
  4. organisation.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

10th Class Social 9th Lesson Rampur: A Village Economy 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are the aims and objectives that are directed by the landless rural workers or labourers?
The aims and objectives that are directed by the landless rural workers or labourers:

  1. Some more days of work.
  2. Still better wages.
  3. Better education to their children in the local govt, schools.
  4. No social discrimination.
  5. Chances of leadership activities, etc.

Question 2.
Study the information given below and write your observations.
AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur A Village Economy 1


  1. 87% of the farmers are small farmers are holding only 48% of the cultivated land.
  2. 13% are the medium and large farmers.
  3. There is unequal land distribution in India.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 3.
Convert the information given below into a pie-chart (rough diagram). Write your observation.

Type of farmersPercentage of cultivated area
Small farmers48%
Medium and large farmers52%

Cultivated Area
AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur A Village Economy 2
Observation: While a major part of the land (52%) is under control of medium and large farmers, minor part of land (48%) is under the control of small farmers.

Question 4.
Write a letter to the Tahasildar (MRO), explaining the problems faced by the farmers because of famine.

Date : xx xx xxxx.

The Tahsildar,
Mandal Revenue office,

Sub: Problems faced by farmers due to famine – request for write off old loans.

Respected Sir,

I am from Kalyandurg I would like bring to your notice the following one and for favourable help. The rains are very less in the before year. So, crops left much loss. The farmers get into debt. They can’t repay the loans. They need money for purchasing seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and to cultivate the land. It will be highly difficult to get a loan again from bank.

Hence, I request you place it in front of the government, write – off the old loans and give them the new loans. I hope you provide immediate help to the farmers without loss to them to grow the crop this year.

Thanking you sir,

Yours truly,
x x x x x

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AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 5.
Mention the factors of production.
Explain any one factor of production.
Land: An area of ground, especially when used for a particular purpose such as farming or building; A necessary factor for production.
Labour: Workers especially people who do practical work with their hands.
Working capital: The requirement of raw material and money which are used up in the production cycle.
Fixed capital: Physical Capital = Tools, machine and buildings, which are not used up or consumed immediately in the production process.
Knowledge: It is essential to use all the above in a meaningful way to produce some goods or services.

Question 6.
Today, why is there a need for expansion of non-farm activities in rural areas?
Nowadays farming is not providing regular employment to rural people and they are not getting sufficient income also. That’s why the expansion of non – farm activities in rural areas is needed. Nowadays people with some amount of capital can set up non-farm activities.

It requires very little land. Banks provide loans to self-employment purpose. People can get market facilities to sell their goods. Neighbouring towns and cities provide more demand to village goods.
Ex: Milk, jaggery, broomsticks etc.

Question 7.
How do the farmers get their capital for agriculture?
For capital, farmers face many troubles. They get their capital by borrowing from large farmers and village money lenders. They take loans from traders who supply various inputs for cultivation. They get from banks also but very less and rare.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 8.
What can be done so that more non-farm production activities can be started in the villages?

  1. At present, non-farm production activities engage less number of people in villages.
  2. Many things can be done so that more non-farm production activities can be started in the villages.
  3. It is important to see that loan available to people, who are interested in setting up non-farm production activities, at low rate of interest.
  4. It is good to have markets where these goods and services produced can be sold.
  5. To connect more and more villages to towns and cities through good roads.
  6. As these require little land and some capital, entrepreneurs should be encouraged.

Question 9.
Describe the work of a farmer with 1 hectare of land.

  1. The farmer with 1 hectare of land is considered as a small farmer.
  2. He usually keeps large share of production for household needs.
  3. He does not have much saving for capital.
  4. When he thinks of inputs expenditure, he may borrow money from large farmer or moneylender.
  5. In case of borrowing from large farmer, he not only pays high rate of interest but he is also forced to work as a labourer in the large farmer’s fields.
  6. In case of borrowing from money lender, he has to pay high rates of interests.

Question 10.
Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree?
Yes, modern farming methods like the use of fertilizers, pesticides, high yielding variety of seeds, power-driven tubewells of irrigation, latest tools and implements like tractors, harvesters, threshers, etc. require more inputs which are manufactured in industry.

Question 11.
Is it important to increase the area under irrigation? Why?

  1. It is very important to increase the area under irrigation because it is not wise to depend on monsoon rains which were uncertain and erratic.
  2. To increase production we have to bring more area under irrigation.
  3. It helps us to improve the farming pattern or adopt modern farming methods in those areas.

Question 12.
Give the characteristics of Rural industries.

  1. Rural industries are small scale manufacturing units.
  2. They involve very simple production methods.
  3. The output is very small.
  4. The work is usually carried out by the members of the family.
  5. The work is carried out at home and not in workshops.
  6. The profits earned are also less.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 13.
Explain ‘Multiple Cropping’ in your own words.

  1. Growing more than one crop on a piece of land during the year is known as multiple cropping.
  2. It is the most common and traditional practice to increase production on a given piece of land.
  3. All farmers in Rampur grow at least two main crops.

Question 14.
Which changes have taken place in the way of farming practised in India?

  1. Traditional seeds have been replaced by HYVS.
  2. Natural manures were replaced by chemical fertilizers.
  3. Use of pesticides.
  4. Use of farm machinery.
  5. Use of tubewells for irrigation, instead of Persian wheels.

Question 15.
“Excessive use of chemical Fertiliser and pesticides declines the Fertility of land”.
Give your opinion on this.

  1. Experience shows fertility of the land is declining due to overuse, excessive use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
  2. The situation of water is equally alarming.
  3. Underground water tables have fallen rapidly across the country.
  4. The use of natural resources also not always been judicious while increasing production.

Question 16.
“Labour in an essential item for production”. Read the statement and interpretate.

  1. Labour means people who do the work either highly trained and educated or who can do manual work.
  2. Each worker is providing necessary labour for production.
  3. Skilled or semi-skilled or unskilled labour – all are providing labour for production.
  4. Thus labour is an essential item in production.

Question 17.
The expenditure on tools, machines and buildings is called as physical capital. Ex¬plain why.

  1. The expenditure on tools, machines and building is called physical capital.
  2. They are not used up or consumed immediately in the process of production.
  3. They help to produce goods over many years.
  4. They require some repair and maintenance so that they remain useful and can be used year after year.
  5. That is why they are called fixed or physical capital.

Question 18.
Ground-level waters are rigorously declining nationwide. Suggest some alternatives.

  1. Underground water levels are deteriorating at a faster rate throughout India.
  2. To conserve water schemes like a watershed, soaking pit, check dams, afforestation, bund construction, etc., should be taken up.
  3. Digging borewells should be allowed only for drinking water but not irrigation.
  4. Farmers should look for alternate crops which use lesser water.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 19.
Name some Dairy activities in your area.

  1. Many families in my region are engaged in milk production.
  2. Various types of grass, maize, bajra, etc., is used to feed the cattle.
  3. Two tradesmen established milk collection and storing points.
  4. Family labour and especially women take care of the rearing of animals.

Question 20.
Explain the business tactics of a small businessman in your area.

  1. Once Mr. Venkateswara Rao organised a cloth business in my region.
  2. At the beginning, he used to wander every household to sell cloths and collects money weekly.
  3. By conducting his business reliably and supplying quality items he became popular.
  4. Later he set up his own business firm and till date it is running well.

10th Class Social 9th Lesson Rampur: A Village Economy 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Based on the pie chart and the particulars given below, answer the questions.
AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur A Village Economy 4

  1. Which kind of houses are more in Rampur Village?
    Huts and thatched houses are more in Rampur village.
  2. In which category does 60% of Rampur village belong?
    60% of Rampur village belong to the poor class.
  3. State approximately, the number of middle-class people in Rampur village.
    25% people of Rampur belong to the middle class.
  4. Which category of people live in the terraced houses built with cement and bricks?
    Rich people live in the terraced houses built with cement and bricks.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 2.
Read the table given below and answer the following questions.

WorkersPloughingSowingWeedingTransplantingHarvestingWinnowingThreshingPicking Cotton
  1. What are the works done only by male workers?
  2. What are the works done only by female workers?
    Transplanting, Picking cotton.
  3. In which works, the wages are different for male and female?
    Sowing, Weeding, Harvesting, Winnowing, Threshing.
  4. What are the reasons for paying less wages to female workers than male workers?
    The concept existing in the society is that, the women do less work than men.

Question 3.
Read the given paragraph and interpret.

Labour being the most abundant factor of production, it would be ideal if the new ways of farming used much more labour. Unfortunately, such a thing has not happened. The use of labour on farms is limited. The labour, looking for opportunities is thus migrating to neighbouring villages, towns and cities. Some labour has entered the non – farm sector in the village.


  1. Labour means people who do the work either highly trained and educated or who can do manual work.
  2. Each worker is providing necessary labour for production.
  3. Skilled or semi-skilled or unskilled labour – all are providing labour for production.
  4. Thus labour is essential item in production.

Conclusion: If government provides loans to landless labour for agriculture purpose, motor pumpsets, engines, etc. more labour we will find in the agricultural sector.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 4.
Mention the factors of production and explain any two of them.

  1. The aim of production is to produce the goods and services that we want.
  2. There are four requirements for the production of goods and services.

They are:

  1. Land
  2. Labour
  3. Capital – (a) Physical or fixed capital (b) Working capital
  4. Knowledge and enterprise

1. Land: The first requirement is land, and other natural resources such as water, forests, minerals.
It is a free gift of nature and it is neither created nor destroyed.
2. Labour: It is a factor which helps in production. There are three types of labour – skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled. Some production activities require highly educated workers to per¬form the necessary task. Other activities require manual work. Each worker provides the labour necessary for production.

Question 5.
Observe the following table and analyse it.
Data refers to the land cultivated by farmers).

Type of farmersSize of plots% of farmers% of cultivated area
Small farmersLess than 2 hectares87%48%
Medium and Large farmersMore than 2 hectares13%52%


  1. The given data refers to the land cultivated by farmers.
  2. As per the data, 87% of the total farmers, i.e. small farmers are cultivating only 48% of the total land.
  3. The remaining 13% of the farmers are medium and large farmers. They are cultivating the remaining 52% of the land.
  4. This indicates that there is no equal distribution of land among farmers.
  5. I opine that the distribution of cultivated land is unequal in India.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 6.
Read the following paragraph and write your opinion.

The land is the most crucial factor necessary for farm production. Land area under cultivation, however^practically fixed. In Rampur, since 1921 there has been no expansion in land area under cultivation. By then, the nearby forests had been cleared and some of the wastelands in the village Were converted to cultivable land. There is no further scope to increase agriculture production by longing new land under cultivation.


  1. The given paragraph says that land is essential for agriculture.
  2. The cultivable land is not expanding.
  3. In some areas a few forest lands are cleared and the waste land is being converted to agriculture land. There is no other way of expansion of land.
  4. My opinion is that the issue discussed in this paragraph is correct. The basic factor of production is land.
  5. The population is increasing day by day.
  6. The food grain production is not increasing or expanding in proportion to the population. It is the time for searching for new ways of increasing the production of food grains.
  7. Green revolution is also to be encouraged.
  8. Rampur village is a model for us.
  9. In conclusion I would like to say that there is much land without irrigation.
  10. Due to some other reasons like power cut, lack of capital, non-availability of ground water the farmers are not able to involve in farm activities.
  11. The government should concentrate on these issues and try to solve them so as to increase the cultivable land and increase the food grains.

Question 7.
Read the following paragraph and write your comments.

Most small farmers have to borrow money to arrange for the working capital. They borrow from large farmers or the village moneylenders or the traders who supply various inputs for cultivation. The rate of interest on such loans is very high. They are put to a great distress to repay the loan.


  1. According to the given paragraph, small farmers in villages take loans from the moneylenders.
  2. They don’t have sufficient capital for farming activities.
  3. As they are charged a high rate of interest, they are put to distress.
  4. This is the real situation of small farmers.
  5. I do agree with this. My comments on this paragraph are as follows.
  6. Generally, large farmers have sufficient capital for next crop.
  7. Small farmers depend on others for loans.
  8. The government should concentrate on providing a loan facility to the small farmers without collateral.
  9. Farmers’ cooperative societies are to be encouraged.
  10. Minimum facilities and needs are to be identified and fulfilled.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Question 8.
Read the following paragraph and interpret.

There is often a loss inform activities, especially when crops are damaged because of floods, pests, etc. The other risk is sudden fall in price of agricultural produce. In such situations, farm¬ers find it difficult to recover the working capital they had spent.


  1. According to the paragraph given it is clearly understood that when there is a natural hazard like floods or pests the farmer’s life will be in risk.
  2. In those conditions, they hardly survive.
  3. Many of the farmers commit suicide because of this situation.
  4. Farmers normally desire to grow more food grains.
  5. They hope the yield must be more. They spend much on agriculture.
  6. They depend on moneylenders for loans. Sometimes they take loans from banks also. They have to pay all these loans when the yield comes. Due to the pests, floods or drought, they don’t have money to pay the loans or for their survival.
  7. Many a time, they commit suicides.
  8. When they face this type of situation the government should give them a helping hand.
  9. They should be saved from losing their lives.
  10. New schemes should be launched for the sake of farmers who lose because of these natural hazards.

Question 9.
From your field visit find out at what rate of interest do farmers borrow when they need money for inputs. Compare with interest charged by the bank.

  1. Farmers need money for inputs like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and repair of tools, etc.
  2. Small farmers cannot mobilise that money.
  3. They borrow from medium and large farmers or moneylenders.
  4. They charge higher rate of interest, usually 36% per annum.
  5. Whereas banks provide crop loan to farmers.
  6. But banks charge only 8% per annum.
  7. Thus there is great variation in the rate of interest.

Question 10.
Groundwater levels are deplected dangerously day by day. If this is continued, what would be the consequences?

  1. The groundwater levels are depleted dangerously day by day.
  2. Excessive use of groundwater for irrigation and industrial purposes has resulted in a decrease of groundwater levels.
  3. It affects the stock of water that would be available for future generations.
  4. We will face the problem of scarcity of water.
  5. Water will not be available for domestic purposes also.
  6. Hence we should not over-extract water from tube wells.
  7. Water should be allowed to sink into the ground.
  8. Under any cost we should conserve groundwater for future generations.

Question 11.
Locate the following in the given map of India.

  1. Capital of Maharashtra
  2. The birth place of river Godavari.
  3. The birth place of river Krishna.
  4. Santal tribal people are in this state.
  5. Uttar Pradesh
  6. Kerala
  7. Punjab
  8. Jammu & Kashmir
  9. Assam
  10. Tripura

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AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy