TS 6th Class Social 2nd Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Globe – A Model of the Earth

Telangana SCERT TS 6th Class Social Study Material Pdf 2nd Lesson Globe – A Model of the Earth Textbook Questions and Answers.

Globe – A Model of the Earth – TS 6th Class Social 2nd Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana

Question 1.
There is an outline map of the world on the 28 page. Identify and write the names of continents and oceans. Colour the map using appropriate colours. Draw and write the names of the main latitudes.
Self Exercise.

Question 2.
Ramesh says “Earth is flat”. What do you say ?
Ramesh says, “Earth is flat.” Some four hundred years ago most people believed that the Earth was flat and that if anyone kept travelling in any direction he would reach the edge of the Earth and from there he would fall off into the sky. Actually the Earth is not like perfect sphere-not perfectly round. It is a little pressed at the two poles in the north and south and bulges slightly in the middle around a line called equator.

TS 6th Class Social 2nd Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Globe - A Model of the Earth

Question 3.
Rosy is spinning a bangle like a top. What shape do you see ?
Answer: I saw it is in spheriod shape.

Question 4.
Collect information about explorers like Columbus.
Vasco – Da-Gama, Magellan, Captain David Cook are some of explorers like Columbus.

1) Marco PoloItalian1552-1618Exploration of Asia and  China
2) Ferdenand MagellanPortuguese1480-1521First voyage around the world.
3) Christopher ColumbusItalian/Spanish1451-1506Discovery of the new w’orld.
4) Amerigo VespucciItalian/Spanish1454-1512America was named after him.
5) Vasco-Da-GamaPortuguese1469-1524Discovery of Ocean Route from Portuguese to the East.
6) Captain James CookBritish explorer1728-1779Explored Australi

Question 5.
Draw the latitudes and longitudes on the surface of a ball.
Student Activity.
TS 6th Class Social 2nd Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Globe - A Model of the Earth 1

Question 6.
‘The Sun always rises in the East.” Find out the reasons for this.
The earth rotates on its axis from west to east (or the apparent movement of the sun is from east to west). A place that is situated westwards of a given place will experience the overhead sun later and the line of this place will be behind the time of the place situated eastwards of it.

Question 7.
Why do we draw imaginary lines on the globe / map ?
We will see many lines crossing on thf g’obe. Some run from the North Pole to the South Pole while others run around ie E . I h from the West to the East. These imaginary lines drawn by map makers help u locate places on the globe and maps.

Question 8.
What is the effort put by scientists and sailors to know about earth ?
1) They found and proved the shape of the earth.
2) They calculated the place of the earth in the universe.
3) They estimated the birth and evolut ions of the earth.
4) They drew the imaginary lines on tr e earth. Ex : axis, longitudes, latitudes, etc.
5) They make us to know many things about the earth like revolution, rotation, atmosphere, etc.

TS 6th Class Social 2nd Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Globe - A Model of the Earth

Question 9.
Observe the following pictures and fill the boxes with the names of the shaded hemispheres.
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I. Conceptual Understanding

Question 1.
What is a Globe ?
Globe is an object shaped like a ball with a map.of the world on its surface, usually on a stand so that it can be turned. It is a model of the Earth. It shows the shape of the earth, land and water, the continents and oceans and the main countries of the world.

Question 2.
What was the interesting thing about the shape of the Earth ?
Some four hundred years ago most people believed that the Earth was flat and that if anyone kept travelling in any direction he would reach the edge of the Earth and from there he would fall off into the sky. Around 1400 AD scientists and sea-farers began to figure out that the Earth must be like a belli. That was why Columbus, the Italian explorer set out from Europe in 1485 AD in the western direction with the hope of reaching IndiAnswer: He stopped at the Carribbean islands near AmericAnswer: In case he had travelled on, he might have reached IndiAnswer:

Question 3.
How many continents are there? What are they ?
There are seven major continents. They are : 1) Asia 2) Africa 3) North America 4) South America 5) Antarctica 6) Europe 7) AustraliAnswer:

TS 6th Class Social 2nd Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Globe - A Model of the Earth

Question 4.
What is meant by ‘Northern Hemisphere’?
The area between the Equator and the North Pole is called Northern Hemisphere. It is also known as the area of North of the Equator. There are 90 latitudes in it and Tropic of Cancer (i.e., \(231 / 2^{\circ}\)N) lies in it. The Arctic Circle (i.e.,\(66^{1 / 2^{\circ}}\)N) North latitude also lies in it. –

Question 5.
What is meant by ‘Southern Hemisphere’ ?
The area between the Equator and the South Pole is called Southern Hemisphere. It is also known as the area of South of the Equator. There are 90 latitudes in it and Tropic of Capricorn (i.e., 231/$°S) lies in it. The Antarctic Circle (i.e.,6654°S) lies in it.

Question 6.
Write down the names of four great oceans.
Most of the Earth surface consists of water in the form of oceans. Seas and oceans stretch for hundreds and thousands of kilometers – just endless water. There are four great oceans- 1. Pacific ocean 2. Atlantic ocean 3. Indian ocean 4. Arctic ocean.

Question 7.
Which is the largest ocean? Which is the smallest ocean?
The Pacific ocean is the largest ocean. The Arctic ocean is the smallest ocean.

II. Reading the Text (given), Understanding and Interpretation

Question 1.
What are latitudes ? Explain them with the help of a diagram.
Latitudes : These are the imaginery lines that are drawn from the West to the East on the Earth. The largest of these lines is called Equator. It divides the globe into two equal halves. These two halves are called hemispheres. They are also known as parallels. They are only points at the poles. There are 90 latitudes in each of the Northern and Southern hemisphere. All the latitudes are imaginary lines. They are helpful in locating any place on the Earth.
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Question 2.
What are longitudes ? Explain them with the help of a diagram.
Longitudes : The longitudes are imaginary lines. They run from one pole to the other pole. They are drawn across the globe passing through poles intersecting the equator. They are semicircles: There are 360 longitudes at 1° interval over the Earth. Longitudes are also known as meridians. There are two main longitudes – the Greenwich Line which is also called the 0° longitude and the International Date Line. The time at Greenwich is the international standard time.

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Question 3.
Why are longitudes and latitudes drawn? Longitudes on the giobe
Both latitudes and longitudes are imaginary lines. They are drawn to make easy the identifying of countries and knowing the time variation from one place of the Earth to another place.

Question 4.
Explain why the bottom portion of the earth is not visible in this photograph.
We can see only that part of the earth which receives sunshine. In this photograph the upper portion of the earth is only receiving the sunshine. So the bottom portion of the earth is not visible.

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III. Information Skills

1. Latitudes are drawn parallel to equator at 1° interval.1. Longitudes are the semicircles drawn passing through the poles intersecting the equator.
2. They are also called parallels.2. They are also known as meridians.
3. There are 90 latitudes in each of the Northern and Southern hemisphere.3. There are 180 longitudes each eastwards and westwards.
4. The 0° latitude is called the equator.4. The 0° longitude is called the Greenwich meridian.

Answer the following questions by reading the above table.
1) Which longitude is called Prime Meridian?
Greenwich longitude.

2) How many longitudes are there?
Answer: There are 360 longitudes.

3) What are parallels ?
Parallels are latitudes.

4) Which latitude is called equator?
0° latitude is called equator.

IV. Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning

Question 1.
Can you see how people can stand on the earth if it is like a ball ? Explain.
Place standing figures on different parts of the globe. It may seem that the person at , the lower part is standing upside down or that the person on the middle may just fall down from 4:he earth. We never fall off the Earth because the Earth acts like a very powerful magnet which pulls us towards it. We can only fall on the earth and never off the Earth.

TS 6th Class Social 2nd Lesson Notes – Globe – A Model of the Earth

  • Latitude : Imaginary lines that are drawn from west to east are called latitudes.
  • Longitude : Imaginary lines that run from one pole to the other are called longitudes.
  • International Date Line : 180° North – South Line longitude.
  • Axis : An imaginary line nrough the centre of an object, around which the object turns.
  • Internet : An International compute r network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities,
  • etc. Poles are the two points on the opposite ends of the earth.
  • Poles : Poles are the two points on the opposite ends of the earth.
  • Apex : The top or highest part of something
  • Hemisphere : A half of the: earth
  • Spherical : Shaped like a sphere, globular
  • The shape of the Earth is : Spherical
  • Equator : Zero degree latitude

Mind Mapping:

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