AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

AP State Syllabus 7th Class Social Important Questions 5th Lesson Europe

Question 1.
Give one reason why the climate of Europe is cooler than that of India?
Temperature decreases as the distance from the equator increases.
Since Europe is farther from the Equator than India, so the climate of Europe is cooler than that of India.

Question 2.
Distinguish between an Island and a Peninsula. (OR)
Distinguish between a Peninsula and an Island giving one example for each.

1. A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides.1. A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides and the fourth side is covered by land.
Ex: Sri Lanka, EnglandEx: India.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 3.
Explain why the Mediterranean Sea was named so?
The Mediterranean is derived from the Latin words meaning “the middle of the earth.” During the time of the Roman empire little was known about far Eastern Asia or the Americas or Southern Africa and so the Romans considered they lived in the hub of the universe.

Question 4.
Explain the location of Europe.
Europe extends from 35° South to 72° North latitudes and from 10° West to 60° East longitudes. Europe has an area of 10,180,000 square kilometres approximately. It is the second smallest continent. The boundaries of Europe are North – Arctic ocean; South – Mediterranean sea, Caspian and Black seas; East – Ural mountains, West – Atlantic ocean.
The Ural Mountains separate Europe from Asia. The Mediterranean sea separates Europe from Africa. The Mediterranean sea separates Europe in the North from Africa in the South.

Question 5.
Mention the important rivers of Europe.

  1. Many rivers in Europe originate from the Alphs mountains.
  2. River Volga is the largest river in Europe.
  3. The second-longest river is the Danube. It is known as an international river.
  4. The river Rhine is one of the most important rivers as it flows through several countries and empties itself into the North Sea.
  5. Unlike the Rhine, the Volga drains into the Caspian Sea, which is a vast lake.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 6.
Explain about the mountains and plains of Europe.

  1. The Alps, the most important mountain ranges of Europe, are covered with snow all year-round.
  2. The Caucasian Mountains, which lie between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea form the southern boundary of Europe.
  3. They, too are very high and covered with snow all year-round.
  4. There are vast plains in Europe. The whole of Eastern Europe is a vast plain, which stretches across several countries like Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Bylorussia, etc. These plains experience heavy snowfall and bitter cold in winters.
  5. When the snow melts in summer, small streams start flowing.
  6. These join to form mighty rivers. It is from these plains that rivers like the Dnieper and the Volga, the longest river in Europe, originate.

Question 7.
Find out the names of some of the other Island countries of Europe.

  1. The sea surrounds some of the European countries, not just on three sides but on all four sides.
  2. These are Island countries.
  3. Great Britain and Ireland are Island countries in Europe.

Question 8.
What are the important crops that are grown in Europe?

  1. Food crops that are grown in Europe are wheat, maize, rye, barley and oats. Sugar is manufactured from beet in Russia, Ukraine and Germany.
  2. A commercial crop that is grown in Europe is ‘Tobacco’.
  3. Fruits that are farmed in Europe are apples, pears, peaches, grapes, oranges, palm and olive, etc.
  4. Fruits like grapes are used for making wine.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 9.
What are trade winds? Explain.
The ships of those times had sailed to harness wind power. They sailed with ease with the winds blowing westwards towards America. These winds blow westwards taking ships from Europe to America. These were not the Westerlies, which blew towards Europe. These were different winds, which blew from the south of Europe towards the southwest direction. They blew throughout the year and took ships from southwest Europe to the east coast of America. These winds are called ‘Trade Winds’.

Question 10.
The Alps stretch across several countries. Find out the names of these countries.
France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, etc.

Question 11.
Write the names of two rivers starting from the Alps.
Danube and Rhine.

Question 12.
Name the countries across whose borders the Pyrenees stretch.
Spain and France.

Question 13.
Name the Mountains stretching Eastern Europe.
Caucasus mountains.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 14.
Identify the other mountains in Europe and prepare a table.
Carpathian mountains; Ural mountains; Scandinavian ranges; Tatra mountains; Appnines and Dinaric Alps mountains; Cantabrian mountains.

Question 15.
Names of oceans or seas into which the following rivers empty themselves.

1.SeineNorth sea6.VistulaBaltic sea
2.RhineNorth sea7.VolgaCaspian sea
3.OderBaltic sea8.DniperBlack sea
4.PoAdriatic Sea9.DonBlack sea
5.DanubeBlack sea10.W DvinaBaltic sea

Question 16.
Compare Mediterranean and Andhra Pradesh climates on the following aspects:

MediterraneanToo coldWarmRainfall occurs only in winter.
Andhra PradeshColdToo hotRainfall occurs in rainy seasons.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 17.
When does it rain most in your state, in the summer months or in the winter months?
In rainy months.

Question 18.
Find out if your region gets light winter showers and the name given to it in the – regional language.
Dussehra Musurlu.

Question 19.
Fishing is of importance in …………. whereas fruit growing is important in ……….
Coastal areas; Mediterranean countries.

Question 20.
Why do you think the climate of Europe is so different from ours? Discuss among yourselves in the class.
The climate of Europe is temperate and Continental in nature. The climate of India is tropical wet, tropical dry, subtropical humid, and mountain climate. So both are different from each other.

Question 21.
To begin with which part of Europe is along the Atlantic Ocean – the eastern or the western part?
Western part.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 22.
Observe the following table carefully and answer the questions.

S.No.CropsCountries where the crops are grown
1.WheatFrance, Italy, Germany, Spain, Poland, UK, and Hungary.
2.MaizeRussia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, France, Italy, etc.
3.RyePoland, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Germany.
4.BarleyRussia, UK, France, Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Spain.
5.TobaccoBulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Poland.
6.OatsRussia, Poland, France, Sweden, Germany, etc.
7.OlivesSpain, Italy, Greece, France, and Portugal.

1. Mention the important producers of maize in Europe.
Russia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, etc.

2. Mention the important producers of barley in Europe.
Russia, U.K., France, Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Spain.

3. Which countries are producing rye mainly?
Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Germany.

4. Which countries are producing Tobacco mainly?
Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Poland.

5. Mention two important countries that are producing olives mainly.
Spain, Italy, Greece, France, and Portugal.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 23.
What is the Dogger Bank? Name the countries which would benefit from the Dogger Bank.
The warm currents are very good for fish breeding as they contain ample food materials for the fish. As a result, the fishery industry is very well developed in the North Sea near Britain. This part of the North Sea is called ‘Dogger Bank’. Fish is an important part of the food of the Europeans and fishing is a very important industry in Europe. United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden would get benefit from Dogger Bank.

Question 24.
Why do you think the climate of Eastern Europe is not so strongly affected by the warm currents?
The warm currents are from the west side of the continent. So it strongly affects western Europe only but not eastern Europe.

Question 25.
Can you guess the impact of the Westerlies on Europe?
The westerlies play an important role in carrying the warm, equitornal wates and winds to the western coasts of continents, especially in the southern hemisphere because of its vast oceanic expanse.

Question 26.
What differences did you notice between the climates of India and west Europe?
India has a hot type of climate while west Europe has a warm type of climate.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 27.
Can you reason why is it possible to raise two crops in the Mediterranean countries?
The Mediterranean countries are the southernmost countries in Europe. As a result, the winters here are not too cold and summers are warm. It does not rain all through the year as in Western Europe. It rains here only in winter. Such rainy winters and summers are termed Mediterranean climates. So it is possible to raise two crops a year.

Question 28.
Locate the following on the given map.
1. Austria
2. Spain
3. Portugal
4. Germany
5. Russia
6. Italy
7. France
8. Ukraine
9. Poland
10. Norway.
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe 1

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 29.
Observe the map and answer the following.
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe 2
a. Name the mountains to the east of Europe.
Ural mountains.

b. Name the ocean to the west of Europe.
The Atlantic Ocean.

c. Look in the atlas and find the name of the sea just south of Europe.
The Mediterranean Sea.

d. Name the island country of Europe.
The United Kingdom.

e. Name the mountains that divide Europe from Asia.
Ural mountains.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 30.
Now you are familiar with the location of Europe. You can take a look at the countries of Europe. Look at the following map to find out their names. Have you heard of some of these countries before?
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe 3
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, U.K., Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Poland, Italy, Belarus, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Russia, Latvia, Lithuani, etc.
I heard about U.K., Russia, Switzerland, and Italy.

Question 31.
Observe the map and answer the following questions.
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe 4
a. Which of these is a peninsula Greece of France?

b. Are Spain and Portugal peninsulas, too?
Spain is a peninsula, but Portugal is not a peninsula.

c. Name the mountain range in the Scandinavian Peninsula.
Scandinavian ranges.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 32.
i) Look at a globe to see how far is north Europe from the Equator.
Europe is 350 latitudes North of the Equator.

ii) Is Europe even farther north than India?

iii) Will Norway be warmer than Italy? Why?
No, Norway is cooler than Italy because it is on higher latitudes.

Question 33.
Look at the wall map or atlas to identify the names of at least six cities of Europe which are situated on the sea coast.
Moscow – Russia
London – U.K.
Berlin – Germany
Istanbul – Turkey
St. Petersburg – Russia
Madrid – Spain

Question 34.
Look at Map 2 (Text P. 42) and name four Mediterranean countries.
Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel.

Question 35.
Look at Map 6 (Text PAT) and answer the following questions.
i) Which winds would help the sailors to return to Europe from America?
Trade winds.

ii) Could the sail-driven ships use the Trade Winds to return to Europe? Give reasons for your answer.
No, they cannot use the Trade winds to return to Europe.
The reason is that the winds are blowing from south-east to north-west. Europe is on the northeast side of the Trade. Wind.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 5 Europe

Question 36.
i) Look at the map (Text P.No. 47 Map 6) can you tell what the new route could be?
The new route is the Columbus route.

ii) Looking at the globe to check whether Columbus’ thinking was correct?
Yes, he was correct.

iii) Look at the map to be able to tell whether it will be warmer in Spain or in Slovakia.
In Spain – there will be mild winters and warm summers. In Slovakia – temperate cool summers, cold, cloudy, humid winters.

Question 37.
Which fruits are grown extensively in southern Europe?
The Mediterranean climate is very good for growing juicy fruits. Thus regions with a Mediterranean climate are famous for their fruits. Fruits like olives, figs, grapes, oranges, etc., are grown extensively in southern Europe.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions