AP Board 10th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

Students can go through AP State Board 10th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy to understand and remember the concept easily.

AP State Board Syllabus 10th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

→ In villages across India farming is the main production activity.

→ Non-farm activities include small manufacturing, transport, shopkeeping, etc.

→ The land is the most crucial factor necessary for farm production.

→ In Rampur, three crops are grown every year

→ They are two main crops, Jowar and Bajra are one and what is the other; the third crop is the potato.

→ They have got a well-developed irrigation system.

→ The use of natural resources has not always been judicious.

→ In Rampur, about l/3rd of the population, i.e., 150 families are landless. About 240 families cultivate small plots of land less than 2 hectares in size and the remaining families are medium and large farmers.

→ Every production is organised by people or entrepreneurs combining the elements of land, labour and physical capital. These are known as factors of production

→ Farming requires a great deal of hard work.

AP Board Solutions AP Board 10th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

→ Small farmers along with their families mostly cultivate their own fields.

→ There is wide variation in the duration of employment and in wages.

→ Most small farmers have to borrow money to arrange for the working capital.

→ The medium and large farmers generally have their own savings from farming.

→ Small farmers keep a substantial share of production for their own family needs.

→ The medium and large farmers usually supply the surplus to Market Yard

→ Only 25% of the people working in Rampur are engaged in activities other than agriculture.

→ They are like dairy farming, small scale manufacturing, shopkeepers and transport.

→ Factors of production: Land, labour, physical capital, working capital and entrepreneurs cause the production of goods or services are called Factors of Production

→ Land: An area of ground, especially when used for a particular purpose such as farming or building; A necessary factor for Production.

→ Labour: Workers especially people who do practical work with their hands

→ Working capital: The requirement of raw material and money which are used up in the production cycle

→ Fixed capital: Physical Capital = Tools, machines and buildings, which are not used up or consumed immediately in the production process

AP Board Solutions AP Board 10th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

→ Surplus: More than is needed

→ Farm activities: The works done in agricultural fields to produce goods

→ Non-farm activities: The production activities other than agriculture, like transport, shop-keeping, etc.

→ Multiple cropping: To grow more than one crop on the same piece of land

→ Water table: The level of groundwater

→ Wages: Remuneration for labour

→ MNREGA: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

→ Modem farming method: Involves high yielding variety seeds, assured irrigation, fertilizers and pesticides.

→ Trade: Exchange of goods

→ Production activity: The work wherein a good or service is produced

→ Natural resources: Resources available from nature like land, water and minerals, etc.

→ Skilled workers: Highly educated and trained workers

→ Unskilled workers: Not educated and non-trained workers

→ Farm labourers: Those who do not have a right over the crops grown on the land but are paid wages

AP Board Solutions AP Board 10th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 9 Rampur: A Village Economy

→ Inputs for: Farm instruments, seeds, fertilisers, pesticides and payments cultivation to labourers, etc.
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