Students can go through AP State Board 7th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 14 Mughal Empire to understand and remember the concept easily.
AP State Board Syllabus 7th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 14 Mughal Empire
→ Babur founded the Mughal Empire in India in 1526 AD. He established control over Agra and Delhi.
→ Humayun was defeated by Sher Khan. He recaptured Delhi with the help of Safavid Shah- in 1555.
→ Akbar became the emperor at the early age of 13. He rapidly conquered Bengal, Central India Rajasthan, and Gujarat. He was the greatest of all the Mughal emperors.
→ Jahangir continued the conquests started by Akbar.
→ Shah Jahan continued campaigns in the Deccan. He faced many revolts by nobles and chiefs. Shah Jahan was imprisoned by Aurangazeb.
→ Aurangazeb faced a large number of revolts all over his kingdom. Shivaji and his own son Akbar revolted against him.
→ Mughal rulers campaigned constantly against rulers who refused to accept their authority.
→ The Mughals married princesses of many of the local rulers as a mark of friendship.
→ The Mughals recruited diverse kinds of people, who included Iranians, Indian Muslims, Afghans, Rajputs, Marathas, and other groups.
→ The Mughals developed the Mansabdari system in which Mansabdars should not act independently, but they should act as per the wishes of their emperor.
→ Akbar’s revenue minister Todar Mai carried out a careful survey of crop yields, prices, and areas for ten years. On the basis of this data, the tax was fixed on each crop in cash.
→ Today Mai started a revenue system known as Zabt, in which each province was divided into revenue circles with its own schedule of revenue rates for individual crops.
→ The broad features of administration were laid down by Akbar.
→ Akbar wanted to bring together people of all faiths. During the 1570s he started discussions on religious matters with Muslim scholars, Brahmins, Jesuits, and Zoroastrians.
→ Akbar, with the help of Abut Fazl, framed the vision of governance, i.e., the emperor would work for the welfare of all subjects irrespective of their religion or social status.
→ The administrative and military efficiency of the Mughal Empire led to great economic
→ Mansabdar: A-Rank holder, who had joined the Mughals.
→ Jagirdar: One who looked after the Jagirs,
→ Jager: It was a type of feudal land grant in South Asia at the foundation of its Jagirdat system.
→ Zabt: Revenue collected on the basis of the schedule of revenue rates for individual crops is known as Zabt.
→ Elite: Headman or local chieftains.
The enormous wealth and resources were commanded by the Mughal nobility.