Students can go through AP State Board 8th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 24 Disaster Management to understand and remember the concept easily.
AP State Board Syllabus 8th Class Social Studies Notes Chapter 24 Disaster Management
→ India with its vast population and unique geophysical characteristics is one of the world’s most “Disaster-prone” countries.
→ The East and South-East parts of India are frequently affected by cyclones.
→ The damage caused due to a hazard increases when people are not adequately prepared to face the disaster.
→ Disasters can be categorized into various types based on speed and origin/cause.
→ The term ‘Tsunami’ has been coined from Japanese words – ‘Tsu’ and ‘name’.
→ Coastal tidal gauges can stop tsunamis close to the shore, but they are useless in deep oceans.
→ Drought is basically a disaster situation caused by a lack of rainfall.
→ Excess or deficient rainfall is determined by the percent variation from the average rainfall of 70-100 years.
→ Certain regions due to their geographical location are more likely to receive less rainfall. These are called ‘drought-prone areas’.
→ Unlike sudden disasters drought being a slow-onset disaster, gives us ample time for preparedness, response, and mitigation.
→ In urban areas, all rainwater as it falls over roofs of houses should be harvested.
→ The government is implementing Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) in drought-prone areas.
→ Multi-Hazard Zone: Area which faces floods and cyclones frequently is called Multi’ Hazard Zone.
→ Human-Induced Hazard: A serious disruption of normal life triggered by human-induced hazard.
→ Famine: A disaster situation caused by lack of rains.
→ Pest Infection: Sometimes there may be attacks of pests on fields and the fluids get infected. This is called pest infection.
→ Environmental Degradation: Deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water, and soil, the destruction of the ecosystem.
→ Drought: Drought ¡s basically a disaster situation caused by a lack of rainfall.