TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Village Panchayats

Telangana SCERT TS 6th Class Social Guide Pdf 13th Lesson -Village Panchayats Textbook Questions and Answers.

Village Panchayats – TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana

Question 1.
Suppose you are a representative in your local government body, what issues would you raise ?
If I am a representative in our locality or village. I shall keep in view the following issues :

  1. Schools, hospitals, sanitation and library facilities.
  2. Cleaning and lighting of streets.
  3. Supply of drinking water
  4. Supply of electricity
  5. Garbage collection and disposal
  6. Making and maintenance of gardens and parks
  7. Eradication of malaria, dengue and taking care in preventing the outbreak of diseases.
  8. I can raise the above issues in Grama Sabha in making the Gram Panchayat to w’ork responsibly.

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats

Question 2.
Do you think common people are able to participate in the process of decision making in your panchayat or municipality ? Give some examples to illustrate your answer.

  1. People don’t get proper information about the meetings and very few people come for them in our village also.
  2. Those who come take little interest in decision making. Because the rich people or those who got power dominate in decision making.
  3. There is no discussion about the previous report: it becomes optional / common.
  4. In lists of B.P.L also Grama Sabha recommends the people who belongs to their party or who are favourable to them in all matters.

Question 3.
Why do you think only a few people attend the Gram Sabha meeting ?
This is probably an example of the Gram Sabhas taking place today. People do not get proper information about the meetings and very few people come for them. Those who come take little interest in the proceedings. However, democracy requires active participation of all the villagers in the Gram Sabhas.

All people should discuss the report of the previous year’s work and say whether the work was actually done and was satisfactory. They also need to discuss the proposed work for the next year and say if any other works need to he done, or what is the best way to do it. But in practice, the Gram Sabha does not meet or only a very few people participate who don’t take active interest in the proceedings.

Question 4.
Why are BPL lists read out in the Gram Sabha meetings ?
Gram Sabha can prevent the panchayat from doing what it likes. All the works of the panchayat are to be got approved by Gram SabhAnswer: It would not approve wrong works done by the panchayat. There was a problem with B.P.L list that the Gram Sabha was finalising. When the lists of B.P.L. people are read out nil people have to ensure that only genuine poor get the benefit of the schemes.

Kanakamma participated in Gram Sabha and asked that her name be included in the list of BPL read by Sarpanch. She had no land or other employment or resources. The Sarpanch promised to look into this. Kanakamma felt happy that she had participated in the Gram SabhAnswer:

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats

Question 5.
Find out about the problems being faced by dalit panchayat members and Sarpanches in your area and write a short essay about it.
There is every chance that dalit panchayat members and Sarpanches are forced to face problems. Most of them are illiterate and in every village rich and influential people enjoy the original power. They make dalit members and Sarpanches dance to their tunes. They have been in the politics for years and have much control over the vote bank. This did not allow dalit Sarpanches to act on their own right.

Question 6.
Do you think Panchayats should raise more tax from the village to carry out development works or depend upon government funds ?
Generally, gram panchayats have the power to levy some minor taxes in the villages like house tax, land cess, etc. They get about one third of their income from these sources. But they mainly depend upon grants from the state and central governments, meant for the implementation of specific programmes.

Some funds are made available under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA). From the experiences of the Gram Panchayats it emerges that these funds are far from sufficient for any substantial development of the villages. Panchayats have very little funds for the work they themselves plan and decide upon. If it is necessary, Panchayat should raise more tax in the villages as per the resolution of Gram Panchayats.

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats

Question 7.
What challenges do dedicated Sarpanches face ?
Normally elections to Gram Panchayats take place once in every five years. During there elections evey voter casts two votes-one to elect the ward member and another to elect the Sarpanch. The person who gets maximum votes is declared elected.

  1. The Sarpanch is the head of the Gram Panchayat and has responsibility of implementing all the decisions of the Panchayat and looking after the day to day working of Panchayat.
  2. He is also responsible for the income and expenditure of the Panchayat.
  3. As such the Sarpanch has a lot of responsibility.
  4. In many villages we see some active Sarpanches who have changed the fate of their villages.
  5. For example, Hazipally’s Sarpanch Jangamma led the Panchayat to build several concrete roads, latrines, water storage tanks, etc.

Question 8.
Collect and tabulate the particulars of Ward Members, Deputy Sarpanch, Sarpanch, and Village Secretary of your gram panchayat.

1. Ward member
2. Deputy Sarpanch
3. Sarpanch
4. Village secretary

Question 9.
Read the para In page 52 (118) under the title ‘Gangadevipalli Panchayat’ of this chapter and write your comment.

Gangadevipalli Panchayat

Through the Gram Sabhas, eighteen different committees were formed in Gangadevipalli village like Drinking Water Committee, Sanitation Committee, Health Committee, Communications Committee etc.These committees are providing good services to the villagers.This village has attained:

• 100% enrolment in schools.
• 100% literacy.
• Supply of protected drinking water to all families.
• Observance of family planning by all eligible couples.
• Vaccination of all children.
• 100% families enrolled in bank saving schemes.
• Total sanitation in the village.
• Complete ban on the consumption of liquor.
Gangadevipalli Panchayat is an ideal Panchayat. Formation of committees tells us about the distribution of powers. Which is a backbone of democracy. 100% participation of public leads to success. Every village Panchayat should follow the activities of Gangadevipalli Panchayat.

I. Conceptual Understanding

Question 1.
What is the difference between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat?

Gram SabhaGram Panchayat
1. The Gram Sabha is a meeting of all adults who live in the area covered by a Panchayat.1. Gram Panchayat is the executive txkly of the village consisting of the Sarpanch and the Panchs.
2. All the adults who attain the age of i8 years can become the members of the Gram SabhAnswer:2. Gram Panchayat is divided into wards. Its members are called ward members and Panchayat President (Sarpanch).
3. It approves and controls the money of the Gram Panchayat.3. Gram Panchayats spend the money on several welfare schemes of the village.
4. Gram Sabha is a permanent body of the village.4. Grata Panchayat is elected for a term of 5 years.

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats

Question 2.
What does a Panchayat do ?
1. The village panchavats are responsible for provision of public amenities like
a) maintenance of village roads,
b) construction and maintenance of drains,
c) supply of drinking water,
d) street lighting,
e) cleaning streets,
f) running ration shops, etc.

2. They are responsible for overseeing the functioning of schools, anganwadis. women and child welfare programmes, etc.

3. The Panchavats have to plan and execute development work in the village such as minor irrigation, watershed management, land reform measures.

Question 3.
What is the role of secretary and executive officers ?
Every year, before the month of April, proposals from different wards are discussed and budget for them is prepared. The sarpaueh and the executive officer check if funds are available for these proposals.

Secretary and Executive Officers : Each Panchayat also lias a Secretary, who is a Government employee. His/her job is to maintain accounts and minutes of the meetings. Major i’mich.y .ns which have high income also have an executive officer appointed by the government.

Question 4.
What is fecial about the roads and drainages of Hazipally ?
Hazipally is a small village in RangaReddy District. Jangamma, the Sarpanch led the panchayat to build several concrete roads and underground drains. She persuaded all the villagers to build latrines in their houses schools, anganwadi and gram panchayat. The panchayat under her leadership built water storage tanks to provide drinking water to the entire village.

Apart from this, the village like city has an underground drainage system like the city. The panchayat has also ensured all the eligible benefits from the schemes intended for them. In recognition of these efforts, Hazipally received the ‘SHUBRAM’ award in November 2008 from the state government and Nirmala Grama Puraskar in December 2008 from Mrs. Prathibha Patil the President of India

Question 5.
What is Gram Sabha ? How it is important ?
The Gram Sabha is a meeting of all adults who live in the area covered by a panchayat. This could be only one village or a few villages. It is important in making the Gram Panchayat to work responsibly. It can modify the plans. It supervises the work of Gram Panchayat.

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats

Question 6.
What is a Gram Panchayat ?
Gram Panchayat: The Gram Panchayat is an elected body for five years. It consists of ward members and the Sarpanch who are elected by the Gram SabhAnswer: A government employee called secretary is also a part of Gram Panchayat.

Question 7.
What is the link between a Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat?

  1. Gram Sabha is over several Gram Panchayats.
  2. Gram Panchayats are members of Gram SabhAnswer:
  3. Gram Sabha controls and approves the spending of money received from the government.

Question 8.
What are public amenities ? Who will provide these amenities ?
Whether it is roads, handpumps or street lights they belong to people in the village as a whole. They are called public amenities. They are provided by panchayats in the rural areas and municipalities in urban areas.

All the public amenities can be provided by the government departments. But they follow orders from higher-ups and eventually from the authorities in the state capital. More important than all this is enabling ordinary people of the villages to participate in public affairs. That is why we have elected village panchayats and municipalities to provide basic amenities at the local level.

Question 9.
Panchayat members and Sarpanches are not paid any salary by government. Do you think they should be paid salaries ? Give reasons.

  1. Panchayat members and sarpanches are not paid salaries by the government.
  2. I think the government should pay them salaries.
  3. They are taking part in day to day administration of villages.
  4. They are serving the needs of the villages.
  5. They are also on par with government servants. So, they should.be paid salaries.

II. Reading the Text (given), Understanding and Interpretation

Question 1.
Where do the Gram Panchayats get funds from, for carrying out their programmes?
Gram Panchayats have the power to levy some minor taxes in the villages like house tax, land cess, etc. They get about one third of their income from these sources. But they mainly depend upon grants from the state and central governments, meant for the implementation of specific programmes.

Some funds are made available under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA). From the experiences of the gram panchayats it emerges that these funds are far from sufficient for any substantial development of the villages. Panchayats have very little funds for the work they themselves plan and decide upon.

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats

Question 2.
Are there any villages which conduct Gram Sabhas successfully ?
There are many villages which have succeeded in involving the people in participatory development programmes through the Gram Sabha. In Telangana, Gangadevipalli of Warangal Rural District, Ramachandhrapuram of Karimnagar District, Ankapur of Nizamabad District are some of the success stories. Similarly Hiware Bazar of Ahmadnagaf district in Maharashtra is a good example.

Question 3.
How are decisions made ?
The majority party puts the proposal about an issue. The issue is discussed in the house. If the majority of representatives supports the issue or bill, it is adopted and the decision is deemed as made.

III. Information Skills

1. Read the passage.

Gangadevipalli Panchayat

Through the Gram Sabhas, eighteen different committees were formed in Gangadevipalli village like Drinking Water Committee, Sanitation Committee, Health Committee, Communications Committee, etc. These committees are providing good- services to the villagers.This village has attained :

100% enrolment in schools,
100% literacy, ,
Supply of protected drinking water to all families.
Observance of family planning by all eligible couples.
Vaccination of all children.
100% families enrolled in bank saving schemes.
Total sanitation in the village.
Complete ban on the consumption of liquor.

Every villager would definitely find a role on at least one of the 18 committees. Any issue of development of the village has to be necessarily discussed in the Gram SabhAnswer: All are bound by the resolution of the Gram SabhAnswer:

Answer the following questions:

1) In which district is Gangadevipalli ?
Gangadevipalli is in Warangal Rural district.

2) How many committees were formed in Gangadevipalli ?
18 Committees

3) What is your opinion about Gangadevipalli panchayat ?
It is a successful panchayat.

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats

4) Why did Gangadevipalli panchayat turn to be successful ?
Gangadevipalli panchayat involved the people in participatory development programmes through the Gram Sabha and so it turned to be successful.

5) How do you compare your Gram panchayat with that of Gangadevipalli ?
In our village common people are not able to participate in the process of decision making.

VI. Appreciation and Sensitivity

Question 1
“All members of the panchayat participate in the planning” Explain the reason.
It is often seen that in many panchayats the Sarpanches prepare plans on their own and get them approved without much discussion. Then the funds allocated for the work are misappropriated as.

very few people know about the plan, budget and actual work done. For this reason it is necessary tha” all members of the panchayat participate in the planning and also oversee the’implementation of programmes.


Question 1.
Invite the Sarpanch or President of the Mandal Parishad to the school to discuss the functioning of the panchayat system. Prepare some questions to ask them about the functioning of the panchayats.
Student’s self exercise.

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats

Question 2.
Interact with your ward member/ saipanch to understand their work. Prepare a poster on some important works of the panchayat and display it in the school.
Student’s self exercise.

Question 3.
How do you feel when you find Litter in the surroundings of your school ? Divide info groups for the school’s cleanliness and plantation of trees and conduct the programme ‘Clean and Green’ by each group a day.
Student’s self exercise.

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Notes – Village Panchayats

  • Gram Sabha : Gram Sabha is a meeting where people directly participate and seek answers from their elected representatives.
  • Public Amenities : Whether it is roads, hand pumps or street lights they belong to people in the village as a whole. They are called public amenities.
  • Election : Normally elections to Gram Panchayats take place once in every five years. During these elections every voter casts two votes – one to elect the ward member and another to elect the Sarpanch.
  • Local Self-Government : There are three levels of panchayats
    1. Gram Panchayat
    2. Mandal Parishad
    3. Zilla Parishad The Government can’t solve the all the issues so it deligates the powers to local self government.
  •  Gram Panchayat : Gram sabha elects the Gram Panchayat, the executive, which actually looks after the administration of the village.
  • Sarpanch : Panchayat president is the Sarpanch elected by the representatives of the Panchayat.
  • Mandal Parishad : About 20 gram panchayats come under a Mandal Parishad.
  • Zilla Parishad : Panchayat at district level is termed as Zilla Parishad. All the Mandal parishads in the district come under Zilla Parishad.

Mind Mapping:

TS 6th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Village Panchayats 1