AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun.

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions 2nd Lesson Energy from the Sun

Question 1.
What is meant by Insolation?
The radiation received on the surface of a body is called insolation.

Question 2.
What is meant by Radiation?
When a body gives out energy it is called radiation.

Question 3.
What are the forms of sun’s energy?
Light, heat, UV rays, radio waves and X-rays are the forms of sun’s energy.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun

Question 4.
Arrange the following temperatures from the highest to the lowest:
12°C, -16°C, 29°C, 0°C, – 4°C.
29°C, 12°C, 0°C, -4°C, – 16°C.

Question 5.
What will happen if the inversion occurs?
When inversion occurs cold air underlies warmer air.

Question 6.
Give three possible explanations for the differences between the average temperatures in Thiruvananthapuram and Shimla in January.
A) Tiruvananthapuram is situated on sea coast.
B) Shimla is on high altitude.
C) Tiruvananthapuram is near to the equator and Shimla is far away from the equator.

Question 7.
Between Bhopal, Delhi, Mumbai and Shimla, which two places show a similar temperature pattern? How can you explain the similarity between these two places?
Bhopal and Delhi show a similar temperature pattern. This is because these two are far away from the sea.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun

Question 8.
Which continents are there near to the equator?
South America, Africa and Asia continents are there near to the equator.

Question 9.
Give reasons for ditference in temperature of a location:
a) height from sea level.
b) distance from the sea
c) distance from equator
d) all the above
e) some of the above
Answer: d

Question 10.
What is the relation between temperature and rainfall?
The amount of rain in 2 places is determined by temperature differences between them.

Question 11.
How do we have variation in vegetation and animal life?
Temperature and rainfall affect life in very critical ways. Plants and animals depend upon heat and water.
Only certain kinds of trees and plants will grow in hot regions and some other kinds will grow in cold regions and in very cold regions, nothing grows. Thus we have variation in vegetation and animal life.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun

Question 12.
What are the forms of sun’s energy?
Light, heat, UV rays, radio waves and X-rays are the forms of sun’s energy.

Question 13.
Which results in ‘Global Warming’?
Some gases like CO2 prevent radiation of heat from the earth. CO2 in the atmosphere N increases due to increased use of diesel and petrol, cutting down of forests etc. If the CO2 proportion in the atmosphere increases, then less heat will be radiated causing increase in global temperature. This results in ‘Global Warming’.

Question 14.
Appreciate the ‘green houses’.
Green houses are also called Glass houses. Green house is a building in which plants are grown. These are climate controlled. It works by taking sunlight and heating it up. This process is the conversion of solar energy to thermal energy. It gives plants both temperate heat and a good water source. The creation of green house is excellent.

Question 15.
What are the effects of ‘Global warming’?
Global warming is the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature due to effect of green house gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun

Question 16.
The sun is the primary source of energy. The trees are the factories which produce food from sunlight. Are we growing or cutting down such trees? Discuss the advantages of trees and our responsibility in growing them.
We are cutting down trees more than we grow.
The advantages of Trees:

  1. Trees can reduce air temperature by blocking sunlight. Further cooling occurs when water evaporates from the leaf surface. The conversion of water to air vapour … a chemical process …. removes heat energy from the air.
  2. A tree can be a natural air conditioner.
  3. Trees absorb and block noise and reduce glare.
  4. Fallen treen leaves can reduce soil temperature and soil moisture loss.
  5. Trees create an ecosystem to provide habitat and food for birds and other animals.
  6. Trees absorb CO2 and potentially harmful gasses from the air and release O2.
  7. Trees help to reduce surface water runoff from storms, thus decreasing soil erosion and the accumulation of sediments in streams. They increase ground water recharge and reduce the number of potentially harmful chemicals transported to our streams.
  8. Dews and frosts are less under tree because less radiant heat is lost at night.

Question 17.
Locate the following in the given world map.

  1. Equator
  2. Poles
  3. Russia
  4. Australia 5)India


AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun 1

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun

Question 18.
Observe the given map and answer the following questions.
AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun 21. What is the line to south of equator?
Tropic of Capricorn.

2. This is ……… Projection.

3. Which continents are there near to the equator?
South America, Africa and Asia.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun

Observe some families in your village / locality and fill up the following table.

S.No.Name of the family headNo.of electricity bulbs usedTypeElectricity bill (in rupees)

Educate the families about the energy-saving measures and then conduct the same survey again after three month and compare the difference.

S.No.Name of the family headNo.of electricity bulbs usedTypeElectricity bill (in rupees)
1.Malleswara Rao104421000 ₹
2.Subba Rao93421200 ₹
3.Sunil10442800 ₹

Above families used more electricity bulbs especially tubes & bulbs. They are using very less CFL’s. By using more bulbs they get every month more electricity bill. That’s why, I explain to them about the importance of electricity, how we are wasting and our future generations will face the problems and I said, use more CFL’s to reduce the wastage of power & minimise the bill. After three months I went to their houses and saw the power bill really I admired because they reduce the power using and use CFL’s also. Due to this they save the power and get less electricity bill.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 2 Energy from the Sun