TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Telangana SCERT TS 6th Class Social Guide Pdf 14th Lesson Local Self-Government in Urban Areas Textbook Questions and Answers.

Local Self-Government in Urban Areas – TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana

Question 1.
How is garbage collected in your locality ? What happens to it ?
I live in Prakashnagar. Khammam. Daily here people had thrown their waste outside the dustbins. In many places people had left the waste in the open. Juice shop owners, coconut traders, grocery shop owners keep the waste in the open. Sweepers gather at 5 am in different areas. Contractor takes the attendance daily and send them in different areas.

After piling up the waste, they have to load them into the work. They often handpick the plastic bags, bottles, milk pouches, etc, from kitchen waste, vegetable peels, bones, and other biodegrading material. Truck drivers and other helpers are also employed by the contractor help the disposal of garbage.

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Question 2.
What are the public amenities provided by a municipality but not by a Panchayat?

  1. Towns and cities are places where large num her of people live. Roads in many parts of the cities are wider and busier.
  2. There are more shops, vehicles and industries in cities.
  3. They require a lot more planning and amenities than in rural areas.
  4. Moreover, every year more and more people are shifting to towns in search of employment and livelihood.
  5. So the size of the cities is growing day by day and new colonies are coming up constantly.
  6. Many of these colonies are in the form of slums in which a large number of poor people live and work.
  7. All these people have to be assured water and electricity supply, transport, schools, hospitals, etc.
  8. A major problem in cities is the disposal of waste materials or garbage and drainage.
  9. Thus providing public amenities in towns and cities is a very complex job and it needs a large organisation.
  10. This organisation is called Municipality. There are three kinds of municipal bodies depending upon the size of the population.

Question 3.
If you live in a town, prepare a list of work done by the municipality in your ward during the last two years ?
I live in the Nagara Panchayat of VemulawadAnswer: I observed the works done by the municipality in our ward during the last two years.

  1. Arranging electric lights on roads and open places.
  2. Supply of protected drinking water. (Akasha Ganga)
  3. Construction and maintenance and cleaning of drainages, public latrines etc.
  4. Construction and maintenance of roads, buildings, parks, etc.

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Question 4.
Pochamma says that her street tap gives water only for half an hour and several people queue up to fill their buckets. What would you advise her to do to solve this problem ?

  1. Pochamma says that her street tap gives water only for half an hour and several people queue up to fill their buckets.
  2. Pochamma should gather some people who are suffering for water, like her. and take the issue to the ward councillor.
  3. Then along with the councillor they should go to the Municipal Commissioners Office.
  4. They should complain in the concerned wing which looks after water supply.
  5. With the action of the water supply wing the problem will be solved.
  6. They will get water for longer time.

Question 5.
Xavier repairs street lights. He is employed by an electricity contractor who is engaged by the municipality. Xavier was injured due to electric shock. He could not work for two months. He did not get any wages for this period and was dismissed by his contractor. What would you advise him to do ?

  1. Xavier employed by a contractor, who was engaged with municipality.
  2. Due to electric shock, he was not able to work for 2 months and dismissed by contractor.
  3. He was not paid any money for that.
  4. I wouid advice Xavier to complain with the labour wing of Municipality.
  5. The labour officer usually looks after these types of situations.
  6. He would make justice to Xavier.

Question 6.
What are the services of muncipality in helping the poor ?
Answer: The Municipal Corporation discharges various functions in helping the poor. Some are compulsory and some others are discretionary.
a) Discretionary functions:

  1. Establishment of libraries, museums, art galleries
  2. Establishment and maintenance of women and child.
  3. Registration of marriages.

b) Essential functions:

  1. Lay roads and maintain them.
  2. Lighting the roads and open places.
  3. Construction and maintenance of drainages.
  4. Supply of drinking water.
  5. Public health, sanitation of the city and eradication of epidemics and contagious diseases.
  6. Registration of births and deaths.
  7. Establishment and maintenance of schools.
  8. Disposal of garbage into a profitable proportion for the municipality.

Question 7.
How do you differentiate the village from the city?

1. At the base of this system of democratic functioning would be the ‘Gram Sabha.1. For providing public amenities in towns and cities is a very complex job and it needs a large organisation called Municipal Corporation.
2. There are very few people come to participate in Gram Sabhas.2. People of cities and towns solve their problems by approaching corporators.
3. A village is usually divided into several wards. Each ward elects one member to the village panchayat called ward member.3. These representatives are called corporators in cities.
4. Sarpanch, Upa-sarpanch and Secretary work together to develop the village.4. Mayor, Commissioner and corporators work together to develop the city.

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Question 8.
What do you like most in the cities and villages ?
I like parks, theatres, museums and busy streets in cities the most whereas green fields, pastures and lakes in villages.

Question 9.
Locate the different Municipalities in your district map. ,
Student’s self exercise.
TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas 2

Question 8.
What do you like most in the cities and villages ?
I like parks, theatres, museums and busy streets in cities the most whereas green fields, pastures and lakes in villages.

Question 9.
Locate the different Municipalities in your district map. ,
Student’s self exercise.

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Question 10.
Frame a few questions to ask the local Corporator/Councillor to know the details of work done by the Municipality.

  1. Why the roads are not laid ?
  2. What are the expenses of roads repairs ?
  3. When are you going to start the underground sanitation project ?
  4. Why the broken street lights are not replaced ?
  5. What are your comments on raising the house taxes ?

Question 11.
Read the last para of page 64 (124) (‘Apart from sweepers …………. allotted places’) read and comment on it.
Apart from sweepers, there are also truck drivers and other helpers who are employed by the Contractor. All the waste from different parts of the city is dumped at the allotted places.
The waste of the city is collected from all the places by the contract workers. Then it is dumped at allotted places. For all this contractor not only employs sweepers but also truck drivers and helpers on contract. All these make the all colonies of the city/ town clean and inhabitable.

Question 12.
Some people expecting that the Municipality has to provide all the public amenities at lower cost. While other think that the Municipalities should also provide dignified working conditions for those who work for it. Write your arguments.

  1. Some people think that the job of municipality is to provide public amenities.
  2. Others think that it should also provide dignified working conditions for those who work for it.
  3. All are correct. Municipality should take up both the responsibilities.
  4. Instead of engaging many works on contract it should employ regular employees.
  5. The contractors are only aiming at profits do not consider the apathetic work conditions of contract workers and they don’t even are paid handsome wages.

I. Conceptual Understanding

Question 1.
Write down the formation of municipalities.

  1. Like the village panchayats the municipalities too are formed through elections.
  2. Urban areas are also divided into wards and people elected as representatives.
  3. These representatives are called councillors in municipal towns and corporators in corporation cities.
  4. Apart from the ward councillors, there are also Mayors, or Chairpersons who head the institution like Sarpanches in the Panchayats.
    • Nagar Panchayats : 20,000 to 40.000 people
    • Municipal council : 40,000 to 3,00.000 people
    • Municipal corporation : More than 3,00,000 people

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Question 2.
What is the work of the councillors ?
Actually the councillors keep in touch with the people of the ward to understand their needs and problems and discuss them in the municipality meetings. In order to ensure that so many kinds of work properly thought about, the municipality has a number of committees and the councillors are assigned to these committees. The work of these committees is to review the functioning of the municipality department and plan new works to be undertaken.

They prepare proposals which are discussed in the municipality meetings and passed. These decisions are implemented by the officers and employees of the municipality. The ward councillors ensure that the needs of their wards are placed before the council when decisions are taken. Also they keep in touch with the people of the ward who may take their problems to them.

Question 3.
Define Sub-contracting.
Sub-contracting : In order to serve better, several municipalities across the country are hiring contractors to collect and process garbage. This is called Sub-contracting. This means that the work that was earlier being done by municipality workers is now being done by a private company. Collecting garbage is also quite a dangerous job and the authorities have to see that contract workers have access to safety measures like gloves and masks while working.

Question 4.
What are the sources of income of the Municipal Coiporation ?

  1. The sources of income of the Municipal Corporation are of four types. They are
    • Taxes,
    • Loans,
    • Grants and Income derived from markets and assets.
  2. Taxes levied by the corporation are tax on houses and open places , tax on water and drainage, property transfer tax, entertainment tax, octroi tax, tax on animals, etc.
  3. Corporation also gets income through donations from individuals, institutions and voluntary agencies.
  4.  It also gets income by way of fines imposed on illegal activities.

Question 5.
Describe the composition of a municipal council.

  1. Members of the municipal council are called councillors. They are directly elected through secret ballot by voters in the municipality.
  2. The term of office is 5 years.
  3. Councillors elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman and members to the standing committees.
  4. Members of Legislative Assembly and Parliament in the city are the ex- officio members of the municipal council.
  5. Reservation is provided for S.T.. S.C, B.C and women.

Question 6.
Comment on the functioning of a local body in your areAnswer:
Our local body is village panchayat. In our village it works verywell. They repair roads, supply us cleansed drinking water, provide us street lights etc. They collect house taxes and others for village maintenance.

II. Reading the Text (given), Understanding and Interpretation

1. Read the para and comment on it.

Question 1.
How does the Municipality work?
The municipality has a lot of tasks to perform like water supply, street lighting, maintaining and building roads, drainage and garbage disposal, running schools, ration shops, hospitals among others besides taking up new developmental works. Now all this cannot be done by a few people or by the Corporators or Councillors alone. Hence the municipalities employ a large number of workers, officers and clerks and accountants. Each municipality has a number of departments, each headed by an officer who -is responsible for the proper working of that department.
Municipalities usually have the authority over all the areas of responsibility regarding the particular areAnswer: In performing their duties, they take the help of several departments. Each depeartment is headed by an officer. The officer is responsible for the proper work of the related staff.

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Question 2.
How do the departments help in the work of the municipalities ?
Municipalities have a lot of tasks to perform. So they employ a large number of workers, officers and clerks and accountants. Each municipality has a number of departments, each headed by an officer who is responsible for the proper work of the staff related to that department. For example, there will be water supply department, electricity department, education department, garbage disposal department etc.

Question 3.
What should ward councillors do to ensure that all amenities are working properly in their wards ?
The ward councillors ensure that the needs of their wards are placed before the council when decisions are taken. Also they keep in touch with the people of the ward who may take their problems to them. Let us look at an example of how people of a ward can solve their problems by approaching their ward councillor.

Yasmin KhalAnswer: Gangabai gathered a small group of women and went to w’ard councillor’s house. He came out and asked them what was wrong. Gangabai described the situation of the locality to him. He asked Gangabai to get a petition signed by all the adults in the locality saying that garbage was not being collected. The next morning trie ward councillor and a large group of women went to the Municipal Corporation office. He promised that he would lake care of it immediately. Yes that day onwards sanitation service in this locality became regular.

IV. Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Question

Question 1.
If you find garbage piled up in front of your house, what would you do ?
If I find garbage piled up in front of my house 1 shall inform ward councillor. He always keeps in touch with the people of the ward. He informs municipal workers.They clean the surroundings of my house. Otherwise I shall write a petition taking signs of my neighbours and hand it over to the commissioner.

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Question 2.
Why do municipalities prefer to give out work on Sub-contract ?
Towns and cities are places where large number of people live. Roads in many parts of the cities are wider and busier. There are more shops, vehicles, and industries in cities. They require a lot more planning’and amenities than in rural areas. Every year more and more people are shifting to towns in search of employment and livelihood.

So the size of the cities is growing day by day and new colonies are coming up constantly. In order to serve better, several municipalities across the country are hiring contractors to collect and process garbage. This is called sub-contracting. This means that the work that was earlier being done by municipality workers is now being done by a private company.

VI. Appreciation and Sensitivity

Question 1.
Write few words about Vemulawada Nagara Panchayat.
Vemulawada is a Nagara Panchayat in Rajanna District. Until 2011 it was a major gram panchayat having 20 wards. Here Raja Rajeshwara Swami temple is a well known pilgrim centre. Here drinking water is something unique. It is called Akasha GangAnswer: It began in the year 2003. There are overhead pipes. Under the Swajaladhara scheme, these pipelines connect 10-15 households. Nearly Five thousand houses were connected in this manner and water is supplied to the houses on every alternate days. The city also makes sure that garbage is collected every day.

Special facilities like wheel-carts, gloves, masks and uniforms etc, are provided to the workers. They also use hydraulic dumper bins, trolly auto rickshaws, tractors etc, to collect the garbage and dump it in the year. They separate plastic from other waste and the waste is to be used for power generation. Many households have been provided with personal latrines. With the help of rion-governmental organisations and government funds. The city ensures the safety of the people.


Question 1.
Visit any amenity provided by the nearby municipality like bus stand, hospital, school, market, public toilets, etc. and prepare a report on their condition. Prepare a poster on them.
Student’s Self Activity.

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

Question 2.
Interview two municipal workers and prepare a poster on their daily schedule and the problems they face.
Student’s Self Activity.

Question 3.
Collect news clippings from newspapers on the working of municipalities for a week and prepare a summary of the reports.
Student’s Self Activity.

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Notes – Local Self-Government in Urban Areas

  • Self-Government : Deligating powers to the local organisations which have elected members is called local self government.
  • Municipal Council : Each municipality has a municipal council. Its members are called ‘councillors’. They are directly elected by the voters through secret ballot. The term of office is 5 years.
  • Municipal Corporation : Municipal corporation consisted of three organs of administration, Municipal Corporation, Standing Committees and Municipal Commissioner. Its members are called Corporators. Mayor is the head of the corporation.
  • Sub-contracting : In order to serve better, several municipalities across the country are hiring contractors to collect process garbage This is called Sub-contracting.
  • Bio-degradable material : A substance or chemical that is bio-degradable can be changed to a harmless natural state by the action of bacteria will therefore not damage the environment. Eg : kitchen waste, vegetable peels, bones and other biodegradable material.
  • Garbage : Household left overs, wrappers from the shopkeepers, cloth pieces from tailoring shops, plastic bags, bottles, milk pouches etc., vegetable peels, bones and other biodegraded material is called garbage.

Mind Mapping:

TS 6th Class Social 14th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana - Local Self-Government in Urban Areas 1