AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

AP State Syllabus 7th Class Social Important Questions 6th Lesson Africa

Question 1.
Observe the map and answer the questions given below.
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa 1
a) Write the name of the latitude which passes through the Region – A.
Tropic of Cancer.

b) Write the name of the latitude which passes through Region – B.
Tropic of Capricorn.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 2.
What are the countries that are pointed by “1 and 2” Africa map are given below?
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa 2
2 -South Africa

Question 3.
Read the given table and answer the following questions.

S.No.Geographical FeatureEuropeAfrica
1RiversLoire, Seine, Danube, Rhine, Dniper, Volga Don, PoChad, Nile, Zambezie, Volta, Congo, Niger
2Deserts—–Sahara, Kalahari
3MountainsPyranees, Alphs, Caucasus, Ural, ScandinaviaAtlas, Drakensberg
4Sea’sThe Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Atlantic OceanMediterranean sea Red Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean.

i) Which continent does not have any dessert?
Europe Continent.

ii) In which continent Scandinavian mountains are located?
European continent.

iii) The sea lies between Africa and Europe?
Mediterranean sea.

iv) Which is the longest river in Europe?
Volga River is the longest river in Europe.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 4.
Discuss how Africa is richer than other continents in natural resources. In spite of its richness, why do you think African countries are still underdeveloped?
In the beginning, Africa was a rich continent compare with the other world in natural resources.
Reasons for why it is not developed:

  1. The foreign companies do bring in new technologies and investments into mining and processing industries, thus creating employment for the local people.
  2. They are using their cheap labour to make huge profits and exploiting the mineral resources.
  3. Most of these companies have caused immense damage to the natural environment which has affected the quality of landlife of the local people adversely.
  4. Thus, we can say that the foreign companies are exploiting the mineral wealth of Africa irrespective of the local people’s welfare.
    That’s why Africa was instiled an underdeveloped position.

Question 5.
Into how many physical features can Africa be divided? What are they?
Africa can be divided broadly into four physical regions namely

  1. Mountains
  2. Plateaus
  3. Coastal plains
  4. Deserts.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 6.
What are Savannas?

  1. The large tropical grasslands on both sides of the forests do not produce wood but shelter a huge number of animals.
  2. These grasslands are called Savannas or Veldts.
  3. In some places, these grasses are so tall that even elephants can hide in them.
  4. Some trees also grow between them.

Question 7.
How to reach India from Africa? Which ocean has to be crossed?

  1. From Africa to reach India one has to travel in west direction,
  2. The Indian Ocean has to be crossed

Question 8.
Are Asia and Africa connected by land?
Yes. There is a small strip in Egypt, which connects Asia and Africa.

Question 9.
Name some bays and gulfs on the African coast.
Bays: Bays of Djibouti, Bay of Yemen, Bays of Somalia, Bays of Madagascar.
Gulfs: the Gulf of Sidra, Gulf of Guinea, Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Aden.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 10.
Mention the boundaries of Africa.
East: The Red Sea, the Gulf of Eden and the Indian Ocean.
West: Atlantic Ocean
North: Mediterranean Sea
South: Southern Ocean

Question 11.
How is the lifestyle of people in Africa?
People with different languages, lifestyles and habits live in different regions of Africa. Since ancient times, people have lived in small tribes, carrying out hunting, gathering, animal husbandry and agriculture. Hunters have inhabited the equatorial regions and the deserts, Pastoralists inhabited the high plateaus and Savanna, grazing their animals on the extensive grasslands. Agriculture has long been carried out on river banks as well as on the margins of forests. There were several cities on the coasts where traders from distant countries came to trade.

Question 12.
Mention the products which were exported to Europe.
The Europeans exported African timber, minerals etc., on a very large scale to Europe. In fact, the gold and diamond mines in Southern Africa are still under the control of European companies. Zambia and Zimbabwe have priceless mines of copper. This mineral has long been an important export item. Europeans established plantations to grow tea, coffee, rubber, tobacco, etc.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 13.
Observe the following table carefully and answer the questions given hereunder.
Africa at a Glance

S.No.ContentSpecial feature
1.Deserts1)  Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.
2)   Kalahari
2.LakesVictoria, Nyasa, Tanganyika, Chad, Volta
3.RiversNile, Congo, Niger, Zambezi, Orange, Senegal and Limpopo
4.The highest peakMt. Kilimanjaro
5.The biggest countrySudan
6.The gift of NileEgypt
7.ExtentThe second-largest continent. It occupies 20% of the land area of the earth.

a. What is the highest peak in Africa?
Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa.

b. Which is the biggest country in Africa?

c. Which country in Africa is called the gift of Nile?

d. What is the biggest continent in the world?
Asia is the biggest continent in the world.

e. What is the largest desert in Africa?
Sahara is the largest desert in Africa.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 14.
Read the following para and answer the questions.
Slave Trade
In the 16th century, many Europeans began migrating to America and started cultivation there. There was plenty of land in America, but not enough people to work in the fields. To fill the gap the slave trade from Africa began.
a. In which century many Europeans began migrating to America?
In the 16th century.

b. Why did Europeans enter America?
Because there was plenty of lands.

c. Who wanted to establish their rule over Africa?

d. Which continent is known as the Dark continent?

e. Who benefited from the slave trade?

Question 15.
What are the important items of export?
The important items of export are:

  1. Agricultural products: Cocoa, coffee, palm oil, groundnut, cotton, tea.
  2. Minerals: Copper, gold, diamonds, iron ore, petroleum, phosphate, bauxite, etc. These are exported to Europe and North America.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 16.
Why is Egypt called the gift of Nile?

  1. The river Nile flows through the Sahara desert in Egypt.
  2. Nile’s water which flows through the Sahara Desert is used for irrigation in that area.
  3. River Nile is also used for navigation.
  4. The Nile has helped the civilization to develop in this desert.

Question 17.
Define Tropic Region and Temperate Region.

  1. The Equator passes through the middle of Africa. Thus Africa is divided into Northern and Southern parts.
  2. The zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn experiences a warm climate.
  3. This is the hottest region in the world.
  4. This region is also known as the Tropic Region.
  5. These zones south and north of the tropics experience summer as well as winter. They are called “Temperate Regions”.

Question 18.
Locate the following rivers and seas on the map of Africa.

  1. River Niger
  2. River Volta
  3. River Zambezi
  4. Mediterranean Sea
  5. River Nile
  6. River Congo


AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa 3

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 19.
Observe the following map of Africa and answer the questions.
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa 4
a. Which country is called the “Gift of Nile”?

b. Where do camels live?
In the Sahara desert.

c. In what countries does the Sahara desert extend?
It extends to Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia and Somalia.

d. What is the western boundary of Africa?
Atlantic ocean

e. What is the southern boundary of Africa?
South ocean

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 20.
Look for Africa on the world map and write about its neighbouring countries.
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa 5
Neighbouring countries of Africa:

  1. Italy
  2. Portugal
  3. Turkey

Question 21.
Look for Africa on the world map and name the oceans that surround it.
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa 6
Oceans that surround Africa:

  1. Southern ocean
  2. Indian ocean
  3. Mediterranean sea

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 22.
Look at the following map and answer the following questions.
AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa 7
a. What is the average height of the narrow coastal plain?
The average height of the narrow coastal plain is 0 to 200 mts.

b. What is the height of a major portion of the plateau?
The height of a major portion of the pla¬teau is 200 to 1000 mts.

c. The height of the high plateaus in the south and east of Africa is ….
100 mts

d. In the north are the Mountains.

e. What is the height of the Kilimanjaro peak?
5895 mts

f. Identify two other lakes in Africa, other than Lake Victoria and write down their names.
Lake Nyasa, Lake Tanganyika

Question 22.
What are the regions of highest rainfall?
A large part of Africa, on both sides of the Equator, receives heavy rainfall. These regions are in Central and Western Africa. They have dense forests due to heavy rainfall and warm climate.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 6 Africa

Question 23.
How were the slaves greatly oppressed by Americans?
The slaves were greatly oppressed. Many of them died by the time they reached the ports. The ships were stuffed with slaves. There were no proper arrangements for food or medicine. In those days, it took a long time to reach America. Many slaves did not survive the journey due to illness and malnutrition.

Even in America, inhuman treatment was meted out to them. Despite working hard, they were not given proper food or living quarters. In this manner, millions of Africans were enslaved and taken to North and South America and the nearby islands. Lakhs of people died after being made into slaves.

Question 24.
Write about the deserts of Africa.

  1. The Sahara desert in Africa is the biggest tropical desert in the world.
  2. This desert belt is broad and extends from east to west of Africa.
  3. West Sahara desert spreads over Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia and Somalia.

The Kalahari desert extends in Namibia, Botswana and Angola in South – West Africa.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions