AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 9th Lesson Communication

Andhra Pradesh AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 9th Lesson Communication Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 4th Class EVS Solutions Lesson 9 Communication

I. Conceptual Understanding:

Question 1.
What is the means of communication? How many types of communications are there?
Communication is the process of transferring idea and feelings from one person to another.
There are two types of communications.

  1. One-to-one communication.
  2. Mass communication.

Question 2.
Mention the ways for speedy communications?

  • Mobile phone
  • e-mailing are the ways for speedy communication.

Question 3.
What are the precautions you should take in the use of mass media?

  1. Continuous watching of mobile phone or TV may damage our eye sight.
  2. TV should be see at a minimum distances of 6 meters.
  3. Continuous listening of music with ear phones may damage our hearing power
  4. Volume of T. V, Radio or cell phone must be in low.

II. Questioning and Hypothesis:

Question 4.
What questions would you ask the post master about the postal services?

  1. Which services are provided in this post office?
  2. Is money also send through postal services?
  3. How do we send information quickly by the postal service?

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 9th Lesson Communication

III. Experiments and field observation:

Question 5.
Visit a nearby postoffice and observe its services in and write a brief note?
Post offices offer the following services :

  1. Dispatch the letters or mail service.
  2. Registered post.
  3. Money transfer.
  4. Collecting fee for goverment Jobs.
  5. Applying for goverment forms.
  6. Post office saving schemes.
  7. Postal life insurance etc.,

IV. Information Skills & Project Work:

Question 6.
Collect information about uses of cell phones and display it in your classroom?

  1. Cell phone is a device which is used to communicate quickly with each other.
  2. To send a short message in an emergency
  3. To learn new thing through different apps
  4. It is used for maps, navigation and travel.
  5. It is used to online banking, booking movie tickets.
  6. It is used to e-learning by online classes.

V. Drawing Pictures and Model Making:

Question 7.
Make a toy phone using paper cups and string?
Material required: 2 paper cups,string and iron nail.

  1. Take two empty paper cups.
  2. Punch a small hole at the bottom of each cup with a nail and put the string to fit through.
  3. Pass the edges of the string through the holes of cups. .
  4. Tie a knot at the end of the string that is inside the cup.
  5. Place the open end of one cup over our ear and ask our friend to speak at the open end of other cup.
  6. Our toy phone is ready.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 9th Lesson Communication

VI. Appreciation:

Question 8.
Write a letter to your friend requesting him to attend a function in your house.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 9th Lesson Communication 1

Activity: (TextBook Page No.75)

Read the given phrases and categories them into advantages and disadvantages of modern means of communication.

  1. Lazy
  2. improves knowledge
  3. not spending time with parents
  4. useful for the studies
  5. improves communication skills
  6. less interaction with the people
  7. reduced reading books
  8. reduces proper communication
  9. wasting reading hours
  10. can gather information.
Advantages Disadvantages
Improve knowledge Useful for the studies Improve communication skills Can gather information Reduced reading books lazy Not spending time with parents less interaction with people wasting reading hours reduces proper communication

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 9th Lesson Communication

Additional questions:

Question 1.
What is PIN code? How is it useful?

  1. Every post office is given a number nationwide.
  2. This is called PIN (Postal Index Number) code:
  3. Code helps to identify the location easily.

Question 2.
What is mass communication? Which are used in mass communication?

  • Mass communication is the process of exchanging information through media to large segments of the population.
  • News papers, T. V and Radio are used in mass communication.

Question 3.
Collect information about the different means of mass media?
News paper:
It is a printed paper, containing news, articles of opinion, features, sports news and advertisements.

Radio :
It is an audio communication device. We get news, opinions debates and hour to hour information during cyclones and floods.

T.V :
It is an audio-visual communication device. People can watch new movies and many programmes.

AP Board 4th Class EVS Solutions 9th Lesson Communication

Question 4.
What is social media?
Social media is the advanced technology of communication. It helps us in creating and sharing of information ideas etc through internet communcation. Eg: Face book, twitter etc.,

Question 5.
What is e-mailing?

  • E-mailing is one of the fastest means of transfer of information.
  • E-mails can be used for sending letters files, photos, videos, documents etc.,

Question 6.
Collecting information about various stages in “journey of a letter”?

  1. Writing a letter
  2. Post it in a post box.
  3. Postman collect the letter from post box.
  4. Sort out the letters according to the address.
  5. Reaches the place in a vehicle.
  6. Postman brings the letter to our home.

Question 7.
Which information does we write in the address of the receiver on the letter?
We should write the address of the receiver on the letter.
This address consists of name, door number, village, mandal, district and pin code.

Question 8.
How to talk with others in a phone?

  1. Greet with hello or good morning.
  2. Give our name.
  3. Say thank you/nice talking to you the end of a call.
  4. Say sorry I cannot hear you well (when voice is unclear)

Multiple Choice Questions:

Choose the correct answers:

Question 1.
________ is the process of transfering ideas and feelings from one person to another.
A) Communication
B) Information
C) Conformation
D) Transformation
D) Transformation

Question 2.
________ is the mode of mass communication.
A) Newpaper
B) T.V
C) Radio
D) All
D) All

Question 3.
“PIN” stands for in Pin Code.
A) Personal index number
B) Postal index number
C) Phone identification number
D) post information number
B) Postal index number

Question 4.
________ is one of the fastest means of transfer information now-a-days
(A) Newpaper
B) Radio
C) E-mailing
D) Postal service
C) E-mailing

Question 5.
Continuous watching of mobile phones may damage our ________.
A) Hearing power
B) Eye sight
C) Communication skill
D) Gathering Information
B) Eye sight