AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 7 Introduction to Algebra

Students can go through AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 7 Introduction to Algebra to understand and remember the concepts easily.

AP State Board Syllabus 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 7 Introduction to Algebra

→ Expressions: 7 + 14 – 6 & 12 – 8 + 56 +…. such mathematical sentences are called numerical expressions.

When we try to make some general patterns we need to involve some constants and variables in the statements.
Eg: If three line segments are needed to construct a triangle, then the number of line segments needed to construct n-number of triangles is 3 × n.
AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 7 Introduction to Algebra 1

Here the number of line segments required for a given number of triangles = 3x The value of the numeral is fixed and called a constant and x can take any value from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,…

AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 7 Introduction to Algebra

So we say that x value is not fixed and varies and hence x is a variable.
If four line segments are needed to construct a square, then the number of line segments needed to construct n-number of squares is 4 × n.
AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 7 Introduction to Algebra 2

Here the number of line segments required for a given number of triangles = 4x The value of the numeral 4 is fixed and called a constant and x can take any value from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ….

So we say that x value is not fixed and varies and hence x is a variable.

→ A variable is an alphabet used to stand for a number.
A variable can like any value; it has no fixed value, but it is a number. We can perform binary operation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisions on them.
Eg: If x is a variable,
then 5 more than x is x + 5
5 less than x is x – 5
5 times x is 5x
One fifth of x is \(\frac{1}{5}\).

AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 7 Introduction to Algebra

→ A variable allows us to express relations in any special situation. Variables allow us to express many common rules of Geometry and Arithmetic in a more general way.
Eg: If the side of a square is s,
then its Area A = s × s
Perimeter = 4 × s
If the length and breadth of a rectangle are l & b, then its
Area A = l × b
Perimeter is P = 2 × (l + b).
The general form of an odd number = 2 × n + 1 = 2n + 1;
Even number = 2 × n = 2n
In the above we have number of line segments required for a given number of triangles is 3 × n.
Suppose the number of triangles is 4, then 4n = 12, this is an equation.
An expression involving the equality (=) symbol is called an equation.
The part l value of the expression on the left of the equality (=), is called LEFT HAND SIDE or L.H.S.
The part l value of the expression on the right of the equality (=), is called RIGHT HAND SIDE or R.H.S.
If the L.H.S. is not equal to R.H.S., then we do not get an equation.
Eg : 8 + 13 ≠ 15
2 + 3 < 9 – 2
56 + 3 > 25 + 5

AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 7 Introduction to Algebra

→ Solution or root of an equation:
Solution of an equation is the value of the variable for which L.H.S and R.H.S are equal. The solution is also called the root of the equation.
Eg : Solution of x – 8 = 4 is x = 12
For the equation x + 3 = 8, x = 7 is not a solution.
We find the solution of an equation by Trial & Error method.
Trial -error method is a process in which the solution of an equation is found by taking some arbitrary values for the variable.

AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 6 Basic Arithmetic

Students can go through AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 6 Basic Arithmetic to understand and remember the concepts easily.

AP State Board Syllabus 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 6 Basic Arithmetic

→ If a comparison is made by finding the difference between two quantities, it is called comparison by difference.
Eg: Age of Harshita is 11 years and age of Srija is 8 years. Harshita is (11 – 8 = 3) 3 years older than Srija or Srija is 3 years younger than Harshita.

→ If a comparison is made by division it makes more sense than the comparison made by taking the difference.
Eg: If cost a key pad cell phone is Rs. 3000 and another smart phone is Rs. 15000, then the cost of the second phone is five times the cost of the first phone.

AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 6 Basic Arithmetic

→ Ratio: Comparison of two quantities of the same type by virtue of division is called ratio. Eg: The weight of Ramu is 24 kg and the weight of the Gopi is 36 kg., then the ratio of weights is 24/36. It can also be written as 24:36 and read as 24 is to 36.
The ratio of two numbers ‘a’ and ‘b’ (b ≠ 0) is a ÷ b or a/b or \(\frac{a}{b}\) and is denoted as a : b and is read as a is to b.
In the ratio a : b the quantities a and b are called the terms of the ratio.
In the ratio a : b the quantity a is called the first term or antecedent and b is called the second term or the consequent of the ratio.
The value of a fraction remains the same if the numerator and the denominators are multiplied or divided by the same non-zero number so is the ratio.
That is if the first term and the second term of a ratio are multiplied or divided by . the same non-zero number.
3 : 4 = 3 × 5 : 4 × 5 = 15 : 20
Also 36 : 24 = 36 – 4 : 24 – 4 = 9 : 6.

→ Ratio in the simplest form or in the lowest terms:
A ratio a : b is said to be in its simplest form if its terms have no factors in common other than 1. A ratio in the simplest form is also called the ratio in its lowest terms. Generally ratios are expressed in their lowest terms.
To express a given ratio in its simplest term, we cancel H.C.F. from both its terms. To find the ratio of two terms, we express the both terms in the same units.
Eg: Ratio of 3 hours and 120 minutes is 3 : 2 (as 120 minutes = 2 hours) or 180 : 120 (as 3 hours = 180 minutes)
A ratio has no units or it is independent of units used in the quantities compared. The order of terms in a ratio a : b is important a : b ≠ b : a.

→ Equivalent ratio:
A ratio obtained by multiplying or dividing the antecedent and consequent of a given ratio by the same number is called its equivalent ratio.
Eg: 3 : 4 = 3 × 5 : 4 × 5 = 15 : 20. Here 3 : 4 & 15 : 20 are called equivalent ratios.
Also 36 : 24 = 36 ÷ 4 : 24 ÷ 4 = 9 : 6. Here 36 : 24 & 9 : 6 are called equivalent ratios.

AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 6 Basic Arithmetic

→ Comparison of ratios: To compare two ratios
a) First express them as fractions
b) Now convert them to like fractions
c) Compare the like fractions

→ Proportion:
If two ratios are equal, then the four terms of these ratios are said to be in proportion. If a : b = c : d, then a, b, c and d are said to be in proportion.
This is represented as a : b :: c : d and read as a is b is as c is d.
The equality of ratios is called proportion.
Conversely in the proportion a : b :: c : d , the terms a and d are called extremes and b and c are called means.
If four quantities are in proportion, then
Product of extremes = Product of means .
If a : b :: c : d, then a × d = b × c
From this we have
AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 6 Basic Arithmetic 1

→ Unitary method:
The method in which first we find the value of one unit and then the value of required number of units is known as unitary method.
Eg: If the cost of 8 books Rs.96, then find the cost of 15 books.
Cost of one book = 96/8 = 12 Cost of 15 books = 12 × 15 = 180
Distance travelled in a given time = speed × time From this we have
AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 6 Basic Arithmetic 2

AP Board 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 6 Basic Arithmetic

→ Percentage:
The word per cent means for every hundred or out of hundred. The word percentage is derived from the Latin language. The % symbol is uses to represent percent.
Eg: 5% is read as five percent
5% = \(\frac{5}{100}\) = 0.05
38% = \(\frac{38}{100}\) = 0.38

→ To convert a percentage into a fraction:
a) Drop the % symbol
b) Divide the number by 100
Eg: 25% = \(\frac{25}{100}\) = 0.25 = \(\frac{1}{4}\)

→ To convert a fraction into percentage:
a) Assign the percentage symbol %
b) Multiply the given fraction with 100
Eg: \(\frac{3}{4}\) = \(\frac{3}{4}\) × 100% = 75% = 0.75

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson Our Earth in the Solar System Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 1st Lesson Our Earth in the Solar System

6th Class Social Studies 1st Lesson Our Earth in the Solar System Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
How does a planet differ from a star?
Stars have their own heat and light and planets have to depend on stars for light and heat.

Question 2.
What is meant by the ‘Solar system’?
The eight planets which revolve around the sun, satellites, and other celestial bodies are together known as‘Solar System’.

Question 3.
Why is life not possible on all planets?
The Earth has all the three components such as lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere which makes life possible. The remaining planets do not consist of these components. So life is not possible on all planets.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

Question 4.
Why do we always see only one side of the moon?
The moon moves around the earth and spin on its own also. So we can see only one side of the moon always.

Question 5.
What is the Universe?
Millions of Milkyway galaxies including the solar system together are called the Universe.

Question 6.
Air and water are essential to life on the earth. But now they are being polluted by humans. What happens to the life of humans on this earth if pollution increases further?
Pollution contains toxins that adversely impact living creatures within them. Rising pollution will lead to premature aging. Human exposure to toxins will increase to a great extent if pollution is not controlled. This pollution is directly linked to cancer and heart diseases.

Question 7.
Scientists are now trying to explore more about the moon and other planets. Do you think their efforts benefit us?
The efforts of scientists in exploring the moon and other planets definitely useful to us. Space exploration alone provides us a significant amount of knowledge which is important for the education of people also about our planet and universe. It increases the knowledge about space and the discovery of distant planets and galaxies and gives us an insight into the beginnings of our universe.

Question 8.
Observe figure 1.4 (text book Page No. 5) and fill in the table.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System 2

SI. No Name of the Planet Distance from the Sun in Kilometres No. of Moons
1. Mercury 58,000,000
2. Venus 108,000,000
3. Earth 150,000,000 1
4. Mars 228,000,000 2
5. Jupiter 778,000,000 79
6. Saturn 1,427,000,000 82
7. Uranus 2,869,000,000 27
8. Neptune 4,496,000,000 14

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

Project Work

Prepare a model of the solar system.
Student Activity.

Choose the correct answer.
1. Though tremendous heat is emitted by the Sun, why do we receive only limited heat?
A) Sun is very far from the Earth
B) Sun is very small when compared with the Earth
C) Sun is very close to the Earth
D) None of these
A) Sun is very far from the Earth

2. The planet is known as the “Earth’s Twin” is
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Venus
D) Aries
C) Venus

3. Which is the third nearest planet to the sun?
A) Venus
B) Earth
C) Mercury
D) Jupiter
B) Earth

4. All the planets move around the Sun in a
A) Circular path
B) Rectangular path
C) Elongated path
D) Square path
C) Elongated path

5. Asteroids are found in between the orbits of
A) Saturn and Jupiter
B) Mars and Jupiter
C) The Earth and Mars
D) Uranus & Neptune
B) Mars and Jupiter

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

Match the following:

1. Blue Planet                        [ ]          a) Mars
2. Farthest Planet to Sun       [ ]          b) Neptune
3. Fourth Planet from Sun     [ ]          c) Mercury
4. Nearest Planet to Sun       [ ]          d) Earth
1. Blue Planet                            [ D ]          a) Mars
2. Farthest Planet to Sun           [ B ]          b) Neptune
3. Fourth Planet from Sun         [ A ]          c) Mercury
4. Nearest Planet to Sun           [ C ]           d) Earth

Let’s do

Solve the puzzle with the terms defined in the following statements.


  1. The cluster of millions of Stars. – Galaxy
  2. The natural satellite of the Earth. – Moon
  3. The ringed planet (See figure 1.4). – Saturn
  4. The sphere of water. – Hydrosphere
  5. The celestial object is made up of a head and a tail. – Comet


  1. The shape of the Earth. – Geoid
  2. The closest star to the earth. – Sun
  3. The path of the planets that move around the Sun. – Orbit
  4. The sphere of gases that surrounds the Earth. – Atmosphere
  5. The small pieces of celestial bodies, move around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System 1

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System 4

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

Let’s do

You might have heard that people make human chains and run for world peace etc. You can also make a Solar system and run for fun by using the following steps.
Step – 1: All children of your class can play this game. Assemble in a big hall or on a playground.
Step – 2: Now draw eight circles on the ground. Draw all circles in the same manner.
Step – 3: Prepare 10 placards. Name them as Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Step – 4: Select 10 children in the following order and give each one of them a placard.
Order of placard distribution

  • The Sun – tallest, The Moon – smallest; Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Earth(almost equal heights); Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter taller than the earlier four Planets but smaller than the Sun.
  • Now ask the children holding placards to take their places with the Sun in the cent rein their orbits. Ask the child holding the Moon placard to keep the hand of the child holding the Earth placard always.
  • Now your Solar system is almost ready to go into action.
  • Now make everybody move slowly in the anti-clockwise direction. Your class has turned into a small human replica of the Solar system.
  • While moving in your orbit you can also turn around. For every celestial body, the spin should be anti-clockwise except for Venus and Uranus who will make the spin in the clockwise direction.

Student Activity.

Field Visit

Question 1.
Observe the video of Planetarium in the QR Code. Describe your experiences.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System 3
Student Activity.

Question 2.
Visit SHAR which is located in SPSR Nellore District.
Student Activity.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

6th Class Social Studies 1st Lesson Our Earth in the Solar System InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

(Textbook Page No. 3)

Question 1.
To know how days and nights occur
Let us observe celestial bodies:
Required material: Torch, a sheet of plain paper, pencil and a needle.

  1. Place the torch in the centre of the paper with its glass front touching the paper.
  2. Now draw a circle around the torch.
  3. Perforate the paper with the needle within the circled area.
  4. Now place the perforated circle part of the paper on the glass front and wrap the paper around the torch with a rubber band.
  5. In a dark room, stand at some distance facing a plain wall. Switch off all other lights. Now flash the torchlight on the wall. You will see numerous dots of light on the wall, which look like stars at night.
  6. Switch on all the lights in the room. All dots of light will be almost invisible.
  7. You may now compare the situation with what happens to the bright objects of the night sky after the Sun rises in the morning.

Student Activity.

Question 2.
Observe the following picture and name the planets in the boxes given below. (Textbook Page No. 6)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System 5
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System 6

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

Think and Respond

Question 1.
From ancient times people worship the Sim as God. Give reasons. (Textbook Page No. 4)
Sun is glorified in the Vedas of ancient India as an all-seeing god who observes both good and evil victims. The Sun is the source of all life on our planet. Without the Sun we couldn’t be here. Sun is the only natural source of energy. So people in ancient times treated the Sun as a god and we worship him.

Question 2.
What do animals and plants require in order to grow and survive? (Textbook Page No. 6)
To grow and survive animals need air, water, food and shelter. To grow and survive plants require air, water, nutrients and light.

Question 3.
How can you say that our earth is a unique planet in the solar system? (Textbook Page No. 7)
Earth is a unique planet for many reasons. They are:

  1. Earth is the only planet that supports animal or plants life.
  2. Earth’s location maintains the right temperature which is important for life forms.
  3. Human beings in-universe is found only on the Earth,

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

Question 4.
How is man-made satellites useful to mankind? Discuss. (Textbook Page No. 9)
A satellite is an object that orbits another object. They are natural and man-made. Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth. Satellites are used for many purposes. They are weather satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, astronomy satellites and many other kinds.

  1. They are used for communication purposes.
  2. Carry instruments or passengers to perform experiments in space.
  3. For weather forecasting system.
  4. For global positioning system. (GPS).

Question 5.
Can you relate yourself to the Universe now? You are on the Earth and the Earth is a part of the Solar system. Our Solar system is a part of the Milky Way or Galaxy which is part of the Universe. Think of the fact that the Universe contains millions of such galaxies. How do you fit in the picture? How tiny you are? Think a while. (Textbook Page No. 11)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System 7
Student Activity.


Question 1.
Browse the following website and know more about the solar system. (Textbook Page No. 5) https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/menu/solarsystem/.
Student Activity.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

Question 2.
Up to 2006, there were 9 planets in our Solar system. But now we have only 8 planets. What was the 9th planet? What happened to it? Find out the reasons with the help of your teacher? (Textbook Page No. 6)
Up to 2006, we considered there are 9 planets in our solar system.
They are:

  1. Mercury,
  2. Venus,
  3. Earth,
  4. Mars,
  5. Jupiter,
  6. Saturn,
  7. Uranus,
  8. Neptune,
  9. Pluto.

In 2006 the International Astronomical Union decided that Pluto is not having the technical qualities of a planet and reduced the number of planets from 9 to 8.

Question 3.
Who is the first Indian astronaut to go into space? (Textbook Page No. 8)
Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian Astronaut to travel into space. He was part of the Soviet Union’s Soyuz T-11 expedition, which was launched on April 2, 1984.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth in the Solar System

Question 4.
Have you heard of Chandrayan-1 and Chandrayan-2? Try to know about them and discuss them in class. (Textbook Page No. 8)
Chandrayaan is India’s moon mission. Chandra means the moon and yarn is a vehicle. Chandrayaan means Lunar Space Craft.
Chandrayaan -1 was India’s first moon mission. Chandrayaan -1 was launched in 2008 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota.
Chandrayaan – 2 is the second moon mission developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation. It was launched in September 2019 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 7th Lesson Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 7th Lesson Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

6th Class Social Studies 7th Lesson Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
What do you mean by Gana? How were they different from the kingdoms ruled by the kings?
The term ‘gana’ means people of equal status. Sangha means ‘assembly’. Gana Sangha means an assembly of equal-status people. They cover a small area that was ruled by a superior group among them. These gana sanghas practiced “all are equal” traditions.
A kingdom means a territory and was ruled by a king or queen. In a kingdom, a family which rules for a long, period becomes a dynasty.

Question 2.
Why did the Rajas of Mahajanapadas build forts?

  1. The rajas of Mahajanapadas built forts to protect their capital city.
  2. Huge walls of wood, brick or stone were built around the cities.
  3. Forts were probably built because people were afraid of attacks from other kings and needed protection.
  4. Some rulers wanted to show their wealth and strength by building large, tall, and impressive walls around their cities.
  5. The land and the people living inside the forts could be controlled more easily by the king.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 3.
Can you point out the difference between the way villages are managed today and in the time of Mahajanapadas?
Nowadays, regular elections are taking place in villages which promotes democracy in our country. But in earlier times there was a ruler who controlled the village which did not help the democracy, but it helped in the monarch system which went for a long time in our country.

Question 4.
Find out how the craftspersons are; taxed by the government today? Was it the same in the times of Mahajanapadas?
Craft persons have to pay taxes at the time of Mahajanapadas. Sometimes they have to work free of charge for the king for one day of every month.
But today if a craft person earns money more than the specified amount by the government they have to pay the tax for the excess amount they earned. There is no chance to work instead of paying tax.

Question 5.
Through what sources do you know about Mahajanapadas?
We can know much about those villages and towns from two kinds of sources from archaeological excavations in different places and from the books composed during that period:

Question 6.
Write the agricultural practices that led to an increase in agricultural production in the time of Mahajanapadas.
Two major changes were practiced during the Mahajanapadas period.

  1. Iron ploughshares were used. Heavy, clayey soil could be turned over better than with a wooden ploughshare, so that more grain could be produced.
  2. People of Mahajanapadas began transplanting paddy. Instead of scattering seeds on the ground, from which plants would sprout, saplings were grown and then planted in the fields. Production developed due to this since many plants survived.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 7.
“ The Mahajanapadas developed on the river banks.” Do you agree or not? Justify your answer.
All the Mahajanapadas developed on the river banks. I agree with this statement. Archeologists found hundreds of sites in the Ganges valley. As this plain receives very high rainfall, it is very fertile. These rivers bring silt from the Himalayas and flow throughout the year. Transportation is also easy from these places. So Mahajanapadas developed on the river banks. If we observe all the Mahajanapadas, all the janapadas emerged around the river banks of Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada and Godavari.

Question 8.
How do you appreciate the works of craftsmen in the times of Mahajanapadas?
During the period of Mahajanapadas, craftsmen played a key role in the development of Mahajanapadas. Availability of iron facilitated craft production also. Blacksmiths made necessary tools for agriculture like ploughshares, sickles, axes, arrows etc., With the use of iron ploughshare productivity improved. Potters made pots for cooking and storing grains. Carpenters made carts and with the help of these carts transportation was made easy. Weavers weaved cloth which was exported to other places and it helped the economy of Mahajanapadas. Potters made special type of pottery known as painted grey ware, which became famous in those days.
In this way craftsmen participated in the development of Mahajanapadas.

Question 9.
What were the taxes collected by the rulers of the Mahajanapadas?
The taxes collected by the Mahajanapadas were :

  1. 1/6th of the total agricultural produce as a tax on crops.
  2. Craftsmen had to pay taxes in the form of labor.
  3. Taxes on the sale and purchase of goods and services for trade.
  4. Taxes on herders in the form of animals or animal products and taxes on hunters and gatherers in the nature of their collection from forests.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 10.
How are present-day elections different from the way in which rulers were chosen in Janapadas?
Choosing of rulers in ‘janapadas’ – Men were chosen ‘rajas’ by performing big sacrifices. The ‘Ashwamedha was one such ritual that was used to identify a ‘raja’. The ‘raja’ chosen by this sacrifice was considered very powerful.
Electing rulers today – Today, we have a democratic system of government. Each citizen has a right to cast his vote and to form the government through his elected representative.

Question 11.
What is similar in the way crops were grown in the Mahajanapadas and how they are grown today?
The crops that were grown in the Mahajanapadas were wheat, barley, peas, and lentils. These crops are grown in the same way as those were grown in the ancient days.
In the time of Mahajanapads, they planted paddy saplings instead of grains.
Even today the same system was followed by the farmers.

Question 12.
How can you appreciate the role of natural resources in the emergence of Magadha as a powerful kingdom?
The rivers made the land very fertile and the Grihapatis could irrigate their lands easily. The rivers were also used for transporting goods and armies. Parts of the Magadha were forested. Elephants were captured from there and trained for fighting in the armies. Wood from the forests was used for building fortresses and palaces and chariots. In the southern parts of Magadha, there were iron ore deposits that could be used for making weapons, etc.
All this enabled Magadha to emerge as a very powerful kingdom. The kingdom extended from the northwest part of India to Odisha.
Thus Magadha used the natural wealth of the region to build a powerful kingdom.

Question 13.
Locate the 16 Mahajanapadas and their capitals in the following India outline map.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 1

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 14.
Solve the puzzle with new terms you have learned in this lesson. Take the support of your teacher.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 2
Down ↓

  1. The mahajanapada located on the extreme eastern side
  2. This is the capital city of Avanti
  3. Farmers used this metal to make plough shares.
  4. The Mahajanapada located on the banks of river Godavari
  5. The slaves employed at Gahapatis
  6. Kusinara is the capital of this kingdom
  7. The capital city of Surasena Cross

Cross →

  1. The powerful kingdom of Mahajanapadas
  2. another name for Varanasi
  3. Kaushambi is the capital of this Mahajanapada
  4. Mahabharata tells us about the battle among the kings of this mahajanapada
  5. 1 /6th of farm produce collected as tax from farmers
  6. These condemned caste systems and the use of yagnas
  7. Vajji has this type of government.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 4

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Project Work

Collect the information about 16 Mahajanapadas, and the state, in which they were located. Prepare a table as given below. Refer to India Political map given.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 3

S.No. Mahajanapada Capital Modern Location / State
1. Anga Champa West Bengal
2. Magadha Girivraja/Rajagriha Gaya & Patna / Bihar
3. Kasi Banaras/Varanasi Uttar Pradesh
4. Vatsa Kausambi Around Allahabad / UP
5. Kosala Shravasti Modern Avadh region / Eastern UP
6. Surasena Mathura Western UP region
7. Kuru Indraprasta Meerut & Southeastern Haryana
8. Matsya Viratnagar Around Jaipur
9. Chedi Sothirati Bundelkhand region
10. Avanti Ujjaini/Mahismati Around Malwa MP
11. Gandhara Taxila Rawalpindi/Pakistan
12. Kamboja Pooncha Kashmir & Hindukush
13. Asmaka Pratisthan / Pothan Telangana & Maharashtra
14. Vajji Vaishali Bihar
15. Malla Kusihara Deoria & UP
16. Panchala Ahichatra/Kampliya Western UP

6th Class Social Studies 7th Lesson Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

(Textbook Page No. 75)

Question 1.
Look at the physical map of India and identify the plains through which the rivers Ganga and Yamuna flow
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 5

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 2.
Identify the modern cities of India like Delhi, Allahabad, Varanasi, Lucknow and Patna.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 6

Question 3.
Do you think this area will be similar to your villages? Give your reasons.
I don’t think that our villages are similar to that of Delhi, Allahabad, Varanasi, Lucknow, and Patna. They are well developed from the time of Mahajanapadas itself. Because of high fertility lands and transportation facilities these areas developed from that time. Now they became big cities and Delhi being our national capital. So, we can’t compare our villages to the cities mentioned above.

(Textbook Page No. 77)

Question 4.
The important Janapadas of those times are shown on the map.
Look at the map and fill in the blanks.
1. The …………. Janapada was settled on both the banks of the Yamuna.
2. The Panchala was settled on both the banks of the river …………..
3. The ………….. Janapada was situated on the western side of the Surasena.
4. The ………….. Janapada was on the extreme north.
5. The ………….. Janapada was situated on the banks of the river Godavari.
6. The Gandhara was situated on the banks of the river …………..
1) Kuru
2) Ganga
3) Matsya
4) Kambhoja
5) Asmaka
6) Kubha

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 75)

Question 1.
Find out the names of a few Janas (tribes) who initially settled down in the Indo – Gangetic plain,

  1. Magadha dynasty
  2. Imperial Kanauj
  3. Mughal Empire
  4. Maratha Empire are some of the janapadas who initially settled down in the Indo – Gangetic plains.

Question 2.
What do you mean by Janapada? How is it different from Mahajanapadas?
People of different tribes settled down to practice agriculture in many parts of the valley. These tribes were called Jana and the place they settled was called Janapada. Many groups of such villages and towns are called Mahajanapadas.

Question 3.
How is paddy grown today? (Textbook Page No. 78)

  1. Land is to be prepared and levelled.
  2. Planting on time to be done.
  3. Fertilization to be done.
  4. Field is to be watered.
  5. Pests is to be controlled.
  6. Harvest on time.
  7. Storing safely.
  8. Milling efficiently.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 4.
Describe the relationship between Grihapatis and Craftsmen of the village. (Textbook Page No. 79)
In most villages, there Were craft persons like blacksmiths who made tools necessary for agriculture (like ploughshares, sickles, axes, arrows, etc), potters who made pots for cooking and storing grains, carpenters who made carts, ploughs, furniture etc., and weavers who wove cloth for the villagers.
Probably the Grihapatis gave them grains in return for their products. These craft products were necessary for agriculture, but the Grihapatis may not have had the time or skill to make them.

(Textbook Page No. 80)

Question 5.
The people of the towns would haMe needed grain, milk, meat etc. How do you think they got them if most townspeople were not doing any farming?
Even though the townspeople were riot doing, any farming they get milk and meat by purchasing them from nearby villages and shops situated in the town.

Question 6.
Have you ever seen a fort on TV or have you ever been there? Why were there big walls around the fort?
I have seen Red fort. I had been to Delhi and I have seen the Red Fort there. There are big walls around the fort. To protect the enemy kings by not entering them into the fort big walls were constructed around the fort.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 7.
What were they made of? How do you think the kings managed to get the wealth needed for all this?
The Red fort got its name from the stone used to construct it. The entire fort is made up of red sandstone. Maybe it was constructed with the tax amount collected and conquering other kingdoms.

Question 8.
Why did the king of Mahajanapadas need armies?
The kings of Mahajanapadas were afraid of attacks from other kings and enemies. They needed protection. So the king of Mahajanapada needed armies.

(Textbook Page No. 81)

Question 9.
In which form the hunter-gatherers paid taxes to their kings?
Hunters and gatherers paid taxes to the Raja from what they got from the forest like hides, woods, and honey etc.

Question 10.

  1. If everyone was forced to give away a part of their earnings as tax, how did it affect their lives?
    If everyone was forced to give away a part of their earnings, they will lose the earning for that part which was given as tax.
  2. Why do you think they agreed to pay the taxes? Do you think they benefited in any way from the new arrangements?
    They will get encouragement, and support from the king – besides protection.
  3. What is bhaga? Does the government of our times take the produce of farmers in , a similar way?
    The Grihapatis had to divide their crops into six parts and one part of them is to be given to king as tax. This was called bhaga.
    The government of our times does not collect produce from the farmers. The government collects tax from the farmers as per the quantity sold.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

(Textbook Page No. 82)

Question 11.

  1. Why were the kings of Mahajanapadas keen to increase craft production and trade?
    The kings of Mahajanapadas were k^en to increase craft production and trade because they would get more taxes. The wealth of the kingdom will increase.
  2. How did the headmen of the villages benefit from the imposition of taxes by the kings?
    The kings of Mahajanapadas wanted the village headmen to collect the taxes on their behalf. This might have helped the headmen to increase their power in the villages.

(Textbook Page No. 83)

Question 12.
Write a couple of lines on each of the natural resources of Magadha and how it could have been used by the kings.

  1. Magadha kingdom was spread on both sides of the river Ganga. The river made the land fertile and the Grihapatis could irrigate the land easily and produce was high.
  2. The river was also used for transporting goods and armies.
  3. Elephants were captured from the forests that spread over in the kingdom and trained for fighting in the wars.
  4. In southern parts of Magadha, there were iron ore deposits that were used for making weapons etc.

Question 13.
Compare the gana form of government in Vajji with the present-day republic. Who was not allowed to participate in the assembly of Vajji Mahajanapada?
Vajji had gana form of government which was nearly equal to the present-day form of government. Gana was ruled by a group of leaders instead of a single ruler. In the present republic type of government, we will elect local loaders and they will discuss our problems in the assemblies through discussion and debate.
Women, slaves and wage earners are not allowed to participate in the assembly of vajji mahajanapadas.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics


Question 1.
A famous religious epic tells us about many of these Janapadas. Find out about it. (Textbook Page No. 77)
The Mahabharat.

Do you know

Question 1.
Make a list of the Mahajanapadas and the cities which were situated in the Ganges valley. (Textbook Page No. 76)

  1. Kasi – Banaras
  2. Kosala – Shravasti
  3. Anga – Champa
  4. Magadha – Girivraja or Rajagriha
  5. Vajji or Vriji – Vaishali
  6. Malya – Kushinagar
  7. Vatsa – Kausambi
  8. Kuru – Indraprasta/Hastinapur
  9. Pachala – Ahichhtra
  10. Surasena – Mathura

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AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 2nd Lesson Globe – Model of the Earth Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 2nd Lesson Globe – Model of the Earth

6th Class Social Studies 2nd Lesson Globe – Model of the Earth Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
What is a globe?
Globe is a true model of the Earth.

Question 2.
What are the movements of the Earth?
Rotation and Revolution are the movements of the Earth.

Question 3.
Which movement of the Earth causes Day and Night?
Rotation of the Earth causes Day and Night.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

Question 4.
What happens when the Earth rotates?
During rotation, half portion of the Earth receives Sun’s rays and the remaining half portion remains in darkness.

Question 5.
Define the Earth’s Rotation and Revolution.
Rotation: Planet Earth rotates around itself on its own axis. This movement is called Rotation.
Revolution: Planet Earth rotates around the Sun. This movement is called Revolution.

Question 6.
What is the true shape of the Earth?
The Earth is round in shape. The Earth is slightly flattened at the poles and bulges in the middle or at the equator.

Question 7.
Which Latitude is known as the Tropic of Cancer?
The latitude which is located at 23\(\frac{1}{2}\)° north of the equator is known as the Tropic of Cancer.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

Question 8.
Read the Paragraph under the title ‘Equinox’ and comment on it.
On 21st March and September 23rd direct rays of the Sun fall on the equator. At this position, neither of the poles is tilted towards the Sun. So, the whole earth experiences equal days and nights. This is called an equinox.
On 23rd September, it is autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere and spring season in the Southern Hemisphere. The opposite is the case on 21st March when it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Thus, you find days and nights and changes in the seasons because of the rotation and revolution of the earth.
On 21st March and 23rd, September Sun’s rays fall directly on the Equator. So we experience equal day and night on both these days. This is called equinox. On 21st March it is autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Because of Earth’s rotation, half portion of the Earth receives Sun’s rays and the remaining half remains in darkness. So we find changes on Earth because of Earth’s rotation and revolution.

Question 9.
Create a table and list out the similarities and differences between Latitudes and Longitudes.
Similarities between latitudes and longitudes:

  1. Latitudes and longitudes are both artificial.
  2. Latitudes and Longitudes are both invisible lines.
  3. Latitude is based on the 0° latitude while longitude is based on Greenwich.
  4. They both help us to locate a place on earth


Latitudes Longitudes
1) Latitudes are the horizontal lines. 1) Longitudes are vertical lines
2) Lines of latitudes are parallel to the equator. 2) Lines of longitude are not parallel and come to a singular point.
3) Latitudes lines run in the East and West directions. 3) Longitude lines run in the North to South direction.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

Question 10.
If India has day, it is night in America. What is the reason for this difference?
The part of the Earth that faces the Sun gets illuminated and experiences the day. The opposite part of the earth that does not face the Sun, experiences night. As India is opposite to America the difference in day and night occurs.

Question 11.
Take a ball and draw the latitudes and longitudes on the surface.
Project Work: Student Activity.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth 1

Question 12.
Prepare a note on the difference between a globe and an atlas.

  1. A globe is a three-dimensional sphere. An atlas is two-dimensional.
  2. A globe represents the whole earth. An atlas represents the whole earth or a part of it.
  3. A globe can be used to get a broad-level picture of the world. An atlas provides more specific information about different places.

Question 13.
Find out the latest leap year and the coming leap year.
The present year 2020 is a leap year. 2024 is the coming leap year.

Question 14.
What preparations should be taken to watch a solar eclipse safely?
The Sun outputs more power than our eye is designed and so it damages the retina. So we should not watch the Sun or the solar eclipse directly. We should use special-purpose solar filters, such as eclipse glasses to watch Solar eclipses safely. Projecting the Sun through a box projector is another safe way to watch the solar eclipse.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

Question 15.
It is difficult to understand the geographical location, time, and distance in the absence of the imaginary lines – latitudes and longitudes. Appreciate the design of the imaginary lines of latitudes and longitudes.

  1. Latitudes are used to define the North-South position of a location on the planet.
    The general climatic division of a place can be studied with the help of latitudes.
  2. Longitudes are used to define the East-West position of a location on the planet. Longitudes also help us to calculate the time of a particular place.
  3. If the latitude and longitude are known any position on earth can be located. Even- though, longitudes and latitudes are imaginary lines they play an important role.

So we should appreciate the design of the imaginary lines of the latitudes and longitudes.

Question 16.
Venu met some children from different cities at a youth festival. They were: Geethika, John, Nihal, and Uma. Venu collected some information about their cities.
Venu has given us certain clues. Can you find out the cities with the help of an Atlas?

  • Geethika – A girl from a city where 19° Northern Latitude and 72° Eastern Longitude nearly coordinates.
    Find and write the city name: ………………………………………………………
  • John – A boy from a city where 12° Northern Latitude and 77° Eastern Longitude nearly coordinates.
    Find and write the city name: ………………………………………………………
  • Nihal – A boy from a city where 28° Northern Latitude and 77° Eastern Longitude nearly coordinates.
    Find and write the city name: ………………………………………………………
  • Uma – A girl from a city where 22° Northern Latitude and 88° Eastern Longitude nearly coordinates.
    Find and write the city name: ………………………………………………………


  • Geethika – A girl from a city where 19° Northern Latitude and 72° Eastern Longitude nearly coordinates.
    Find and write the city name: ( Bombay)
  • John – A boy from a city where 12° Northern Latitude and 77° Eastern Longitude nearly coordinates.
    Find and write the city name: (Bangalore)
  • Nihal – A boy from a city where 28° Northern Latitude and 77° Eastern Longitude nearly coordinates.
    Find and write the city name: (Delhi)
  • Uma – A girl from a city where 22° Northern Latitude and 88° Eastern Longitude nearly coordinates.
    Find and write the city name: (Kolkata)

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

Question 17.
If an astronaut from a spaceship looks down at the Earth, can he/she see the rotation of the earth?
Yes. From a spaceship, an astronaut can see the rotation of the earth. Spaceships move around the Earth at a different speed. So the astronaut can see the Earth’s rotation.

Question 18.
Why can’t we sense the rotation and revolution of the Earth?
The Earth is moving at a fixed speed and we are also moving along with it at the same speed. That is why we can’t sense the Earth’s spin. If Earth’s spin changes we would definitely sense it. If we are in a car that is moving at a constant speed on a smooth surface, we will not know that we are moving. However, when the car accelerates or when the brakes are applied, we will feel the motion. Another example is, we can drink coffee or tea on a moving train which is moving at a constant speed* because we are traveling by the train at the same speed. If the speed of the train changes we can’t drink. The spin of Earth doesn’t make those kinds of changes. So we can’t sense the rotation and revolution of the Earth.

Question 19.
Choose the correct answer.
i) The movement of the Earth around the Sun is known as
A) Rotation
B) Revolution
C) Inclination
D) Meridian
B) Revolution

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

ii) Sun rays fall directly on the Equator on:
A) 21 March
B) 21 June
C) 22 December
D) 22 October
A) 21 March

iii) Christmas is celebrated in summer in:
A) Japan
B) Australia
C) India
D) The USA
B) Australia

iv) The cycle of the seasons is caused due to:
A) Rotation
B) Revolution
C) Gravitation
D) Inclination
B) Revolution

Question 20.
Find and fill the latitudes and longitudes in the given table with the help of Atlas and Globe.

1. Vijayawada
2. Kadapa
3. Tirupati
4. Visakhapatnam
5. Your Village (Chittor)


1. Vijayawada 16°50′ N 80°64′ E
2. Kadapa 14°46’ N 78°82′ E
3. Tirupati 13°62’ N 79°41′ E
4. Visakhapatnam 17°68′ N 83°21′ E
5. Your Village (Ex: Chittoor) 13°21′ N 79°10’ E

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

Question 21.
Find and fill the latitudes and longitudes extent of India and Andhra Pradesh in the given table with the help of Google Maps or Atlas.

From To From To
Andhra Pradesh
Your district (Kurnool)
Your Mandal (Nandyal)


From To From To
India 8°4′ N 37°6′ N 68°7′ E 97°25′ E
Andhra Pradesh 12°41′ N 19°07’ N 77° E 84°40′ E
Your district (Ex: Kurnool) 15°50′ N 4°32′ N 78° 1′ E 45° 71′ E
Your Mandal (Ex: Nandyal) 15°28′ N 42°84′ N 78°28′ E 59°13′ E

Question 22.
Observe the following pictures and fill the boxes with the name of the shaded hemispheres.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth 2
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth 3

Project Work

Draw a diagram of the globe showing the earth’s axis, the Equator, Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic Circle, and Antarctic Circle.
Student Activity.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

6th Class Social Studies 2nd Lesson Globe – Model of the Earth InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

(Textbook Page No. 17)

Question 1.
Take a big round apple. Pierce a cycle spoke through it. The spoke resembles the axis shown in a globe. You can now move the apple around this axis from left to right.
Student Activity.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth 4

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 16)

Question 1.
How does the earth rotate and revolve without any needle, unlike the Globe? Discuss with the teacher.
Our Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago when a huge cloud of gas and dust started to collapse under its own gravity. As the cloud collapsed, it started to spin. The Solar system is made up of the Sun and everything that orbits around it includes the planets and their moons as well as numerous asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. Without any unbalanced forces acting on them, the tremendous gravity of the Sun and the planets have kept them rotating for billions of years. Either the Earth or any other planet does not have any needle to rotate or to revolve.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

Question 2.
All the celestial bodies are round in shape. Why?
A planet is round because of its gravity. Gravity pulls from the center to the edges like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. This makes the overall shape of a planet a sphere, which is a three-dimensional circle.

(Textbook Page No. 17)

Question 3.
In which hemisphere is India located?
India is located within both the Northern and Eastern hemispheres.

Question 4.
Which hemisphere has the maximum number of continents?
Northern Hemisphere has the maximum number of continents.

Question 5.
In which hemisphere is the continent Antarctica located?
Antarctica is located in the Southern hemisphere.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

(Textbook Page No. 17)

Question 6.
Complete the table with the help of a world map, globe, or internet.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth 5

Name the Continents in the Northern Hemisphere Name the Continents in the Southern Hemisphere Name the Continents that are spread over Southern and Northern Hemispheres
North America
South America
Name the Continents in the Northern Hemisphere Name the Continents in the Southern Hemisphere Name the Continents that are spread over Southern and Northern Hemispheres
Arctic Ocean Southern Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean

Question 7.
Why do latitudes get smaller towards the pole? Which latitude is the biggest circle?
The equator is the largest circle and divides the globe into two equal halves. So it is at the center of the Earth. Circles of latitude are all great circles with the center of Earth in the middle. The circles of latitude get smaller as the distance from the Equator increases. So the latitudes get smaller towards the poles. The Equator is the biggest latitude.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth

(Textbook Page No. 18)

Question 8.
Fill in the table with the help of a globe/map.

Latitude Value in degrees
North Pole
Arctic Circle
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
Antarctic Circle
South Pole

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth 6

(Textbook Page No. 20)

Question 9.
Identify and write down the Latitude and Longitude between the extents of the given Andhra Pradesh map. You can take the help of Atlas.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Globe – Model of the Earth 7
Andhra Pradesh Latitude: 12°41’ N to – 19°07′ N
Longitude : 77° – 84°40′ E.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 6th Lesson Early Civilisations Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 6th Lesson Early Civilisations

6th Class Social Studies 6th Lesson Early Civilisations Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
Write the similarities between Indus and Vedic civilisation.
Religious features: Both Harappan people and Vedic people worshipped nature and Hindu gods such as Shiva and Sakti.
Baked bricks, pottery, and wheeled carts were used both by Harappan and Vedic people.

Question 2.
Who participated in the excavations of the Indus valley civilisation?
In 1850, the British engineers while laying a railway line between Karachi and Lahore excavated the Indus valley civilization. In 1920 the archeologists realised that it was a very did civilisation.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 3.
Describe the economic life of the Indus people.

  1. The economy of the Indus valley civilization was based upon agriculture and trade.
  2. Weaving cotton and woolen clothes were their main occupation. Indus people were the earliest to produce cotton.
  3. Production of baked bricks was another occupation of Indus people.
  4. Crops such as wheat, barley, peas were raised by the Indus people.
  5. They carried trade with other countries like Egypt, Mesopotamia, Afghanistan, and Iran also.
  6. They carried their international trade through Lothal port in the Arabian Sea.

Question 4.
How did the Indus people build their houses?
The buildings of Indus people were well planned. It is clear that they possessed a flourishing urban culture. There were wide roads, public wells. Houses were made of bricks which were found in so many other areas across this civilization also. There were two storied buildings also. Every house was connected directly to an excellent main drainage system. A great tank was built for a public bath which now was called as “the Great Bath”. Large granaries and quarters for labor were specially built in the Indus civilization.

Question 5.
The drainage system of Indus was exemplary. How?

  1. The Indus civilization had an elaborate sanitary and drainage system. They maintained a highly efficient drainage system.
  2. Importance was given to the cleanliness and public health.
  3. They maintained an underground drainage system for the streets. They were connected to the main drainage system.

Question 6.
“Devotion of God is belief”. Comment on Indus people’s deities.

  1. Indus people believed in God. They believed in image worshipping.
  2. They worshipped Pasupathi (Shiva) and the mother of the Goddess.
  3. They accepted the pipal trees as sacred.
  4. They worshipped neem trees, sun, fire, earth, water, and snakes also.
  5. Fire pits and yagna vatikas are also found.
  6. Swastik symbols were found in the archeological remains of the Indus valley civilization.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 7.
How many Vedas are there? What are they?
There are four Vedas in the Vedic culture. They are:

  1. Rig Veda,
  2. Yajur Veda,
  3. Sama Veda and
  4. Atharvana Veda.

Question 8.
“Veda means superior knowledge”. Comment on it.

  1. The term ‘Veda’ means “Superior Knowledge” in Sanskrit.
  2. They are the most ancient religious texts which define truth for Hindus.
  3. They are the most important sources of knowledge about the Aryans and the Vedic Period.
    They are called shrutis which means hearing.
  4. Vedas are the universal truths that were discovered or realized by learned people.
  5. They formed the bedrock for Indian philosophy and Yoga.
  6. Vedas contain deeper spiritual and scientific knowledge.
  7. The Vedic traditions are continued till today and are still unbroken.
  8. Research on vedas is carried out in many Indian and foreign Universities also. Swami Dayananda Saraswati gave a call “Go back to the Vedas”.

Thus we can say the Vedas mean superior knowledge.

Question 9.
Write about the social life of the early Vedic period.
The Vedic literature is the major source to understand the Vedic period. The period of Rig Veda is called the early Vedic period.
The social life of early Vedic period:

  1. The family was regarded as the basic unit of society.
  2. The father was the head of the family.
  3. The joint family system was in practice at that time.
  4. The prisoners of war were called dasas and they were like slaves.
  5. Monogamy was the usual practice of the Vedic period.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 10.
What do you know about the political life of the early Vedic period?

  1. The polity of the Early Vedic period was basically a tribal polity with the tribal chief in the center. The tribe was called ‘Jana’, and the chief of that Jana was called ‘Rajan’.
  2. Rajan looked after the affairs of the tribe with the help of other tribal members. There are two tribal assemblies 1) Sabha and 2) Samiti.
  3. Rajan was not a dictator, Kingship was not hereditary.

Question 11.
What is the importance of epics?

  1. The epics tell us the right way to life.
  2. They tell us what the importance of speaking the truth is.
  3. They tell us that why we should have the basic manners in our lives in an interesting manner.
  4. They tell us the importance of becoming a good human being.
  5. We should read these epics because they fill our minds with knowledge and wisdom.
  6. Epics tell us that how should we behave in society.

In Ramayana Rama is an ideal ruler, ideal brother, ideal son. Sita is ideal for Indian womanhood.
Mahabharata is a victory of Dharma over Adharma.

Question 12.
Locate the following rivers on the outline map of India
a) River Indus b) River Ganges c) River Yamuna
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations 1

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 13.
What were the reasons for the decline of the Indus valley civilization?

  1. Some are of the opinion that the invasion of the Aryans was the cause for the decline of Indus valley civilization.
  2. Change of course of the river Indus changed the area into the sand and affected the fertility and this led to the decline of the Indus valley civilization.
  3. Due to changes in climatic conditions, the area lost fertility and people were compelled to move to another area.
  4. Constant use of firewood for brick manufacture caused deforestation and low rainfall.

Project Work

Make a project on the similarities of Indus civilization and Vedic civilization.
The Indus Valley civilization and the Vedic civilization had the following similarities.

  • Both worshipped Hindu Gods such as Sakthi and Siva.
  • Both believed in some sort of life after death.

They also played pre-Indian games such as gambling, dicing, and horse cart riding. The remains of a stone sculpture of a priest say that their society of most similar to that of Vedic culture.

6th Class Social Studies 6th Lesson Early Civilisations InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

Question 1.
Compare the economic activity of Indus people with the present. (Textbook Page No. 66)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations 2

Economic activity Indus times Present
Exports Cotton goods, pottery agricultural products. Gems, jewellary, ready-made garments metals, cotton, yarn, and fabrics.
Imports Jade, agate gold, silver, copper, tin. Petrol, paper, precious stones, plastic wool, medicines, machinery, edible oil.
Crops Wheat, barley, dates cotton, mustard. Foodgrains, cotton, jute, sugarcane tobacco, oilseeds, coffee, tea, coconut fruits, vegetables.
Domestication of animals Sheep, goat, buffalo, dog, cat, pig, elephant. Cow, buffalo, oxen, sheep, goat, horse, camel, elephant, pig etc.
Crafts Jewellery, Art, necklaces, bangles, combs, idol-making. Shawls, woodwork, pottery, leather, jute, shell, brass handicrafts, bamboo handicrafts.

Question 2.
Compare the metals used in the Indus civilization with the present day. (Textbook Page No. 67)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations 3

Metals used in the Indus civilization Metals used now
Gold, copper, silver, bronze metals were the metals known to Indus Valley Civilization people. At present we are using gold, copper, silver, bronze, platinum, brass and Iron metals.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 3.
List out the names of famous books and its writers from your school library. (Textbook Page No. 72)

  1. The Story of My Experiments with Truth – Mahatma Gandhi
  2. The Discovery of India. – Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. ………………………………………………………………….
  4. ………………………………………………………………….(Student Activity)

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 65)

Question 1.
Do you find any difference between the planning of Indus cities and the present cities? How?

  1. The Indus valley cities were established on a good plan. The modern Indian cities are not based on any such plans.
  2. Both the Indus valley and the modern Indian cities have a drainage system but the modern drainage system does not work properly when compared to the Indus valley cities.
  3. There were citadels in the Indus valley civilization while there is no citadels in the modern Indian cities, (maybe because of population increase)

Question 2.
Was the Indus drainage system more advanced? Why?
The Indus drainage system is well planned underground drainage system. The drainage system which was followed by the Indus people was a great achievement. Every house is connected with pipes which carry waste into the main drains.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

(Textbook Page No. 69)

Question 3.
Do you find any similarities among these ancient (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus valley, and China) civilizations?
Yes, we can find similarities among these ancient civilizations.

  1. All the civilisations grew along mighty rivers.
  2. All the civilisations have similarities in their settlements.
  3. All the civilisation developed religions to explain the forces of nature and their roles in the world.
  4. All the civilizations made efforts in the fields of science and technology.

Question 4.
In what ways is the Indus valley civilisation more advanced among them?
In the Indus valley civilisation a strong and centralized government was established. The people in the Indus valley civilisation built their houses with dried or baked bricks. They built two-storeyed buildings also. Every house had a well for water and bathrooms with pipes that carried waste into the main drains. The cities of the Indus valley civilisation were well planned. They were protected by forts. They had wide roads, public wells. They had a well-planned underground drainage system which shows the importance given to cleanliness and public health. We don’t find this type of development in other civilizations of that time.

Question 5.
Write the names of religions in our country. (Textbook Page No. 71)
Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Animism, Dony polo, and Nirankari.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 6.
How are our public representatives elected? (Textbook Page No. 72)
Our public representatives are elected in both direct and indirect elections.

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